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面对供给侧改革新常态,为解决绿色建筑推进难问题,以绿色建筑供给侧为切入点,通过构建演化博弈模型,探究绿色建筑产业链供需双方的创新关系,探讨政府与供给端动态演化过程的目标策略选择。通过对绿色建筑供给侧动态博弈模型与需求侧进行比较分析,将绿色建筑推进阶段分为起步、发展、成熟3个阶段并提出政策建议。研究表明:在绿色建筑推进的起步阶段,政府应对绿色建筑开发商给予补贴,对传统房地产商实行高税收政策,迫使传统房地产商转型升级;在发展阶段,政府对房地产商进行减税以化解过剩库存;在成熟阶段,发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,以实现绿色建筑可持续发展。  相似文献   

建立科学、有效的激励机制是促进绿色建筑健康发展的重要因素,基于生态学视角,将绿色建筑的生态环境效益作为重要补偿因素,对绿色建筑开发者收益损失和绿色建筑产生的效应进行分析,构建了绿色建筑开发者损失型补偿模型和绿色建筑生态环境效应型补偿模型,利用C-D生产函数构建了利润函数,探讨了损失型补偿额度,利用机会成本法、市场价值法、生态恢复费用法测算绿色建筑环境效应,以此建立基于生态环境效益补偿的绿色建筑激励机制。  相似文献   

既有建筑绿色改造是实现国家可持续发展战略的迫切需要,其实施必然解决多主体多目标集成优化问题。论文基于市场运行视角,从风险管理、激励机制、社会责任共担、主体行为策略等方面概述了国内外既有建筑节能改造理论研究成果,从政策先导、立法护航、公私联动、技术创新、教育为根等五方面概括了国外既有建筑节能改造实践特征,考虑既有建筑绿色改造特殊性,论证了既有建筑绿色改造多主体多目标集成优化机理研究的价值性和必要性。  相似文献   

随着绿色建筑在中国的发展,节能问题作为绿色建筑的核心问题也日益引起重视.绿色建筑也可称作生态可持续性建筑,即在不损害基本生态环境的前提下,使建筑空间环境得以长时期的满足人类健康地从事社会和经济活动的需要.根据国家绿色建筑发展制定的两个阶段目标以及四大基本策略,在遵循此原则的前提下,从绿色建筑面临的设计施工难题,提出从资源的易得性、环境的适应性,以及循环利用性等方面着手考虑,从而获得了稳步发展绿色建筑的策略.而目前在我国的绿色建筑中,暖通节能的问题日益突出,本文就如何解决这些问题并且提出可持续发展的解决措施阐述了几点建议.  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,人们的生活水平日益提升,且更为注重绿色环保理念.为满足人们的环保需求,建筑企业开始将绿色施工技术应用于建筑工程项目中.绿色施工技术可以有效减少工程项目施工过程中所造成的环境污染,并节约建筑成本,在提升生态环境的同时,还能增强建筑企业自身的综合市场竞争能力.综上所述,本文将对绿色施工技术在建筑工程项目中的应用策略展开简单的分析,以期促进我国建筑行业可持续发展.  相似文献   

人类社会进入21世纪以来,绿色浪潮来势凶猛,我们的企业要迅速修订长远发展规划,调整绿色经营策略,开展绿色营销,引导绿色消费,提升市场竞争力和生存力,就必需重视调查研究,找准定位,开展营销活动。本文从对绿色营销必要性及存在问题进行了分析说明,并对如何做好绿色营销提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   

建设美丽中国是新时代社会发展的必然要求,将建筑与生态相结合,发挥绿色建筑在节能减排、环境保护等方面的重要促进作用,将成为我国建筑行业发展的必然趋势。为此,对现阶段中国绿色建筑发展中的制约因素进行分析,同时基于绿色理念探讨了绿色建筑的发展策略,在健全建筑法规政策、开发新型建筑结构、完善科学成本管理体系、开发绿色建材、普及绿色施工技术等方面提出合理化建议,提出在建筑工程全寿命成本分析中引入环境评价机制,达到全寿命低碳化目标。为我国绿色建筑业的发展提供建议,为加速我国生态文明建设与生态经济发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着我国建筑市场的发展,国家加强了对建筑市场秩序的整顿,加强了对市场的管理,尤其是对工程合同的管理,更是针对各种问题提出有效的应对策略,以期能够提高工程合同管理的效率,避免因合同管理不善而引起的工程纠纷。本文主要针对工程合同管理中存在的常见问题进行探讨,并提出相关的应对策略,以期为相关工作人员提供一些参考。  相似文献   

