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培养应用型人才是地方本科院校音乐类专业发展与适应高等教育大众化、经济新常态变化的要求。提高地方本科院校音乐类专业应用型人才培养质量要深刻理解应用型人才的内涵、特点,分析当前应用型人才培养中存在的问题,从人才培养目标明确、课程体系设置科学和师资队伍建设等方面健全地方本科院校音乐类专业应用型人才培养体系。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校人才培养以适应社会需要为目标,创业教育是我国高等教育改革和经济发展的需要,然而应用型本科院校创业人才培养模式并不明确。从应用型本科院校和创业教育的本质出发,探讨应用型本科院校加强创业教育的意义,在实践的基础上构建特色应用型本科院校人才培养模式。  相似文献   

论应用型本科“双师型”师资队伍建设问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国高等教育从精英教育向大众化教育转型,要求高等教育向多元化的办学模式、多层次的人才培养模式发展。近年来,一批由高职、高专合并升格而来的应用型本科院校,其培养目标是面向研制、生产、管理工作一线的应用型人才。而如何适应应用型本科院校的人才培养模式和培养目标,“双师型”师资队伍的建设是现阶段迫切需要解决的问题之一。改变师资队伍建设的观念、制定“双师型”教师素质认定标准、制定“双师型”教师的激励机制等建议对师资队伍的建设有重要意义。  相似文献   

许寒梅 《经济师》2013,(1):122-123
应用型人才培养的类型定位是与人才发展阶段相适应的。地方本科高校要在高等教育的总体格局中占据有利位置,必须持守院校的自主性,回归教育本位的人才培养定位。必须从知识结构、能力结构和素质培养等三方面确定应用型人才培养规格定位,从而探索地方本科高校应用型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

王达 《经济师》2012,(7):59-60
特色应用型本科院校作为行业应用型人才培养的重要基地,肩负着培养行业发展急需应用型本科人才的历史使命。黑龙江科技学院以矿业学科为背景和大矿业人才培养为特色,与行业企业合作,优化大矿业特色的学科专业结构,以产学研搭建大矿业培养平台,深化教育教学改革,进一步推进办学转型,着力提升人才培养质量、突出人才培养特色,为区域经济和社会发展提供最直接、最有效、最可靠的人才保证。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育规模的不断扩大,社会对应用型人才的需求更加迫切。地方本科院校应该紧密结合地方经济建设发展需要,对教育资源进行合理调配,由教学型和教学研究型定位向应用型转变。文章在分析应用型人才内涵基础上,以社会需求为导向,以能力为中心,探讨通过修订人才培养方案、重构课程体系、强化实践教学环节等途径培养应用型人才。  相似文献   

杨弘  刘宇会  于善波 《经济研究导刊》2014,(14):124-125,171
随着人才竞争的日趋激烈,发展应用型本科教育,培养应用型本科人才,探索应用型本科人才培养模式,目前已成为我国高等教育界,尤其是地方高校关注的热点问题。剖析了当今世界高等教育改革与发展趋势,分析了适应社会需求和高等教育改革与发展趋势的应用型人才特征,总结了地方高校应用型人才培养模式改革的途径选择。  相似文献   

安铁雷 《经济师》2015,(2):248-249
对新建本科院校在人才培养定位上的研究已达成了转型和培养应用型人才的共识,但结合具体专业探讨如何培养应用型人才的研究尚处于初步阶段。文章以此为切入点,分析了新建本科院校财务管理专业人才培养的现状,结合财务管理专业的特点,归纳了培养应用型人才的原则。在此基础上,提出了突破瓶颈约束,培养人才的具体措施,构建了财务管理专业培养应用型人才培养的初步模式。  相似文献   

当前及今后一段时期,我国部分地方高校逐渐朝着应用型方向转型,随着国际化进程的推进,应用型英语专业本科教育已成为高等教育体系发展和完善过程中不可或缺的重要环节。革新应用型英语专业本科人才培养机制是实施质量工程、提高本科教学质量的内在要求,英语专业本科教育的发展以及教学质量的提高,终归要落实到人才培养的过程和实践中。基于此,研究应用型英语专业本科人才的培养目标及体系构建显得尤为必要。  相似文献   

