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This paper presents a new method for utilizing the statistical cost technique to measure minimum efficient scale (MES), returns to scale and suboptimal capacity. An application of the duality theory between cost and homothetic production functions leads to justification for ignoring poor quality or unavailable capital data and the pooling of several years observations to improve the efficiency of the estimates. The methodology is applied to 91 four-digit Canadian manufacturing industries to obtain estimates of MES, returns to scale, and suboptimal capacity. For a subsample of industries, we demonstrate that the cost function estimates of MES and returns to scale are more closely related to engineering estimates than are the ad hoc estimates usually found in the industrial organization literature.  相似文献   

This paper deals with modeling total factor productivity (TFP) growth in a flexible manner using panel data. Several competing parametric models are used to explore whether there are any similarities in the estimates of TFP growth and technical change among these models. Using a primal approach, we decompose TFP growth into different components. The models are then used to measure productivity and technical change in the Swedish cement industry. In general, the results are found to be model dependent and often conflicting, although much less so for returns to scale and overall productivity growth.
JEL classification: O 30; C 33  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of indexes of internal returns to scale and external economies for two-digit manufacturing industries in Taiwan. Estimating the returns to scale indexes involves using both SUR and 3SLS estimation procedures. The data strongly support the presence of external increasing returns to scale. The findings indicate no evidence of internal increasing return in all two-digit manufacturing industries. According to the endogenous growth literature, the existence of externalities in production bears important economic implications in some aspects of economic growth, even though the data cannot distinguish the transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a translog cost function to produce econometric estimates of the separate influences of technical change versus scale efficiency in contributing to multifactor productivity growth within the US manufacturing sector. The analysis generates (two-digit) industry-specific parameters that capture the effects of output versus time-related shifts in the cost function over the 1949–1991 period. Thus initial evidence concerning the relative importance of technical progress (versus ‘scale’) cannot be provided as a source of productivity gains within two-digit industries. The parametric estimates of total factor productivity growth are compared with existing Divisia measures to explore the shortcomings of the growth accounting technique. These long-run patterns hold implications for the productivity convergence hypothesis traced to knowledge spillovers between industries.  相似文献   

Sample multicollinearity often makes it difficult to estimate returns to scale. We present an index number method to overcome potential multicollinearity problems when the production function is homogeneous of degree k . We apply our method to estimate empirically the effects of returns to scale and technical progress on growth in total factor productivity (TFP) using establishment data for Japanese manufacturing industries. We find that, while significant scale economies exist in many manufacturing industries, the TFP growth in the last twenty-five years is attributable primarily to technical progress. This finding also validates the current practice of assuming constant-returns-to-scale production functions in macroeconometric modelling.
JEL Classification Numbers: C43, D24, 030.  相似文献   

Multi-Output Capacity Measures and Their Relevance for Productivity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, measures of capacity are developed following those suggested in 1968 by Leif Johansen. By taking advantage of Shephard's duality, both primal and dual multi-output measures of capacity can be derived. Having generalized the capacity utilization measures, the authors show how these may be entered into measures of productivity. In particular, it is shown how the Malmquist direct and indirect productivity measures are related to various measures of capacity utilization.  相似文献   

从分工经济与城市规模之间关系的角度,运用Dixit-Stiglitz模型框架下经济活动的规模收益递增原理,在城市内部最终产品生产企业利润最大化的条件下,系统讨论了投入的中间产品种类数与城市人口规模之间的关系、中间产品之间的替代性对城市均衡人口规模的反馈作用,以及城市内部中间产品专业化水平和互补经济程度之间的关系。在此基础上,利用广东省城市增长的部分数据进行了实证分析。认为:经济活动的集聚形成了城市;在城市体积增长和城市系统随产业的专业化与多样化发展而演进的过程中,城市规模经济的实现除了依赖生产要素流动外,最终产品生产企业对中间产品投入的需求也具有不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

