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Binswanger (2009 Binswanger, M. 2009. “Is There a Growth Imperative in Capitalist Economies? A Circular Flow Perspective.” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 31:707727. doi:10.2753/pke0160-3477310410.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) constructed a model of a pure credit money economy with production to demonstrate the existence of growth imperative in such economies. This model entails a misspecification because money may disappear from the economy at the alleged minimal steady state growth rate (Gilányi 2015 Gilányi, Z. 2015. “A Brief Note on Mathias Binswanger’s Model.” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 37:590596. doi:10.1080/01603477.2015.1049927.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Johnson (2015 Johnson, R. 2015. “Capitalism’s Growth Imperative: An Examination of Binswanger and Gilányi.” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 37:597622. doi:10.1080/01603477.2015.1049928.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) attributes this inconsistency to the confusion between the stock of outstanding loans at the end of period and the flow of loans taken during the period; that he calls dimensional stock-flow inconsistency. On the grounds of this criticism he modifies some flows to eliminate the problem raised by Gilányi. Binswanger (2015 Binswanger, M. 2015. “The Growth Imperative Revisited, a Rejoinder to Gilányi and Johnson.” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 37:648660. doi:10.1080/01603477.2015.1050333.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) omits this criticism because it is a simple misinterpretation of his model; rather he explains the inadequacy of Johnson’s specification of flows. Doing so, he makes believe that there is still an unsettled debate on whether to treat loans as stocks or as flows in his model. This note demonstrates that both model specifications are dimensionally stock-flow consistent. Hence, Johnson’s criticism is just a narrative behind the rationale of altering flows in the model; the controversy is not on dimensional stock-flow inconsistency but on the logically coherent specification of the magnitude of flows in the model.  相似文献   

One of Hyman Minsky’s most important contributions is the Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH), which explains why capitalist economies experience periods of optimism (booms) and pessimism (bust). At the beginning of a cycle, businesses take on more debt, but they are conservative, and the principal is easily paid back (a hedge position). As optimism grows, so does risk-taking and businesses take on more debt. At some point they can only afford to pay interest on that debt (speculative position). In the most extreme case, businesses take on so much debt that they can neither pay the principal nor make interest payments (Ponzi position). Minsky wrote about financial instability (e.g., 1975 Minsky, Hyman. 1975. John Maynard Keynes. New York: Columbia University Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar], 1982 Minsky, Hyman. 1982. Can “It” Happen Again?: Essays on Instability and Finance. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. [Google Scholar]) before U.S. households had taken on large levels of debt. Minsky focused on businesses since they were the debt drivers. Today household debt is at record levels, so it makes sense to understand how financially unstable U.S. households are and what this means for the economy. We begin the article by arguing that Minsky’s categories should be applied to households; then we operationalize them using the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances. This enables us to measure changes in household financial instability using a Minsky-inspired framework and draw some conclusions.  相似文献   


