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随着经济全球化的快速发展,国家之间的竞争日益体现为以自主创新能力为核心的综合国力的竞争,越来越多的国家将创新人才培养提升为一项国家战略,作为国家竞争力的主要内容。我国在人才发展总体水平上与世界先进水平相比还有较大差距,主要表现在高层次创新人才匮乏、人才创新能力不强、人才资源开发投入不足等方面。因此,应根据创新人才培养的不同阶段,通过优化课程设置、提高国际化程度、加大科研经费投入、加强培养团队建设、合理设置科研支撑计划项目等途径提升创新人才培养质量。  相似文献   

本文分析和探讨全球化和民族-国家的关系。文章强调,在全球化条件下,国家在组织创新活动上起着关键性的作用,使用创新,国际合作,生产创新,都要求民族-国家起重要作用。  相似文献   

从不同时期、不同国别的国家创新体系的异同点比较、国家创新体系的各组成部分间关系分析、国家创新体系绩效评价、存在问题等方面,对国家创新体系发展评价研究进行综述,分析当前国家创新体系发展评价相关研究的特征和不足之处。指出:未来研究应重点关注普适性发展评价理论;可借鉴系统评价方法、网络分析方法和经济学方法等;应更注重全球化背景下开放环境中的发展评价;应从宏观、中观和微观等角度研究国家创新体系的内部要素及其子系统的动态关系;应开拓国家创新生态体系评价研究。  相似文献   

The interaction between increased Southern trade integration (globalization) and labor market frictions is analyzed in a dynamic general-equilibrium North–South nonscale growth model with endogenous Northern innovation and endogenous Southern imitation. The qualitative employment, growth, and relative-wage effects of globalization are shown to depend crucially on the degree of Northern labor market frictions. I demonstrate that only Northern countries with particularly large labor market adjustment costs for both firms and workers benefit from globalization in terms of permanently lower unemployment, temporarily faster growth, and permanently higher wages. This is because of the resulting general-equilibrium feedback effects of Northern labor market frictions that deter Southern imitation incentives. The result does not imply the recommendation to increase Northern labor market rigidities, but it challenges the common belief that labor market flexibility helps Northern countries to better adjust to the "globalization threat" coming from the South.  相似文献   

Innovation Systems in a Global Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is increasing emphasis being put on the need to be 'internationally competitive'. This imperative is being driven, it is argued, by the globalization of economic and corporate life. This 'globalization' is the subject of a burgeoning academic literature. To achieve and maintain the necessary competitive edge requires companies to be innovative, technologically dynamic, and organizationally efficient - in a dynamic, not just static sense. There is a literature on systems of innovation analyzing such requirements, how they have been met in practice in different contexts up until now, and what the implications are for policy. However, these two literatures - on systems of innovation and globalization - have developed quite independently. The purpose of the current paper is to discuss the implications of each for the other. Far from transcending national systems of innovation, current globalization processes are shown to have a symbiotic relation to such systems.  相似文献   

The relationship between globalization and economic growth, especially in the poorer developing countries, is controversial. Previous studies have used single globalization indicators such as the ratio of exports plus imports to GDP. This paper uses a comprehensive measure of a globalization of Dreher (2006), which is based on measures of globalization of the economic, social and political sectors. Panel data estimates with data of 21 low income African countries show a small but significant positive permanent growth effects. The sensitivity of this growth effect is examined with the extreme bounds analysis (EBA). Contrary to the findings by Levine and Renelt (1992) that cross-country growth relationships are fragile, the effects of globalization and some other determinants of the long run growth rate are found to be robust by EBA.  相似文献   

Most of the studies that describe the building of innovation capability in emerging and developing economies have focused on the ways in which latecomer firms develop continuously towards advanced capability levels along existing technological trajectories, particularly for the assembled products industries, especially in Asia. A slightly different approach is adopted herein by focusing on pathways of discontinuous capability building of firms in natural resource-processing industries. By drawing on evidence from a variety of case studies taken from 13 forestry, pulp, and paper firms in Brazil in the period 1950-2007, it was found that: (1) in contrast with the majority of case studies reported in the literature, the pathways followed by firms in their accumulation of innovation capability involved a qualitative departure from the established technological trajectory at an early stage in the development of their capability; (2) the pathways of firms along the new technological trajectories were nevertheless characterised by a high degree of variability (from intermediate to world leading innovators) in terms of the levels and speeds of the accumulation of innovation capability; (3) firms that have attained progressively higher levels of innovative performance have more rapidly developed a combination of internal and external research-based arrangements in order to undertake increasingly complex, but firm-centred innovation efforts. This paper sheds some light on some of the discussions that relate to the role of natural resources in the patterns of industrial progress and growth in those countries endowed with particular natural resource-based industries. It also provides a methodological contribution to the study of the long-term innovation strategies that make use of the dynamics of capability building, especially within natural resource-processing industries.  相似文献   

