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利用海淀区R&D资源清查中671家企业数据,考察全部样本以及产业和企业所有制结构差异下不同类型R&D支出对企业生产率的影响,结果表明:(1)R&D投入对企业生产率有显著正向影响,知识密集型服务业企业的R&D产出弹性与制造业企业相差不大,不同类型企业的弹性系数依民营、国有和外资企业递减。(2)在全部样本中,R&D经费内、外部支出都对企业生产率有正向影响,且前者影响更大,同时二者还存在互补效应。产业差异下的研究结果与全部样本一致,但是R&D经费外部支出对知识密集型服务业企业生产率的影响更大,互补效应也更加突出。R&D经费内部支出对国有企业和民营企业的生产率都有正向影响,但是R&D经费外部支出仅对民营企业生产率有促进作用。  相似文献   

本文运用三种面板数据的计量方法分析了国内和国际R&D资本通过产业间内联系、国际贸易对中国13个工业行业全要素生产率增长的长期影响。发现国内R&D资本更多的是通过行业间的上下游联系影响工业行业的TFP;同时也发现国际R&D溢出确实对国内工业的技术进步产生了正向外部性,而且其影响系数比国内自身R&D资本的产出弹性都高。在文章的最后我们按行业技术水平的高低进行分组,研究了国内和国际R&D资本对三个不同技术类型行业的TFP的长期影响。  相似文献   

基于面板数据的高技术产业R&D投入产出关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用高技术产业2000-2007年的统计数据,运用面板数据模型,对我国高技术产业的R&D投入产出关系进行了实证研究。首先归纳出我国高技术产业R&D活动的特点,然后建立变系数面板数据模型。结果发现:高技术产业R&D投入要素对产出的影响存在显著差异,经费投入对产出成果有着较强的促进作用,而人员投入对部分产业的产出成果贡献较小。最后,基于分析结果,提出了改善我国高技术产业R&D投入效果的建议。  相似文献   

基于DEA-Malmquist指数测算浙江省高技术产业全要素生产率,运用一阶差分模型和加权最小二乘法检验了R&D两面性、技术引进对浙江省高技术产业全要素生产率增长的影响。研究发现:1998-2012年,浙江省高技术产业全要素生产率整体低于全国平均水平,处于负增长状态;R&D创新能力对浙江省高技术产业全要素生产率促进作用不显著,而R&D吸收能力和技术引进抑制作用显著,其吸收能力未能与技术引进互为补充共同促进浙江省高技术产业全要素生产率增长。研究结果表明:以中小型高技术企业为主的浙江省高技术产业急需全面推进创新驱动发展战略,继续以自主R&D为主、技术引进为辅,持续加大R&D投入,增强R&D创新能力和吸收能力。  相似文献   

合作对区域创新意义重大。基于我国内地30个省域2001-2009年的创新数据,以官产学研合作变量为调节变量,用面板数据研究官产学研合作对区域创新系统R&D投入与产出关系的影响。结果表明,官产学研合作下R&D人员的产出弹性会有明显提高,而R&D资金的产出弹性却显著降低;从东、中、西部地区来看,官产学研合作对R&D资金和R&D人员产出弹性的影响存在区域差异。根据分析结果,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文采用了基于充分灵活的生产函数形式的半参数平滑系数模型(SPSCM),对1999-2008年中国制造业的要素产出弹性、全要素生产率以及生产率主要影响因子的作用进行了估计和测算。主要研究结论包括:研究期内制造业全要素生产率年均增长141%, 显示中国制造业进入集约增长模式。在2002-2003年期间,中国制造业结构发生较大变化。伴随劳动密集型产业和产业环节快速扩张,资本产出弹性大幅下降,劳动力产出弹性攀升。企业规模和技术进步对生产率都有显著的积极影响,自主研发对生产率的影响在时间和行业之间具有广泛的异质性,但2004年以后出现了趋同的积极影响。  相似文献   

杨华 《生产力研究》2005,(12):137-139
文章利用要素份额法计算出各要素投入的产出弹性以及全要素生产率对产出增长的贡献,然后通过检验外资与全要素生产率的相关性,衡量了外资对湖北省制造业技术进步的影响。结果发现:近年来外资对湖北省制造业无论是高科技产业还是一般传统产业的技术进步都没有明显的推动作用。湖北省制造业的技术进步主要依靠自主创新来推动。  相似文献   

