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我国污染密集型产业及其区域分布变化趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在资源环境约束日益严格、产业结构调整逐渐加快的背景下,研究我国污染密集型产业及其区域分布具有重要意义。首先构建了衡量产业污染密集程度的方法,识别出我国工业行业中主要的三大水污染密集型产业和三大大气污染密集型产业,并进一步分析这些污染密集型产业的区域分布及变化状况。整体而言,1997~2007年间东部地区一直是水、大气污染密集型产业的主要分布地区,其中电力行业、农副食品加工业自2001年以来呈现出向中西部转移的趋势,造纸及纸制品业、非金属矿物制品业自2006年开始向中部转移,而化学原料及化学品制造业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业尚未表现出明显的向中西部转移的趋势。  相似文献   

中国制造业各行业大类的区域转移特征与聚类研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据中国工业企业数据库,对2001年和2009年制造业各行业大类在八大区域尺度上的份额变化进行对比讨论和聚类分析,初步得到以下结论:1研究时段内的制造业产业转移以劳动密集型和资本密集型行业为主体;2主要转移路径表现为自东向西、自沿海向内陆的特征,特别是劳动和资本密集型行业均由制造业原本发达地区向次发达地区转移,已经进入产业优势的分散化阶段,而技术密集型行业仍处在自西向东、由次发达地区向发达地区的集聚发展阶段;3自东向西的区域转移路径是研究时段内制造业转移的主要趋势,主导着制造业整体的区域转移过程。因此,总体而言,当前的制造业正在由现有发展高地逐步转向发展水平次优地区进行梯度转移,实质上是制造业优势在空间上渐次分散化和均等化的过程,并且涉及近距离的扩散式转移和跨越式转移等多个空间层面。  相似文献   

影响东部地区产业转移的主要因素分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
从理论上讲,区域发展差距的扩大,将促使发达地区丧失比较优势的产业向欠发达地区转移,而在我国东部与中西部地区发展差距扩大中并未形成明显的产业转移。影响东部发达地区产业向中西部地区转移的主要因素有:中西部地区劳动力大规模流向东部地区,东部地区参与国际分工,以及体制转轨时期东部地区地方政府的保护。目前,有助于这种产业转移的有利环境正在形成,但仍然需要政府的政策支持。  相似文献   

劳动力流动替代资本流动的辨析与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江霈  冷静 《财经科学》2008,(12):105-113
在一国内部由于劳动力流动具有便利性和广泛性,限制了发达地区产业过度集聚后劳动力成本的升幅,导致由发达地区向欠发达地区进行的产业转移(资本流动)被抑制.文章回顾了近年来我国东部沿海地区制造业劳动力成本的相对变化幅度,发现无论与中西部地区还是和其他行业相比,其增速都明显偏慢.在此基础上,文章对"民工荒"、出口转冷等新背景下我国东部劳动力密集型产业资本西进的新态势进行了展望,提出内需市场的充分启动是中西部地区大规模承接东部资本转移的重要前提.  相似文献   

近年来,我国东部沿海地区一些劳动密集型产业和资源密集型产业开始出现向中西部地区转移的趋势,而与此同时,在东部地区又出现了严重的“民工荒”现象,表明我国区域间的生产要素流动呈现出新的趋势,劳动力要素成本的比较优势在区域间发生动态转化.本文从劳动力流动和产业区际转移的角度着重分析了我国区域经济发展的历程.在新一轮产业转移和我国区域格局发生变化的趋势下,解决“民工荒”问题就要协调东部与中西部地区的经济发展:一是东部地区应加快调整产业结构,实现产业升级;二是中西部地区应发挥资源优势,改善投资环境;三是合理引导产业区际转移,实现区域经济协调发展.  相似文献   

面对东部的产业转移,我国中西部的区域发展战略均暗含了"东部产业向中西部转移"的重要部署,并希望以此来实现区域经济发展的收敛。借助于产业转移过程中的要素流动,运用2000-2010年的数据,实证分析了我国制造业内劳动力在区域间的转移。结果显示:整体上制造业在东、中、西部之间并未发生大规模的转移;虽然制造业内劳动密集型产业发生了明显的梯度转移,但只表现为由东部向中部的转移;制造业内资本技术密集型、技术劳动密集型产业并未发生明显转移,现有产业转移仍然集中在东部内部,但出现了由东部内部转移向中部扩散的趋势。因此,西部需要调整区域发展战略并寻找新的着力点,中部需要重点遴选承接的产业类型,同时为应对东南亚诸国的竞争,中西部的产业承接还需要着眼于国内市场的庞大需要并降低产业转移的交易成本等。  相似文献   

