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城市实行外来人口居住证制度具有重要的意义,出台外来人口居住证制度需要进行可行性论证,以保证政策的科学性。从苏州市来看,实行外来人口居住证制度具有可行性,但也存在一定问题,需要充分论证,认真决策。  相似文献   

根据新农保试点的跟踪调查结果,大多数参保农民都选择了最低的个人账户缴费档次。分析了个人账户财政补贴激励和政策认知程度对农民参保缴费档次选择的影响,利用有序Probit模型和东北地区调查样本数据对此问题进行了实证检验。在较高的政策认知条件下,"差别化"财政补贴方式比"一刀切"方式显著提高参保农民的缴费档次选择。其政策含义是在提高农民对新农保的政策认知程度基础上,依据个人账户的不同缴费档次建立多缴多补的"差别化"财政补贴激励机制,以引导农民自发选择较高缴费档次,从而提高新农保替代率水平。  相似文献   

农民“村转居”后社会心理特征、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于全国10个省份8 421份"村转居"农民调查数据,全面系统分析农民在"村转居"后对城市及社区的认知、情感体验、人际交往和人际关系、休闲方式与娱乐活动和就业状况等方面的个体差异。并由此得出农民"村转居"后缺乏市民角色认同、存在部分"弱势群体"以及心理和行为问题等。据此,提出保障农民"村转居"后享有市民待遇、做好农民"村转居"后的就业服务和心理咨询服务工作等对策建议。  相似文献   

关于医保制度改革,可以说是推行困难,重重阻力.主要是由于政府的双重身份,一来身为国家政策推行者,必须保证制度的强制实施;二来身为国家政策的参与者,必须履行制度实施的责任与义务.这样一来就产生了医保基金收支中的主要矛盾,而政府是否能如期兑现"期初承诺",也就成为是否值得信赖的依据.因此,与医保制度是否可持续发展关系密切.在原有的基础上,需要我们对待遇进行有效的调整,例如说:待遇的给付动态上的整体调整机制,以及经济适用的补贴机制政策等等.  相似文献   

相比全国而言,近年来长三角地区的流动人口政策更为宽松、灵活,制度创新更为多元,但在流动人口管理和服务过程中还存在着不足,如缺乏相关制度约束、行政壁垒明显、应对流动人口复杂结构的政策滞后等。针对上述问题,该文提出以下建议:发挥长三角地区不同省域间的协同效应;积极落实流动人口居住证制度,不断提高其社会保障水平;强化流动人口管理和服务的基础建设,加强对流动人口集聚区域的管理和服务;依托现代"互联网+"和大数据技术,全面提升管理和服务水平。  相似文献   

陈晨 《当代经济》2021,(2):122-127
我国初步实现了医保组织管理改革,构建了多层次医疗保障体系框架,药品改革、医保支付方式改革进入稳步推进期.但在医疗保障待遇上,尚存在保障待遇总体水平偏低、制度间与地区间的待遇差异、待遇覆盖面与全民医保尚存在差距、待遇不足与过度待遇并存、基本医疗保障制度体系有待完善等问题.本文运用SWOT分析框架,剖析我国医疗保障体系在保障待遇上的优势、劣势,以及面临的主要机会和威胁.并在此基础上针对"十四五"期间医疗保障体系待遇调整工作规划,提出完善医保治理体系与制度,加强医疗保障制度间的衔接,建立公平适度的待遇保障机制等系列政策建议.  相似文献   

随着改革的深化,城乡分割的二元制度逐渐松动,农民可以畅通无阻的进入城市就业,成为农民工。然而,农民工在城市中长期处于"半城市化"状态,既不利于我国城市化进程,又为社会安定埋下隐患。农民工市民化有三个层次的内涵,其中,深层市民化是核心、中层市民化是过程、表层市民化是目的和结果,这三个层次的市民化同时受到制度、政策以及市民态度等外部因素的影响。要积极寻求制度创新,实现农民工与市民平等的就业权,按照权利与义务对等的原则实现农民工的公平待遇,同时加强对农民工的正面宣传,消除农民工与市民的心理隔阂,并增加对农民工的教育培训以提高其综合素质,在充分尊重农民工意愿基础上,给予他们更多的市民化选择空间。  相似文献   

改善农民工等城市外来人口的生活条件,转变其消费观念,使其拥有真正市民的权利和行为,这对于扩大内需、促进经济增长、避免我国落入"中等收入陷阱"有着重大意义。本文运用家庭思想和代际思想,从市民行为的角度提出了测算市民化率的方法。鉴于我国特殊的制度因素,文章分析了改革开放以来市民化的速度和健康程度,将我国市民化率与城镇化率、工业化率、国外城市化率等指标进行对比,发现市民化率远远落后于这些指标,市民化进程仍然任重而道远。  相似文献   

<正> 当前,在深化企业改革上正在进行种种探索,但思路大体上有两条,一条是规范化走向,一条是差别化走向。我主张目前宜走差别化之路,简称之为实行差别化承包。现行的承包制中,由于差别化不够,而暴露了一些弊端。只有承认差别,才能合理确定国家、集体、个人之间的利益,才能使政策到位,从而调动起企业和职工的积极性;也才能使政策接近实际。所谓差别化承包,是依据国家确定的原则、方针、政策和企业间客观存在的差别,从实际出  相似文献   

