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马克思的地租理论不仅是解剖资本主义生产关系的锐利武器,而且对研究社会主义经济问题也具有重要的理论价值。本文试图根据马克思的地租理论,探讨我国社会主义制度下,级差土地收入存在的条件,以及级差土地收入的分配同工农产品价格剪刀差的关系问题。地租是土地所有权在经济上的体现。  相似文献   

<正> 社会主义城市地租应由国家通过土地使用费或土地占用税等形式向土地使用者收取,以在经济上实现国家的土地所有权。土地本身并不创造价值。因此,并不会因为我们承认社会主义地租关系而使国民收入总额中再额外增长出一块地租部分。城市土地使用费只能是城市国民收入中的盈利再分配,是  相似文献   

由于农业产品的生产受季节变动和不规则变动的影响较大,农产品的价格很容易由此而波动。当出现农产品价格上涨时,人们总会担心引起通货膨胀。本文运用投入产出分析模型并使用1992年和2002年我国投入产出表数据,通过计算分析得出农产品及其相关联的部门产品价格上涨对其他部门产品价格变动影响程度很小,因此不会造成全国整体物价水平的大幅度上涨、不会引起通货膨胀的结论。  相似文献   

当前,中国农业土地制度及其相关的农村调整改革政策等已成为各级政府和学者关注的焦点。地租理论是马克思剩余价值分配理论的重要组部分,科学系统地分析了土地所有权和使用权分离的条件下地租的产生及与之相关的生产关系。基于此,从马克思地租理论的视角来分析当前农村土地所有权制度、地租分配等方面存在的若干现实问题,正确地理解和运用马克思地租理论,对于完善中国农地制度、改善农民土地经营管理、促进农业经济繁荣发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

利益分配是城市土地经营的核心问题。文章运用马克思地租理论,针对国内城市土地利益分配中存在的问题,尝试建立一种新的城市土地利益分配机制:国家凭土地所有权获取绝对地租,城市政府经营土地获取级差地租,土地使用者开发土地获取平均利润。  相似文献   

土地收益分配机制实际上是政府、土地所有者、土地使用者和其他利益主体,对在土地管理、占用、利用、转移等过程中所形成的土地收益的分配和再分配的制度安排。随着我国城市化进程的加快以及地价的持续快速上涨,城市土地收益分配问题成为社会关注的热点。本文主要从地租、地税和地费三个层面,剖析城市土地收益分配的现状及其存在的问题,并提出完善我国城市土地收益分配体系的建议。  相似文献   

1962年我国经济学界对于社会主义制度下的級差地租問題(或級差土地收入)继续进行了討論。在討論中,对社会主义制度下級差地租发生的原因,经营管理是不是形成級差地租的因素,社会主义級差地租的性质和特点,社会主义級差地租的分配,社会主义制度下农产品社会价值的决定,以及社会主义制度下是否存在級差地租这个经济范疇等問題,联系社会主义经济实践进行了比較广泛深入的討論。現将近一年来討論的几个主要問題綜合介紹如下。  相似文献   

我国现行的农业会计制度规度的农产品成本不包括土地价值,而美国的农产品成本中都含有土地费用——主要指的是地租,如在玉米产区,种植一英亩玉米的土地费用为70.92美元。也许有人认为,正因为社会主义国家消灭了土地私有制后不存在地租,所以农产品成本中也不应含土地费用。这种说法是否有理,为了弄清这个问题,还得先从成本的本质说起。我们知道,成本由转移到产品中的物化劳动和活劳动中分配给劳动者的部分所组成,这两个部分的本质都是在再生产过程中需要补偿的劳动。从会计角度来看,成本本质可以解释为简单再生产过程中以货币计量的补偿价值。反过来,只要是补偿价值就应计入产品成本。  相似文献   

2011年通货膨胀的走势与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2:011年我国通货膨胀形成的主要原因是流动性过剩、成本的过快上涨和输入型产品价格的上涨。2011年全年通货膨胀将呈现"前高后稳"态势,预计通货膨胀率为4%~5%。为此,应实施稳健偏紧的货币政策,加强通货膨胀预期的管理和供给管理。  相似文献   

