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伍尔夫的意识流小说《海浪》通过对六种不同人生的描写,生动地展现了当代人面临的身份认同危机.本文基于存在主义哲学视角,通过分析小说中人物的意识形态特征来剖析当代人身份认同危机的精神根源,试揭示存在主义哲学价值观对社会发展和个体存在的双重影响.  相似文献   

先锋小说是在对传统现实主义创作精神和艺术手法的反叛中确立自己的先锋性地位的。它的崛起与存在主义、后现代主义、后现代小说、现代叙事理论尤其是结构主义文学理论在国内的引入密切相关。先锋小说或多或少地表现出后现代倾向与后现代性,贯穿于其中的理论观念,则是西方形式主义的艺术情结:小说形式、语言的文体实验。先锋小说对“真实性”的重新体认,使被意识形态遮蔽的人性侧面得到深入揭示。  相似文献   

文章区分了乡土小说、农村题材小说、乡村题材小说这三个概念.主张用乡村题材小说来囊括新时期以来全部的乡村小说创作,这既满足了乡村小说创作的实际需要,使这一文学流派能够科学、稳定、健康地发展下去,还对改变当下乡村小说批评的观念、方法和视角有着警示意义.  相似文献   

通过解读《蒂凡尼的早餐》所体现的萨特存在主义哲学特征,如存在先于本质、荒谬、自由、选择等,展现郝莉这个人物形象在追求梦想时所面临的困惑、孤独以及最后梦想的破灭,探索主人公对人生本质的追求,进而揭示作者追求自我的存在主义态度。  相似文献   

缪川 《经济研究导刊》2009,(10):192-193
综观叔本华的悲观主义人生哲学,从生命意志到欲求,从欲望到痛苦、虚无构成了主导线。这种悲观色调深受康德世界二分和印度佛教哲学的影响。其哲学对社会来说无疑具有一定的消极性。但回顾西方哲学史,却不能忽视他的思想对后世哲学、特别是非理性主义流派的影响。  相似文献   

如何处理时间维度是经济分析中的一个根本性问题,由于植根于不同的方法论哲学,不同流派对时间维度的处理方法有很大差异。奥地利学派由于深受康德哲学的影响,他们将社会和经济过程视为在时间中展开的运动,并在其财货理论、需求理论、价格理论和利息理论中形成了一套独特的处理时间维度的方法。后世经济学家对这种处理方法进行了继承与改进。  相似文献   

孙建英 《江南论坛》2000,(10):41-42
一、西方学者“理性回归生活世界”的理论给道德教育以启示 20世纪以来,一些重要的西方哲学流派如现象学、存在主义、日常语言哲学学派、西方马克思主义、东欧新马克思主义等都表现出对日常生活世界的关注。20世纪30年代,现象学创始人胡塞尔提出了一个具有深远历史意义的观念:科学对于人生的重要问题即人生的意义问题,在这里科学发生了最深刻的危机,即与具体的主体生活分裂,为克服这种危机就应重返生活世界。胡塞尔在其晚年名著《欧洲科学危机和超验现象学》中实现了其“理性向生活世界的回归”。胡塞尔揭示了科学世界与生活世…  相似文献   

萨特的存在主义是“人学化”的存在主义。其积极方面的意义是激励人通过不断的自由选择和自主行为,去创造“价值”,体现“人”是其所是的精神本质;其核心内容是“存在先于本质”、“人人生而自由,人人都可以进行自由选择”、“世界是荒谬的,人生是痛苦的”等三项基本原则。萨特的文学创作都是为阐释他的存在主义哲学服务的,其“境遇剧”代表作《死无葬身之地》更堪称发挥了这种阐释功能的典型个案。  相似文献   

席勒一生思想发展历程比较曲折,他的思想先后受卢梭、康德和歌德等人的影响,文学创作经历了从狂飙突进时期到古典主义的转变。其中,他的美学思想既有传承又有批判,由于深受各家各流派的影响较深,创新之处及亮点不算多,但固有其本色。在推动哲学发展进程中却起了重要作用。  相似文献   

分析诺曼·梅勒的小说《一场美国梦》的主人公罗杰克身上所具有的梅勒在他的存在主义宣言《白色黑人》中提到的"希泼斯特"的特征,认为在"对死亡的恐惧"和"对主流文化的反叛,对复归自我的追求"两个方面表现最为突出。  相似文献   

"The Manciple's Tale" is a beast fable. Chaucer is a genius both in designing creative plots and teaching philosophical lessons in this beast fable. Chaucer arranges the Manciple to tell the story and the Manciple lets the animals tell the truth. Chaucer combines two philosophical lessons and his creative plot together perfectly.  相似文献   

The vanishing or termination of philosophy arises from the fact that philosophers are losing their philosophical enthusiasm and becoming experts of philosophy and the fatct that philosophical is losing its object fields and becoming rootless.The former fact comes from the philosophical research replacement of the philosophical exploration, and the latter results from the disturbing identification of its own object fields when it originally emerged. The genuine object of philosophical exploration should be the being of human. While man's original being is towards its creative existing orientation, its path, course and sate constitute the whole object fields of philosophical exploration. Thus, the naissance of philosophy stems from the growing (original and creative) existing circumstance. In such circumstances, the existing opening of man's original being towards his creative existence actually creates and writes its ecologicalfields with the universe mutually. The mutually growing and writing existing fields constitute the genuine perspectives of the contemporary philosophy.  相似文献   

