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产业集群治理行动是旨在建立和维护集群可持续竞争优势的集群治理主体共同参与的集体行动。根据集群集体行动产生的诱因,可将其划分为内生型集体行动和外生型集体行动,二者提供的产品都具有公共产品性质。影响集群集体行动的因素主要包括:领导型企业、社会资本、公共服务机构和集群代理机构、地方政府行为、团体讨论和个体声音等。基于异质性假设,在朱宪辰、李玉连(2007)的博弈模型基础上,通过将声誉机制纳入其中,得到的启示是:一个集群如果拥有良好的声誉机制,就有利于集体行动的实现,反过来,如果集群中信用和守信文化没有建立,声誉机制不健全,就可能导致集体行动的失败。  相似文献   

以产业集群的内部治理和外部治理这两种不同空间尺度的治理为分析视角,分析两者对地方产业集群升级的影响,提出两者在产业集群升级过程中内生的三个一般性耦合作用阶段。并以家纺产业集群为例,剖析了集群内外耦合治理的动态演变及其对产业集群升级的重要性。得出结论,地方产业集群要突破国际买家俘获和摆脱国内市场恶性竞争而成功实现升级,必须在内部治理上做到:企业发起,政企互动,协会呼应和支持;在外部治理上做到:加大创新力度,嵌入高端价值环节,建立自己主导的分工体系。在此基础上,注重内外治理的动态耦合,多维度协同推进集群升级。  相似文献   

基于动力机制的我国产业集群发展研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
刘恒江  陈继祥 《经济地理》2005,25(5):607-611
产业集群动力机制是获取持续竞争优势和推动我国产业集群发展的根本力量,其包含内源动力机制和外源动力机制。内源动力机制将产业集群中包含的本地根植性蕴涵丰富的要素(资源)转化为内生优势;外源动力机制分为政府行为、外部竞争环境等,其作用带来产业集群的外部优势。以产业集群动力机制及其作用规律研究为基础,产业集群内部治理与集群政策相结合的“从下到上”思路,是有利于我国产业集群发展的新模式。  相似文献   

企业之间资源不均衡造成权力地位不平等。由于社会关系网络、企业家素质、全球领先公司等因素,内生型产业集群的权力结构由最初的平等对称逐渐向以核心企业为权力中心的非对称结构演化,对其内部治理及外部空间拓展产生重要影响。随着本地企业国际化和跨国公司地方化,内生型产业集群的权力场往往跨越集群硬质空间,融入全球生产网络或价值链权力体系。  相似文献   

魏江  徐蕾 《经济地理》2011,31(2):247-253
本地与超本地知识网络具有不同的性质和功能,集群企业只有同时嵌入两类网络,并实现两者功能的有机整合,才能为集群企业提供异质性资源与能力。但集群企业知识网络双重嵌入局面的形成是一个动态演变的过程,受到企业知识需求类型和已有资源基础的限制。为此,在梳理相关理论基础上,采用案例研究方法,选取国内一家具有20多年成长历史的大型集群企业作为研究对象,探索研究了双重嵌入的动态过程,研究发现:①集群企业知识网络嵌入总体特征是从低级到高级,从单结构到多结构,从本地网络到本地、超本地并重。②集群企业不同类型的知识网络随着时间变化而动态发展的原因在于其在不同发展阶段拥有不同资源并面临不同的知识需求。③运行机制的演变与知识网络演进同步演化,相应地由非契约网络为主逐渐转向以契约网络为主。  相似文献   

刘静静  刘春丽 《经济师》2023,(2):222-224
从“国家—社会”关系结构来看,内生性社会组织由乡村社会内生治理需求衍生,外生性社会组织由国家总体治理需求衍生。乡村振兴背景下,二者逐渐发展成为乡村治理的重要参与主体,成为有效推动乡村治理现代化进程的主推手。通过对当前内生性社会组织与外生性社会组织在组织产生、组织发展、组织目标等组织特征方面异同的比较,就其反映出的各自优劣之处得出当前应从内部的人才发展、组织机制和外部的政策支持、资源供给等方面来促进两者的协同共治、优势互补,实现内生性社会组织与外生性社会组织的耦合。  相似文献   

创新集群培育政策制定需要考虑不同的集群形态、特质和生命周期,培育创新集群必须构建契合的知识系统和知识治理机制。首先,基于知识库和联盟库将集群发展分为4种类型,然后针对不同集群阶段探讨了知识治理机制选择问题,运用法国索菲亚·安提波利斯ICT创新集群案例,说明不同集群阶段采用适宜的知识治理机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