Recent scholarship in political geography and allied disciplines such as Anthropology and Architecture has used registers such as the elemental and volumetric to explore the calculative, material, technical, and atmospheric interventions in, on, through and beneath the earth’s surface. In this special issue, our contributors engage in a ‘subterranean turn’, as they drill down, dive into, travel through and speculate with underground and underwater domains. Although varied in their geographical environments and locales, and diverse in their time-frames, the papers speak to four themes that constitute a ‘subterranean geopolitics.’ First, the subterranean is conceptualised as volume with distinct material qualities including height, pressure, depth and shape. There are multiple undergrounds on offer. Second, the subterranean is integral to nation-state building and geopolitical strategies of control, enclosure and exclusion. Third, there is evidence of and for subterranean infrastructures aplenty. States and other actors want to design, experiment and plan with the underground and underwater environments. Finally, the subterranean is never divorced from calculative, legal and technical regimes of regulation, and the cultivation of expertise – scientific, military, engineering – is a crucial element in these contributions to subterranean geopolitics. Taken together, the nine papers in this special issue offer a rich array of case studies including the nineteenth-century volcanic eruption in the Mediterranean (Hawkins 2018 Hawkins, H. 2018. A volcanic incident’: Towards a geopolitical aesthetics of the subterranean. Geopolitics. online published 25th September 2018. doi:10.1080/14650045.2017.1399877.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), subterranean nationalism in the South Atlantic (Benwell), lead mining in nineteenth-century English Peak District (Endfield and Van Lieshout 2019 Endfield, G., and C. Van Lieshout. 2019. Water and vertical territory: Teh volatile and hidden historical geographies of Derbyshire’s lead mining soughs, 1650s–1830s. Geopolitics. online published 9th October 2018. doi:10.1080/14650045.2018.1486299.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), a transnational gas pipeline running through Italy (Barry and Gambino 2019 Barry, A., and E. Gambino. 2019. Pipeline geopolitics: Subaquatic materials and the tactical point. Geopolitics. online published 14th March 2019. doi: 10.1080/14650045.2019.1570921.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), subterranean security in Israel/Palestine (Slesinger 2019 Slesinger, I. 2019. A cartography of the unknowable: Technology, territory and subterranean agencies in Israel’s management of the gaza tunnels. Geopolitics. online published 8th February 2018. doi:10.1080/14650045.2017.1399878.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), natural gas infrastructure (Forman 2019 Forman, P. 2019. Security and the subsurface: Natural gas and the visualisation of possibility spaces. Geopolitics. online published 17th October 2018. doi:10.1080/14650045.2018.1513918.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), deep sea mining off Papua New Guinea (Childs 2019b Childs, J. 2019b. Extraction in four dimensions: Time, space and the emerging geo(-)politics of deep-sea mining. Geopolitics. online published 14th June 2018. doi:10.1080/14650045.2018.1465041.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), US military planning in and under Greenland’s inland ice (Bruun 2018 Bruun, J. 2018. Invading the whiteness: Science, (sub)terrain, and US militarisation of the Greenland ice sheet. Geopolitics. online published 17 November 2018. doi:10.1080/14650045.2018.1543269.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), and managing the shipping routes of the English Channel (Peters 2019 Peters, K. 2019. Deep routeing and the making of ‘Maritime Motorways’: Beyond surficial geographies of connection for governing global shipping. Geopolitics. online published 1st February 2019. doi:10.1080/14650045.2019.1567499.[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Power has traditionally been rejected from economics and more particularly from the economics of the firm. Although he proposes building an interdisciplinary approach to the firm, Williamson rejects power from the economics of transaction costs. However, regarding the theoretical and behavioral hypotheses he makes, we can raise the following question: does the Williamsonian approach to the firm have intrinsic properties for developing a theory of power? After analyzing Williamson’s argument on power/authority, this paper aims to shed light on the fact that the 2009 Williamson, Oliver E. 2009. “Pragmatic Methodology: A Sketch, with Applications to Transaction Cost Economics,” Journal of Economic Methodology 16 (2): 145-157.[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] Nobel Prize winner has built a theory based on power that he rejects due to a questionable methodological choice. Conversely, we defend the thesis according to which power cannot be removed from the economics of the firm and transaction cost economics–at the risk of providing a distorted picture of the reality of capitalism.  相似文献   

Ramsey’s 1928 Ramsey, F. P. 1928. “A Mathematical Theory of Saving.” Economic Journal 38 (152): 543559. doi:10.2307/2224098[Crossref] [Google Scholar] paper on saving and Hotelling’s 1931 article on exhaustible resources are considered to be two seminal contributions in economic dynamics. They have been associated because of their temporal proximity, use of the calculus of variations, and because of Hotelling’s citation of Ramsey. This connection however needs to be precisely investigated and characterized. On the basis of archival material, this paper shows that, on the interpersonal and theoretical ground, the connection is quite thin, but that significant parallels are found in Ramsey’s and Hotelling’s expectations with mathematical economics for the progress of science and for informing public decision.  相似文献   