围绕人居环境生命体的存在与生长,思考其支撑关系和发展的动力,发现存在着“极端化”与“集和化”2种思想路线,指出近现代人居环境发展不尽人意的根源是“极端化”。溯源中国传统风景观,指出“集和化”为主导的人居环境本体观、世界观和价值观及其发展之路,阐释了“集和化”对于未来世界人居发展的意义。以中国国家发展战略的5个统筹、人居环境发展的“3+2”结构,以及建设公园城市的理论框架为例,阐述了从“极端化”走向“集和化”,从二元论走向二元论与三元论结合的时代发展需求,提出了建构新千年“集和化”哲学体系的命题。  相似文献   


This article discusses a group of essays on ethical issues written by Pigou between 1900 and 1908. It is argued that they contain the foundations of his economic philosophy. Pigou's research on the meaning and content of the good merged into his definition of welfare, and his interest in religion as a subjective experience resurfaced in the subjective framework of his economics. A methodological pragmatism informed his economics as well as his ethics; moreover, the endorsement of interpersonal comparisons of the good in the ethical texts was consistent with Pigou's adoption of utility comparisons in welfare economics. Pigou's philosophical pessimism was reflected in his analysis of the economic evils of society, eventually leading to his advocacy of governmental intervention to foster economic welfare. The article contends that Pigou's philosophy derived not only from Sidgwick, as commonly believed, but also from G.E. Moore's Principia Ethica.  相似文献   

赵旭东  齐钊 《开放时代》2010,(7):126-139
在已经开展的国内外费孝通研究中鲜有涉及对费孝通学士论文《亲迎婚俗之研究》的再考察与再分析,王铭铭所做的相关研究亦是其中的一例。他于近年来提出“三圈说”来反思中国社会科学研究,并对自己的“三圈说”以及“中间圈”进行了诸多的历史追溯与谱系建构工作,但遗憾的是,他却并未注意到费孝通在1933年的《亲迎婚俗之研究》一文,而这篇学士论文却恰恰已在具体经验研究的层面对王铭铭通过“三圈说”而主张和提倡的反思、对话与提升工作进行了实践。本文则是通过对费孝通的“三区论”与王铭铭的“三圈说”的比照分析,试图指出费孝通这篇学士论文的重要意义和价值,以期学界对此篇论文采取重视的态度,认真研读和学习。  相似文献   


One of many controversies surrounding the work of Frank Knight involves the question of whether, or to what degree, his ideas were consistent with those of American pragmatism. Substantive textual evidence can be found to support almost any simple answer to the question. This paper argues that while Knight was quite (often aggressively) opposed to a particular set of pragmatic ideas alive in the scholarly and social debates of his day, this fact says more about Knight's historical context than it does about the broader relationship between his philosophical position and pragmatism. Knight was opposed to the social control pragmatism of his day, but at the same time his general philosophical position has much in common with the features of the pragmatic tradition that are most emphasized in the recent philosophical literature.  相似文献   

The paper assumes that since Gramsci influenced Sraffa and SraffA influenced Wittgenstein it may be possible to delineate a set of philosophical ideas which they shared in some degree. Gramsci's ideas are first reviewed on terms of his concept of hegemony, concept of caesarism and philosophy of praxis. On this basis three philosophical themes are identified in his thinking: the conept of emergence; catastrophic equilibrium; and the idea of a concrete universal. The thinking of Sraffa (both earlier and later) and the thinking of Wittgenstein (later) are then interpreted in terms of these same three themes. These links neither exhaust their philosophical thinking nor necessarily constitute the only links among the three. But these ideas provide one way of exploring connections among the three. The paper closes with brief remarks concerning two opposed philosophical traditions in modern European intellectual history at the turn of the century — one associated with thinking in Britain and one associated with continental thinking — meant to suggest the distinctiveness of a line of thinking running through Gramsci, Sraffa and Wittgenstein.  相似文献   

Keynes's writings on the cognate topics of probability, expectations, uncertainty and rationality exhibit considerable complexity. This paper seeks to provide a clarifying overview of his position on these topics, both in his main philosophical workThe treatise on probability, and his main economic workThe general theory. It is argued that the most useful approach for understanding the deeper structure of Keynes's thought in each work is by means of a two-dimensional, two-domain analysis.Such an analysis helps demonstrate some of the ways in which the conceptual framework of The treatise on probability provides an essential part of the philosophical foundations of The general theory, while at the same time recognizing some of the key differences between the two works. It also illuminates Keynes's non-neoclassical theorization of rationality, and his path-breaking attempt to develop a theory of rationality under irreducible uncertainty.  相似文献   

徐霞客是我国明代伟大的旅行家,也是一位在生态环境领域作出巨大贡献的科学家。文章论述了徐霞客对我国生态状况考察的认识,这种认识既是朴素的,又是生态科学理念的升华。文中分析了徐霞客的生态认识及其在生态科技领域的学术地位。  相似文献   

D.H.劳伦斯(David Herbert Lawrence),是西方文学中最具争议的作家之一。他的一生是与资本主义工业化社会现存秩序充满了矛盾的一生。《儿子与情人》是他的最重要的小说之一,在这部小说中,他真实地再现了当时资本主义制度下的英国自然,社会、人性、家庭及两性关系。异化主题贯穿了整篇小说。所以小说中的自然环境特别逼真,人物特别丰满,栩栩如生。综观这些环境,人物以及家庭关系,两性关系的异化,我们可以领悟劳伦斯在小说中传递的信息的精髓。  相似文献   

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