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以寿光市为例,描述农村专业合作经济组织的发展历程,对比分析一下农村集体经济组织、农村专业合作经济组织、股份合作制企业三种不同的农村经济组织中农村专业合作经济组织的优势与劣势,找出农村专业合作经济组织发展的制约因素,并提出相应的解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

边远山区农村信用社资不抵债的成因及对策●赵英哲我国农村信用社作为合作金融组织历史很长,它不断地随着地方农村经济的发展而壮大,尤其是农村经济体制改革以后其发展迅速。但由于地域差异和区域农村经济发展状况的不同,使得农村信用社的发展状况也有所不同。大多数边...  相似文献   

农村新型台作经济组织,是当前农村改革发展和市场经济条件下。实现农民主导作用的农村经济组织制度的一种创新。发展农村合作经济组织的关键,就是要立足各地资源实际,按照“先发展后规范,边发展边规范,以发展健规范”的原则,突出抓规模,抓模式,抓机制,抓服务,全力培育不同层次、不同类型、不同侧面的合作经济组织,以农村新型合作经济组织的发展壮大,不断提升农民的组织化程度,提高农业生产的综合效益,从而牵动农村经济乃至整个区域经济实现突破性发展。  相似文献   

关于农村合作经济组织建设问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对农村合作经济组织结构分析,阐述了农村合作经济组织的地位和作用,提出了推进农村合作经济组织的措施,为指导农村合作经济组织的发展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本文在分析欠发达地区农村合作经济组织存在问题的基础上,探讨了欠发达地区发展农村合作经济组织的对策。  相似文献   

农村经济组织中的两种关系辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村集体经济组织和农村合作经济组织,是农村经济组织中的两种类型。传统意义上的农村集体经济组织,即在行政乡村范围内,以社会主义集体所有制经济为主要特征的农村组织,明显不同于农村合作经济组织。而以村民为服务对象,以规模经济为特征,满足成员共同经济需求的新型农村集体经济组织,是农民在家庭承包经营的基础上,依照加入自愿、退出自由、民主管理、盈余返还的原则进行共同生产经营活动的经济组织,是农村合作经济组织的一种形式。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农村专业合作经济组织的发展,对农民增收、实现农业家庭经营与大市场对接等都具有重要意义。但是,在发展过程中,农村专业合作经济组织不同程度地面临着各种障碍,如外部环境障碍、组织成本障碍,针对这些障碍。提出了加快组织立法、政策扶持、搞好试点、强化教育培训等对策。  相似文献   

论农村合作经济组织的社会责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着农村合作经济组织功能的逐步完善及人们对其认识的不断加深,农村合作经济组织在农业产业化体系中的地位和作用已远远超出了自我服务的功能范畴,继而成为构建农村经济新秩序的一个不可或缺的组织载体。农村合作经济组织应当承担其相应的社会责任。  相似文献   

丁璐  张跃平 《当代经济》2010,(11):92-94
本文从东西部农村专业合作经济组织的数量、形式以及行业分布等方面探讨了东西部农村专业合作经济组织存在的差异及其产生的原因,提出东西部地区农村专业合作经济组织的差异性分析对于西部农业水平发展有着非常重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

公司+农户是我国各类农村经济组织中的基本模式,它包含了公司、农户、合作组织等市场主体。尽管组织形式不同,但市场主体间都是以各种契约为联系纽带。本文构建一个重复博弈模型,在一个所有权治理结构和关系性治理结构两维度的缔约框架下,分析基于契约规制的农村经济组织模式的组织构架和治理机制。我国现阶段的农村经济组织则可分为市场驱动型、基地带动型、合作经济组织联动型、股份合作型等四种组织构架和治理机制截然不同的组织模式。  相似文献   

I propose in this article a new interpretation of the evolution of post-communist systems by comparing the evolutions in Central and Eastern Europe and in China. Transition is reinterpreted as the result of a collapse of communist state structures in Central and Eastern Europe and, in China, in contrast, as the result of the will to prevent such an outcome. This reconceptualization helps us to better understand the emergence of bad institutions and corruption in Eastern Europe under the market economy as well as the absence of political liberalization in China and the strengthening of the power of the Communist Party in recent years.  相似文献   