马克思认为,土地所有权与土地经营权的分离是地租产生的前提,地租是农业超额利润的转化形式,地租分为绝对地租、级差地租,级差地租又分为级差地租Ⅰ和级差地租Ⅱ。本文用马克思的观点解读了在社会主义市场经济条件下,由于地租及各种地租存在的原因、条件都成立,农村集体组织可以拿到绝对地租及级差地租I,农民应该拿到级差地租II,但在农地流转、征地补偿中,级差地租没有得到充分的肯定。"三农"问题的核心是农民利益的实现问题,所以用马克思的地租理论解读我国农民收益的分配问题,对农民问题的解决具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Traditional theory implies that the relative price of consumer goods and of such real assets as land and gold should not be permanently affected by the rate of inflation. A change in the general rate of inflation should, in equilibrium, cause an equal change in the rate of inflation for each asset price. The experience of the past decade has been very different from the predictions of this theory: the prices of land, gold, and other such stores of value have increased by substantially more than the general price level. The present paper presents a simple theoretical model that explains the positive relation between the rate of inflation and the relative price of such real assets. More specifically, in an economy with an income tax, an increase in the expected rate of inflation causes an immediate increase in the relative price of such ‘store of value’ real assets. The behavior of real asset prices discussed in this paper is thus a further example of the non-neutral response of capital markets to inflation in an economy with income taxes.  相似文献   

The purpose of inflation accounting as proposed by Jack Hibbert1 is to show the changes in purchasing power of the assets and liabilities by sectors resulting from general price movements. This paper shows the results of inflation accounting for the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of complete balance sheets for the sectors "Private households,""Enterprises,""General government" and "Rest of the world" in 1980. It is evident that the results of inflation accounting depend to a high degree on the kind of price index which is used as an indicator of the changes in the purchasing power of money in general. The price index for inflation accounting should in general be selected according to the aim of the analysis. On the other hand, however, the validity of the results of inflation accounting depends on and is limited by the price index chosen for that purpose. The figures presented also show that the results of inflation accounting depend to a high degree on whether estimates of the value of tangible assets are included or not. This holds for reproducible tangible assets as well as for land.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of the nominal convergence process on the ability of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) to meet both the inflation and the exchange rate criteria for Eurozone entry. The size of these convergence effects on the exchange rate (for inflation targeters) and for inflation differentials (under a fixed exchange rate) is estimated for a variety of different convergence scenarios. The key result, robust across all scenarios, is that countries with fixed exchange rates will find it much harder to simultaneously meet the criteria than inflation targeters. Probit estimates on the ability of a country to get inflation below the reference value under a fixed exchange rate show a strong effect for the relative price level.  相似文献   

Building on prospect theory, we apply the concept of loss aversion to the formation of inflation perceptions and test empirically for nonlinearities in the inflation-perceptions relation for a panel of 10 Euro area countries. Specifically, under the assumption of loss aversion, inflation changes above a certain reference rate will be perceived more strongly. Rejecting rationality of inflation perceptions in general under symmetric loss and in a majority of cases under flexible loss functions, panel smooth transition models give evidence of nonlinearities in the inflation-perceptions relation regarding both actual inflation and time. This result is confirmed by dynamic fixed effects estimates, where the slope of the estimated value function is significantly steeper in the loss region and the implied average reference inflation rate is found close to 2%.  相似文献   

