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在梳理以往文献的基础上探讨了基金行业为何普遍存在业绩与费率的背离。该现象产生的主要原因是,在信息不对称条件下,基金投资者无法有效地识别基金业绩与费率的关系。进一步提出了一个基于信息不对称的分离均衡模型。该模型证明最优的基金费率设定策略是,能力强的基金应当降低营销费以吸引理性投资者,能力弱的基金应当加大营销开支以吸引非理性投资者。  相似文献   

私募基金是一种追求高风险高回报的理财产品,近年来在我国受到了广泛关注:一方面,私募基金的高收益使其受到投资者的追捧;另一方面,它的高风险性使得投资者的利益频频受到侵害。文章利用博弈论分析工具剖析了私募基金中管理者与政府监管人之间、管理者与投资者之间、管理人与基金托管人之间、投资者与托管人之间在在信息不对称的情况下道德风险的产生机理,最后就如何防范私募基金道德风险提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

我国社保基金委托投资管理费率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对目前我国社保基金委托投资管理费率结构单一,不利于激励基金公司朝着投资者收益最大化的方向努力运作的问题,提出将费率划分为固定的和与业绩挂钩的两部分。同时,为了防止基金公司为获取更高的绩效管理费而吸收过度的积极风险,在费率设计的过程国引入了风险预算,结合我国证券市场的特点,提出了基于风险预算的我国社保基金投资管理费率设计方案。  相似文献   

本文建立了基金费率的决定模型,根据模型阐述了在(1)信息完全对称、(2)信息不完全对称、 (3)存在不成熟的投资者、 (4)存在基金以往业绩的噪声信息四种情况下基金费率与基金特性的关系.证明基金费率不能够充分反映基金的特性,四种情况下好基金的费率均不高于坏基金的费率.  相似文献   

费率结构和水平是开放式基金投资中的重要考虑因素,文章对我国和美国的各类开放式基金的费率结构及水平从效率、风险收益特征等方面进行了比较研究,并在分析两国开放式基金费率结构和水平差异原因的基础上根据我国基金市场发展、持有人结构调整等因素提出了开放式基金费率优化发展的建议。  相似文献   

李爱玲 《时代经贸》2010,(4):200-201
本文建立了基金费率的决定模型,根据模型阐述了在(1)信息完全对称、(2)信患不完全对称、(3)存在不成熟的投资者、(4)存在基金以往业绩的噪声信息四种情况下基金费率与基金特性的关系。证明基金费率不能够充分反映基金的特性,四种情况下好基金的费率均不高于坏基金的费率。  相似文献   

本文引入M2指数测度法对我国股票型开放式基金的投资绩效进行研究.M2指数测度法综合考虑了基金的风险与收益,各股票型开放式基金的M2值排名能为投资者选择基金提供参考.研究结果表明,由于系统风险无法消除,我国股票型开放式基金收益波动与市场波动表现出较强的一致性,不同投资风格的基金对市场波动的敏感程度也有所不同.但是不同投资风格的基金之间并不存在明显的业绩的差别,基金的绩效差别反映的主要是基金的管理水平存在差异.  相似文献   

<正>2009年伴随着复苏的曙光离去,2010年在复苏之路上又将如何前进?在新的一年里如何布局基金市场成为众多投资者关心的问题。伴随着2010年到来的步伐,如何为新的一年布局基金市场成为众多投资者关心的问题。在对宏观经济形势进行分析的基础上,选择一些符合2010年主题的基金投资品种,才可能获得超额收益。  相似文献   

M^2测度法综合考虑了基金的风险与收益。各基金的M^2值排名能为投资者选择基金提供参考。在对我国市场上的开放式基金进行测算后可得到各自的M^2值。由此可得出关于我国开放式基金的一些结论:我国开放式基金收益波动与市场波动表现出较强的一致性,开放式基金整体上能反映市场情况;各类型基金表现出了各自特点,大部分股票基金体现了高风险、高收益,债券基金则体现了低风险、低收益,而混合基金的风险、收益状况介于两者之间;我国市场上债券基金的表现比较突出。  相似文献   

对于开放式基金来说 ,由于其不同于封闭式基金那样可以上市挂牌交易 ,必须利用银行等网点对自身开发设计的特定潜在客户进行营销活动 ,因此费率结构的设计对于基金产品能否成功具有相当重要的影响 ,从国外开放式基金前端销售占有的重要地位来看 ,费率结构设计是整个基金产品开发设计的核心之一。目前国内越来越多的投资者在投资基金时 ,开始奉行相对理性的投资理念 ,重视基金的预期分红收益与当期的费用成本。在预期分红收益难以确定的情况下 ,基金的费用就成为影响投资者购买的重要因素。同时 ,开放式基金具有按照净值赎回的开放性特性 ,它…  相似文献   

陆江川  陈军 《经济经纬》2012,(3):162-166
笔者利用三期模型框架,考虑噪音交易和有限套利两个约束条件,构建噪音交易者、基金投资者和长短期套利基金的投资行为模型,分析长、短期套利基金的投资业绩及其差异。研究发现:无论第2期后市场悲观情绪更加恶化或得到改善,短期套利基金的投资行为对基金投资者都是有害的;长期套利基金由于追求长期收益最大化,对基金投资者是有益的;基金投资者可以根据基金经理在第1期的投资行为及其仓位,识别是短期套利基金还是长期套利基金。  相似文献   