This paper uses household budget survey microdata to explorethe growth in household income inequality in Hungary in theperiod 1987–1995, and compares it with inequality in theUK in 1995–96. Decomposition of inequality according toboth household characteristics and income sources shows that,while inequality did grow rapidly in Hungary over the earlyTransition period, several factors prevented its growth to higherlevels. One of these factors, the distribution of employmentand earnings between households, is explored in some detail.While there was considerable polarisation between householdswith and without employed members in the UK in 1995–96,this was less of a feature in Hungary, in spite of a massivewithdrawal of men and women from the labour market between 1987and 1995. Rather, a narrowing of the gender pay gap and a continuedhigh level of female participation in employment appears tohave ensured that, even as earnings inequality in Hungary increasedto the extent that it surpassed earnings inequality in the UK,the distribution of household earnings, and the distributionof household incomes, remained more equal in Hungary.  相似文献   

This article looks at the relative importance of competing stories, particularly trade liberalization and skill-biased technical change, to explain changes in the skill premium and the real wages of unskilled and skilled workers in Mexican manufacturing using plant-level data. The channel through which technical change is observed is changes in the domestic price of machinery and equipment due to the availability of new and cheaper machines. The analysis also looks at trade-induced skill-biased technical change by taking into account changes in the price of machinery and equipment caused by changes in the tariff rate specific to machinery and equipment. Instrumental variables, including the price of machinery and equipment in the United States, are used to determine causality between the above effects and wages. Thus, the article provides evidence for some recent findings in the literature that link trade liberalization, skill-biased technical change occurring through technology embodied in machines and increases in the skill premium.  相似文献   

在颇具挑战性的数字化时代,用户成为企业获取持续创新优势的重要源泉,如何激发用户参与产品创新成为企业创新管理亟待解决的重要问题。基于TOE框架,采用fsQCA方法,分析数字技术应用、产品技术创新、组织职能协调、用户创新能力、同侪竞争效应和用户参与产品创新的组态效应及相互关系。通过对93家用户参与产品创新企业数据的分析,结果表明:存在市场驱动型、驱动市场型和数字驱动型3种高用户参与产品创新条件组态,具有多重并发性,遵循殊途同归原则;在企业开展用户参与产品创新过程中,用户创新能力、数字技术应用两个前因条件相对重要;高用户参与产品创新的条件组态与非高用户参与产品创新的条件组态存在因果非对称性。  相似文献   

四省藏区多维贫困空间分异及基层能力建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡原  卢冲  曾维忠 《经济地理》2020,40(2):171-180
四省藏区作为我国深度贫困地区的重要组成部分是精准扶贫精准脱贫中后程的重点和难点。基于2014年采集的“十二五”期间全国“整村推进”项目村基础数据,借鉴A-F多维贫困测度方法,对四省藏区村域多维贫困状况进行测度分解,并基于拓展的能力视角探讨了村级组织能力禀赋对四省藏区村域多维贫困状况的差异化缓解作用。结果发现:除经济贫困之外,四省藏区还遭受基础教育和生产生活条件等维度的多维贫困,且存在空间异质性,云南和青海藏区是四省藏区中多维贫困问题最严重的区域;生活水平条件和村域发展资本维度对四省藏区的多维贫困指数贡献率最高;基层组织能力禀赋会显著影响四省藏区村域的多维贫困状况、缩小地区差距,在深度贫困地区更加显著。根据研究结论,从覆盖基础教育设施、改善生产生活条件、提高基层组织能力建设三方面为深度贫困地区脱贫攻坚提供政策参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the changes in the wage share in the manufacturing industry in Mexico, Turkey and Korea in the era of globalization. The focus is on the one hand on the effects of globalization on the wage share, which is measured by the effects of international trade and FDI intensity of the economy. On the other hand, the process of opening up has been accompanied by major currency crises in most developing countries in the last decade, which has affected the wage share through exchange rate depreciation and economic recession. The paper develops a Post‐Keynesian conflicting claims model for an open economy under the pressure of globalization, and an equation for the wage share is estimated for each country using the Seemingly Unrelated Regression method. The results show that both recessions and nominal depreciations have a clear and lasting negative effect on the manufacturing wage share in all countries, whereas the effect of openness, in particular international trade depends on industrial policy structure. Increased export intensity leads to a decline in the manufacturing wage share in Turkey and Mexico, but has no significant effect in Korea. The positive expectations from FDI are also not materialized in any of the three countries.  相似文献   