To comprehend the impact of public infrastructure on economic performance this paper provides a measure of productivity growth as derived from duality theory. This productivity growth is decomposed into the components of technical change, returns to scale and the effects of public infrastructure, the variable of our interest. In an application, we opt for Greek manufacturing so as to investigate whether the decline in its growth rate is partly explained by public infrastructure. Despite some variation in the estimation results of shadow shares across industries, public infrastructure asserts a cost saving effect in most industries, though it also appears that traditional labour‐intensive industries with lower level of technological advancement do not benefit from the provision of public infrastructure. The estimation results further demonstrate that while public infrastructure enhanced productivity growth over the sample period for most industries, low infrastructure investment in the 1970s and the 1980s undermined productivity growth.  相似文献   

The Malmquist Productivity Index and Plant Capacity Utilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new decomposition of the Malmquist productivity index is proposed to account for changes in plant capacity utilization. Using a primal, non-parametric specification of technology, the Malmquist index is decomposed into technical efficiency change, variations in plant capacity utilization and frontier shifts. It provides an alternative to the available methods of incorporating capacity utilization changes into measures of productivity change. Such measures are based on parametric (and, in many cases, dual) technology specifications; moreover, they typically do not allow for technical inefficiency.
JEL Classification C 61; D 24  相似文献   

A cost function framework is used to model the productivity effect of trade openness in terms of cost saving. The idea of ‘cost saving’ is closer to the entrepreneur's view of productivity. An entrepreneur would expect a reduction in the cost of production if trade openness brings any benefits to their firm. The output‐enhancing (primal) productivity effect of openness is obtainable from the cost‐saving (dual) productivity effect through the cost‐output link. The cost‐function framework also enables us to investigate whether trade openness induces firms to adopt a technology that is biased towards the use or saving of any factor of production. An empirical exercise based on time series data for the Australian two‐digit manufacturing industries reveals significant cost‐saving and output‐enhancing productivity effects of trade openness. Trade openness is biased towards the saving of labour and the use of capital. These results are quite insensitive to the choice of alternative measures of openness.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of public spending and the need to assess its impact on the welfare system has made the studies of productivity in the public sector an important subject. This paper is concerned with the specification and estimation of total factor productivity growth using the primal panel data approach. The total factor productivity growth is decomposed into technical change and scale components. Several competing models are used to explore whether there are any similarities in the estimates of total factor productivity growth and technical change among these models. The models are estimated using different estimation methods. Some of the models, although assuming a Cobb–Douglas technology, exhibit firm-specific technical change. These models are used to measure productivity growth in departments of gynecology and obstetrics in Sweden. Empirical results show evidence of large and negative rate of productivity growth. In comparison among different specifications proposed, the level and the time pattern of productivity measures vary substantially across models and estimation methods.  相似文献   

The evaluation of market structures and the quantification of returns to scale in network industries usually are of high interest for researchers and policy makers. Regarding the debate on optimal market structures in German potable water supply, we use a cross-sectional sample of 364 German water utilities observed in 2006 to derive a nonparametric measure of scale elasticity for the water industry. The data sample is validated by applying a super-efficiency approach and a statistical testing procedure for outlier detection. Besides using a standard data envelopment analysis approach, a conditional efficiency approach is applied to account for the water utilities’ operating environments. The results indicate non-decreasing returns to scale for the majority of water utilities and constant or non-increasing returns for larger utilities. Optimal firm size is found to be generally larger than the current sample median firm size. Efficiency improvements could be realized by increases in firm sizes and through a consolidation of the industry.  相似文献   

This Paper examines the relationship between trade liberalization and productivity growth for Australian manufacturing. An imperfect competition, non-CRS, smooth transition empirical framework is employed for analysis. GMM estimates of the logistic smooth transition model imply that trade reform impacts take approximately four years to complete, but do not occur over the same time period for all industries. In response to trade reforms, for most industries a significant improvement in productivity is estimated, these improvements are associated with lower mark-ups and falling scale parameters. A minority of industries however, experienced no change or falling productivity growth in response to reforms, these industries tended to have the highest absolute protection levels. [D24, F12, C52, L60]  相似文献   

