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基于协同知识创新决策风险性,引入行为经济学偏好反转理论,从知识积累视角构建偏好反转影响下的知识创新模型。将协同知识创新决策从单纯的选择决策拓展为选择/放弃决策,在不同决策背景下对模型进行演算。结果发现,当协作方对创新资源投入分摊比例较低时,主体对未来收益的不确定性预期较低,而在偏好反转的影响下,放弃决策对预期收益的退出定价可能较高,从而使背离放弃决策相比进入选择决策更有利于协同创新。研究结论解释了当前较多的协同知识创新联盟尽管没有实现科技政策调整的预期效果,但未大规模解体且力趋稳定合作的现象。  相似文献   

To succeed in combating lake eutrophication, cooperation of local inhabitants, small factories, and farmers in reducing phosphorus discharge is very important. But the willingness of each player to cooperate would depend on the cooperation of other players and on the level of environmental concern of the society in general. Here we study the integrated dynamics of people's choice of behavior and the magnitude of eutrophication. Assumptions are: there are a number of players who choose between alternative options: a cooperative and environment-oriented option is more costly than the other. The decision of each player is affected by “social pressure” as well as by economical cost of the options. The lake pollution increases with the total phosphorus released, and a high pollution level in the lake would enhance the social pressure. The model includes a positive and a negative feedback loops which create diverse dynamical behavior. The model often shows bistability — having an equilibrium with a high level of cooperation among people and clean water, and the other equilibrium with low cooperation and polluted water, which are simultaneously stable. The model also shows fluctuation between a high and a low levels of cooperation in alternating years, cycle with a longer periodicity, or chaotic fluctuation. Conservatism of people stabilizes the system and sometimes helps maintaining cooperation. The system may show unexpected parameter dependence — the improved phosphorus removing efficiency might make water more polluted if it causes the decline in the environmental concern and cooperation among people.  相似文献   

剖析了产学研合作项目和谐管理的重要性,从资源要素的多元化、决策思维的中庸化、价值塑求的满意化、主客关系的复杂化等角度揭示了产学研合作项目和谐管理的动因,从和则机制、谐则机制以及耦合机制角度探讨了产学研合作项目和谐管理的运行机制,论述了产学研合作项目和谐管理的实现途径。  相似文献   

随着竞争的加剧,区域经济合作越来越成为我国地方政府获取竞争优势、促进地区经济发展的重要力量。然而,区域经济合作利益分享与补偿机制的缺失,直接影响到我国区域经济合作与一体化进程。利益分享与补偿机制作为不同地方政府在区域经济合作过程中平衡、协调各方利益的制度安排,是突破现有制度瓶颈、促进区域经济合作的有效途径。  相似文献   

The present paper shows that R&D cooperation leads to the monopoly outcome in terms of price and quantity if demand is unit-elastic. If the demand function exhibits an upper bound for the willingness to pay, R&D cooperation is inferior to a scenario in which firms cooperate both in their R&D and their output decision.  相似文献   

科学研究作为指导技术创新探索的高阶力量,科研合作网络往往在企业内外同时存在,并对创新质量产生综合影响。利用2007—2019年我国信息与通信技术领域(ICT)相关数据,基于双层网络构建视角从企业层面重点考察内部科研合作网络密度、外部科研合作网络位置与创新质量的关系。结果表明:企业内部科研合作网络密度可以促进创新质量提升;企业所在外部科研合作网络的中心度与创新质量之间呈倒U型关系,而结构洞占据水平对创新质量具有正向影响。进一步研究发现,内部科研合作网络密度一方面使得外部科研合作网络中心度与创新质量的倒U型关系更加平坦,另一方面促使结构洞与创新质量之间的正向关系更加显著。结论丰富了科研合作网络相关理论,可为企业合理构建内外部科研合作体系,提高自主创新能力提供思路和依据。  相似文献   

专利合作能力是高校科技创新能力的重要组成部分,也是高校竞争力的关键因素。通过广度合作和深度合作评价高校专利合作能力,其中广度合作能力由合作专利数和合作企业数进行评价,深度合作能力由合作率、合作强度和活动年期进行评价,并利用熵值法确定指标权重,以广东省16所代表性高校的合作专利数据进行分析。结果发现,广东省同一类型或同一层次高校专利合作能力差异较大,专利合作能力与高校层次、地域不相关,专利合作缺乏长期性。结论对于高校加强专利合作与提升科技创新能力具有较高的参考价值,能为政府健全专利合作保障和激励机制提供决策依据。  相似文献   

