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This study investigates the development of Korean digital TV transition by tracing the interaction between social and technological entities from various perspectives at different developmental stages. A socio-technical analysis examines the dynamic interactions among the stakeholders in the switchover to digital broadcasting, showing how the various actions taken by leading stakeholders affect diverse groups of stakeholders. The overall findings show that Korean digital TV transition is the outcome of a proactive strategy by industry stakeholders and the Korean government's top–down policy of supporting such a transition. It is argued that the policy of a top–down transition, which overlooks coordination among stakeholders, harms consumers and hinders effective and sustainable development. The case of Korea has implications for other countries that are pursuing digital transition strategies.  相似文献   

针对区域产业网络升级的问题,从产业内部和主导企业引入两个视角分析了区域产业网络的惯性成因,基于组织学习视角,以产业网络学习能力的提升为切入点,从组织学习的机会、组织学习的推动力和组织学习的效率3个因素方面论证了区域产业网络惯性的突破机制,初步构建了区域产业网络升级路径的理论框架,并围绕网络创新能力的培养提出相关政策建议,为产业升级提供了一种新的研究和实践视角。  相似文献   

This paper traces the translation processes associated with the mobilization of resources and industrial agency in the development of a next generation mobile network in Korea. To explain the socio-technical dynamics, the sociology of translation is used. The paper provides a story of a translation of strategy and related activities using Callon's four moments of translation. The story illustrates how, during the translation process, 4G strategies have been formed, shaped, and enhanced.It describes the process of technology adoption and developing stories by highlighting the co-evolving nature, diversity, and interface which constitute the next-generation network environment. It provides insight into the Korean mobile environment by offering a socio-technical analysis of 4G development and how it involves the dynamics of industry, regulation, and technology. The study suggests that the sociology of translation may be a promising explication of technological change and innovation.  相似文献   

By using socio-technical scenarios, we investigate how present policy choices may affect the development of alternative transport fuels in Sweden. One important choice for policy lies in the balance between general tax exemptions stimulating the market for alternative fuels, and funding of research and development more directly promoting new technology. The implications of this choice are illustrated with four diverging development paths until 2020. In the market-oriented scenarios, we illustrate consequences of breaking the dominance of entrenched technologies and demonstrating a growing market potential for alternatives, but also the risks with a large focus on first generation renewable fuels. In the technology-oriented scenarios, we point out the value of keeping variety among niches in this stage of the transition. In conclusion, if policy is implemented without taking the dynamic forces within the system into account, there is a risk that any measure leads the system into a dead end. But if policy strives to balance the development in different parts of the technological system while making use of various prevailing forces of change, a multitude of different efforts can contribute to the development of a more sustainable transport system.  相似文献   

本文从网络融合深化发展的现实背景出发,采用2003-2011年中国31个省市的平衡面板数据,在DEA-Tobit两阶段分析框架下研究了中国电信产业效率及其影响因素问题。研究结果表明:不同地区电信业的综合效率、纯技术效率差异较大,其中东部地区省份排名比较靠前;而规模效率普遍较高,且差异较小。在效率的影响因素方面,网络融合对我国电信业的综合效率和纯技术效率的提升均起到了积极的促进作用,价格规制政策、经济发展水平、人口密度、市场规模和电信业重要程度等宏观经济因素也从不同方面对我国电信业的效率产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

智能网联汽车技术研发具有高度复杂性和不确定性,跨国技术合作创新成为各国实现技术突破与引领的战略选择。运用社会网络分析方法和二次指派程序模型,以33023项专利为基础,探讨2006—2018年全球智能网联汽车跨国技术合作网络结构特征与驱动机制。结果表明,从技术发展萌芽期到成长期,参与智能网联汽车技术合作的国家数呈快速增长态势,但整体合作网络还不够完整和规范。美国是智能网联汽车跨国技术合作网络的集线器和枢纽,以美国、德国为首的传统科技强国在网络中占据绝对中心地位,网络具有明显的核心—边缘结构。块模型结果表明,智能网联汽车技术合作模式以核心国为中心,由核心国和强半边缘国主导。技术邻近性、社会邻近性、政策强度是智能网联汽车跨国技术合作网络演化的主要驱动力,正向影响跨国技术合作关系演化。地理距离与制度距离在智能网联汽车技术合作中的作用随时间推移变得不显著。智能网联汽车跨国技术合作网络驱动因素存在发展阶段、区域以及不同政策强度组合的“三维”异质性特征。各国应以更加开放的态度参与智能网联汽车技术研发合作,高度重视相关法规政策设计与实施,以实现国际技术合作创新与突破,推动全球传统汽车产业向智能化转型。  相似文献   

在经济发展动能依靠创新驱动产业结构升级的新阶段,制度基础是否为新动能提供了有效激励?基于2009—2016年中国内地省际数据,采用非线性面板门槛模型,实证研究市场化、政府创新扶持、技术市场发育、金融发展和知识产权保护等5个制度因素对创新驱动产业结构升级的影响。结果发现:①市场和政府对创新驱动产业升级的作用并不是非此即彼,加速市场化进程和加大政府创新扶持均会产生显著促进作用;②促进技术市场发育和加强知识产权保护对创新驱动产业结构升级有显著促进作用;③以贷款余额表示的金融发展并未对创新驱动产业结构升级产生显著性影响,表明存在金融错配,金融资本并未有效进入创新领域。  相似文献   

In recent years a growing literature on socio-technical transitions towards sustainability has emerged. Scholars have explored ways through which configurations of technologies, infrastructures, social practices, institutions and markets can change to fulfil their functions in a more sustainable way. A multi-level perspective (MLP) has been developed to describe and analyse these complex, long-term processes. It has also been used to help design policy for example in the Netherlands. In this paper the MLP is used in a novel way: as a heuristic to ex ante assess policies to stimulate socio-technical transitions. Instead of using it for policy development, the MLP is used here for an assessment of policy. The analysis focuses on a particular policy initiative intended to stimulate the transition to a low carbon economy in the UK: the Carbon Trust. This paper makes two contributions to the socio-technical transitions literature: Conceptually, the paper demonstrates the usefulness of the socio-technical multi-level perspective to analyse policies and assess their likely impact ex ante against the background of theorising about the patterns of large scale, socio-technical change. Empirically, the paper finds that the activities of the Carbon Trust consist of a variety of well targeted ways to stimulate the development of socio-technical niches as well as to change regime practices directly. Nevertheless, the paper argues that this model also faces difficulties in promoting a transition towards a low carbon economy.  相似文献   

介绍了中国生物质发电产业的市场环境和政策环境。基于此,识别生物质发电产业发展的内生动力因子和外源动力因子,并利用计量经济学理论对动力因子的相关性进行分析。建立解释结构模型研究动力因子之间的关系,分析经济要素之间的作用机理。结果表明:所有的动力因子通过不同的途径和方式最终指向政策和资源禀赋因子;能源安全因子、环境保护因子、农村发展因子影响电力需求,投资影响电力供给;合理的要素成本价格需要科学的政策组合进行有效支持。  相似文献   

This paper develops an integrated theoretical framework of cross-functional management from a socio-technical perspective, focusing on technical support, job rotation and process standardisation. It then explores the effects of these three practices on new product development (NPD) via a global survey of 725 manufacturing companies in 20 countries. The results show that technical support and job rotation are positively related to the speed of NPD, while process standardisation and job rotation are positively associated with the quality of new products. These results contribute to the field of NPD by integrating the technical and social aspects of cross-functional management.  相似文献   

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