The controversy over the theoretical validity of the ‘Coase theorem’ is closely linked to the controversy over the correct statement of it, since the principal need is to determine what valid generalizations can be made on the basis of Coase’s 1960 Coase, R. H. 1960. “The Problem of Social Cost.” Journal of Law and Economics 3:144.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] examples. The present article does not aim to review the content of the controversy as such, but rather to question the reasons behind it: why so much noise about a proposition that is patently unrealistic (because of its assumption of zero transaction costs)? I argue that the prominence of the controversy, namely of the question of the validity (and statement) of the ‘Coase theorem’, can be analytically explained by the roles this ‘theorem’ plays in microeconomics: it is critical (of the standard theory of market failures), heuristic (drawing out the consequences of the efficiency assumption), and normative (conveying an optimistic view of the efficiency of exchange). I stress that these roles depend on the nature of the exchange defined in the formulation of the ‘theorem’. And I conclude that they rest upon the cooperative bargaining version, and therefore on an optimistic belief in the ability of people to find efficient agreements.  相似文献   

On first encounter, the ergodic/nonergodic (ENE) approach has apparent plausibility. Although concerned by some of its problems for many years, it was only after more concentrated reflection on both its parts and their combinations that I became aware of its manifold deficiencies, some of which I outlined in my previous critique (O’Donnell, 2014 ———. “A Critique of the Ergodic/Nonergodic Approach to Uncertainty.” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2014, 37 (2), 187209.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). In this paper, facilitated by Davidson’s (2015b ———. “A Rejoinder to O’Donnell’s Critique of the Ergodic/Nonergodic Explanation of Keynes’s Concept of Uncertainty.” Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 2015b, 38, 118.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) rejoinder, these criticisms are deepened, broadened, and strengthened. Because the debate deals with fundamental matters in several disciplines, a considerable amount of investigation, unpacking, and logical dissection is required to clarify the argumentation beneath the compressed and seemingly smooth surface of the ENE position. For this reason, my reply is divided into two parts. This contribution primarily examines the central role of framing in ENE arguments, and clarifies the various misunderstandings and misrepresentations to which it leads. The subsequent contribution provides more detailed discussion of mathematical, stochastic, and methodological issues.  相似文献   

The paper concerns a neglected aspect of the Wealth of Nations (with the notable exception of D. Levy 1999 Levy, D. M. 1999. “Adam Smith’s Katallactic Model of Gambling: Approbation from the Spectator.” Journal of the History of Economic Thought 21 (1): 8191. doi:10.1017/S1053837200002868.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), dealing directly with decision under risk. In a few pages from book I, chapter 10, Adam Smith explicitly named “lotteries” various objects of choice (possible occupations, or investment opportunities, for instance) and provided an analysis which standard expected utility glasses would hardly fit. Taking this into account allows a better understanding of the part played by typical characters like the “projector” or the “sober man”, in such matters as Smith’s conception of entrepreneurship or of the credit market. The use of some modern concepts in decision analysis (inverse stochastic dominance, rank dependent utility, prudence toward risk), is a means to show the existence, in Smith’s work, of an original theory from decision under risk, where his analysis of lotteries in the Wealth of Nations is consistent with statements from his moral philosophy on asymmetric sensitivity to gains and losses and to the regulating part played by the impartial spectator.  相似文献   

This paper is about the causal relationship between short-term and long-term interest rates in the US and Canada. To that end, we apply a linear Granger causality test introduced by Toda and Yamamoto (1995 Toda, H. Y., and T. Yamamoto. 1995. “Statistical Inference in Vector Autoregressions with Possibly Integrated Processes.” Journal of Econometrics 66 (1–2): 225250. doi:10.1016/0304-4076(94)01616-8.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the nonlinear Granger causality test of Diks and Panchenko (2006 Diks, C., and V. Panchenko. 2006. “A New Statistic and Practical Guidelines for Nonparametric Granger Causality Testing.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30 (9–10): 16471669. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2005.08.008.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). By combining linear causality effects with the nonlinear ones, it is seen that the most common Granger causality direction between short-term and long-term interest rates is a bidirectional one. We also find that nonlinear Granger causality can be found where no linear causality had been uncovered. Moreover, our findings show that during recent business cycles, the federal funds rate (in the US) and the overnight rate (in Canada) still Granger-cause long-term interest rates significantly.  相似文献   