The scenario outlined by the productive restructuring associated with the economic crisis and other changes in the Brazilian economy in the 1990s led to the bankruptcy of many businesses and resulted in an increase in unemployment and uncertainty in work relations. Thus, the workers sought other forms of survival, including associated work. Some groups began to organize themselves with the aim of collectively assuming the management of bankrupted factories in order to keep their jobs. The first ‘recovered factories’ appeared in Brazil. In this context, some supporting institutions were also born, in order to support these experiences, as well as other initiatives within the cooperative and social economy. Our proposal is to make a general analysis of the current situation of the recovered factories in Brazil, discussing whether and how the values of cooperativism and self‐management are present in these factories today.  相似文献   

我国乡村旅游可持续发展问题与对策研究   总被引:117,自引:0,他引:117  
周玲强  黄祖辉 《经济地理》2004,24(4):572-576
乡村旅游是生态旅游与农业旅游结合而演化出来的一种新型旅游方式。生态旅游既包含自然生态旅游,也包含人文生态旅游,旅游者选择这种旅游方式的原始动机是对大自然和先祖生活方式的双重回归。乡村旅游在我国刚刚起步,存在着投资与经营规模小、地区分布与组织形式散、项目低水平重复设置、市场竞争秩序乱的局面,以及活动项目形式单一、环境卫生面貌亟待改善、接待设施城市化、利益分配不均导致市场信誉不良等问题。要解决这些问题加强引导、科学规划、合理布局;质量管理、服务指导、监督保障;规范经营、保持特色、提高质量;产品创新、机制创新、组织创新。  相似文献   

重庆市城市用地供需状况研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄京鸿  刁承泰 《经济地理》2003,23(4):504-507
首先从供给数量和供给质量两方面,分析了重庆市区城市建设用地的供给状况。耕地在重庆市城市建设用地的供给来源中占有重要地位,但供给数量有限;受重庆市区自然条件的限制,城市建设用地的质量较差,表现在坡地多、平地少,冲沟多、地块小,难建地多、宜建地少,所以,重庆市城市建设用地的供给能力相当有限。其次,分析了重庆市区城市建设用地的需求状况。从城市GDP的增长、重点建设项目和城市人均用地水平的提高这三个方面分析了城市建设用地的未来需求趋势。结论是:重庆城市建设用地的供给相当有限,而需求量很大;随着未来重庆市经济社会的发展,城市用地的供需矛盾将成为城市发展中面临的一个重大问题。从合理利用和保护土地资源,为重庆的经济发展提供用地支持和保障的角度出发,文章就此问题提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

山西省人口分布与区域经济协调发展研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
不均衡性是人口与经济分布的最基本属性,人口与经济的空间集中化是区域发展的内在规律。通过对山西省人口与经济分布在中、东、西三大地带及分市县层次上的相关关系及动态演进的多侧面分析,表明:山西省人口与经济分布不均衡性明显,人口经济活力中部强,而东西部山区弱;动态演化总体上具有向中部地带集聚的趋势,符合区域发展的基本规律。但是,1990年以来又有分散化发展的趋势,特别是西部丘陵山区人口与经济动态呈逆向演化态势,是人口与经济协调发展问题最为突出的地区。21世纪初,应进一步实施人口与经济空间集中化战略,建立起人口、经济与生态环境协调发展的区域格局。  相似文献   

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