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烟草是对健康有害的嗜好品,它有特殊的市场形态,其价格弹性和收入弹性都不同于普通商品。对这类产业的管制也不同于普通产业,其管制目标是产业促退而不是产业促进。中国的烟草产品又有别于其他国家的独特的市场形态,烟草产业管制是要在管制效率、管制成本和社会公正之间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

入世对中国烟草产业进出口的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陶明 《生产力研究》2004,(10):129-131,165
按照中国入世协议的要求 ,中国对入世后烟草产业的市场准入做出了承诺。随着关税的降低和非关税限制的减少 ,特别是过渡期后 ,外国烟草企业和产品大举进入中国市场终将不可避免。通过从烟草产业贸易保护和企业市场竞争的角度 ,对入世前后中国烟草产品进出口变化趋势的分析 ,论述了入世对中国烟草产业进出口的影响  相似文献   

高等教育产业经济规制研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育的发展,对我国的社会发展和经济建设的顺利进行具有重要的意义.20世纪90年代以来,我国学术界对高等教育产业经济规制的研究有了新的进展.文章从高等教育产品的属性、高等教育市场的垄断性、高等教育产业的经济规制原因及其建议等四个方面对高等教育产业经济规制进行了总结,并作出了的评述.  相似文献   

王建明  赵卓 《经济问题》2007,339(11):123-125
传统产业组织理论认为,市场结构是影响产业绩效的关键因素.对于电力产业而言,产权结构和规制制度也是影响产业绩效的根本因素.因此,电力产业的市场结构(S)、产权结构(P)、规制制度(R)-企业行为(C)-经济绩效(P)的扩展产业组织分析比传统的SCP分析具有更强的解释力.从20世纪80年代起我国对电力产业就进行了规制改革,但其资源配置效率、价格水平、价格结构、企业内部效率都存在不足.规制改革绩效不明显的根本原因在于区域垄断和厂网未完全分开的市场结构、国有制主导的产权结构和尚不规范的规制制度.  相似文献   

环境规制对企业绩效的影响,是通过对生产成本、企业进入和技术创新等影响的传导机制而产生的,既有直接效应,也有间接效应.既有积极影响,也有消极影响.本文利用产业组织理论的结构-行为-绩效分析框架,分析环境规制对出口企业绩效影响的传导机制.研究表明,当政府对产业实施环境规制时,不仅生产成本发生变化,而且企业所在的市场结构以及市场行为也会发生变化.通过综合考察环境规制对各种因素的影响,才能够对环境规制对企业绩效的最终影响结果作出正确的解释,为管理部门和公众提供更为全面的企业环境绩效信息.  相似文献   

兰桂杰 《财经问题研究》2006,(5):F0003-F0003
世纪之交,中国体制转轨进入了关键时期.随着改革的进一步深化,传统自然垄断产业的改革成为当前中国经济体制改革的热点问题,也是近年来产业经济学界最为活跃的研究领域之一.铁路产业作为一个重要和典型的自然垄断产业,其改革进程备受关注.研究中国铁路产业规制及其政策设计具有较强的理论价值和现实意义.肖兴志在攻读博士学位期间,主持承担了国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、教育部项目等重大课题,对规制理论和铁路产业等自然垄断产业规制改革进行了广泛深入的研究.《中国铁路产业规制:理论与政策》(经济科学出版社"中青年经济学家文库"2004年6月出版)是他在所完成的博士学位论文基础上修改而成的专著.  相似文献   

政府规制、买方势力与技术创新:中国制药产业的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然针对药品市场的政府规制旨在降低患者药费支出和确保用药安全,但其对我国制药产业技术创新的负面影响是显而易见的,产业创新产出扭曲,创制新药难得一觅,虚假"新药"泛滥市场。另一方面,正是结合不合理的医疗卫生规制安排,医疗机构得以利用其在药品市场中的双边垄断势力扭曲药品需求结构,并传递到上游产业,从而引致制药产业的创新投入降低并扭曲创新结构。基于政府规制和买方势力的视角,利用面板数据的实证分析结果也印证了政府规制和买方势力对制药产业技术创新投入和产出有着显著的负面效应。从政策意义上说,放松政府规制或引入政府规制影响评价,同时限制医疗机构利用垄断地位滥用市场势力对于引导我国制药产业技术创新回到良性轨道是可参考的政策选择。  相似文献   