A. Dupuy 《Applied economics》2013,45(21):2723-2731
While the skill-premium has been rising sharply in the US and the UK for 20 years, the Dutch skill-premium decreased for much of that period and only started to rise in the early 90s. In this article, we investigate whether the Dutch skill-premium will rise in the next decades. To answer this question, we forecast the skill-premium using the Katz and Murphy (1992 Katz, L and Murphy, K. 1992. Changes in relative wages, 1963–1987: supply and demand factors. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107: 3578. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the Krusell et al. (2000 Krusell, P, Ohanian, L, Ríos-Rull, J-V and Violante, G. 2000. Capital-skill complementarity and inequality: a macroeconomic analysis. Econometrica, 68: 102953. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) models. The Katz and Murphy model (KM) explains demand shifts by skill-biased technological change in unobservable variables captured by a time trend. In contrast, the Krusell et al. model (KORV) explains demand shifts by (observable) changes in the capital stock under a capital-skill complementarity technology. The results show that while the KM model predicts that the skill-premium will have increased by 30% in 2020, based on realistic predictions of the stock of capital, the KORV model predicts that the skill-premium will remain between ?5 and +5% of its 1996 level.  相似文献   

This study expands on the results of a previous article I (Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla) co-wrote with Gregory Unruh (2006) Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier and Gregory Unruh. “Technology Stability and Change: An Integrated Evolutionary Approach.” Journal of Economic Issues 40, 3 (2006): 707742.[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar] and published in this journal. The present paper aims to identify and evaluate the relationships existing between the main characteristics of industries and the attributes of the technology standardization processes within them. To achieve this goal, six different sensitivity analyses were carried out on the effects of incremental modifications in the parameters of our agent based model (ABM). In addition to increasing returns, long term stability, or persistent standards, appears to require other variables, such as a low innovation rate, high user survival rates, durable capital, high switching costs, and/or high barriers entry. The results of the simulation allowed us to corroborate a number of intuitions from economics, while drawing attention to less obvious relationships, suggesting possible lines of empirical research to confirm and expand on the insights presented herein.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to develop a theoretical framework for the study and integration of financial innovation in the institutional structures that support the operation of the monetary system. The background of the analysis comes from original institutional economics (Bush and Tool 2003 Bush, Paul Dale and Marc R. Tool. “Foundational Concepts for Institutionalist Policy Making.” In Institutional Analysis and Economic Policy, edited by Paul D. Bush and Marc R. Tool, pp. 146. Dordrecht, Germany: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Foster [1942] 1981 Foster, J. Fagg. “John Dewey and Economic Value.” Journal of Economic Issues 15, 4 ([1942] 1981): 871879. [Google Scholar], [1949] 1981 Foster, J. Fagg. “The Relation Between Theory of Value and Economic Analysis.” Journal of Economic Issues 15, 4 ([1949] 1981): 899905. [Google Scholar]; Veblen [1914] 1964 Veblen, Thorstein. The Instinct of Workmanship and the State of the Industrial Arts. New York, NY: Augustus M. Kelley, [1914] 1964. [Google Scholar], [1889] 1996 Veblen, Thorstein. The Theory of the Leisure Clash. London: Dover, [1889] 1996. [Google Scholar]), the state theory of money (Ingham 2004 Ingham, Geoffrey. The Nature of Money. London: Polity, 2004. [Google Scholar]; Papadopoulos 2009 Papadopoulos, Georgios. “Between Rules and Power: Money as an Institution Sanctioned by Political Authority.” Journal of Economic Issues 43, 4 (2009): 951969.[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), and a specific account of social ontology based on constitutive and normative rules as well as the notion of collective intentionality (Searle 2005 Searle, John. “What Is an Institution?” Journal of Institutional Economics 1, 1 (2005):122.[Crossref] [Google Scholar], 2010 Searle, John. Making the Social World. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2010. [Google Scholar]). The aim is a dynamic framework for the analysis of the institutional evolution of money, whereby institutional change comes from technology, and the state acts both as regulator of the institutional adjustment and guarantor of the stability and the efficiency of the monetary system. In that sense, the framework outlines the context and principles for the government regulation of financial innovation.  相似文献   