潘志惠 《广东经济》2016,(14):34-35
本文以江苏省大中型工业企业R&D活动为研究对象,利用2004-2012年的相关数据,基于C-D生产函数模型对R&D投入与专利产出关系进行实证检验和分析,将R&D内部经费支出和研发人员作为投入指标,专利申请量作为产出指标.通过检验分析发现R&D投入对专利产出具有显著影响,人力资源投入对专利产出具有显著影响,为企业决策提供依据,并进一步为提高企业加强自主创新能力提出建议.  相似文献   

科研机构、高校、企业R&D支出与专利产出的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R&D支出和专利是影响技术创新能力的重要因素。从R&D支出的角度对中部六省科研机构、高校、企业R&D支出对专利产出的贡献进行研究,运用计量经济学的回归分析,通过建立专利申请量与科研机构、高等院校以及企业R&D支出的回归模型,验证专利申请量与R&D支出之间的相关关系。实证结果显示:山西省、湖南省、安徽省、江西省的专利申请量与科研机构R&D支出存在显著的相关关系,科研机构对这4省的贡献大;河南省的专利申请量与企业的R&D支出存在显著的相关关系,企业R&D支出对河南省专利产出的贡献较大;而湖北省的专利申请量与高校的R&D支出存在显著的相关关系,高校R&D支出对湖北省专利产出贡献较大。在此基础上,分析产生上述差异的原因,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

以中国大陆29个省市高技术产业面板数据为研究样本,利用结构方程模型(SEM)对中国高技术产业创新绩效及其影响因素进行了实证研究。结果表明,R&D投入是中国高技术产业创新绩效的主要动力。其中,R&D经费投入贡献大于R&D人员投入;R&D投入对中国高技术产业科研产出的影响强于新产品产出;非R&D投入对中国高技术产业创新绩效提升有显著的直接调节作用;创新环境对中国高技术产业创新绩效有显著影响。最后,提出了促进中国高技术产业创新绩效提升的对策建议。  相似文献   


We use Office for National Statistics' micro data for large UK establishments in the production industries in the period 1997–2008 to study the relationship between their productivity and the presence of substantial R&D activities, either at the production unit itself, or at other UK reporting units owned by the same enterprise group. We estimate that total factor (revenue) productivity is on average about 14% higher at the establishments which have substantial R&D themselves, compared to those with no R&D. Among the establishments with no R&D themselves, we estimate that productivity is on average about 9% higher at those which belong to enterprise groups which do have substantial R&D elsewhere in the UK in the same sub-sector. For the establishments with substantial R&D themselves, we also estimate a significant positive relationship between current productivity and past R&D expenditure using dynamic specifications which allow for both establishment-specific ‘fixed effects’ and a serially correlated error component.  相似文献   


The paper explores the productivity effects of investment in external (contract) vs. internal (in-house) R&D in a sample of West-German Manufacturing Industries. The results provide strong evidence of a positive relationship between productivity and the share of external R&D in total R&D. This result is robust to alternative econometric specifications. Thus, findings suggest that the decision between internal and external R&D does matter. Moreover, results imply a nonlinear relationship between productivity and the share of external R&D for higher-technology industries, hinting at decreasing productivity effects of an increasing share of external in total R&D.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that worker wages and productivity are higher in large firms. Moreover, economists have been interested in the efficiency of large firms in R&D enterprises. This paper uses inventor panel data to examine the relationship between inventor productivity and firm size in the pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries. In both industries, we find that inventors' productivity increases with firm size even after controlling for inventors' experience, education and other firm characteristics. We find evidence in the pharmaceutical industry that this is partly accounted for by differences in the way in which large and small firms organize R&D activities.  相似文献   

