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从集聚外部性、关联效应两个维度考察服务业集聚区影响企业绩效的理论机制,前者指空间上的邻近有利于企业获得劳动和知识,后者则强调企业靠近中间产品和接近市场所享受的便利。基于2013年江苏9个服务业集聚区的939家企业微观数据,实证分析服务业集聚区对企业绩效的影响。回归结果表明,集聚外部性、后向关联效应显著提升了企业绩效,表现为提高利润率和降低融资成本;而前向关联效应的影响不显著。充分发挥服务业集聚区的集聚外部性和关联效应,应成为建设服务业集聚区的政策重心。  相似文献   

促进科技服务业集聚的机制可分解为市场机制和政策机制,前者为产业集群内的企业提供集聚租,后者提供政策租。集聚租和政策租都能显著地促进科技服务业的产业集聚,集聚租和政策租在产业集聚的不同过程中发挥着不同的作用,基于市场机制的集聚租能够对科技服务业的集聚产生长久效应,而基于政策机制以获得政策租是促进科技服务企业进驻集群的短期诱因。  相似文献   

开发区的高速增长到底是源自寻求“政策租”所导致的短期“虚假繁荣”,还是通过集聚效应推动企业迅速成长而形成的长期表现?回答好这一问题,对于开发区政策的效果评价和进一步完善至关重要。然而,现有研究对此却语焉不详。文章在识别开发区企业的基础上,实证检验了开发区对企业进入、退出和成长的作用,以及开发区增长效应的可持续性,揭示了开发区影响地区经济增长的微观机制。研究发现:(1)开发区会吸引高效率企业进入,并降低开发区内企业的退出风险,从而使得开发区内净进入企业数目显著增加,这意味着开发区政策是吸引企业入驻并加强集聚经济的重要因素;(2)开发区显著提高了企业的就业增长、生产率增长和销售增长,这表明开发区政策和集聚经济的增长效应十分明显;(3)企业“入驻”开发区初期,“政策租”带来了短期的快速增长,而开发区内自我加强的集聚经济对企业成长具有长期的促进作用,这说明开发区的增长效应具有可持续性。文章肯定了开发区实践对企业动态成长的长期积极影响,这不仅为开发区政策绩效的评估提供了更为全面的认识,而且也为开发区的进一步发展和完善提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

产业集群是空间上接近的企业通过专业化分工和协作而形成关联的群体。产业集群的出现和发展促进了生产要素的流动并使其向一定的区域集聚,而这种集聚带来的规模经济和扩散效应加速了城镇化的进程。城镇化的加速发展则成为吸纳这些要素的容器,扩大了市场的容量,加快了技术创新的步伐,有效地支撑了产业集群的发展。  相似文献   

为评估创新型产业集群对国家高新区集聚效应的影响作用,文章采用双重差分法进行国家高新区和创新型产业集群的准自然实验.结果 表明,创新型产业集群集聚更多资源要素,能够提高国家高新区集聚效应.创新型产业集群对高新区集聚效应的提高程度,呈现显著空间差异:东部地区政策效果最为显著,仅略高于西部地区,而中部地区效果最不明显.需通过强化创新型产业集群创新集聚功能,提升高新区创新载体功能,积极发挥产业集群培育的外部效应.  相似文献   

产业集群集聚效应是指企业集聚过程中知识信息传播、劳动力市场共享、企业间投入产出关联和良好的匹配机制等产生的外部经济促使生产效率提高的现象。集聚效应对集群内企业创新绩效具有重要影响。搜集武汉市生物医药核心企业技术合作数据,构建了一个5年期的持续合作网络。以结构嵌入性维度衡量产业集聚程度,研究其对企业创新绩效的影响。结果表明,中介中心度和聚簇度对技术创新产生了巨大促进作用,结构洞限制度削弱了企业技术创新能力。当前,武汉生物医药产业集群网络的中介中心度和聚簇度对企业利润创造作用未达到预期,结构洞限制性进一步降低了企业经济产出。结合武汉市生物医药产业集群网络结构特征和发展现状,提出应大力支持处于中介连接地位的专业平台型企业建设,提高合作质量,扩宽合作领域。  相似文献   