东部沿海地区产业转移趋势——基于浙江的考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业转移是经济发展中的规律性现象,目前中国东部沿海经济发达地区劳动密集型制造业出现向中西部地区转移发展趋势。与广东和江苏劳动密集型制造业主要在省区内地区间转移不同,浙江劳动密集型制造业主要向江西、安徽与河南等相邻的中西部省区转移发展。在产业转移发展中,分离式转移与集群式转移成效最为明显,困难主要来自产业转移面临的不确定性,以及转入地投资环境与市场秩序有待改善。从产业转移与区域经济协调发展的意义上讲,浙江劳动密集型制造业转移发展,体现了由资源配置条件变化引致的地区经济结构变动与中国经济梯度发展的规律性特点,因而更具有代表性,其实践与成效有助推动东部沿海地区产业转型升级以及区域经济协调发展。  相似文献   

对我国中西部地区承接产业转移的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘岩 《生产力研究》2011,(3):142-144
随着我国东部沿海地区产业结构的调整和升级,以及西部大开发和中部崛起发展战略的实施,一些劳动、资源密集型制造业向中西部转移已成为一种必然趋势。文章从产业转移的必然性入手,对中西部地区承接产业转移的环境进行了分析,并提出了中西部地区承接产业转移的有效措施。  相似文献   

北京制造业企业对河北投资的空间特征与影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用空间计量回归方法,实证刻画北京制造业企业在河北发生的实际完成投资的空间格局,揭示在首都功能转移的战略背景下,北京制造业企业投资的空间规律。研究发现,制造业投资以北京为中心,呈现随距离衰减的特点,整体投资呈圈层状布局;企业投资重视当地劳动力平均工资,资本密集型企业偏好工资高、劳动力素质好的地区,技术密集型企业偏好接近机场、交通通达度高的临近北京地区,劳动密集型企业偏好经济社会环境优越,教育、医疗条件良好的地区;开发区特别是国家开发区的政策优势将提高地区对制造业企业的吸引力。揭示和验证了具有明显发展差距的大都市区域内部发达区域向不发达区域投资的空间布局规律。  相似文献   

文章通过对1990年~2005年中国人均GDP省际差距及其变化进行产业分解,认为1990年以来我国地区经济差距的决定性因素是第二产业的地区差距,而第二产业向东部地区的集中又是推动我国地区经济差距扩大的主导性因素。20世纪90年代以来,随着以制造业为主的非农产业向东部沿海地区集中,中西部地区逐渐成为"边缘化"区域,中国的地区经济差距也由此持续扩大。基于此,文章认为缩小地区差距的关键是推进中西部地区制造业发展,缓解非农产业地区分布的不平衡状况。  相似文献   

Electricity costs are partly driven by environmental policy choices. In this paper, the effects of variations in electricity costs—as measured by end-user electricity prices–on firm relocation decisions are investigated. Using a discrete choice model and a data base that has not previously been exploited to study this problem, we investigate the effects of variations in electricity costs on the intensive and extensive re-location decisions of European firms. We find that electricity costs play a significant role in determining relocation destinations. This effect is asymmetric between firms moving into and out of a country, and between high and low energy intensity sectors. The findings of the paper have implications for the Pollution Havens Hypothesis, since they show the extent to which the effects of climate policy on domestic electricity costs can be expected to impact on firm relocation decisions both into and out of a country.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of free trade agreements on national environmental policies and location strategies of polluting firms. It is shown that banning export subsidies makes relocation of production more attractive for firms. When export subsidies are banned relocation is profitable because: (1) the rival firm reduces output due to more stringent emission regulation in the host country of the investment and (2) relocation leads to lower emission tax rate in the original home country of the investing firm. When export subsidies are used, the first effect is absent because the host government is able to use the export subsidy to compensate the negative effect of more stringent emission taxation on domestic shareholders.  相似文献   

We examine a two‐period regional model with evolving economic geography, potentially creating incentives for firm relocation between periods. We argue that tax competition makes firms more footloose, but that this increases efficiency relative to the laissez‐faire outcome. We establish that: (i) tax competition leads to efficient investment outcomes and (ii) firm mobility is greater with tax competition than with a laissez‐faire regime. When relocation is costly, there can be too little mobility over time, as firms do not take into account the impact of FDI on social welfare in each country. With lump‐sum taxes or transfers, firms capture these benefits and internalize them, such that tax competition leads to the efficient outcomes. When more time periods are examined, tax competition induces firm relocation sooner than in its absence.  相似文献   