新时代高等教育对人才培养提出了更高的要求,应用型本科院校在人才培养过程中应培养综合素质高、应用能力强的复合型人才,为社会经济发展服务。大学英语课程具有丰富的人文内涵,是人才培养过程中的必修课。新的《大学英语教学指南》要求应用型本科院校的对大学英语课程设置进行改革与优化。如何建设基础英语EGP与专门用途英语ESP以及跨文化交融的大学英语课程体系,满足学生学习、学校办学和社会人才的需求是应用型本科院校亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 2014 over 3400 sell-side analysts changed the primary industry they followed. This article documents that analysts are more likely to change their industries when their absolute and relative forecasting accuracy in that industry is low and when the accuracy in the new industry is high. Analysts are more likely to switch industries at the beginning of their careers, after a recent change of an employing brokerage house, and if they have a history of switching industries before. Analysts are less likely to make a switch when their forecasting activity in the industry is high, when the industry is followed by many analysts and when they are employed by a top brokerage house.  相似文献   

利用多人集体行动博弈分析了农户技术选择行为。结果表明,分散农户的微观行为很难形成一致性的集体行动,也很难实现农村社会宏观行为的最优化。实际调查结果显示:不同群体的农户的技术选择行为不相同;种养规模越大的农户越倾向于选择正规途径获得农业新技术,种养规模越小的农户越倾向于从民间途径获得农业新技术;以政府为主导的技术供给模式并没有获得农民的完全认可。最后提出:提高农户的组织化水平、提高技术供给主体的供给实力,是突破农户自身无序选择、实现农村社会宏观行为最优的有效手段。  相似文献   


The extant literature affirms that passion is important for entrepreneurs’ success. However, the related studies have failed to explain how and when entrepreneurial passion (EP) affects firms’ radical innovation (RI). The current study explores the connections between EP and firms’ RI and mediation of exploratory learning (EL) in this relationship. Moreover, we investigate the moderating role of the Zhong–Yong thinking (ZYT) of Chinese entrepreneurs. Findings from 310 new Chinese enterprises demonstrate that EP directly influences RI and indirectly through EL. ZYT of entrepreneurs can likewise reinforce the connection between their EP and RI via EL. Lastly, we discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.  相似文献   

李茜 《经济研究导刊》2012,(12):157-160
"竞合模式"是区域旅游平衡发展的有效途径,关中—天水经济区旅游业具备实施这种模式的条件,在西安旅游品牌知名度和产业模式的引领下,通过塑造整体旅游品牌、积极创意营销、建设无障碍旅游区、旅游人才培养等战略途径,在各地公平竞争的前提下,充分实现区域旅游一体化,建设国际一流旅游目的地。  相似文献   

The authors show that a simple mood-separable preference in a network study of stock returns captures a variety of stylized facts regarding stocks’ provisional (ab)normal behavior. These behaviors are articulated in a multistate complete Euclidean network model that specifies the existence, direction, and magnitude of a self-organized dynamics for each individual stock during abnormal market moods. In the empirical setting, the authors apply suggested model along with 2 established visual approaches (multidimensional scaling and agglomerative hierarchical clustering) for benchmark purposes. Results reveal different levels of erratic return dynamics for each stock and the entire market in different abnormal market moods. The authors model and interpret these self-organized dynamics as evidence of stocks’ and market’s bipolar behavior.  相似文献   

政府在农村承担着公共服务、组织农民、保护农民和教育农民的职能,为了实现这些职能,政府出台了诸如财政补贴、金融保险、农业组织、技术推广和生产资料监管等许多促进农业生产与农民增收的政策,政府制定政策的初衷是好的,但在执行的过程中总是或多或少会产生一些负面效果,导致农民盲目扩大棉花种植面积、降低生产经营的自主性等,既不益于棉花产业的健康发展,也会给土地质量带来一定的负面影响。论文以新疆南疆为背景,分析了现行政府政策对棉农生产及环境的影响,并对政府政策引致的负面效果进行了原因剖析,指出政府职能不清、决策缺乏长远的全局意识与创新意识、政策信息不透明,政策的制定与执行缺乏系统衔接性和绩效评价环节是导致政府政策引致负面效果的原因所在。  相似文献   