当前我国绿色建筑的发展还处于起步发展阶段,但是全社会还没有完全听见绿色建筑理念的呼声,不少人也没有认识和理解绿色建筑理念的深刻含义,这需要继续引导和宣传,需要政府、开发商和消费者共同努力,实现全社会对绿色建筑理念的认可.本文从房地产开发的角度出发,阐述现阶段绿色建筑在房地产开发中的运用及开发绿色建筑对开发商的竞争优势分析,并指出了开发绿色建筑中亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

绿色建筑理论迅速发展,实践项目也越来越多.新建工程节能环保领先一步,旧建筑的绿色改造也有很好的发展前景.新旧建筑在绿色节能方面使用不同的策略,使之适用自身不同的特点,以期实现相同的节能目标.  相似文献   

Identifying the key factors that influence commercial buildings’ decision to obtain voluntary green certificates is essential to building sustainability enhancement. Using commercial buildings in the state of New York, multinomial logit and nested logit models demonstrate that there is a significant correlation between the characteristics of commercial buildings (such as square footage, lot size, and years built) and green certification. More interestingly, if a commercial building is occupied by its owner, likelihood of green certification is actually smaller. This finding not only confirms that ongoing energy savings are heavily discounted when deciding whether to incur the upfront cost of green certification, but also suggests that the rental premium enjoyed by green buildings is likely greater in terms of present value than the expected operating cost savings. Another explanation could be that investor owners must operate in a competitive market for tenants while owner-occupiers do not operate in that competitive market, so they do not need to obtain green certificates to attract tenants. Consequently for policymakers, building owners that plan to rent out their commercial property space should be the early targets to promote green certification.  相似文献   

In recent years, formal certification programs for rating and evaluating the sustainability and energy efficiency of buildings have proliferated around the world. Developers recognize that such “green labels” differentiate products and allow them to charge a price premium. China has not formally adopted such rating standards. In the absence of such standards, developers are competing with each other based on their own self-reported indicators of their buildings’ “greenness”. We create an index using Google search to rank housing complexes in Beijing with respect to their “marketing greenness” and document that these “green” units sell for a price premium at the presale stage but they subsequently resell or rent for a price discount. An introduction of a standardized official certification program would help “green” demanders to acquire units that they desire and would accelerate the advance of China’s nascent green real estate market.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the growing literature on the economics of green buildings: by merging auction theory and hedonic regression analysis we investigate the relationship between market concentration and price premiums in the American market for eco-certified real estate assets. Auction theory is used to model price formation where eco-investors may differ in their valuation of assets. Controlling for a large number of features, the empirical results provide evidence of a significant and positive relationship between investors’ eco-certified market share and prices of eco-certified space. Contributing to the recent debate over the nature of the green premium, we find that eco-investors are creating clientele effects and that they may be subject to a green winner's curse.  相似文献   

激发绿色低碳产品消费市场活性,对拉动上游企业低碳减排,促进低碳供应链发展具有重要作用。基于演化博弈理论,构建了政府、家电企业、消费者三方博弈模型,探索各主体策略选择及演化稳定路径,并以实际数据进行验证。研究结果表明:政府低碳决策主要受家电企业低碳决策影响,家电企业低碳决策主要受消费者低碳决策影响,消费者低碳决策受政府及家电企业决策共同影响;家电企业低碳成本、政府不监管时消费者选择低碳消费带来的家电企业额外收益、绿色家电与非绿色家电价格差、消费者低碳消费环境保护效用是促进模型向政府不用监管、家电企业积极提供绿色家电、消费者主动选择低碳消费的理想稳定状态演化的重要决定因素。为此,政府应对企业减排成本合理补贴并加强宣传教育,家电企业应扩大低碳产品供给,提高低碳产品性价比,消费者应进一步提升低碳环保意识,树立低碳消费理念,践行低碳消费。  相似文献   

