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With the accelerating development of Chinese urbanization and the widening gap between rural and urban areas, urban-rural overall planning is to be an inevitable choice for economic and social development. However, the specific patterns and methods in urban-rural overall planning are greatly different. From the persperctive of ecological economy, taking the main physical and biological pattern of the farmland as research objects, this paper analyzes the components and characteristics of farm landscape, the relationship between farm landscape exploitation and rural tourism, and the role of farm landscape exploitation in planning urban and rural development. It expatiates on the pattern, method and principle of farm landscape development. Furthermore, based on the actual development case, this paper explores how to make high-grade tourism products with scientific and reasonable farm landscape development method, how to increase peasant income, how to improve urban and rural ecological economic environment, so as to promote urban-rural overall planning.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Ecosystem services are explicitly defined as “the natural environmental conditions and effects upon which people rely for existence that are formed and maintained by ecosystems and ecological processes” [1] . The valuation of ecosystem goods and services has become an important issue in the field of envi- ronmental protection and sustainable development, which also represents one aspect of the United Na- tions Millennium Assessment. At present, the re- search associated wit…  相似文献   

Vegetable production plays a very important role not only as a source of foreign exchange for Senegal and an appreciation of the dietary needs of populations,but also in the context of the policy of diversification.Thus the aim of this analysis is to measure the important economic impact and vegetable industrial actors,find the limited factors of the horticulture development and the perspectives for improving the vegetable production in the area.Our results show that the National production of fruits and vegetables is estimated approximately at 370,000 tons and the Niayes zone constitutes 80%of the domestic production.Horticulture is a sector which creates employments in that area with important incomes earned by both producers and the various intermediaries(commercial process) .The volume of exports has reached 14,321.588 tons in(2002-2003) against 11,125.132 tons in(2001-2002) witnessing than an increase of 28.7%,but the one of imports is very important and represents an outflow of foreign currency estimated at about 3 billion per year.  相似文献   

As the significant regional development driving, industry agglomeration has become one of the most interested for industrial economist and regional economist. This paper chooses the main five E&I industrial parks in Shaanxi Province as the research object, and systematically compares their industry agglomerations, such as the situations, patterns, development approaches, and so on. Finally, based on the situation of the five E&I industrial parks, combined with the power and the attraction of sub-sectors industry, some suggestions on the formation and consolidation of agglomeration effect for each park are proposed.  相似文献   

The apple industry in Shaanxi Province is a resource-based industry; compared to the best productiveregions at home and abroad, it is advantageous in high quality as well as geographical and natural resources. Currently,big changes have occurred in the apple market supply-demand relations; long-term and comprehensive shortage haspassed; the buyer's market has come into being; competitions in the domestic market are fierce. At the same time, theforeign apple will impact on the domestic market, increasing competitive pressure. Foreign anti-dumping measures,green barriers and technologies restrict the exportation of the domestic apple. Based on successful experience of otherindustrial clusters, this paper analyzes the existing problems in the development of Shaanxi apple industrial cluster,combining empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, proposes specific policy recommendationsand get the conclusions. First, the characteristics of the agricultural industrial cluster are analyzed; Shaanxi appleindustry is characterized by cluster. Second, the rapid development of Shaanxi apple industrial cluster exposes someproblems. Third, we need the government to control the disorderly competition of Shaanxi apple industry.  相似文献   

As a growing number of countries, including both developed and developing countries, have in recent yearstaken environmental regulation at different levels, a question of great concern has been raised: can the regulation alterthe existing trade volume and trade pattern, and ultimately drive pollution-intensive industries to countries with low-levelregulations or even those without regulations at all? Starting from the three different propositions concerning therelationship between environmental regulation and trade pattern, this paper applies cointegration analysis and errorcorrection model to empirically testing the relationship between environmental regulation and trade in China during theperiod of 1985-2005. Our empirical results indicate that in the short run the collection of pollution discharge fees bearsa positive impact on the export share of clean products of total exports. Thus, higher pollution discharge fees raise theratio of clean products exports to total exports. This further indicates that more stringent environmental regulationpromotes the exports of clean products. In the long run pollution discharge fees are positively correlated with the exportshare of clean products but negatively associated with their import share. Such correlations imply that environmentalregulation tends to facilitate the international specialization in line with comparative advantages.  相似文献   