We construct a theoretical model to capture the compensation and efficiency effects of globalization in a set up where the redistributive tax rate is chosen by the median voter. The model predicts that the two alternative modes of globalization- trade liberalization and financial openness- could potentially have different effects on taxation. We then provide some empirical evidence on the relationship between taxation and the alternative modes of globalization using a large cross-country panel data set. On average, globalization is associated with lower taxation but there is some evidence that in countries with high capital-labor ratio, globalization is associated with increased taxation. We make a distinction between de jure and de facto measures of globalization and find a strong negative relationship between taxation and de jure measures of globalization. The results for de facto measures of globalization are mixed.  相似文献   

Various factors possibly impact on national innovative capacity. Governments are makers and implementers of national innovative policies, then, does its governance efficiency matter for the innovation of a country? Empirical evidence about the relationship between governance efficiency and national innovative capacity is still inadequate. To fill this research gap, the authors, based on the application of machine learning technique, have selected valid variables, conduct analysis with different models using the panel data of 117 countries from 1995 to 2015. The results of different models show that governance efficiency has a significant and positive impact with stability and reliability on innovation. In addition, the authors divide the 117 countries into different regions in accordance with economic development and geographic proximity, found that governance efficiencies of different regions have a heterogeneous but positive impact on national innovative capacity. Finally, potential policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   


The innovation performance of firms is primarily determined by their own innovative activities and the interaction with their innovation-related environment. This environment typically differs among countries. We assess empirically these differences on firms' innovation performance. To that end we first estimate the relationship between an aggregate innovation input measure and an aggregate innovation output measure, thereby explicitly controlling for structural differences between countries. We then consider the extent to which firms located in a particular country perform better or worse than this estimated benchmark performance. The analysis is based on a panel dataset that we have constructed from Eurostat's first and second Community Innovation Survey. In order to control for possible data contamination we employ an outlier-robust estimator. It appears that among the fourteen countries considered Italy, Germany and Ireland offer an environment that facilitates most the transformation of innovation-related inputs into commercial outputs while the environment in Denmark is the least facilitating.  相似文献   

Most debates and discussions regarding trends towards globalization and localization, occur in the over-arching context of the knowledge economy, and focus on the impact of these trends on innovation and competitiveness in the 'Triad' of Europe, Japan and the USA. However, in the knowledge economy, competitiveness is increasingly based upon access to knowledge, in the form of skills and capabilities, wherever it is located in the world including the smaller industrialized countries. This paper extends the discussion of the impacts of globalization and localization to encompass other nations and their 'national innovation systems'. Policy underpinning national systems to encourage innovation is increasingly being called into question by the general move towards globalization and localization. Multi-national enterprises (MNEs) and localized clusters in the emerging technologies determine and control technological paths beyond and through national borders. Small industrialized nations which have neither a broad technological base, extensive science and technology infrastructure or resources, nor MNEs based in the country, run the risk of being marginalized when competing globally, through an inability to become involved in these international economic networks. A traditional policy response by small countries to the impact of globalization is to metaphorically 'batten down the hatches' against the invasion of MNEs and the exploitation of local resources. However, an exploration of the drivers of both globalization and localization in the knowledge economy, and the observed impacts of globalization on New Zealand, suggests that a suitable strategy for small nations might be the reverse scenario. By using the analogy of the small country as a small and medium sized enterprise (SME) in the global economy dominated by large nations and MNEs, SME advantages and disadvantages are mapped onto potential small country advantages and disadvantages. The simile is extended to propose a small-country strategy based on exploiting the documented advantages of SMEs, such as flexibility and use of external networks, for an outward-looking, supplier-orientated innovation policy. Such a policy has to be designed for rapid communication and flexibility, and has to encourage committed technological accumulation and networking, to maximize national absorptive and transformative capacities.  相似文献   

技术进步、全球化的深入发展改变了发展中国家FDI的相对技术优势,自动化控制技术的发展使小规模定制成为一种时尚,大大降低了规模经济的门槛,使发展中国家原有的小规模技术优势不断弱化,全球化导致的全球消费文化的趋同也大大削弱了发展中国家固有的技术地方化优势;但技术进步导致的产业链拉长,各国产业结构差异的扩大却进一步提升了发展中国家的边际产业比较优势和技术创新升级优势;技术与分工的复杂化,基于价值链和竞合原则的现代分工模式也使逆向技术整合,新产业的蛙跳成为可能,也使所有权优势,内部化优势和区位优势成为自足的对外直接投资条件,进一步增加了发展中国家对外直接投资的机会。只有充分认识到技术进步对发展中国家相对技术优势带来的影响,我们才能抓住技术进步带来的机遇,促进中国跨国企业FDI的更大发展。  相似文献   

文章结合欧盟传统的创新指标,分析了英国的创新与其他发达国家存在着的差距,提出了英国悖论(UK Paradox):即没有创新的经济成功。然后,进一步从对这一悖论的原因分析入手,对英国的隐性创新、开放创新、创新“需求侧”、柔性创新进行概括性研究。为了实现对创新全面科学的评价,为对我国建立创新评价指标体系提供借鉴,文章介绍了英国创新需求指标体系,创新投入、企业创新和创新环境指标体系,以及柔性创新指标体系等,并在此基础上对英国的经验进行了简要总结,供国内相关创新管理者和研究人员参考。  相似文献   