This paper examines differentials in output, employment and productivity across seventeen service industries in the United States from 1939 to 1963. Included are 9 retail trades and 8 services mostly from the personal service group. The industries chosen were those for which it was possible to obtain from available data reasonably comparable measures of output and input for selected years since 1939. Also, they are industries for which it is possible to calculate a measure of real output that is not based on labor input.
Sixteen of the industries show positive rates of change of real output per man. Thus there appears to be no basis for assuming that productivity cannot or does not increase in industries providing services. However, the rate of increase for the group as a whole was not as rapid as in manufacturing or in goods production as a whole.
The data for the seventeen industries give strong support to the hypothesis of a positive correlation between industry rates of growth and rates of change of productivity. The correlations are of the same order of magnitude as those found by other investigators in studies of manufacturing industries.
The coefficient of correlation between growth of output per man and growth of output is .93; between growth of output per man and growth of employment it is .54 for 1939–1963. The comparable coefficients for the 1948–1963 period are .70 and .13.
The results also parallel those reported for manufacturing in one other respect, namely, the absence of any correlation between changes in output per man and changes in compensation per man.
The paper concludes with a discussion of the problems encountered in measuring changes in real output in these industries and presents some alternative estimates based on different concepts and different sources.  相似文献   

Constructing a database of 37 industries, we examine whether the measured productivity in Japan is pro‐cyclical and investigate the sources of this pro‐cyclicality by using the production function approach employed by Hall (1990) and Basu and Fernald (1995). The aggregate Solow residual displays pro‐cyclicality. A large number of industries show constant returns to scale. No significant evidence for the presence of thick‐market externalities is found. Our results also hold when we consider labour hoarding, part‐time employment, and the adjustment cost of investment. The results indicate that policies to revitalize the Japanese economy should concentrate on promoting productivity growth.  相似文献   

本文建立一个两国模型,研究存在运输成本和收益递增场合贸易的模式与利得分配,探讨成本递减作为贸易保护理由的条件,拓广Ethier(1982a)的分析。模型中制成品的生产可选用现代技术或传统技术,前者带来规模收益递增。基本结论是:模型参数及初始条件决定贸易均衡的类型以及贸易利益的得失。若收益递增越强、运输成本越低、制成品支出份额越高或相对经济规模越大则越容易形成专业化的生产与贸易格局,且专业化的格局类似于李嘉图模式(无运输成本、收益不变)的分析,即各国出口其具有比较优势的产品;出口收益递增产品的一方总是从贸易中获利,另一方可能获利也可能受损。建议政府大力扶持收益递增产业,积极推动工艺创新。  相似文献   

In this paper we develop radial and directional measures of the rate of technical change for the class of directional distance functions. For both types, we distinguish between primal and dual measures while the former are further divided into oriented (input- and output-based) and non-oriented. We highlight the pivotal role of translation elasticity in examining the interrelationships among the alternative directional measures and that of scale elasticity in the case of radial measures. We also show that the radial and directional measures are related one another through the normalized (with the value of the direction vector) dual functions.  相似文献   

To empirically study production structure and the capacity level at which vessels are harvesting, a short-run translog cost function is estimated. From the estimated parameters, two capacity utilisation measures are calculated (ray returns to scale and a dual capacity utilisation measure). Both capacity utilisation measures suggest that there is excess capacity in the Basque trawler fleet. These measures are also estimated annually and they indicate the same conclusion. The Basque trawler fleet can therefore gain from increased production levels.  相似文献   

We consider an economy in which some producers may have nonconvex technologies, in particular they may operate under increasing returns to scale. These producers constitute the I-part of the economy. The prices of all goods and the target supply of the I-part are supposed to be given. Each producer in the I-part produces a certain output in a cost-minimizing way. There is a planning board which has to find decentralizing (gross) output levels for the producers in the I-part such that the net output equals target supply. The existence of such output levels is proven under a productivity assumption which includes the case of strongly increasing returns to scale as well as productive Leontief systems.  相似文献   

In this study the scale and scope economies for Taiwan's banking sector using panel data from 22 domestic banks for the period 1981–1997 is investigated quantitatively using both a Fourier flexible functional form, first proposed by Gallant (1981, 1982), and a translog function. This study's results favour the use of the former, based on tests of regression coefficients and on estimates of various economy measures. The Fourier evidence shows that only smaller banks exhibit increasing returns to scale, while larger banks exhibit decreasing returns to scale. Conversely, the translog indicates that all the sample groups continue to enjoy economies of scale. Banks in Taiwan exhibit scope diseconomies, which suggest that sample banks should continue efforts to diversify their financial products, which in turn could substantially reduce their average costs.  相似文献   

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