长期实行的内生规制模式制约着中国铁路产业的进一步发展,推进铁路产业规制模式的转换是中国铁路产业改革的重要内容.为此,本文描述了中国铁路产业规制模式的基本特征,分析了铁路产业规制的两种基本模式,论证了中国铁路产业规制模式应逐步由内生规制向外生规制模式演进,并进一步研究了规制模式演进过程中的相关问题.本文的研究结论对推进中国铁路改革具有较强的启示意义.  相似文献   

中国烟草产业组织和产业管制问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在SCP产业分析的框架内,对目前中国的烟草产业作了全面地考察.对中国烟草工业的市场结构、厂商行为和行业绩效作出了评价,提出了造成中国烟草产业绩效状况不良的主要原因。另外对中国烟草产业的开放状况和产业管制的前景作出了展望。面对进入WTO的挑战,中国政府正致力于推动烟草工业管理体制的改革,中国的烟草产业将会随着竞争的加剧出现新的格局。  相似文献   

后危机时代中国新能源产业创新与发展的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在全球新一轮绿色技术创新的高潮中,新能源成为亮点.由于其具备广阔的市场前景、巨大技术进步空间、广泛的渗透性以及资金、技术、劳动密集型兼容的特点,新能源产业也将成为中国在后危机时代产业创新的重点.近年来随着市场需求和国家政策支持力度加大,中国的新能源产业发展迅速,但也面临着核心技术缺乏、市场培育滞后、产业盲目扩张等矛盾.因此,新能源产业政策需要从技术创新、市场培育及产业规制等方面为新能源产业发展创造条件,促进新能源产业的健康发展.  相似文献   

市场因素和政府收入再分配政策是决定一国居民收入不平等程度的两个重要因素。本文采用中国家庭收入调查(China Household Income Project ,CHIP)住户数据,计算出我国居民市场收入基尼系数与可支配收入基尼系数,并同发达国家进行比较,借此探讨目前我国居民收入不平等是由市场力量造成的,还是政府收入再分配政策力度不足的结果。研究发现,从市场收入基尼系数来看,我国与发达国家之间的差距并不大。由此认为,政府收入再分配政策效果不明显是导致我国居民收入分配不平等状况较发达国家严重的主要原因。加大转移支付等再分配政策力度是缓解和改善目前我国居民收入不平等的主要途径。  相似文献   

本文从以中国为代表的外围国家出发,采用新开放经济宏观经济学动态一般均衡的方法,分析了美元本位在中美货币政策福利分配中的影响。结果表明,当外围国家采用扩张性的货币政策时,美元本位导致了汇率传递的不完全,美国作为美元本位的核心国始终能够获得正的福利增量,而外围国家的福利是否增加,受到美元本位程度、消费替代弹性和国家规模等因素的影响。其中,美元本位程度和消费替代弹性主要影响两国福利分配的总量,而国家规模的大小将直接影响两国福利分配的比例。总的来说,中国可以通过推动人民币国际化、提高出口厂商的议价能力以及加强中美国际货币政策合作来减少美元本位带来的福利损失。  相似文献   

This study considers the consumption patterns of food, tobacco, soft drinks, and alcohol in 43 developed and developing countries. Such an analysis is important for policy issues associated with tobacco, alcohol, and soft drinks. The results show that consumers in the developing countries spend a much higher proportion of their income on food than consumers in developed countries. The proportion of expenditure allocated to the other three commodities, tobacco, alcohol, and soft drinks, are similar in the two groups of countries. On average, people around the world allocate about one quarter of their income on food, 2.6% on tobacco, 3.2% on alcohol and 1.2% on soft drinks. The income elasticity estimates reveal that food is a necessity in most countries, while tobacco and alcohol are necessities in most of the developed countries and luxuries in a majority of developing countries. Soft drinks are a luxury in a majority of the developing as well as the developed countries. The own-price elasticities show that demand for all four commodities is price inelastic in all countries.  相似文献   