Sungju Chun 《Applied economics》2013,45(24):3512-3528
We study the finite sample properties of tests for structural changes in the trend function of a time series that do not require knowledge of the degree of persistence in the noise component. The tests of interest are the quasi-Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) procedure by Perron and Yabu (2009b Perron, P and Yabu, T. 2009b. Testing for shifts in trend with an integrated or stationary noise component. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27: 36996. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the weighted average of the regression t-statistics by Harvey et al. (2009 Harvey, DI, Leybourne, SJ and Taylor, AMR. 2009. Simple, robust, and powerful tests of the breaking trend hypothesis. Econometric Theory, 25: 9951029. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), both of which have the same limit distribution whether the noise component is stationary or has a unit-root. We analyse the finite sample size and power properties of these tests under a variety of Data-Generating Processes (DGPs). The results show that the Perron–Yabu test has greater power overall. With respect to the size, the Harvey–Leybourne–Taylor test exhibits larger size distortions unless a moving-average component is present. Using the Perron and Yabu procedure to test for structural changes in the trend function of long-run real exchange rates with respect to the US dollar indicates that for 17 out of 19 countries, the series have experienced a shift in trend since the late nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This article uses household survey data to estimate the determinants of earnings in Indonesia, a country where nonsalaried work is widespread and earnings data are available for salaried employees only. We deal with the selection bias by estimating a Full-Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) system of equations, where selection into the labour market is modelled in a multinomial setting. We find that some estimated parameters of the earnings equation differ from a binomial selection procedure by Heckman (1979 Heckman, J. 1979. Sample selection bias as a specification error. Econometrica, 47: 15361. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), in particular for those variables with the strongest impact on the selection into the different labour-market statuses. However, the estimated returns to education are unaffected, even when we deal with the endogeneity of educational attainment following Duflo (2001 Duflo, E. 2001. Schooling and labour market consequences of school construction in Indonesia: evidence from an unusual policy experiment. American Economic Review, 91: 795813. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Overall, our findings show that the choice of the selection rule affects the estimates of the earnings determinants in the Indonesian labour market.  相似文献   

The degree of persistence in aggregate Canadian unemployment is estimated within a Bayesian ARFIMA class of models. The results conclude that unemployment exhibits persistence in the short and intermediate run. The evidence of persistence is stronger than previously reported by Koustas and Veloce (1996 Koustas, Z and Veloce, W. 1996. Unemployment hysteresis in Canada: an approach based on long-memory time series models. Applied Economics, 28: 82331. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This persistence cast a vital implication regarding disinflation policies, Based on the unemployment rate, these policies will prove very costly in terms of lost output and – if implemented – they considerably lengthen recessions.  相似文献   

This article provides further evidence on the positive impact of schooling on within-groups wage dispersion in Portugal, using data on male workers from the 2001 wave of the European Community Household Panel. The issue of schooling endogeneity is taken into account by using the latest available instrumental-variable technique for quantile regression, i.e. the control-function estimator due to Lee (2007 Lee, S. 2007. Endogeneity in quantile regresssion models: a control function approach. Journal of Econometrics, 141: 113158. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The findings are compared with earlier results based on different techniques, i.e. the instrumental-variable estimator due to Arias et al. (2001 Arias, O, Hallock, KF and Sosa-Escudero, W. 2001. Individual heterogeneity in the returns to schooling: instrumental variables quantile regression using twins data. Empirical Economics, 26: 740. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and the standard exogeneity-based estimator due to Koenker and Bassett (1978 Koenker, R and Bassett, G. 1978. Regression quantiles. Econometrica, 46: 3350. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