产业集群集聚效应是指企业集聚过程中知识信息传播、劳动力市场共享、企业间投入产出关联和良好的匹配机制等产生的外部经济促使生产效率提高的现象。集聚效应对集群内企业创新绩效具有重要影响。搜集武汉市生物医药核心企业技术合作数据,构建了一个5年期的持续合作网络。以结构嵌入性维度衡量产业集聚程度,研究其对企业创新绩效的影响。结果表明,中介中心度和聚簇度对技术创新产生了巨大促进作用,结构洞限制度削弱了企业技术创新能力。当前,武汉生物医药产业集群网络的中介中心度和聚簇度对企业利润创造作用未达到预期,结构洞限制性进一步降低了企业经济产出。结合武汉市生物医药产业集群网络结构特征和发展现状,提出应大力支持处于中介连接地位的专业平台型企业建设,提高合作质量,扩宽合作领域。  相似文献   

引入新网络特征——空间集聚结构发现,我国企业集群知识溢出存在空间模仿效应。为此,利用空间计量模型修正社会网络分析结果,考察大学衍生企业网络嵌入演进对企业集群知识溢出的真实影响。结果表明,产业关联、信任、关系联结规模和中介中心度有助于提高企业集群知识溢出水平,知识认同度和互惠程度对知识溢出的影响存在最优均衡;网络嵌入对知识溢出的影响存在明显的空间模仿效应,在连续性知识空间更多表现为邻近效应,在间断性知识空间则表现为异质效应,集群内空间模仿效应强于集群间;在控制空间效应后,仅在波纹状集聚结构的环渤海集群存在结构洞与知识溢出的负向关联。基于上述结果,结合我国国情提出海洋装备集群未来发展政策及启示。  相似文献   

引入新网络特征——空间集聚结构发现,我国企业集群知识溢出存在空间模仿效应。为此,利用空间计量模型修正社会网络分析结果,考察大学衍生企业网络嵌入演进对企业集群知识溢出的真实影响。结果表明,产业关联、信任、关系联结规模和中介中心度有助于提高企业集群知识溢出水平,知识认同度和互惠程度对知识溢出的影响存在最优均衡;网络嵌入对知识溢出的影响存在明显的空间模仿效应,在连续性知识空间更多表现为邻近效应,在间断性知识空间则表现为异质效应,集群内空间模仿效应强于集群间;在控制空间效应后,仅在波纹状集聚结构的环渤海集群存在结构洞与知识溢出的负向关联。基于上述结果,结合我国国情提出海洋装备集群未来发展政策及启示。  相似文献   

以"双转移"为核心内容的产业转移园建设在我国产业转型升级中起引领作用。而其本身也有一个因应内外部条件变化而转型升级问题,对此需作深入研究。本文构建了一个双向关联的分析框架,以广东为例,重点分析产业转移园建设中劳动力、资本和土地资源的配置响应,以及转入地和转出地产业转型升级的绩效。在此基础上,从园区建设与管理体制机制、园区产业发展等方面揭示了广东产业转移园建设中的要素响应问题。本文认为产业转移园的转型升级,关键在于改善要素供给。因此,一要以园区提质扩容促进要素集聚。重点要突破园区建设瓶颈,促进园区要素高效集聚;积极推进"扩园建城",吸引高端要素集聚;努力提高环境容量,促进要素规模化集聚。二要改善园区管理,消除要素集聚的障碍,克服园区管理体制机制障碍,促进要素集聚;鼓励差异发展,引导要素及产业集聚的专业化。三要发挥园区企业的主体作用,引导要素集聚。推动产业集群转移,提高要素集聚的质量;形成良好的产业生态,带动园区整体提质。  相似文献   

This paper uses a new longitudinal dataset of more than 15,000 manufacturing firms to analyse the heterogeneous responses of firms to foreign direct investment in China. Domestic firms operating in sectors where foreign firms are also active have higher total factor productivity. However, the magnitude of such horizontal spillovers depends on the structure and origin of foreign ownership, the export status of firms and the characteristics of the special economic zones firms are operating in.  相似文献   