首先,通过建立数学模型分析知识溢出对产业集群企业创新的影响。得出结论:在集群创新网络建立前,过度的知识溢出虽然在短期内会使企业利润增加,但长期内却会增强企业的创新惰性,具有抑制创新的负面效应。然后,从知识产权保护和创新溢出补贴两个方面讨论了对知识溢出负效应的治理。研究结果表明,纯粹的知识产权保护政策不如创新补贴政策有效。最后,从集群发展周期的角度提出了激励集群企业技术创新的建议。  相似文献   

社会资本专用性对产业集群的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨黛 《经济问题》2006,(8):9-11
产业集群是一种有效的经济组织形式,其形成和发展受到多种因素的作用。理论界对产业集群的研究经历了一个从强调经济因素到注重社会资本的过程,但社会资本的专用性特征及其对产业集群的影响却未得到重视。专用性是社会资本的内生性特征,产业集群内的社会资本具有准公共物品性质,为集群成员所专用。社会资本专用性对产业集群的发展具有促进与限制双重影响。  相似文献   

学术界关于全球价值链下劳动密集型产业集群升级的研究表现在,产业集群升级的类型与路径、创新机制、影响因素、风险,GVC治理与动力机制对产业集群升级影响,产业集群升级对策。研究趋势表现在全球价值链下劳动密集型产业集群升级机制的深入探讨、比较研究,以及产业集群升级的政策设计。  相似文献   

This paper presents a menu-auction model in which firms lobby the government to make an environmental regulation less burdensome. In this lobbying game, industrial interests are opposed by an environmental interest group. We compare political outcomes under two institutional arrangements. In the first, firms must join an organization that represents the interests of the industry. In the second, firms would lobby the government individually. The two arrangements result in strikingly different equilibrium outcomes. Only a small fraction of firms join the lobby group under collective lobbying, but all firms participate in lobbying activities when there is no such group. Thus, an attempt by firms to solve the apparent collective action problem through coordination would effectively backfire. The reason is that coordination among firms would increase the leverage available to the government, to demand high political contributions. We also evaluate the desirability of the two lobbying regimes from the private perspective of individual firms, and from the perspective of society as a whole. This permits us to evaluate possible restrictions on lobbying activities.  相似文献   

Using primary evidence for 146 Indian manufacturing firms, I examine single and dual lobbying strategies for trade policy influence, and the factors driving firm's choice of these strategies. Firms can adopt a single strategy, by lobbying collectively as a group (Join Hands), or lobbying individually as a firm (Walk Alone). Firms can also adopt a dual strategy, that is, a combination of collective and individual lobbying. The choice of strategy is affected by sector concentration and by tradeoffs between lobbying intensity for sector‐wide and firm‐specific outcomes. The following findings are new for India: First, majority of Indian firms (more than 64% in the sample) use a dual strategy, suggesting the importance to better understand what drives dual strategies. Second, the likelihood of adopting a dual lobbying is higher in sectors that are characterized by low concentration (dispersion is higher), indicating a strong competition effect over free‐riding. Third, relative to the single strategy of collective lobbying, Indian manufacturing firms are likely to join hands while walking alone when targeting firm‐specific outcomes, but prefer to walk alone (single strategy of individual lobbying) when there are tradeoffs between different outcomes, to react quickly. Finally, the availability of resources and firm's perceived effectiveness of its lobbying are significant drivers for the strategy choice.  相似文献   

区域经济的集群化发展是人类经济活动的一个越来越重要的特征,对这种发展趋势的深刻理解有助于把空间引入经济学中,克服没有空间的经济增长理论的局限,提高其解释力和预见力。然而,要理解企业集群的形成、治理和演变,从而正确地制定区域经济发展战略,就必须深刻理解企业集群的向心力和离心力。因为,塑造集群化经济的地理结构的正是企业集群的向心力与离心力之间的张力。本文探讨了企业集群的各种向心力(如马歇尔型外部经济、报酬递增、空间竞争、非贸易类投入品的可获得性、创业优势、企业间的互补性、区域品牌效应、运输技术的发展和经济活动聚集的预期等)和离心力(如拥挤效应、知识外溢的效果递减、土地、非熟练工人等投入品的非流动性和需求在空间上的分散性等)。在此基础上,本文提出了一些促进企业集群发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

