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所谓“生态位”,就是在大自然中,亲缘关系接近的,具有同样生活习性或生活方式的物种,不会在同一区域内出现。如果它们在同一地方出现,也不会在同一空间内出现,且必定会利用不同的食物生存。如虎在山上行,鱼在水中游,猴在树上跳,鸟在天上飞;虎吃肉,羊吃草,蛙吃虫。如果它们需要的是同一种食物,那么,它们的寻食时间必定要相互错开。  相似文献   

生物多样性保护的经济分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先要明确生物多样性的含义,各国学者对生物多样性的含义有不同的说法,这里引用联合国环境规划署(UNEP)在1995年发表的《全球生物多样性评估》(GBA)中给出的定义,即生物多样性是生物和它们组成的系统的总体多样性和变异性。生物多样性主要包括遗传多样性(或基因多样性)、物种多样性和生态系统多样性三个层次。  相似文献   

在生物技术领域,只有遗传工程可能给环境造成危害,尽管直到几年前,还没有遗传变异生物超出实验室的范围,对其危害性的忧虑也似乎是缺乏根据的。然而随着遗传工程取得的进展,关于遗传变异生物能否危及环境的争论已有越演越烈之势;特别是从对遗传变异生物进行野外试验和已能够将它们应用于工业生产以来,争论就更加激烈了。  相似文献   

保护生物多样性的生态伦理观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性是人类生存和发展的物质基础,由于人类的活动及其对生物多样性的错误观念,导致生物多样性的大量丧失,对人类的生存构成了严重威胁。本文在阐述生物多样性概率以及分析生物多样性丧失原因的基础上,从生态伦理学的角度,提出了保护生物多样性的生态伦理观的主要内容。  相似文献   

生存环境、生物多样性与人的生存密切联系,人的高级性与对环境的依赖性成正比,生物多样性稳定程度与人的生存力成正比。文章在生态文化理念指导下,把生物多样性与山西生存力结合起来进行思考,通过对山西省生存环境、生物多样性的历史状况、面临的主要问题的考察,并以此作为衡量山西人生存的指标之一。并提出山西人的新的生活理念。  相似文献   

生物因子是园林植物生长发育一非常重要的生态因子。随着全球经济一体化,有害生物都是通过有意或无意的渠道而被引入世界各国,对许多国家的生态、环境、经济等方面造成了巨大的危害。据初步统计,目前中国遭280余种外来生物入侵,每年损失2 000亿元。借助一些人为措施来调控园林植物生长的生物环境为园林生产服务,是园林生产刻不容缓的重要课题。  相似文献   

生态公益林是以发挥森林生态效益、维护和保持自然生态环境,保护生物多样性和丰富自然景观,提高人类生活质量为主要任务的森林类型;也是为国民经济可持续发展和人类生产生活提供良好生态环境的森林类型。林业生态体系建设是国土整治的重要组成部分,是一项造福子孙后代的森林生态系统工程。因此,生态公益林建设应以恢复和扩大森林植被,增加生物多样性,控制水土流失,缓解风沙危害和土地沙漠化,  相似文献   

近年来“生态位”的研究日益引起重视。J.Grinnel(1917)首先提出生态位概念,他把生态位描述为一种生物在环境中的地位,即每种生物都被它结构上和本性上的限制因素约束在生态位之内,亦即生态位是指一个种或亚种在环境中所占据的最后单位。这是生态位的空间概念.以后,动物生态学家Elton(1927)进一步把生态位理解为一个物种在生物群落中的作用.他说:“描述一种动物在群落中的状况,不仅指出它象什么,而且指出它在干什么,被使用的这个述语就是生态位……。一种动物的生态位就是它在环境中的位置、食物和敌害关系”.强调一种生物与其它生物的相互关系,即生态位是一种生物在群落中的作用和地位,特别强调其与其它生物的营养关系.1957年Hutchinson发展了生态位的概念,予以数学  相似文献   

