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预算功能取向与部门预算绩效评价理论导向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于我国政策层面的近期预算绩效评价体系构建与远期绩效预算改革的战略部署,深度整理美国预算管理改革的轨迹,以经典预算功能取向分析范式为契合点,透视绩效预算与部门预算的内在拟和,演绎提出我国部门预算改革蕴含的"控制核心,绩效导向"的混合功通用取向.基于这种价值取向,引申确立我国面向绩效预算的预算绩效评价理论导向:源于实际的理论起点、面向未来与着眼现实的理论构架、过程控制与结果评价融合的实现体系.  相似文献   

面向绩效预算的基层单位预算绩效评价指标体系规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
剖析财政部近期预算绩效评价部署与远期绩效预算改革定位的政策基调,提出面向绩效预算的预算绩效评价视角,整合绩效目标与预算管理流程,规划绩效预算导向的基层单位预算绩效评价指标体系,弥补现阶段国家主要以中央部门为对象的重点专项预算资金局部试点的制度缺陷。  相似文献   

公共财政框架下我国预算制度改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从预算史演进的角度看,在我国现实背景下政府预算与公共预算具有不同内涵。就民主化取向而言,政府预算决定了预算是面向政府内部并直接支持政府行为的;公共预算决定了预算是面向公民,直接支持公民的行为与福利的。我国公共预算制度体系建设的总体目标在于打造能够内在统一民主理念和法治要求的预算制度体系;可以围绕打造统一预算和提升立法机构预算地位、完善预算监督两条主线推进改革。  相似文献   

为了抑制代理人的机会主义行为,委托人在设计激励机制时采用了报酬方案和棘轮效应。对实验数据进行分析发现:在预算目标能完成时,松驰诱导报酬方案下的业绩与真实诱导报酬方案下的业绩无显著差异;除了合约开始和结束这两个期间之外,预算合约中,在松驰诱导报酬方案下,棘轮效应对预算责任人的实际业绩有负面影响;在低估自己的能力时,真实诱导报酬方案下,棘轮效应会对实际业绩有积极作用。  相似文献   

Consumers have split preferences for education between the types of education services that they would like to experience and the types of educational services that they want for others using the system. The primary or secondary educational institution acts as a complete agent to provide services in an environment where a smaller group of taxpayers actually funds the institution. The taxpaying group has split preferences for the funding of these services. The budget is endogenous and depends on the choices of educational services offered by the institution. The focus is, therefore, on the division of the budget of the institution between knowledge-based activities and spillover activities. Educational institutions emphasize the knowledge-based activities and the spillover activities are left underfunded.  相似文献   

This study recognizes that public safety organizations, including military units and fire services as well as the police, will normally be budget constrained. It also recognizes that subunits of these organizations will not always be employed in their highest priority activities. With those perspectives the study shows how such organizations can optimally redistribute resources and reallocations of activities between units in response to variable demands simultaneously with the determination of optimizing norms for levels and costs of activities and for transfers of resources and activities between units. The study draws on the ideas of variance analysis from accounting and peak load pricing and duality from economics to derive optimizing levels of activity for subunits within an organization in response to varying demands on the resources and performance of the organization as a whole. It also provides a critique of the standard data envelopment analysis aproach to activity analysis on the grounds not only that that approach is not cost related, but also that it does not provide for the endogenous transfer of activities and resources between units.  相似文献   

美国联邦政府预算的编制方法及特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘喆 《财经科学》2006,(2):117-124
美国联邦政府推行的新绩效预算作为一种先进的预算管理方法在提高联邦财政支出效率方面已显示出了明显的成效.本文通过详细讨论美国联邦政府新绩效预算编制的过程和方法,分析了该预算编制方法的科学性和有效性,从而为我国公共预算体制改革提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

苑斌 《经济与管理》2011,25(11):43-46
当前水利预算绩效管理整体上处于起步探索阶段,绩效意识不强,绩效管理制度建设滞后,现行绩效评价指标设立不合理、体系不健全。建立科学规范的水利预算绩效管理制度,需建立健全高效的组织体系,完善绩效预算管理流程;逐步建立预算项目规划制度;在逐步扩大预算绩效评价试点范围的基础上,建立和完善绩效问责机制。  相似文献   

政府部门预算支出绩效管理改革是在公共财政制度体系建设过程中,为适应我国市场经济体制的不断发展与完善,遵循政府预算支出管理制度变革的一般规律,而对我国政府公共部门财政预算管理制度提出的客观要求。其中理论框架构建、制度设计创新、技术手段要点是这项改革的核心内容,通过以上改革框架的分析设计,将为未来我国政府预算支出绩效管理制度体系的搭建和改革实践提供科学、可靠的理论基础与现实指导。  相似文献   

Budget Standards and the Poverty Line   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports some of the results from a recent study which, among other things, developed and costed low cost budgets for a range of Australian households. A budget standard represents what is needed, in terms of goods, services and activities, to achieve a particular standard of living and what that costs in a particular place and time. A low cost budget standard is one designed to meet basic needs at a frugal level while still allowing social and economic participation consistent with community expectations. The low cost budget standard estimates for households living in Sydney in February 1997 are somewhat higher than the Henderson poverty line, partly a reflection of the high cost of housing in Sydney, but also a consequence of the low cost standard itself being above a poverty standard. In spite of this, the budget standard relativities for different households provide an estimate of the relative needs of Australian households in the 1990s which could replace the current much-criticised equivalence scale.  相似文献   