The standard international tax model is extended to allow for heterogeneous firms when agglomeration forces are important, enabling us to study the relocation effects of taxes that vary according to firm size. We show that allowing for heterogeneity permits a given tax scheme to have an endogenously different effect on the location decision of small and big firms, with the biggest firms being endogenously more likely to relocate in reaction to high taxes. We show that a reform that flattens the tax–firm–size profile can raise tax revenue without inducing any relocation.  相似文献   

We analyse the short- to mid-run effects of spatial relocation strategies on firm innovativeness and productivity growth. Using conditional difference-in-difference estimation with multiple treatments, we find for a sample of German firms in 1999–2013 that offshoring has a statistically significant negative impact on the firms’ innovation activity and productivity growth vis-à-vis nonrelocating comparison firms. In contrast, we find a positive link between domestic relocation activities and the firms’ propensity to introduce a product innovation. Firms should thus carefully account for potentially distorting performance effects when deciding about the spatial scale of relocation strategies in the short to mid-run.  相似文献   

This paper compares two policies: trade cost reduction and firm relocation cost reduction using a three-country version of a heterogeneous-firms geography and trade model, where the three countries have different market (population) sizes. We show how the effects of the two policies differ, in particular for the country of intermediate size. Unless the intermediate country is very small, in a relative sense, it will gain industry when relocation costs are reduced, but lose industry when trade costs are reduced. The smallest country loses industry in both cases, but only experiences lower welfare in the case of lower relocation costs. Thus, the ranking of the policies from the point of view of the two small and intermediate countries tends to be the opposite.  相似文献   

The flexible relocation of capacity across countries by multinational enterprises has become an important source of concern. Using a unique sample of relocating firms in Belgium, we find that wages and market potential of host regions are important determinants for the location choice. Considering firm characteristics, we show that large firms have a higher propensity to relocate to remote countries. Public aid only plays a decisive role in the investment decision for relocations to adjacent countries, suggesting a potential harmful role in distorting competition. More proactive policies in line with changing comparative location advantages should be implemented to accommodate relocations.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of the important, yet little studied, state-level antitrust enforcement activity on entry and relocation behaviour by small US firms. Feinberg and Husted (2011) have shown that this enforcement, especially nonhorizontal cases, may be viewed by potential entrants as a negative aspect of the state business climate. However, they did not pursue a more disaggregate analysis of small firm entry behaviour; nor did they investigate different responses between manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing firms. Another related issue is the extent to which state cases filed in tandem with federal investigations have the same impact on establishment entry as do purely ‘independent’ cases. These considerations are dealt with in this article. The author uses annual state-level data from the Statistics of US Business to examine entry and relocation reactions to state antitrust enforcement by firms within three small-business categories: 1–19 employees; 20–99 employees; 100–499 employees. Generally speaking, the smallest retail and wholesale firms seem to favour vigorous antitrust activity, especially enforcement targeted against cartel behaviour by suppliers. The largest small-firm retailers and wholesalers (those with 100–499 employees) seem somewhat threatened by such activity, especially the more controversial nonhorizontal enforcement. However, it must be acknowledged that the effects on entry or relocation of small firms – both positive and negative – are quite small.  相似文献   

本文在比较工业搬迁与企业迁移异同的基础上,根据城市产业空间布局的基本原理指出城市工业布局变化和工业搬迁的一般机制,并以北京市1985年以来的工业搬迁情况为例,分析了城市发展、产业结构等因素对城市工业布局的影响以及搬迁目的、搬迁方式和搬迁政策等对搬迁效果的影响。本文尝试性的情况梳理、因素分析和经验总结,可以为北京和其他城市政府促进产业合理转移,协调地区经济发展提供政策依据,也可以为今后对于我国工业搬迁和企业迁移的深入研究提供一定参考。  相似文献   

We develop a new dynamic general equilibrium model to explain firm entry, exit, and relocation decisions in an urban economy with multiple locations and agglomeration externalities. We characterize the stationary distribution of firms that arises in equilibrium. We estimate the parameters of the model using a method of moments estimator. Using unique panel data collected by Dun and Bradstreet, we find that agglomeration externalities increase the productivity of firms by up to 8%. Economic policies that subsidize firm relocations to the central business district increase agglomeration externalities in that area. They also increase economic welfare in the economy.  相似文献   

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