This paper contributes to our understanding of the determinants and dynamics of surplus-value using quarterly UK data, 1955–2010, and the Johansen (1988 Johansen, S. 1988. Statistical analysis of cointegrated vectors. Journal of Economic Dynamic and Control, 12: 23154. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 1991 Johansen, S. 1991. Estimation and hypothesis of cointegration vectors in Gaussian vector autoregressive models. Econometrica, 59: 155180. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) cointegration and vector error correction model (VECM). A model is introduced to define this Marxian concept, before we explain distribution, paying attention to three forces that are traditionally seen as drivers of power in this struggle: (i) working class militancy; (ii) the size of the ‘reserve army’ of the unemployed; and (iii) political party. Our results demonstrate the ongoing relevance of Marxian economics in providing an alternative, robust and significant explanation of distribution in the post-war UK economy.  相似文献   


We report the results from a series of trust games designed to distinguish racial discrimination from racial nepotism, played with a sample of high school students in Cape Town, South Africa. In contrast to the original work in this regard by Fershtman et al. (2005 Fershtman, C., Gneezy, U. and Verboven, F. 2005. “Discrimination and Nepotism: the efficiency of the anonymity rule,”. Journal of Legal Studies, 34: 371396. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), we find considerably greater heterogeneity in the way that proposers respond to the revealed racial identity of their partner, with nepotism being a dominant behavior. However, while some proposers exhibit a nepotistic bias in their offers that favors in-group members on average, others exhibit a nepotistic strategy that favors out-group members. A consequence of this nepotism is that both efficiency and equity are reduced on average.  相似文献   

This study investigates sustainability of external debt under a two-step non-linear framework. The first step uses a general linearity test proposed by Harvey and Leybourne (2007 Harvey, David I. and Leybourne, Stephen J. 2007. Testing for time series linearity. Econometric Journal, 10: 149165. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to determine the linearity property of external debt. The second step applies a non-linear ADF unit root test proposed by Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell (2003 Kapetanios, G., Y. Shin, and A. Snell. 2003. Testing for a unit root in the nonlinear STAR. Journal of Econometrics 112: 359–79.  [Google Scholar]) on the non-liner processes and the linear ADF test on the linear processes to examine the sustainability of external debt. The analysis of 36 debt and 55 current account ratios identifies strong evidence of non-linearity and sustainability. The results indicate superior performance of the non-linear unit root test over the ADF test in determining the stationary property of the data.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors use the concept of the hierarchy of money found in the works of Minsky (2008 Minsky, H. [1986]2008. Stabilizing an Unstable Economy. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. [Google Scholar][1986]), Foley (1987 Foley, D. 1987. “Money in Economic Activity.” In The New Palgrave: Money, edited by J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, and P. Newman, 519525. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Wray (1990 Wray, L. R. 1990. Money and Credit in Capitalist Economies: The Endogenous Money Approach. Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar. [Google Scholar]), and Bell (2001 Bell, S. 2001. “The Role of the State and the Hierarchy of Money.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 25 (2):14963.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to analyze the process of liquidity creation in modern capitalist economies where shadow banks play an active role. They abandon the narrow focus on banks as the creators of money as well as the idea that nonbank financial institutions are mere intermediaries between savers and borrowers. Instead, the authors demonstrate that, similar to banks, nonbank financial institutions and foreign banks (through their cross-border activities) create liquidity endogenously by leveraging over the liabilities of entities hierarchically above them. The authors further elucidate Kregel’s concept of “fictitious” liquidity in the context of the hierarchy of financial liabilities, distinguishing it from “true” liquidity. By bringing shadow banks and the euro-currency markets into to the pyramid of financial liabilities, they develop a more complete framework of liquidity creation in modern capitalist economies. Their “extended” pyramid is useful for analyzing not only the fragility that may arise from the interactions between firms, households and banks, but also that which may originate through the interactions between banks, shadow banks and foreign banks.  相似文献   

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