In group-structured populations, altruistic cooperation among unrelated group members may be sustainable even when the evolution of behavioral traits is governed by a payoff-based replicator dynamic. This paper explores the importance in this dynamic of two aspects of group structure: global or local interaction in a public goods game and global or local cultural transmission (learning) of behavioral traits. To clarify the underlying dynamic, I derive an extension of the Price equation for the decomposition of changes in the population frequency of a binary trait. I use this to analyze the effect of different structures of interaction and learning on within- and between-group variances of the frequency of cooperative behaviors and thereby on the evolution of cooperation. Of the four population structures given by global/local learning and global/local interaction, local interaction with global learning provides the most favorable environment for the evolution of cooperation. This combination of learning and interaction structures supports a high level of between-group variance in the frequency of cooperative types, so that most cooperators benefit from being in groups composed mostly of cooperators. However, while global learning is essential to the evolution of cooperation, cooperation is more robust when learning is not entirely global because local learning process, ironically, limits the extent to which defectors can free ride on cooperative group members.   相似文献   

We use data on response times from a public goods experiment to test the hypothesis that cooperation is instinctive, under the assumption that the longer the time of the decision, the less instinctive the choice. Results seem to support the hypothesis that cooperation is instinctive, while defection is ‘rational’. Moreover, as the experiment is designed also to assess the effects of the consumption of relational goods on cooperation, we are also able to state that some types of relational goods, like team working, produce additional cooperation, but make it less spontaneous. We also detect that females seem to behave less instinctively than males.  相似文献   

Reciprocity, Trust, and Payoff Privacy in Extensive Form Bargaining   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report decision making in two-person extensive form game trees, using six treatments that vary matching protocol, payoffs, and payoff information. Our objective is to examine game theoretic hypotheses of decision making based on dominance and backward induction in comparison with the culturally or biologically derived hypothesis that reciprocity supports more cooperation than predicted by game theory. We find strong support for cooperation under complete information, even in single-play treatments and in games of trust, unreinforced by the prospect of punishment for defection from reciprocity. Only under private information do we observe strong support for noncooperative game theory.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: C78, C92.  相似文献   

刘伟  林培思  蒲昆 《技术经济》2021,40(10):98-107
针对企业从大学中获取探索性创新技术的地理阻碍,本文重点探讨了地理邻近对产学合作中的探索式创新影响,并且基于Boschma多维邻近的视角,进一步分析组织邻近、制度邻近、社会邻近和认知邻近对二者的作用关系.以信息通信技术(ICT)产业为研究对象,基于2014—2018年大学的专利转让数据构建产学合作创新网络数据库,采用负二项回归进行实证分析.结果表明:地理距离确实是企业与大学合作获得探索式创新的障碍因素,但组织邻近、制度邻近、社会邻近和认知邻近对二者具有显著的正向调节作用,即企业与合作大学隶属于同一中央部委、地方政府,拥有先前合作经验和认知优势的情况下,更能够克服地理距离的限制而实现合作探索式创新.  相似文献   

基于泛珠三角区域旅游协作条件下的旅游产业纵向一体化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
方世敏  周荃  苏斌 《经济地理》2007,27(4):690-693
旅游产业自身的特点为其实施纵向一体化战略提供了一个理想平台。在区域旅游协作的条件下,泛珠三角旅游产业实施纵向一体化战略存在众多的动因和收益,包括降低交易费用、联合生产获取范围经济、消除多重加价和道德风险的外部性、构筑进入壁垒等,也存在着一定的成本和风险,如增加固定成本、管理成本、组织费用和旅游企业对市场和行业的依赖性等。因此,泛珠三角旅游企业在进行纵向一体化、纵向联盟战略决策和纵向一体化方式的选择上,应全面权衡每种方案的收益和成本,利用区域协作的优势,按自身需要进行适当的抉择。  相似文献   