Mountainous regions face a series of Conflicts betWeen the natural resources conservation and the economic development, especially in protected areas, where are the home to some of the poorest people in'the world In China, the Protected Areas Authorities (such as Protected Areas Authorities of Wuyi Mountain) transferred the mountainous people out of the protected areas. We found that it is not a good approach of immigration project, as fal economic and ecological effect is concerned. Although remote and majestic, beauty attracted many tourists, mass tourism is not a good approach to soh,e the development problem in mountainous areas because it can not provide enough opportunites to make local people live a comfortable life, and the high volume of tourists indicates that the resources, face significant threats. Because many fandscapes,are run by Private enterprises, local residents and government only get limited benefits. Alihough ecotourism principles expatiate on economic development and resource, onservation, local people income and tourists feelings, it has discordance between the theory and the praciice Therefore. the term of "integrated ecotourism " was coined in the paper.based on the ecotourism theory, Integrated ecotourism means a broadly tourism resources and pendulum spatial pattern which will come into being with the movement of local,people and tourists from protected areas io the nearby town or city: and it also tries to solve the property right conflict of mountain land between the local people and the private enterprises according to property right theory.  相似文献   

With the aim of the harmonious development of economy-environment system in coastal cities in China. an index ,system used to evaluate the economy-environment system is built up in this paper, which includes four aspects: economy, environment, resources, and ocean industry. Based on the analysis on present condition and future trends of economic development in Tianjin and the quantification of various evaluation indices, the aathor applies integrated index valuation model to valuate the harmonious development af economy-environment of Tianjin. The results show that the coordinated degree of economy-environment would drop down in the future, from 0.95(superior level of harmonious development) in 2000 to 0.59(inferior level of harmonious development) in 2015. under the circumstance of the current economic development mode. The level of comprehensive development of Tianjin also presents to descend. Based on the analyzing of status and future trends of environment-economy coordinated development, the paper puts forward the countermeasures such as industry, structure adjustment, increasing the level of environmental protection investment, strengthening the enforcement of en vironmental policies to improve the coordinated development of environment-economy in Tianjin municipality.  相似文献   

To build the artificial forest ecosystem is the major eco-economic development model in the watershed of Miyun Reservoir. It is very important to evaluate the benefits of those ecosystems. Emergy theories are very helpful for us to establish a science-based assessment framework. Emergy evaluation of the artificial forest ecosystems in the watershed of Miyun Reservoir is used to asses the relative values of several ecological functions (sometimes called ecosystem services) and main ecosystem storages (sometimes called natural capital). The main driving energies, internal processes and storages are evaluated. The main functions, including transpiration, GPP and infiltration, are evaluated, which are 609em$/ha/yr, 6,245em$/ha/yr and 340em$/ha/yr respectively. The total values of major environmental services are 4,683em$/ha/yr in the artificial forest ecosystem. The main storages of natural capital including live biomass, soil moisture, organic matter, underground water and landform are estimated, which are 112,028em$/ha, 9em$/ha, 40,718em$/ha, 34em$/ha and 6,400,514em$/ha respectively. The largest value is landform, which accounts for 97.7% of these calculated total emdollar values. The concept of replacement value is explored using the emergy values of both ecosystem services and natural capital. The total calculated replacement values are 302,160em$/ha.  相似文献   

On the Loess Plateau of China, facing the vulnerable environment, local people have to try their best to guarantee the security of food, and at the same time, to control the most serious soil erosion in the world. The paper introduces two typical models of ecological agriculture: ecological agriculture with commodity and agriculture with soil and water conservation. According to the local natural condition, the model of eco-agriculture with commodity could be characterized by the structure of “agriculture-byproduct”, “agriculture-fruit” or “agriculture-forestry-husbandry”. The development of agriculture with soil and water conservation has decreased the soil erosion rate from 12, 184 ton/kin^2 in 1980 to 458.4 ton/kin^2 in 1999, while the farmers‘ income has increasingly risen. Analyses on the two models‘ benefits both in terms of ecological and agricultural economy show that there is a great possibility to construct or restore good eco-environment with comprehensive control in the hilly-gully area of north Shannxi. Further more, the paper points out the potential problems of foodstuff production and stockbreeding development in forming ecological agriculture and eco-environmental restoration.  相似文献   

经济发展与环境保护之间呈既对立又统一的关系,要实现经济的可持续发展必须在发展经济的同时重视对生态环境的保护。文章以三峡库区为例,通过系统阐述经济发展与环境保护之间的关系,结合三峡库区经济与生态环境的现状分析,认为库区经济发展离不开环境保护,而生态环境的改进也要以经济发展为物质基础,进而提出分别从政府、企业、公民三个方面努力以促进库区经济发展与环境保护协调发展的基本对策。  相似文献   

三峡移民工作正处于三、四期攻坚阶段,移民工作的重点正由“搬得出”逐步转向“稳得住,逐步能致富”。重庆市万州区武陵镇是一个移民大镇,农村移民的致富问题,在三峡库区具有典型性和代表性。  相似文献   