生态足迹的概念及计算模型   总被引:236,自引:9,他引:227  
生态足迹是一种定量测量人类对自然利用程度的新方法。通过跟踪区域的能源和资源消费,将它们转化为提供这种物质流所必须的各种生物生产土地类型的面积,并同区域能提供的生物生产土地面积进行比较,能定量判断一个区域的发展是否处于生态承载力的范围内。介绍了生态足迹的概念及其计算模型,分析总结了模型的优缺点。  相似文献   

一、森林生态系统经营的目标 明确的目标对森林生态系统经营的成功是至关重要的,生态系统经营的一个主要目标是维持和加强生物多样性。美国林学会把期望的森林景观状况作为主要目标。这一目标显然包含社会对森林的价值判定和选择。总目标是维持生态完整性,具体目标包括维持生物多样性、生态过程、物种和生态系统的进化潜力以及在以上限制内协调人类利用这样一个目标体系。然而有人认为,生态系统经营在维持生态完整性方面的主要目标是维持土地的生态可持续性。  相似文献   

长江流域新世纪可持续发展的重大问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘兆德  虞孝感 《经济地理》2006,26(2):304-307,312
长江流域占全国面积的15.5%,它所拥有的水、土、生物、矿产等整体资源优势和雄厚的社会、经济基础,成为我国经济的驱动轴。然而,随着人口的不断增加和经济的高速增长,流域人地关系日趋紧张,影响着长江流域资源和环境优势的发挥。文章分析了长江流域发展形势及其在全国的地位,指出:人口压力增大、资源安全不容忽视、生态环境恶化、经济效益下降以及整体性差等成为长江流域可持续发展面临的主要问题;控制人口增长、保持适速经济增长、建立资源节约型和“绿色化”的国民经济体系、建立流域生态补偿机制和管理模式以及对长远性问题坚持科学研究是实现长江流域可持续发展的关键所在。  相似文献   

自然资源、经济增长与创新三者的关系分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然资源是经济增长的过程中的一个要素,理论上这个要素能够扩大生产可能性边界,但是,现实生活中自然资源常常阻碍了经济增长的提高,而缺少自然资源的地区反而可能有更快的增长速度.本文考察了自然资源禀赋、经济增长与创新之间的关系,作为"资源诅咒"的传导机制的重要部分,并发展了一个基于内生经济增长理论,变化的拉姆齐-卡斯-库普曼斯模型来解释"资源诅咒"现象.资源收入通过直接减少工作动力和间接导致较小的从事创新的劳动力比例两种方式阻碍经济增长.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that environmental stringency adversely affects the international competitiveness (net exports) in manufacturing sectors. The model follows the standard factor endowment approach to explain the effects of environmental regulatory policy on net exports in different product-based industries. An econometric model is constructed, which includes factor endowments and environmental regulations to examine how strict environmental policies impact export competitiveness. A panel dataset of 10 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, over 17 years, 1987–2003, was constructed for the modelling effort. The study finds that environmental regulations can be a way to combat the flight of manufacturing out of developed countries if the output from these industries can be identified as environmentally friendly. A positive relationship between net exports and environmental regulations was found for paper products, wood products and textile products. However, most manufacturing industries are harmed by increased environmental regulations.  相似文献   

The Easterlin Paradox refers to the fact that happiness data are typically stationary in spite of considerable increases in income. This amounts to a rejection of the hypothesis that current income is the only argument in the utility function. We find that the happiness responses of around 350,000 people living in the OECD between 1975 and 1997 are positively correlated with the level of income, the welfare state and (weakly) with life expectancy; they are negatively correlated with the average number of hours worked, environmental degradation (measured by SOx emissions), crime, openness to trade, inflation and unemployment; all controlling for country and year dummies. These effects separate across groups in a pattern that appears broadly plausible (e.g., the rich suffer environmental degradation more than the poor). Based on actual changes from 1975 to 1997, small contributions to happiness can be attributed to the increase in income in our sample. Interestingly, the actual changes in several of the ‘omitted variables’ such as life expectancy, hours worked, inflation and unemployment also contribute to happiness over this time period since life expectancy has risen and the others have, on average, fallen. Consequently the unexplained trend in happiness is even bigger than would be predicted if income was the only argument in the utility function. In other words, introducing omitted variables worsens the income-without-happiness paradox.  相似文献   