2011年10~11月我国房价涨幅出现回落迹象,但房价调控依然处于僵局状态,仍需坚持调控从紧政策。打破房价调控僵局、控制房价涨速过快的根本办法是增加住房的有效供给,而多方面的不利因素进一步弱化了本来在短期内就比较脆弱的住房供给弹性,需要通过加强调控以保障住房有效供给的增加。增加住房供给、缓解保障性住房供给压力的从紧调控政策措施,不应拘泥于市场化措施,而应适当加大策略性政府干预措施的比重,促进房价合理回归和房地产市场健康发展。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas regulation aimed at limiting the carbon emissions from the electric power industry will affect system operations and market outcomes. The impact and the efficacy of the regulatory policy depend on interactions of demand elasticity, transmission network, market structure, and strategic behavior of generators. This paper develops an equilibrium model of an oligopoly electricity market in conjunction with a cap-and-trade policy to study such interactions. We study their potential impacts on market and environmental outcomes which are demonstrated through a small network test case and a reduced WECC 225-bus model with a detailed representation of the California market. The results show that market structure and congestion can have a significant impact on the market performance and the environmental outcomes of the regulation while the interactions of such factors can lead to unintended consequences.  相似文献   

本文基于中国2000—2010年间的经济金融数据,应用动态面板系统广义矩法,考察我国货币政策立场对银行风险承担的影响。结果显示,货币政策立场显著影响银行风险承担,且受市场结构及商业银行资产负债表特征的影响。这说明从金融稳定的视角来看,货币政策并非中性,我国应将货币政策纳入宏观审慎监管框架,加强其与金融监管政策的协调配合,以促进经济金融稳定。  相似文献   

Regulation as a means for the social control of technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The argument that regulation is a necessary, though controversial, component of technology policy is discussed in detail. Ib addition to the regulation of technology, various other regulatory policies, such as market regulation, affect the development of technology. Various types of direct regulation and their conditions of operation are discussed. It is shown that regulation can afect technological innovation positively by providing a surrogate market. The paper serves as an introduction to this special issue and shows how the different contributions fit into a general framework of regulatory effects on technolgy. Regulation as a factor in competition is discussed, particularly in the context of developing countries.  相似文献   

Waste generation and waste disposal are becoming increasingly prominent in the environmental arena, from a policy perspective and in the context of delinking analysis. In general, waste generation is still increasing proportionally with income, and economic and environmental costs associated to landfilling are also increasing. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of waste generation, incineration and landfill dynamics based on panel data for the EU25, to assess the effects of different drivers (economic, structural, policy) and the eventual differences between Western and Eastern EU countries. We show that for waste generation there is still no Waste Kuznets Curve (WKC) trend, although elasticity to income drivers appears lower than in the past. Landfill and other policy effects do not seem to provide backward incentives for waste prevention, and in terms of landfill and incineration, as expected, they are respectively decreasing and increasing, with policy acting as a strong driver. Eastern countries appear to be performing generally quite well, thus benefiting from EU membership and related policies in terms of environmental performance. We can conclude that although absolute delinking is far from being achieved for waste generation, there are some first positive signs of an increasing relative delinking for waste generation and robust landfill diversion, and varying evidence of a significant role of the EU waste policies implemented in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Our evidence suggests that if while landfill diversion is currently associated to a delinking partly explained by EU policies, waste prevention must be the next objective of waste regulation efforts.  相似文献   

经济周期波动及其政府宏观调节是与市场经济共生的现象.经典理论形成了低谷和顶峰两极时期的财政对策,但忽视转型期的调控政策.我国新一轮增长拐点时期,将过去实施的积极财政政策转型为稳健的财政政策,财政调控的目标、手段、方式都需要发生改变.稳健的财政政策目标应该由单纯追求增长率转变为扩大就业,由类行政的直接调控转变为利用市场对企业施行间接调控,当前财政重点发展农村教育有助于实现经济由短期波动到长期增长的平稳过渡,并由此延长经济增长期.  相似文献   

This paper simulates the saving in terms of the total abatement cost of CO2 emission reductions for different trading games reflecting the potential cooperation among organizations including the European Union (EU), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries, the Union of South American Nations (USAN), and the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC). A game approach is conducted to determine if the cooperation will come into existence among the organizations stated above. A similar idea is applied to the four largest emission countries, China, the United States, Russia, and India, as four individual players in the trading game.Joining the market is the strictly dominant strategy for any organization from the results. The Nash equilibrium shows that, regardless of the organizations that have already existed in the market, joining the market is always the best policy for the remaining organizations which are currently not in the market. Similarly, India likes the organization to which it belongs, i.e. IOR-ARC, to trade with the EU and APEC, and the U.S. wants the organization to which it belongs, i.e., APEC, to cooperate with the organizations USAN and IOR-ARC. However, China and Russia prefer trading with other countries within their own organizations.  相似文献   

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