基于经济增加值的企业全面预算管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于经济增加值的企业全面预算管理是以价值创造为战略导向,以经济增加值为核心业绩指标的一种高效预算管理方法。本文将考虑资金机会成本的经济增加值作为核心业绩指标贯穿于全面预算管理的全过程,提出了基于经济增加值的企业全面预算管理方法。在介绍经济增加值由来和内涵的基础上,提出了全面预算管理基本框架,对全面预算管理体系的构建进行了阐述。按照全面预算管理框架结构,将经济增加值这一核心业绩指标导入全面预算管理的全过程,依次就EVA预算编制方法、EVA预算执行、预算差异分析和预算考评激励四个预算管理环节的具体构建程序和方法进行了探讨,并以一般企业的一般情况为蓝本,为企业基于经济增加值的全面预算管理体系的建立提供了方向和建议。  相似文献   

公共财政框架下预算监督的含义应包括两个层次,即基础层次和目标层次。预算监督的基础层次是对预算编制、预算执行、预算调整及决算等活动是否符合相关法律法规的监督,目标层次是通过预算对政府活动、社会公共资源流向进行监督。在实际工作中,我国对以上两个层次的监督没有区分、不够重视,导致了一系列问题。为使我国预算监督在公共财政框架下更好地发挥作用,应从法律上明确两个层次预算监督的关系以及重要性,并对政府预算监督程序进行详细规定,以保证社会公共资源被用于满足社会公共需要。  相似文献   

Nurse leaders control the largest part of a hospital labor budget, in some cases the largest part of the overall budget. The effectiveness of overseeing this responsibility can mean the difference between an organization's financial stability and financial turmoil. The nursing department at Northwestern Memorial Hospital took ownership of its financial performance. Over the past 2 years, their financial performance saved $4.9 million in productivity while reducing nurses turnover costs by $7.6 million. Valuable lessons from their experience are offered for improving health care's financial and operational outlook.  相似文献   

高等学校财务预算问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“凡事预则立,不预则废”,预算管理是高校财务管理的重要内容。加强高校财务预算管理是社会主义市场经济的要求,是提高教育经费使用效益的要求,是增强办学实力的要求。通过分析我国高等学校预算管理的现状和存在的问题,在此基础上提出加强高等学校财务预算管理的对策,以充分发挥预算管理在高校财务管理中的重要作用。  相似文献   

In Leachman et al. (2005) we use the multicointegration approach to test for sustainable fiscal budgeting processes in a stochastic setting in 15 industrialized countries. In this paper, we extend the analysis in order to rank these same countries as well as an additional three, according to the degree to which their budget processes are sustainable. Rankings are related to theories regarding the political economy of budget deficits. Evidence clearly indicates that fiscal performance is better where fiscal budgeting institutions are strong. Additionally, we find that in conjunction with fiscal strength, greater degrees of federalism positively affect intertemporal budget management.  相似文献   

The existing literature on soft budget constraints suggests that firms may be subsidized for political reasons or because of the creditors' desire to recover a part of the sunk cost invested in an earlier period. In all these models hard budget constraints are viewed as being, in principle, capable of inducing the necessary restructuring behaviour on the level of the firm. This paper argues that the imposition of financial discipline is not sufficient to remedy ownership and governance-related deficiencies of corporate performance. Using evidence from the post-communist transition economies, the paper shows that a policy of hard budget constraints cannot induce successful revenue restructuring, which requires entrepreneurial incentives inherent in certain ownership types (most notably, outside investors). The paper also shows that the policy of hard budget constraints falters when state firms, because of inferior revenue performance and less willingness to meet payment obligations, continue to pose a higher credit risk than privatized firms. The brunt of state firms' lower creditworthiness falls on state creditors. But the 'softness' of these creditors, while harmful in many ways, is not necessarily irrational, if it prevents the demise of firms that are in principle capable of successful restructuring through ownership changes.  相似文献   

教育领域内的法定支出政策是对教育经费预算所作的硬性规定。对教育投入总量和增量的考察都表明,我国目前的教育经费呈现出预算软约束问题。法定支出政策本身模糊,"缩水式"的估算策略,过分强调投入而忽视绩效的管理模式,部门法规与《预算法》之间不协调都使得政策的效果大打折扣。在承认法定支出政策现实性的前提下需重新加以规范,并应建立绩效导向的教育经费预算管理模式,逐步拓宽教育资金的来源渠道。  相似文献   

We use the PISA student-level achievement database to estimate international education production functions. Student characteristics, family backgrounds, home inputs, resources, teachers and institutions are all significantly associated with math, science and reading achievement. Our models account for more than 85% of the between-country performance variation, with roughly 25% accruing to institutional variation. Student performance is higher with external exams and budget formulation, but also with school autonomy in textbook choice, hiring teachers and within-school budget allocations. Autonomy is more positively associated with performance in systems that have external exit exams. Students perform better in privately operated schools, but private funding is not decisive.  相似文献   

固定资产和无形资产会计核算改革应达到的目标包括:适应预算管理的要求、适应资产长期性管理的特点、适应资产价值逐渐减少的特点、适应事业性活动和经营性活动对资产核算的不同要求等。为满足这一改革目标要求的主要经济业务的会计分录模式包括购入、价值摊销、为事业性活动服务与为经营性活动服务之间的转移、变卖处置等。  相似文献   

现行的财政支出式分权导致地方财政收支不平衡状况日益严重,而地方政府在收入自主能力受约束的条件下,只能依赖土地财政来缓解地方财政赤字压力。现行的政绩考评体系、预算制度不完善是造成土地财政的重要根源。本文以中部欠发达地区J省为例,验证了地方财政赤字对土地财政的正向影响效应,建议通过完善现行的财政分权体制,赋予地方政府更多的财权,完善预算管理制度、强化预算的归一性,同时构建以人为本、促进科学发展的政绩考评机制来根治土地财政问题。  相似文献   

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