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倪军 《经济师》2009,(11):116-117
文章探索导师制的起源以及在我国各类教育中的运用。分析职业教育存在的问题以及具有职教特色的学徒制,提出中职国贸专业推行导师制的必要性;通过学业导师制在教学中的初步实践,获得教学感受;最后分析中职国贸学业导师制推行存在的瓶颈,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

"主讲制"和校外教师"辅教制"的"双导师"制教学模式,目的在于产生"1+1>2"的协同效应。因此,对"双导师"制的意义和途径进行了论述,并认为实施"双导师"制在全面提升素质、培养实践技能、构建科学的体系等方面可以发挥非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

分析了国际贸易专业人才培养模式的现状,在完善人才培养方案、构建实践教学体系、强化外贸英语教学研究,加强创新型师资队伍建设以及改革教学方法和手段等方面进行了有益的探索和实践.  相似文献   

王中魁  范家琛  张梅 《时代经贸》2011,(4):242-242,244
分析了国际贸易专业人才培养模式的现状,在完善人才培养方案、构建实践教学体系、强化外贸英语教学研究、加强创新型师资队伍建设以及改革教学方法和手段等方面进行了有益的探索和实践。  相似文献   

在校企联合、人才共育的职业教育发展背景下,订单培养是职业院校进行应用型人才培养的有效途径。在订单培养模式下,“双导师制”的推行是提升学生岗位能力、职业素养的重要手段。目前,“双导师制”在推行过程中,还存在责权分配不均衡、沟通衔接不通畅、师资整合不到位、考核与管理不精细的问题。应通过均衡“双导师”的职责与义务、搭建互动平台、严格依标准选聘、完善培养与考核制度、激发企业导师育人潜能五方面提升“双导师制”的推行成效,更好地培养符合行业企业需求的高技能应用人才。  相似文献   

导师制的发展,本科院校实施本科生导师制既能促进学生素质的全面发展,又能促进学生个性发展,专业导师制可以培养大学生创新意识和能力,强化课堂教学效果,配合相关制度,应用型本科院校的专业导师制效果可得到进一步的提升.  相似文献   

王先菊 《时代经贸》2012,(14):249-250
实践教学是民办高等教育的重要内容,国际贸易专业的培养目标是应用型、技能型人才。构建合理的实践教学体系、并辅以落实的配套政策,从不同的角度规范实践教学,是达到理论知识与专业技能于一体的应用型高素质人才培养目标的有效途径。  相似文献   

胡卓红 《时代经贸》2008,6(19):197-198
高职教育的最大特征是培养高素质技能型专门人才。本文基于高职国际贸易专业技能型人才培养模式的实践,从人才培养方案的制订、课程体系及教学内容的构建、实验实训基地的建设及“双师型”教师队伍的打造等方面进行了一系列的探讨。  相似文献   

本科教学阶段主要有学分制、班建制和导师制.大学教育阶段应该充分发挥导师制对学生专业兴趣的培养作用.  相似文献   

为社会发展和地方经济建设培养应用型人才是当今国内外高等教育的潮流,而实践教学环节是培养应用型人才的根本途径.因此,应用型院校应从校内外实验实训环境建设、师资队伍建设、实践教学管理等多方面对国际经贸专业实践教学进行创新改革.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的加快,对国际商务人员的英语也有着越来越高的要求,所以,高校中国际贸易专业学生的英语教学工作也显得越来越重要。我国高校教学改革的出发点和目的是学科知识和语言能力的"双丰收"。以认知心理学为基础,思考现阶段国贸专业的英语教学是高校教师的关注点,其中十分注重根据国贸专业学生学习外语的特点对专业用途英语教学(ESP)进行研究。  相似文献   