三峡库区是中国连片贫困地区,有近百万农村移民,由于人多地少、生态环境脆弱、经济基础薄弱、人力资源素质低下,依靠传统的经营模式很难致富。三峡库区应抓住历史机遇实现快速发展,赶上全国建设小康社会的步伐。采用实证的研究方法,在揭示三峡库区贫困基础上,提出了全面建设三峡库区小康社会的主要对策。  相似文献   

重庆三峡库区县域乡村性评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在明确乡村性内涵基础上,根据2001-2011年重庆统计年鉴数据,选取城镇化率、农业劳动生产率、农业从业人口比重、农业产值与非农业产值比、公路密度、万人卫生技术人员数等指标,采用加权和法建立乡村性综合指数模型,以此评价判断各县域的乡村性.结果表明:从2000-2010年,重庆三峡库区各县域的乡村性强度总体呈现逐渐减弱趋势;与此同时,县域乡村性水平在空间上呈“一圈”至“两翼”的梯度差异,即由西部“一圈”核心区—“一圈”外围区—库区中部县域—库区东部县域—库区东北县域渐次递增,而县域乡村性减弱强度沿“一圈”核心区向外扩延降低,即由重庆“一圈”核心区—核心区外围区—“一圈”外围区—库区中部县域—库区东部县域—库区东北县域逐渐减弱.最后,分析了重庆三峡库区县域乡村性时空演变的原因,并提出了县域发展方向建议.  相似文献   

重庆三峡库区低碳农业发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆三峡库区实施低碳农业战略对保护库区生态环境、控制农业面源污染、优化农业生产结构具有重要意义。对重庆三峡库区低碳农业发现的现状、前景和面临的挑战进行了研究,针对重庆三峡库区资源和环境特点,提出重庆三峡库区低碳农业发展必须采取全过程控制,即从农业投入品减量化、生产生活废弃物资源化、碳排放固化等源头、过程和终端进行控制。建议建立低碳农业建设的引导机制,建立碳交易平台,建立低碳农业的市场基础;完善国家支农惠农政策,提升对低碳农业的吸引力;推进农村土地流转,实现适度规模经营;加强科技创新;强化财政支持。  相似文献   

Due to the difficult segmentation of land destiny, popularity destiny, industry destiny on the platform of common interests demand, the regional governance of production and living for the needs of the people in cross-regional areas, such as in the aspects of security, education, assignment and management of water resources, transportation, energy, environment protection and public health, the administrative border regional cooperation is relatively easy. These aspects are equivalent to public products. Just because of this, it leads to problems that nobody will not control. The governments, in order to realize regional economic coordinated development and to eliminate the regional interests parties of administrative regions economy in microcosmic, were adapting various self-protection measures, even including that "you may have your policy but I have my countermeasures" that is derived from inter-regional economic relations. The action of market segmentation has limited the flow of various economic development elements, especially the condition of "dead end highway", resource exploitation and use, difficult social security work in social living of the administrative boundary zone. This paper studies the typical economical district of Wuling mountain area in the obvious strategic position at the junction of Chongqing, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei provinces from the angle of regional public management and public choice to present issue awareness and academic purpose.  相似文献   

三峡库区发展低碳经济的思路与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从资源环境的角度分析了三峡库区发展低碳经济的紧迫性以及低碳经济之路面临的诸多压力与挑战。提出了三峡库区助推森林重庆、促进低碳经济发展、构建生态文明社会的政策建议。  相似文献   

三峡库区重庆段水上化学品事故探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对三峡库区重庆段水上突发性化学品污染事件的调查分析,了解到事故多集中在20世纪90年代中后期,而近年来发生较少。鉴于有毒有害化学品事故发生概率小、危害大等特点,应引起人们的高度重视。因此,文章提出了一些能够为化学品污染事故的预防与处理提供参考的污染控制技术。  相似文献   

1. IntroductionIndustrial structure theory, including the forma-tion and development theory of industrial structure,industrial linkage theory, industrial layout theory andso on, mainly studies the composing structure ofindustry, the connection between industries and theconnection between various industries and the wholeeconomy in a certain economy system[1]. Throughstudying the history, status quo and future of in-dustrial structure, it reveals the general trend of theindustrial structure evol…  相似文献   

麦金农困境是指金融体系极度不发达导致的经济低增长,三峡库区农村经济正处于这样一个状况。现行的三峡库区金融市场非常落后,在一定程度上阻碍了农村经济的发展。本文旨在探讨新农村建设中农村金融市场与新农村经济发展的关系,寻求新农村信贷市场的培育途径。  相似文献   

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