This paper distinguishes a terrorist group’s survivability from its success. Terrorist groups succeed if they join the political process or achieve some of their goals. Based on a sample of 470 terrorist groups, we first estimate the determinants of groups’ ending and, conditional on their demise, we identify factors conducive to their success. We find that religious fundamentalist terrorist groups survive longer than left-wing, nationalist/separatist, or right-wing groups; but religious groups are less apt than other ideologies to attain their objectives or to join the political process. Larger groups survive longer and possess a better success prognosis. Within-country group competition is conducive to survival, but harmful to success. Controls include groups’ goals, groups’ strategic choices, and home country’s characteristics. Robustness tests disaggregate our success measure, provide panel estimates, and incorporate other controls.  相似文献   

Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an incurable, progressive neurological condition, with symptoms impacting movement, walking, and posture that eventually become severely disabling. Advanced PD (aPD) has a significant impact on quality-of-life (QoL) for patients and their caregivers/families. Levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG) is indicated for the treatment of advanced levodopa-responsive PD with severe motor fluctuations and hyper-/dyskinesia when available combinations of therapy have not given satisfactory results.

Aims: To determine the cost-effectiveness of LCIG vs standard of care (SoC) for the treatment of aPD patients.

Methods: A Markov model was used to evaluate LCIG vs SoC in a hypothetical cohort of 100 aPD patients with severe motor fluctuations from an Irish healthcare perspective. Model health states were defined by Hoehn &; Yahr (H&;Y) scale—combined with amount of time in OFF-time—and death. SoC comprised of standard oral therapy?±?subcutaneous apomorphine infusion and standard follow-up visits. Clinical efficacy, utilities, and transition probabilities were derived from published studies. Resource use was estimated from individual patient-level data from Adelphi 2012 UK dataset, using Irish costs, where possible. Time horizon was 20 years. Costs and outcomes were discounted at 4%. Both one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted.

Results: The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for LCIG vs SOC was €26,944/quality adjusted life year (QALY) (total costs and QALYs for LCIG vs SoC: €537,687 vs €514,037 and 4.37 vs 3.49, respectively). LCIG is cost-effective at a payer threshold of €45,000. The model was most sensitive to health state costs.

Conclusion: LCIG is a cost-effective treatment option compared with SoC in patients with aPD.  相似文献   

In recent political-economic theories of ‘nature’, Mill and Marx/Engels form important reference points. Ecological economists see Mill's ‘stationary state’ as seminal, while Marxists have ‘brought capitalism back in’ to debates on growth and climate change, sparking a Marxological renaissance that has overturned our understanding of Marx/Engels' opus. This article explores aspects of Mill's and Marx/Engels' work and contemporary reception. It identifies a resemblance between their historical dialectics. Marx's communism is driven by logics of ‘agency’ and ‘structure’ (including the ‘tendency of profit rates to fall’). In Mill's dialectic a ‘thesis’, material progress, calls forth its ‘antithesis’, diminishing returns. The inevitable ‘Aufhebung’ is a stationary state of wealth and population; Mill mentions countervailing tendencies but fails to consider their capacity to postpone utopia's arrival. Today, Mill's schema lives on in ecological economics, shorn of determinism but with its market advocacy intact. It appears to contrast with the ‘productive forces expansion’ espoused by Marx/Engels. They stand accused of ‘Promethean arrogance’, ignoring ‘natural limits’ and ‘gambling on abundance’. But I find these criticisms to be ill-judged, and propose an alternative reading, arguing that their work contains a critique of the ‘growth paradigm’, and that their ‘cornucopian’ ends do not sanction ‘Promethean’ means.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how managers perceive employees’ affective commitment and how this perception determines their trust as a managerial attitude toward organizational learning capability (OLC). Likewise, we study how managerial trust affects product innovation and OLC. In other words, we carry out a double mediation: firstly, we examine whether managerial trust is a mechanism through which managerial perceptions of employees’ affective commitment influences on OLC, and secondly, we study if OLC mediates between managerial trust and product innovation. By using structural equation modeling (partial least squares) on a sample of 192 Spanish firms we conclude that: (1) if managers perceive employees to be affectively committed, they will be willing to enhance OLC and to trust them; (2) managerial trust favors OLC and product innovation and (3) OLC appears to exert a full mediation between managerial trust and product innovation.  相似文献   

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