R&D spillovers and productivity: Evidence from U.S. manufacturing microdata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the estimation of the impact of technology spillovers on productivity at the firm level. Panel data for American manufacturing firms on sales, physical capital inputs, employment and R&D investments are linked to R&D data by industry. The latter data are used to construct four different sets of `indirect' R&D stocks, representing technology obtained through spillovers. The differences between two distinct kinds of spillovers are stressed. Cointegration analysis is introduced into production function estimation. Spillovers are found to have significant positive effects on productivity, although their magnitudes differ between high-tech, medium-tech and low-tech firms. First version received: April 1997/final version received: April 1999  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether off‐shoring promotes technological specialization by reallocating resources towards high‐tech industries and/or stimulating within industry R&D. Using data for the USA, Japan and Europe, our results show that material off‐shoring promotes high‐tech specialization through input reallocation between sectors, while service off‐shoring favors technologically advanced production by increasing within‐industry productivity, mainly via its positive impact on R&D. Conversely, we find that the increasing fragmentation of core production tasks, captured by narrow off‐shoring, has adverse effects on technological specialisation, which suggests that this type of off‐shoring is mainly pursued for cost‐reduction motives.  相似文献   

Empirical studies commonly use research and development (R&D) to measure innovation and often find, especially in Canada, no strong link between productivity and innovation. In this article, we model innovation as an unobservable latent variable that underlies four indicators: R&D, patents, technology adoption, and skills. We find that these indicators are reasonably good measures of innovation for aggregate manufacturing. However, except for skills, the reliability of the indicators for innovation differs among individual industries. Our innovation indexes, based on the latent variable model, show that most manufacturing industries became more innovative over the 1980–1997 period. The pace of innovation in the electrical and electronic products industry accelerated during the 1990s. In addition, we show that the new measure of innovation has a positive and statistically significant impact on productivity. It takes from 1 to 3 years, depending on the industry, for innovation to generate an impact on productivity.  相似文献   

This article analyses the relationship between productivity growth and R&D investments of Spanish manufacturing firms during the 1990s. The theoretical model is a version of the Cobb–Douglas production function in its growth rate form. The purpose is to estimate the rate of return to R&D expenditures. The econometric specification is a distributed lag model. The estimation applies the generalized method of moments method. The main empirical finding is that a positive and significant role is played by R&D expenditures on productivity growth. The rate of return to R&D expenditures is 26.598%.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential channels through which R&D may influence TFP growth using industry-level panel data of China’s large and medium-sized industrial enterprises over the period of 2000–2007. Comparing with existing literature, we provide a closer look of the relationship between R&D and TFP growth by decomposing TFP growth into efficiency change and technical change components using Malmquist productivity index and distinguishing between upstream R&D spillovers and downstream R&D spillovers. We find TFP grow slightly during 2000–2007, and R&D investment indeed serves as an engine of productivity growth just as endogenous growth theories argued, which is largely because R&D accelerates technical progress even it also results in enlarging technical inefficiency. However, we find a robust negative effect of downstream R&D spillovers on TFP growth, the effects of upstream is positive but not statistically significant. In addition, we do not find the positive effects of human capital on TFP as endogenous growth theories indicated, but find human capital severs as “assimilation device” for R&D spillovers both in promoting TFP growth and increasing technical efficiency even the effects on technical progress is adverse.  相似文献   

To investigate whether rent-seeking discourages productivity, we consider a third-market model, in which a domestic firm and a foreign firm engage in both Research and Development (R&D) and output competition. We show that the relationship between rent-seeking and productivity depends on two forces. On the one hand, rent-seeking increases the marginal benefit of R&D and encourages productivity. On the other hand, a lower production cost due to R&D enables the government to extract the rent from the firm to a greater extent and discourages the productivity. Which force is dominant depends on the level of corruption or, as an alternative interpretation, the weight the government attaches to political contributions. Unlike the monotonic relationship proposed by the literature, we find a non-monotonic relationship between rent-seeking and productivity.  相似文献   

It is often claimed that the opportunities to create new manufacturing jobs in open, high-cost economies such as Norway, are concentrated in activities which are technologically advanced and knowledge intensive. This paper examines the relationship between job creation and innovation, as measured by R&D investments, in Norwegian manufacturing. We compare job creation in plants belonging to R&D firms to job creation in plants belonging to firms without R&D. We also compare job creation in plants belonging to high and low tech industries. Our data set covers more than 80 percent of manufacturing employment in Norway over the period 1982–92. The paper challenges the optimistic view about job creation in R&D intensive firms and high-tech industries. Some main findings are: (i) Net job creation is not higher in high-tech industries. (ii) There is no clear-cut positive relationship between net job creation and the R&D-intensity of the firm. (iii) There is less net job creation and less job-security in R&D-intensitefirms in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  相似文献   

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