已有文献指出企业外部资源和信息是创新的重要支持,需要进一步深入研究企业创新外部联系机制中各种因素如何影响企业创新以及它们之间如何互补或配置。企业技术创新的网络机制和集群机制是目前文献中认为最重要的企业创新外部联系机制,尽管网络机制和集群机制沿着不同轨迹发展并且有其局限性,但是网络和集群也许可以发挥互补作用或扮演相互替代角色,更好地作用于企业技术创新。列出了创新障碍因素及促进因素以量化企业创新过程,通过解析网络和集群对企业创新过程的影响机制,提供了一个更加丰富、细致的理论框架,可以解释外部变量如何促进或者阻碍企业技术创新。然后,分析两者如何通过互补克服局限性,更好地促进企业创新。最后,引入集群与网络活力变量,探讨在集群和网络不同发展阶段外部联系对企业创新影响的变迁与演化。  相似文献   

物联网在集群企业中的应用与发展改变了传统集群网络结构和协同机制。在物联网中,集群企业嵌入网络并融合互联互通的物联信息,对其协同创新能力具有重要影响。在对相关研究进行整理的基础上,结合物联集群企业发展特点,提出物联集群网络嵌入力、物联集群信息融合力、物联集群协同创新力3个概念,运用结构方程模型对3个概念的结构性特征进行CFA检验,并就信息融合力与网络嵌入力对协同创新力的双因素效应进行检验,研究结论有利于进一步丰富企业协同创新理论。  相似文献   

Clusters being considered as the proponents of innovation, there is a reasonable consensus among researchers and policy-makers that they are the sources of innovation. Therefore, of late, both researchers and policy-makers have increasingly focused on demystifying the factors driving innovation among the firms in a cluster, especially in a high-tech cluster. At the surface level, researchers have identified that the dynamism through interactions of a firm with other firms and associated institutions is one of the key drivers of innovation in a firm residing in a cluster. However, the factors that constitute degree of cluster interactions of firms that determine their innovation levels have not been explored adequately. Bengaluru being one of the highly ranked global hubs of technological innovation in Asia, houses densely interconnected network of high-tech manufacturing firms. It is in the context of Bengaluru cluster that this paper discerned the factors constituting degree of cluster linkages of firms that differentiated the innovation performance among the firms in a cluster. It was found that the ability of a firm to integrate global value chain both vertically and horizontally through extra-cluster linkages determines the innovation performance of a firm in a cluster.  相似文献   

This paper investigates equilibria associated with alternative income-distribution schemes in economies where firm formation is endogenous. The income realizable by a firm depends upon the membership of the firm. An entrepreneurial equilibrium, where agents form and/or join firms so as to maximize their individual incomes, has firm structures that maximize aggregate income but does not have good existence properties. Two alternative equilibrium concepts that have better existence properties than the entrepreneurial equilibrium but weaker optimality properties are considered. The results are applied to the debate on the optimality of average-income-per-worker maximization within a market-socialist firm.  相似文献   

Access to external funds is crucial for the entry and expansion of entrepreneurial firms and the sectors they predominantly arise in. This paper reports three important results. First, comparative advantage is shaped by factor endowments as well as fundamental determinants of corporate finance. In particular, a larger equity ratio of firms and tough governance standards relax financing constraints, lead to entry of firms at the lower bound of the productivity distribution and create an endogenous comparative advantage in sectors where entrepreneurial firms are clustered. Second, a small degree of protection in the constrained sector can raise a country's welfare by relaxing financing constraints if terms‐of‐trade effects are small. Third, a small degree of protection of the financially dependent industry in a financially underdeveloped country might even raise world welfare.  相似文献   

Theoretical interest has recently centered on the interaction of self-interested actors in the voluntary provision of a public good. This paper tests three proposed models against each other in the process of explaining differences between firms in political campaign contributions. The Cournot model of collective action is rejected for the interaction of the observed firms.  相似文献   

Our empirical analysis builds upon the hypothesis that unions are detrimental to a firm's efficiency. Using a rich survey of German manufacturers, we investigate firm-level determinants on the probability of collective wage bargaining with particular focus on the impact of a firm's engagement in foreign markets. An interesting and very robust finding is that exporters are less likely to engage in union wage bargaining. This finding is in line with a pessimistic perception of unions. The negative effect of collective bargaining can be offset by efficiency gains for larger exporters, who can benefit from operation cost saving effects. Size does matter as larger firms export and may find bargaining with a single entity representing the workforce more convenient than bargaining with each worker individually. We are using firm level information on IT investment as instrument for the export dummy and successfully test for the validity of this instrument.  相似文献   

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