Life expectancy and economic growth: the role of the demographic transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the hypothesis that the causal effect of life expectancy on income per capita growth is non-monotonic. This hypothesis follows from the recent literature on unified growth, in which the demographic transition represents an important turning point for population dynamics and hence plays a central role for the transition from stagnation to growth. Results from different empirical specifications and identification strategies document that the effect is non-monotonic, negative (but often insignificant) before the onset of the demographic transition, but strongly positive after its onset. The results provide a new interpretation of the contradictory existing evidence and have relevant policy implications.  相似文献   

This paper employs the Malmquist-Luenberger (ML) productivity index to evaluate China's growth in total factor productivity (TFP), incorporating undesirable outputs, during the period from 1989 to 2008. The ML productivity index and its components (technical and efficiency changes) are derived from the directional distance function which gives credit for an increase in good outputs and for reductions in undesirable outputs. The average annual ML productivity growth, accounting for undesirable outputs, is 2.46%, whereas the value of the traditional Malmquist productivity index is 4.84%, showing that the true TFP growth in China is overestimated if undesirable outputs are ignored. We explore the strictness in enforcing environmental regulations and its impact on improvements in ML productivity. The results show that, the enforcement of environmental regulations in China is, in general, far below the levels achieved in the best performing regions, and that the more stringent enforcement of environmental regulations would help to improve ML productivity growth in China.  相似文献   

Despite its growth in other areas of economics,time series econometric methods have not beenwidespread in the area of environmental andresource economics. We illustrate one use oftime series methods by examining the time pathof US nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission dataover the period 1900–1994. The analysishighlights that proper time series methods canaid in optimal regulatory policy as well asdeveloping empirical verification of theoriesput forth to explain economic phenomena. Inaddition, several interesting results emerge. First, we find that the emissions seriescontains both a permanent and random component. Second, if one attributed all of the emissionsreductions to regulatory policy, interventionanalysis suggests that the 1970 Clean Air Act(CAA) did not merely have transitory effects,but permanently influenced the NOxemission path. In terms of total regulatoryimpact, an upper bound on the emissions saveddue to the 1970 CAA is in the range of27%–48%.  相似文献   

The accumulation of pollution negatively impacts human health. Extreme increases in pollution, in particular, may have lethal implications for human beings, and, indeed, all living organisms. This paper thus devises a new model of economic growth that takes into account these lethal effects of accumulated pollution via a pollution threshold to show two key results. First, if an abatement technology is relatively inefficient, there exists a stationary steady state in which consumption and pollution stop growing. Second, if the abatement technology is sufficiently efficient, there exists a path along which pollution decreases at an accelerating rate until it finally reaches zero. In this case, consumption grows at a constant rate.  相似文献   

中国农业发展方式的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用非参数的莫氏(Malmquist)指数法,研究了1978-2009年期间中国农业全要素生产率增长、构成的时序特征及其农业增长方式转变的绩效。结果表明,中国农业全要素生产率在1978-2009年的31年间,年均增长率为26%,农业全要素生产率的增长主要来自技术进步,中国农业仍然保持粗放型发展方式,目前主要处于低度粗放型阶段。在未来农业生产方式转变中,通过技术进步、劳动者素质和生态环境保护来提高生产要素的使用效率,实现农业发展方式的转变。  相似文献   

创业企业迁徙是创业企业成长过程中的重要决策。基于文献研究并结合创业企业家特征,构建创业企业迁徙意愿影响因素模型,重点探讨在不确定性容忍度影响下创业企业迁徙意愿影响因素及其作用机制。研究结果表明,政策环境、生活质量、政府服务质量是影响创业企业迁徙的三大外部因素,创业企业家不确定性容忍度则是重要的内部因素,随着创业企业家不确定性容忍度提高,生活质量对迁徙意愿的影响减弱,而政策环境对迁徙意愿的影响增强,表明当前创业企业孵化与迁徙受政策环境主导。研究结论进一步解释了迁徙情景中创业企业对区域经济环境不敏感以及云集于北上广深等生活成本畸高的城市等现象。  相似文献   

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