With a generally weak investor protection environment and no governance voice in the fund management companies (FMC) to which their investment is entrusted, fund investors in China are left with the internal governance mechanisms to safeguard their interest. Using a panel data of 288 firm‐year observations covering more than 98% of FMC in China from the period between 2006 and 2010, the present paper examines the corporate governance challenges confronting the fledging Chinese fund management industry by analysing how key governance settings affect the performance of the board of directors in protecting the interest of fund investors. The results show that board effectiveness can be enhanced if a listed company is the controlling shareholder. In addition, having a female CEO or board chairperson and a small‐sized board may help to reduce investors’ fees. Other internal corporate governance mechanisms, such as shareholder concentration, having state‐owned financial companies as controlling shareholders and board independence, are found to exhibit no significant impact on the effectiveness of FMC boards.  相似文献   

在共同基金产业快速成长条件下,基金经理人能否取得良好绩效成为一个重要的研究课题。本文以公开信息依赖程度来探讨委托代理制下基金经理人是否具有私有信息优势,并因而获利。研究结果是:第一,公开信息依赖度可以正向解释定价误差,显示公开信息依赖度可作为情绪指标;第二,高公开信息依赖度会伴随高报酬,亦即低公开信息依赖度(高情绪)会预测长期的负报酬率;第三,公开信息依赖度低是由于基金经理人利用投资人情绪而短期获利所致;第四,不同公开信息依赖度情况下,投资人对于高风险的股票会给予不同的评价;第五,利用公开信息依赖度敏感度来建立投资组合,可以有效增加投资人的投资绩效。  相似文献   

We compare different fund performance measures to examine which performance measures can generate risk-adjusted returns between high ranked and low ranked China’s actively managed open-end equity mutual funds. Our results show that only the six-factor (five factors (market, size, b/m, profitability & Investment facotrs) plus a momentum factor) alpha as the performance measure meets the criteria. Separated by the six-factor alpha, better performing funds have a larger asset under management, a better past 6-month cumulative return, a better stock picking ability, and a higher percentage of hybrid funds. Through our sample period from July 2004 to December 2015, the highest ranked quintile funds generate a monthly risk-adjusted return of 0.24% more than the lowest ranked quintile funds and the six-factor alpha reliably selects a better fund portfolio in both bear and bull markets on the basis of both fund return and holding data. Furthermore, our results from fund trading data show that funds with the highest six-factor alpha rank demonstrate a better trading skill in bear markets, suggesting that those better performing funds exhibit their market timing and stock picking abilities when investors need them most.  相似文献   

在分析现有模型基础上研究并设计适合企业年金的管理费优化模型,该模型更加注重基金资产的安全性,解决了目前企业年金基金管理中的风险不对等问题,基金管理人将更加注重企业年金追求本金安全及长期稳健增值的目标,使企业年金资产的安全性得到较大保障,该模型亦可推广到所有追求长期安全增值以绝对收益为目标的基金使用。  相似文献   

The financial structures of firms observed in practice typically consist of debt claims of different priority and maturity, and outside equity with unconditional control. A simple model is developed in which this type of complex financial structure arises endogenously as a mechanism to allocate control and cash flow rights among the firm's manager and its investors. While short-term debt commits the manager to liquidate the firm in low profit states, outside equity with unconditional control allows investors to seize control in states where the manager otherwise would pursue low profit projects with high private benefits of control. Finally, long-term (junior) debt creates a debt overhang that protects the manager from excessive shareholder involvement.
JEL classification : G 32  相似文献   

This study develops a scorecard with which to measure the investor protection practices of major listed firms in China during 2007–2010. We use time-series data to examine the relationship between the change in firm investor protection practices and market performance. Our results show that firms exhibiting improvements in investor protection practices manifest a subsequent increase in buy-and-hold abnormal returns. The results further indicate that the changes in the sub-index have different effects on a firm’s future performance. Shareholder rights to be rewarded seem to have the most significant and positive effect on a firm’s future performance for both local and international investors. Moreover, international investors pay attention to their rights to information. Our results provide evidence in support of the notion that the market does care about firm’s investor protection practices. The findings are robust to other measures of firm performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between net aggregate equity fund flow and investor sentiment using weekly flow data. Using sentiment indicators from the American Association of Individual Investors and Investors Intelligence, I find that net aggregate equity fund flow in the current week is higher when individual investors became more bullish in the previous and current weeks. Moreover, higher net aggregate equity fund flow in the current week induces newsletter writers to become more bullish in the subsequent week. The relationship between net aggregate equity fund flow and investor sentiment remains strong even after accounting for the effects of risk premium and inflation. Overall, the evidence suggests that the behavior of equity fund investors is influenced not only by economic fundamentals, but also by investor sentiment.  相似文献   

国有垄断的发展在一定程度上阻碍了经济的发展。本文利用让.梯若尔的公司金融理论建立了一个符合我国国有垄断行业的融资模型,利用该模型推导出我国垄断行业的确定的企业数量以使投资者(政府)取得最大的经济收益,并论述了我国几个主要国有垄断行业的企业数量状态。最后对减小垄断带来的影响提出了两种解决方案,一种是引进投资者增加竞争,另一种是将社会效益加入收益函数。  相似文献   

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