国际贸易学科发展前沿问题研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济一体化的不断深入,国际贸易及其学科发展越发重要。基于此,从学科及专业的定位问题、人才培养目标和模式、专业课程体系设置、教学模式及手段四个方面对现有研究成果进行了总结与梳理,从而为高校培养具有"扎实专业知识、高技能综合素质、应用型的国际贸易专业人才"提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Rafael Cezar 《Applied economics》2013,45(24):2903-2919
Is the impact of financial development on international trade heterogeneous – being positive, negative or null – across manufacturing sectors? And is it dependent on the level of sectoral requirement on external finance for capital need? To examine these questions this article uses a panel trade database on 21 manufacturing sectors in 80 countries between 2000 and 2009. The analysis demonstrates that the effect of financial development on trade is indeed heterogeneous by estimating a coefficient for each sector and showing that the signs and significance levels vary across them. The article also demonstrates that sectors with strong reliance on external finance export higher volume from countries with developed financial system and that financial development reduces trade in industries with low financial dependence level.  相似文献   

在现有的教学体系基础上,对市场营销专业网络营销课程的教材选用、教学设计、实验和实训设计等方面进行了探索性改进。充分考虑了市场营销专业学生的特点和课程目标的要求,突出实用性,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This article explores the heterogeneous effects of trade agreements (TAs) and World Trade Organization (WTO) membership on the volume of international trade. We extend Baier and Bergstrand’s (2009a) application of matching econometrics by distinguishing between different types of TAs and WTO participation and account for the endogenous nature of trade policy. For a panel data set covering 1960–2005 and 187 countries, we find that the treatment effect on international trade systematically varies with the type of TA and WTO membership.  相似文献   

In the developing world, services account for a rising share of domestic employment and international trade. Thus, it is important to know whether trade liberalization contributes to labour productivity in services. We explore this question, examining the 1990–2000 Brazilian trade liberalization. We find that growth of imports and exports strengthened labour productivity in services, but the contribution was smaller in subsectors with more college graduates, and this negative offset was larger in subsectors that received large foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. Improved access to imported manufactured intermediate inputs raised downstream services' labour productivity and downstream manufacturing firms benefitting from tariff cuts enacted by trade partners generated spillovers that improved the labour productivity of upstream service subsectors. However, FDI inflows and investments in human and physical capital modified these downstream factors. We conclude that the Brazilian trade liberalization strengthened productivity in services, but unequally across subsectors.  相似文献   

This paper uses the biological concepts ofheterochrony andK- and r-strategies to construct an economic theory about industry life cycles and trade policy. Relations between various types of heterochrony and different competitive environments provide a general explanation for the Japanese and Korean successes in international trade, the decline of the U.S. and E.U. performance and the relative failures of some Latin-American states.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the causes of the loss of share of agricultural products and food in international trade. The article compares, using a gravity model, the impact of various factors upon bilateral trade in agricultural products, in manufactures and in total trade, between 1963 and 2000 for a representative sample of 40 countries. The results clearly demonstrate how the low demand elasticity for agricultural products and food, the high degree of protectionism to which they were subjected and their meagre share in intra-industrial trade are the principal causes of their relatively slow growth.  相似文献   

楼佳 《时代经贸》2007,5(1X):69-70
当前,绿色贸易壁垒在全球经济中运用得越来越广泛,对出口造成了巨大影响。本文通过对绿色壁垒绍兴外贸出口贸易方向和出口结构影响的分析,提出一些政策建议。  相似文献   

I propose a framework that takes a set of conceivable outcomes as the primitive and a prediction is defined by identifying a subset on the set of conceivable outcomes. This notion of predictability serves as an organizing principle for characterizing pattern of trade predictions in single economy and integrated equilibrium formulations of the neoclassical trade model. I identify allocative efficiency as the unifying subset selection criterion for the different formulations of the neoclassical trade model, ranging from Ricardo’s (in Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, reprinted by J. M. Dent, London, in Everyman’s library, 1817) original comparative advantage formulation to the multi-cone Heckscher–Ohlin specification with multiple countries, goods and factors. I am grateful to comments from Jim Anderson, Chris Starmer, Catia Montagna, Peter Neary, two anonymous referees, as well as participants at the June 2007 GEP Conference on ‘New Directions in International Trade Theory’. I am grateful for financial support from NSF research grant SES-0452991 and from Leverhulme Trust Programme grant F114/BF.  相似文献   

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