基于基尼系数的耕地保有量分配优化模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张琳  陈逸  张群  叶晓雯  张燕 《经济地理》2012,32(6):132-137
为了确保粮食安全,我国政府强调18亿亩耕地红线坚决不能突破,但未提出耕地保有量在各个地区如何进行公平分配。针对此问题,借鉴基尼系数,构建我国耕地保有量公平分配的优化模型。以2010年各省(市、自治区)的耕地保有量公平分配为例,利用各地区现有耕地面积数据,选取各地区人口、二三产业产值、粮食产量、农用地面积、水资源总量、≥10℃年积温、太阳辐射作为指标,结合各地区粮食自给率与后备耕地资源,构建基于基尼系数的耕地保有量分配优化模型,利用Lingo软件求出模型最优解并结合GIS技术绘制各地区耕地面积增减比例图。根据优化后耕地面积增减量占现有耕地面积的比例,我国各地区耕地面积需要调整情况可以分为五类:耕地削减区、耕地保持区、耕地小幅度增加区、耕地中幅度增加区、耕地大幅度增加区。结论表明,基于基尼系数的耕地保有量分配结果既公平又可行,可为耕地保护提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper analyses the evolution of inflation and of consumers' inflation perceptions in the aftermath of the euro cash changeover. It finds that the cross‐country variation of food product inflation was dependent on the complexity of conversion rates, with statistically significant and economically sizeable effects especially for low‐priced items sold in midpriced stores. The paper also shows that cross‐country differences in the mismatch of perceived and actual inflation were linked to differences in the complexity of conversion rates. These results are in line with theories of finite information‐processing capacities on the side of consumers.  相似文献   

In this empirical paper, we take a close look at the impact of the observed decline in the product market regulation, and hence in the barriers to entry and in impediments to competition, on inflation dynamics since the early 1980s.We use an enlarged new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) allowing for entry of firms and increasing competitive pressures with the number of firms and non zero trend inflation.Using OECD indicators on product market regulations, characterized by persistent fluctuations, and taking into account the non stationary properties of the inflation process, we investigate the empirical relevance of this NKPC for inflation dynamics in the US and France, assuming VAR expectations. The results point out that product market regulation is a good candidate as an exogenous structural source of the observed persistence in inflation for the past thirty years in both the US and France.  相似文献   

本文定义了货币M1的一个新增长率,以其值作为与实际经济增长率相适应的中介目标值;定义了货币M1的一个超额增长率,以其负值作为与通货膨胀率相适应的中介目标值;在此基础上,重新确定M1货币增长率的值作为中介目标值。实证表明在中国这样确定的货币政策中介目标值与经济增长和通货膨胀最终目标一致。  相似文献   

It is often discussed that inflation introduces a substantial, arbitrary and regressive redistribution of income and wealth under even mild inflation. But after a quarter century of experience with inflation in postwar Japan, very little is known about these costs of inflation on an empirical basis. Due to the complexity of the evaluation of the redistributional impact on Japan, the present paper analyzes the effects of inflation on individuals or groups as wage earners, debtors and creditors, taxpayers, and holders of real estate. The main results of the present investigation suggest that the Japanese inflation for 1955–75 did not seem to introduce much inequality in the income (flow) account in the economy, but that the inequality between households has appeared more in the wealth (stock) account, especially between the house-owner groups and non-house-owner groups. These observations are mainly derived from the following investigations; (i) the wage lag hypothesis about inflation, even if not wrong, does not seem acceptable when applied to the entire period (1955–75) as well as to each of the five sub-periods; (ii) there has been a substantial transfer of real purchasing power from households to non-financial corporations, and, to a lesser extent, to government entities in the debtor-creditor redistribution; (iii) among households, the most substantial redistribution takes place from the non-houseowners to houseowners with land, because of the huge amount of capital gains from the rapid increase in the price of real estate relative to the prices of other assets or the consumer price index, except for the last three years of rampaging inflation.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal long-run inflation rate in a simple New Keynesian model with occasionally binding collateral constraints that intermediate-good firms face on hiring labor. The paper finds that the optimal long-run annual inflation rate is around 1.5% if the economy is hit by a total factor productivity (TFP) shock and nearly 2.5% if the economy is subject to a markup shock. The shadow value of the collateral constraint is akin to an endogenous cost-push shock. Differently from usual cost-push shocks, however, this shock is asymmetric as it takes non-negative values only. Since the mean of this asymmetric endogenous cost-push shock is positive, inflation is also positive on average. In addition, a binding collateral constraint resembles a time-varying tax on labor, which the monetary authority can smooth by setting a positive inflation rate. More generally, the basic result is related to standard Ramsey theory in that optimal policy smoothes distortions over time.  相似文献   

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