产业的柔性集聚及其区域竞争力   总被引:70,自引:0,他引:70  
由于新技术革命的推动,世界范围内许多产业的发展已经或正在从福特制向后福特制转变,柔性专业化中小企业随之不断涌现。在此过程中,同一产业或相关产业部门中的大量专业化企业通过彼此间稠密的生产合作或市场交易网络,在地域空间上形成专业化的产业集聚体。这些柔性集聚体发展成为颇具竞争力的区域系统,奠定了现代区域经济发展中最重要的空间格局。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how two regionally implemented environmental initiatives in China have impacted the innovation ability of Chinese-listed firms. The regional implementation of these policies, with non-policy regions serving as controls, offers researchers the perfect conditions for a natural experiment. Using research and development (R&D) expenditures and patents as a proxy for innovativeness, we compare the record of innovation of firms inside the policy zones with firms outside the policy zones. We use a Difference-In-Difference-In-Differences (DIDID) method to eliminate endogeneity and take the quality of the patents into account by incorporating sub-items. Results show only one of the regulations had a positive effect and that low quality patents account for most of the innovation. We conclude that reasonably designed environmental regulations, when implemented regionally in competitive industries, do improve Chinese firms' innovation ability in line with the Porter Hypothesis. The results help us derive some useful policy implications regarding innovation.  相似文献   

When foreign firms motivated by higher profits engage in off-shore production activities of unemployment ridden host countries, concerns increase about the possibility of exploitation of local workers. However, using a two good two factor model this paper shows that foreign firms’ engagement under the scenario actually improves the host country's structure of wages, skill composition, employment level and wage inequality which cannot be achieved under full employment in the host countries. This paper thus presents a mechanism that explains the effects of export processing zones observed in most of the transitional economies of the world. Results have practical implications for traditional structural changes expected for these economies. Although foreign firms come to earn profits, it is possible for host country workers to take a part of the rent away from the foreign firms as they are doing currently in different parts of the world.  相似文献   

We build a heterogeneous firms model with firm‐specific wages and credit frictions to study the role of financial development for inequality in the global economy. If there are many small (non‐exporting) firms, better access to external funds reduces wage and profit inequality as well as unemployment. In contrast, if there are many large (exporting) firms, financial development might have opposite effects – especially if trade costs are low. In summary, the implications of financial development for inequality depend on the size distribution of firms and on the costs of exporting. Trade liberalization, however, raises inequality unambiguously.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, Japanese firms rapidly increased the number of locations of their affiliates in China, displaying considerable regional heterogeneity in the abundance of better educated human resources, wage costs, increasing numbers of special economic zones, industrial agglomeration and the enrichment of social infrastructure. This paper employs conditional logit estimations to examine how these heterogeneous factors affect the location choice of Japanese affiliates by correlating Japanese data to data from Chinese provinces and Special Cities. The results reveal that factors related to human resources are more important than the ‘hard’ factors in attracting foreign firms to invest China.  相似文献   

We build a trade model with two identical countries located in different time zones and one sector with intermediate differentiated goods produced in two successive stages. We introduce shift working disutility that raises night wage and firms that “virtually” outsource foreign labor. We found that firms only outsource if outsourcing costs are relatively low and shift disutility is high. When outsourcing occurs, it generates the highest level of welfare among production modes. Intermediate values of shift working disutility generate the lowest level of welfare. Outsourcing and domestic labor are substitutes at the firm level and complements at the economy level.  相似文献   

Typically, firms decide whether or not to develop a new product based on their resources, capabilities and the return on investment that the product is estimated to generate. We propose that firms adopt a broader heuristic for making new product development choices. Our heuristic approach requires moving beyond traditional finance-based thinking, and suggests that firms concentrate on technological trajectories by combining technology roadmapping, information technology (IT) and supply chain management to make more sustainable new product development decisions. Using the proposed holistic heuristic methods, versus relying on traditional finance-based decision-making tools (e.g., emphasizing net present value or internal rate of return projections), enables firms to plan beyond the short-term and immediate set of technologies at hand. Our proposed heuristic approach enables firms to forecast technologies and markets, and hence, new product priorities in the longer term. Investments in new products should, as a result, generate returns over a longer period than traditionally expected, giving firms more sustainable investments. New products are costly and need to have a durable presence in the market. Transaction costs and resources will be saved, as firms make new product development decisions less frequently.  相似文献   

FDI对中国经济发展影响的实证分析与政策建议   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
FDI对中国经济发展的影响主要表现为:(1)外商投资企业劳动力的就业增量对于经济增长的负效应要小于其他类型企业的就业增量对经济增长的负效应;(2)FDI规模扩大对就业具有直接的创造效应,但对其他类型企业的就业具有一定的负面效应;(3)外商投资企业的出口与世界经济增长和我国的经济增长具有很强的相关性,但与FDI只有较弱的相关性;(4)FDI对于内资企业模仿和学习先进技术具有明显的溢出效应,但对内资企业自主创新能力的提高的溢出效应不大。  相似文献   

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