建设“一带一路”是中国作出的重大战略决策,以Web of Science数据库为数据源,选取1978-2015年收录的中国国际合作论文作为样本,运用文献计量学、科学计量学、社会网络分析等方法,对近40年来中国与“一带一路”国家科技合作的总体发展态势、学科领域分布、主导地位变迁、合作依存性等进行分析。研究发现:中国与“一带一路”国家的科技合作呈增长趋势,但合作论文数量和质量仍有待提升;合作学科领域分布较广,但各学科领域具有较大差异性;在三国及以上多国合作中,中国的主导地位较弱,仍处于相对“从属”地位;在高质量国际合作论文中,中国及“一带一路”国家的“话语权”尚不明显。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨中韩新能源领域的合作,尤其是对两国新能源领域中合作的经济效应进行评估。为了评价合作的经济效应,本文建立新能源合作的相对收益指数,并利用向量自回归模型(VAR)探寻能源合作指数(ECI)和贸易、GDP之间的关系,从而论证中韩新能源产业合作的重要性。  相似文献   

贺金霞 《技术经济》2020,39(2):179-184,191
信任有助于企业间的合作,不同信任类型的选择会产生不同的合作效率。运用云模型对需求端粮食供应链企业间的信任度进行评价,帮助选择合适的信任类型。利用信任决策逻辑证明信任类型选择的正确性。研究结果表明:粮食加工方和粮食生产者的关系型信任处于较高信任等级,计算型信任处于较低信任等级,应选择关系型信任;粮食加工方和粮食经销方的关系型信任处于较低信任等级,计算型信任处于较高信任等级,应选择计算型信任。信任决策逻辑的分析验证了研究结果的正确性。  相似文献   

产业合作模式选择是产业合作实施的重要问题之一。随着区域经济不断发展,全球价值链成为影响产业合作模式选择的重要方面。在全球价值链视角下,遵循“产业特征定位—产业位势比较—产业合作模式选择”逻辑链提出产业合作模式选择模型,并以福建省主导产业中的化工业和机械制造业为研究对象,对闽台产业合作模式选择进行实证研究。结果显示:在福建省针对闽台产业合作模式选择决策中,化工行业需要采用垂直和水平产业升级合作模式,机械制造业需要采用垂直的产业协同和产业转移合作模式。全球价值链视角下产业合作模式选择的理论拓展与实际应用,对区域经济合作中的产业合作模式选择具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

专利合作是整合产学研创新资源、提升产业创新能力的必然选择。基于动态网络分析方法,以中国石墨烯产业为例,研究其专利合作网络特征及演化态势。结果表明,石墨烯作为发展潜力巨大的新兴产业,其产业专利合作网络整体呈现碎片化,具体表现为区域合作创新水平不均衡、技术合作能力分布不均衡和创新资源分布不均衡等态势。最后,提出相关对策建议,可为我国各级政府产业政策制定和科技创新规划提供方法支撑与思路借鉴。  相似文献   

We develop a model that relates self-control to cooperation patterns in social dilemmas, and we test the model in a laboratory public goods experiment. As predicted, we find a robust association between stronger self-control and higher levels of cooperation, and the association is at its strongest when the decision maker’s risk aversion is low and the cooperation levels of others high. We interpret the pattern as evidence for the notion that individuals may experience an impulse to act in self-interest—and that cooperative behavior benefits from self-control. Free-riders differ from other contributor types only in their tendency not to have identified a self-control conflict in the first place.  相似文献   

过去大量的研究强调行政性分权和财政包干下地方官员的财政激励对区域经济发展及其互动的影响。本文建立了一个地方官员政治晋升博弈的简单模型 ,旨在强调地方官员的晋升激励对地区间经济竞争和合作的影响。由于政治晋升博弈的基本特征是一个官员的晋升直接降低另一个官员的晋升机会 ,即一人所得为另一人所失 ,这使得同时处于政治和经济双重竞争的地方官员之间的合作空间非常狭小 ,而竞争空间非常巨大。该模型理解我国区域经济竞争与合作问题提供了一个系统的视角和框架 ,它尤其有助于解释我国长期存在的地方保护主义、“大而全”的地区发展战略和地区间形形色色的产业“大战”和恶性竞争。  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment has been designed to study coordination and cooperation in games played on local, random and small-world networks. For the coordination game, the results revealed a tendency for coordination on the payoff-dominant equilibrium in all three networks, but the frequency of payoff-dominant choices was significantly higher in small-world networks than in local and random networks. For the prisoner's dilemma game, cooperation was hard to reach on all three networks, with average cooperation lower in small-world networks than in random and local networks. Two graph-theoretic characteristics—clustering coefficient and characteristic path length—exhibited a significant effect on individual behavior, possibly explaining why the small-world network, with its high clustering coefficient and short path length, is the architecture of relations that drive a system towards equilibrium at the quickest pace.  相似文献   

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