实行居住证管理推进户籍制度改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,全国各地在户籍制度改革方面力度加大,沿用多年的户口迁移审批制度在许多地区已逐步被取消,取而代之的是以条件准入方式、按实际居住地进行户口登记管理的新模式。我省户籍管理制度改革也做了许多大胆、有益的探索,但由于改革措施与居民最低生活保障、义务教育、就业、社保以及优抚安置等政策相衔接方面,存在一定难度,改革还限于局部改革阶段。为进一步加快我省户籍改革步伐,我们建议面向全社会实行等级居住证管理,拓宽居住证管理的对象,强化居住证管理的功能。  相似文献   

The structure-conduct-performance paradigm is tested using 4-digit SIC Korean industry data for 1981 and 1986. The study investigates whether the observed institutional differences between developed and developing countries affects the performance hypothesis. The results suggest that structure and conduct variables influence price-cost margins in much the same way as they do in developed countries. Nevertheless, the Korean government's credit rationing policies, by creating entry barriers, have the most important effects on industry performance.  相似文献   

借鉴国外经验优化我国外汇投资公司模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张海波  郭玲 《财经科学》2007,(10):111-117
尽管我国目前关于外汇储备管理改革方案的具体制度设计还未明确,但可以肯定的是,国家外汇投资公司(SIC)的设立将对国内货币经济产生重大影响.在本文中,笔者考察了我国设立外汇投资公司的动因及国外外汇储备管理的相关经验,针对设立外汇投资公司可能的模式选择及其对我国货币经济的影响进行了探索性分析.  相似文献   

Using monthly data for 2005–2014 time period, this article documents the relationship between lagged stock returns and trading volume. We show that the dispersion of stock returns in a market portfolio positively affects future trading volume. We also show that extreme negative returns lead to high future trading volume while extreme positive returns have little effect on future trading. Dividing our sample into several sub-samples based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) divisions leads to similar results for most of the SIC divisions.  相似文献   

A system of demand equations (given oligopolistic interdependence amon firms) is derived and estimated for two four-digit SIC code industries to explain firms' R&D behaviour through time. The two industries chosen are the perfume, cosmetic and toiletries (PCT) industry, and the drug industry. The industries chosen belong to the same two-digit SIC code classification called the Cchemical and Allied Products industry but not in the drug industry. The introduction of the R&D tax credit in 1981, however, reduced the tendency to free-ride in both industries.  相似文献   

This study used Monte Carlo simulations to study the performance of alternative lag selection criterion for symmetric lag and asymmetric lag vector autoregressive models. Lag models with short lags and with long lags were considered. The alternative criteria considered were the AIC, SIC, Phillips' Posterior Information Criterion, and Keating's modification of the AIC and SIC. The alternative criteria were evaluated by computing the frequency distribution of lags selected, by computing the out-of-sample forecasting performance of models with lags selected using each criterion, and by comparing the ability of models with lags selected using each criterion to mimic the ‘true’ impulse response functions for the lag model.  相似文献   

Book Review     
This paper analyses determinants of intra-industry trade in food processing for a 30-country sample over the period 1964–85. Previous studies have tested the hypothesis that imperfect competition is a major determinant of intra-industry trade (IIT) in the durable goods manufacturing sectors. This study is distinguised from the earlier studies of IIT by; the examination of the processed food sector (SIC=20), the use of a panel data set for 22 years and 30 countries available at the four-digit SIC level, the use of purchasing power parity measures of GDP, and the use of a weighted tobit model with fixed effects to account for the censored cross-section time-series nature of the date. The results indicate that ITI in food processing is a positive function of a country's GDP per capita and equality if GDP per capita between countries. In addition, it is also found that such trade is strongly influenced by distance between trading partners, membership in customs unions and free trade blocs, and also exchange rate volatility.  相似文献   

We compare different industry concentration ratios based on the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) system to ratios based on the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) system and demonstrate through the analysis of industry markups that GICS-based measures are better proxies for the actual industry concentration than SIC-based measures.  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of whether exchange rate pass-through into the import price is symmetric between appreciation and depreciation of the home currency. The dramatic increase of the dollar in the early 1980s and the subsequent decline provided a necessary setting for testing whether there was a structural change in the exchange rate pass-through. Examining import price data for 98 disaggregated SIC industries in the US manufacturing sector and the US import price for all commodities, mixed evidence is found regarding the stability of exchange rate pass-through.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential of an endogenous investment cycle model that incorporates informational externalities to reproduce the observed synchronization of investing behavior across SIC four-digit US manufacturing industries. The nonlinear model is calibrated and in its stochastic version Monte Carlo simulated to assess an agreement between model and data. Contrary to linear approaches, it accurately captures the empirical features of the sectoral aggregation process of investment cycles.  相似文献   

This paper compares the ownership advantages of multinational enterprises' (MNEs) subsidiaries and domestic enterprises (DMEs) in Greece. Previous studies have tested the hypothesis that ownership-specific advantages (Oa) are a major source of firm differences. This study analyses the processed food sector (SIC=20) - the leading industrial sector in Greece with the highest inward and outward internationalization degree - using a panel data set of 75 firms and 5 years. The findings of a probabilistic regression analysis indicate that there are significant differences between the two groups of firms in the degree of possession of observed ownership advantages. MNE subsidiaries have higher market shares, use multiplant operations and have higher advertising and R&D to sales ratios compared to DMEs. DMEs use their well-established position (knowledge of domestic and regional market conditions, and size economies) in order to compete effectively with MNE subsidiaries. It is inferred that pursuit of domestic market development is an important motivation in such subsidiaries, in an attempt to build on (rather than substitute for) the strong and distinctive established product base of Greek food industry companies. By assimilating Greek food knowledge alongside their own the MNEs developed export-orientation into their subsidiaries in Greece, which eventually have played a notable role in the regional market (Balkans).  相似文献   

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