To discover differences in technology diffusion of 3G mobile phones across countries, we investigate the impact of market factors, measured by competitive fractionalization, and economic globalization across countries using a multi-country diffusion model. We incorporate comprehensive socioeconomic and telecommunications data covering 35 geographically and economically diverse countries and control for covariates from literature. We used the Non-linear Mixed Modeling (NLMIXED) approach in SAS with pooled multi-country data to estimate a generalized Bass model taking into account unobserved heterogeneity in market saturation levels, a major source of inter-country differences. Our substantive findings are: the significance of the impact of competitive fractionalization on the likelihood of adoption and on the market potential; the significance of the impact of economic globalization on market growth. Our findings will aid international managers and regulators in their strategy and policy formulations. Finally, we demonstrate model validity by model fit and predictive accuracy.  相似文献   

科技全球化是经济全球化的重要组成部分,也是经济全球化的强大动力源和根本保障。文章通过对科技全球化内涵、特征及对我国科技发展影响的分析,提出健全科技法律法规、加大执法力度、政策扶持与R&D投资主体多元化、选择性地引进与自主创新相结合、实施人才强国战略、促进多边的科技合作和积极参与国际科技规则的制定等,是我国科技发展拟采取的政策取向。  相似文献   

在20世纪90年代中期开始的新一轮全球失衡中,以中国为代表的发展中国家成为经常项目顺差的主角。同时,大量FDI从发达国家流向发展中国家,进而形成了发达的全球生产体系。基于全球失衡的上述特点以及在Antràs和Caballero(2007)水平分工模型的基础上,通过建立一个垂直分工模型,可以从国际分工视角为全球失衡问题提供更加坚实的微观基础。同时,模型把社会生产划分为创新和生产两个环节,并指出与生产活动相比,创新活动更加依赖外部融资,因此,金融发展程度更高的国家在创新活动上具有比较优势,而金融发展程度较低的国家则在生产活动上具有比较优势。而且,在进行国际交换时,创新成果和生产成果通常反映在国际收支账户中的不同项目上,因此,基于这种国际垂直分工的创新成果和生产成果的均衡交易将引起参与分工国家经常项目的失衡。  相似文献   

This article is dedicated to the analysis of the first innovation survey of the Tunisian firms. Starting from basic mechanisms of innovation processes and existing results on other developing countries, we test a set of assumptions on the characteristics of innovating firms in a developing country like Tunisia. The analysis of product and process innovations shows the essential role played by external technical knowledge sources: firms must be able to benefit at least from one such a source in order to attain a significant innovation propensity. We also show that the profile of Tunisian firms can be contrasted with other developing countries. The main contrast concerns the limited role of internal R&D and the insignificant role played by foreign participation. For both types of innovations, another important contrasting result concerns the role of sectoral membership. In Tunisia, this dimension does not seem to structure enough systematically the innovative capabilities of firms. That could indicate an immaturity of sectoral systems of innovations in this country.  相似文献   

粤港澳区域合作创新机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤港澳区域合作是区域经济一体化和经济全球化的必然要求,也是珠三角大都市圈经济转型的必然选择.如何实现粤港澳区域合作创新是研究粤港澳经济发展的重要课题.选择该题目进行研究,其目的就是希望通过对粤港澳区域合作的趋势和障碍分析,进一步探索粤港澳进行区域合作创新机制的设立问题.应从强化粤港澳合作的市场驱动机制,创新中央政府的引导职能、强化合作的整合体制,建立粤港澳政府合作创新的长效机制创、新合作组织模式,完善粤港澳合作运行机制、以生态环境领域合作为契机,深化粤港澳合作的创新机制四个方面来深化该区域合作创新机制.  相似文献   

集聚和扩散是创新驱动下高新区的核心功能,对于高新区可持续发展有着重要意义。首先,构建创新驱动、传导机制以及高新区功能三者关系的理论模型,由此提出研究假设;然后,运用结构方程模型并选取115个国家高新区企业作为样本进行实证研究。结果发现:①创新制度对高新区集聚功能的实现有正向影响,并且该影响通过创新型人才和金融共同发挥作用,即两者在实现路径上有完全中介效应;②创新环境正向影响高新区扩散功能的实现,且该影响主要通过创新型人才产生作用,即创新型人才在传导路径上有部分中介效应,而创新型金融的作用不明显。  相似文献   

Microdata studies on innovation, productivity, and globalization are relatively new to the Southeast Asian region. Evidence from microdata studies in middle‐income countries provide valuable evidence for policymaking aimed at graduating these countries to high‐income status. Globalization via trade and foreign direct investment should continue to be important development strategies. A more nuanced approach focusing on exporters and potential exporters, especially SMEs, are likely to be needed. The extent of foreign participation is also likely to have important implications for technological spillovers.  相似文献   

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