旅游行业的快速发展给经济社会带来了积极效应,但是也给生态环境造成了巨大压力。以旅游发展和环境保护的博弈关系研究为出发点,以政府和旅游企业作为博弈主体,通过引入政府的生态环境治理奖惩制度,并且结合模型求解和仿真实验进行博弈分析。研究结论为:一是旅游企业转型成本和收益之比决定其绿色转型的决策意愿;二是政府的环保监管决策主要基于监督成本与污染处罚收益之比;三是政府和旅游企业之间的博弈是长期的,双方最终的选择策略与其最初策略密切相关。基于上述结论,文章建议作为发展和环保博弈的推动者,政府部门要着眼制定长远政策,加快建设健全奖罚结合的机制,帮助和引导旅游企业绿色转型。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the willingness to pay for green housing in China. First, we introduce green building related labels in China and briefly discuss the consumers’ incentives to buy this kind of building. Second, with the available transaction data in Shanghai, a hedonic regression model is applied to investigate whether or not a price premium in the residential market exists. Furthermore, we use the nonparametric matching model under a treatment framework to see the robustness of our results. The empirical result shows there exists a significant price premium in China. However, the premium does not increase with quality certification tiers. That may imply that homebuyers in China are not sensitive to the differences among green buildings although they are willing to pay a higher price for this newly emerging energy-saving building. And we also give the explanation why this has happened.  相似文献   

从市场失灵、政府失灵、企业行为动机以及企业与政府的博弈等四个方面分析了煤炭企业绿色开采动力不足的原因,并由此得出了绿色开采政策设计的基本思路。  相似文献   

The study provides a game theoretic exploration of firms’ decisions on whether to compete or collaborate in the generation and adoption of a sequence of new technologies. Different from models proposed by previous studies, which concentrates on process innovation and a two-strategy set (innovation or do nothing), the present game theory model emphasises product innovation and a three-strategy set (innovation, collaboration, or do nothing). The study makes three contributions. The proposed game theory model extends current understanding of the impacts of collaboration possibilities and collaboration cost in a dynamic game theory. Further, the model clarifies the impact of transaction costs on the outcome. Finally, the study finds that the relationship between collaboration costs is not univariate, but depends on the market type and various market characteristics, such as technology gap, technology level, the product substitution index, transaction costs, and the discount rate of price sensitiveness.  相似文献   

分布式创新作为一种新型的技术创新模式,已被许多跨国公司和大型企业所积极运用和实践.分布式创新的合作受多种因素影响,是一个博弈过程.基于博弈理论,通过参与分布式创新的企业间的一次性合作博弈、重复合作博弈和合作协议约束下的合作博弈模型的分析,阐释了分布式创新合作机制形成的机理.博弈模型分析表明:企业之间的一次性合作博弈不能建立分布式创新的合作机制,重复合作博弈为通过市场机制自发形成分布式创新的内在合作机制提供了可能,而合作协议的事先引入则更有利于分布式创新合作机制的形成和合作的稳定.根据以上分析,从重视和加强合作协议和合同的管理、构建分布式创新信任机制、建立惩罚和退出机制三个方面提出了构建分布式创新合作机制的对策.  相似文献   

Strategic market interaction is here modelled as a two‐stage game in which potential entrants choose capacities and next active firms compete in prices. Due to capital indivisibility, the capacity choice is made from a finite grid and there are economies of scale. In the simplest version of the model with a single production technique, the equilibrium turns out to depend on the ratio between the level of total output at the long‐run competitive equilibrium and the firm's minimum efficient scale: if that ratio is sufficiently large (the market is sufficiently ‘large’), then the competitive price emerges at a subgame‐perfect equilibrium of the capacity and price game; if not, then the firms randomize in prices on the equilibrium path. The role of the market size for the competitive outcome is shown to be even more important if there are several available production techniques.  相似文献   

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