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课程教学模式与教学方法的改革是基于工作过程课程的教学改革能够顺利实施的重要保障。本文从课程教学模式和教学方法改革方面阐述了基于工作过程的高职模具设计与制造专业《机构设计与应用》学习领域课程的改革方法和内容,该课程将企业技术改造、维修和更新的工作任务转化为学习任务,有利于提高模具专业人才培养质量。  相似文献   

人力资源建设是提升医院核心竞争力的关键,新员工的入职培训是医院人才培养的第一步,鉴于医疗工作的特点、新进员工的心理状况,入职培训迫切而重要。传统的入职培训存在重视性不够、人本性不突出、实用性不强的缺陷。只有通过了解需求、制定培训方案,注重实用、抓好培训讲座,突出人文、搞好户外活动,重视考核、建立反馈机制等方法,才能切实提高入职培训的效能,帮助新进员工尽快进入角色,从而做好医疗服务。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how specific aspects of market transparency and agents’ behavior affect the efficiency of the market outcome. In particular, we are interested whether learning behavior with and without information about actions of other participants improves market efficiency. We consider a simple market for a homogeneous good populated by buyers and sellers. The valuations of the buyers and the costs of the sellers are given exogenously. Agents are involved in consecutive trading sessions, which are organized as a continuous double auction with order book. Using Individual Evolutionary Learning agents submit price bids and offers, trying to learn the most profitable strategy by looking at their realized and counterfactual or “foregone” payoffs. We find that learning outcomes heavily depend on information treatments. Under full information about actions of others, agents’ orders tend to be similar, while under limited information agents tend to submit their valuations/costs. This behavioral outcome results in higher price volatility for the latter treatment. We also find that learning improves allocative efficiency when compared to outcomes with Zero-Intelligent traders.  相似文献   


In 2018, the United States suddenly increased tariffs on nearly 50 percent of its imports from China. China immediately responded with tariff retaliation covering more than 70 percent of imports from the United States. This article assesses what happened in 2018 and attempts to explain why. It first constructs new measure of special tariff protection to put the sheer scope and coverage of the 2018 actions into historical context. It then uses the lens provided by the 2018 special tariffs to explain the key sources of economic and policy friction between the two countries. This includes whether China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and industrial subsidies, as well as China’s development strategy and system of forcibly acquiring foreign technology, were imposing increasingly large costs on trading partners. Finally, it also examines whether the US strategy to provoke a crisis – which may result in a severely weakened World Trade Organization (WTO) – was deliberate and out of frustration with the institution itself.  相似文献   

Using detailed micro‐level data from 1977 to 1994, we analyze the impact of employment protection measures adopted across US states on the number and the value of new inbound foreign direct investment (FDI) transactions completed by foreign‐owned companies. Our findings point to a robust negative association between the implementation of employment protection laws and both the extensive and the intensive margins of FDI in the US. When states adopt regulations that increase employers’ firing costs, FDI transactions by foreign multinational companies become less frequent and decrease in value, with stronger negative impacts in more labour‐intensive industries. There is also some evidence of diversion and spillover effects from the adoption of these measures by neighbouring states.  相似文献   

We develop a social custom model where a population of social media users decide whether to remain online and accept the platform’s data-gathering policy or abandon the social media and litigate for privacy violations. By allowing the users’ concerns for informational security to co-evolve with the number of privacy-related trials, we find that the system may converge to multiple equilibria. When users put relative emphasis on the relational benefits of online interactions, privacy-related trials remain contained and the provider imposes no limitations to its data-gathering activities. Conversely, when users put relative emphasis on the privacy costs of web-mediated interactions, privacy-related trials become endemic and platforms modulate their data-gathering activities by mediating between profitability and the legal implications of their choice. We use these results to comment the recent shift in the users’ orientation towards online platforms and caution against the inability of institutions to keep up with the process of technological change.  相似文献   

New renewable energy generation in Australia is unambiguously more expensive than thermal plant, at least when comparing direct costs. The federal government claims the 20 per cent renewable energy target will increase electricity tariffs by 4 per cent. Apart from the direct costs, critics of renewables cite additional ‘hidden costs’ arising from the intermittency of wind and the subsequent causation of ‘back‐up plant’ for system security. South Australia, where wind's market share now exceeds 17 per cent, provides a valuable case study to analyse ‘hidden costs’. The evidence is that hidden costs are trivial and the government's claim appears accurate.  相似文献   

随着军民融合深度发展的不断推进,国防科技工业协同创新成为国防科技军民融合发展的必然趋势。构建适应国防科技工业协同创新的人才培养模式,既是先进国防科技工业建设的重点任务,也是推进国防科技工业协同创新的重要保证。当前,我国国防科技工业人才培养在教育教学体系、学科专业体系、产学研用对接机制和资源共享机制等方面还存在很多问题。必须把培养一大批国防科技创新人才摆在国防科技工业发展的战略位置,构建以国防科工教育教学体系、国防特色学科体系和协同创新科研支撑体系为基础的创新人才培养体系,完善顶层设计、激励机制、评估体系及配套措施,全面提升人才培养质量效益,为推动国防科技工业创新发展提供持续的人才支撑。  相似文献   

Fixed operating costs draw a sharp distinction between endogenous growth based on horizontal and vertical innovation: a larger number of product lines puts pressure on an economy’s resources; greater productivity of existing product lines does not. Consequently, the only plausible engine of endogenous growth is vertical innovation whereby progress along the quality or cost ladder does not require the replication of fixed costs. Is, then, product variety expansion irrelevant? No. The two dimensions of technology are complementary in that using one and the other produces a more comprehensive theory of economic growth. The vertical dimension allows endogenous growth unconstrained by endowments, the horizontal provides the mechanism that translates changes in aggregate variables into changes in product-level variables, which ultimately drive incentives to push the technological frontier in the vertical dimension. We show that the potential for exponential growth due to an externality that makes entry costs fall linearly with the number of products, combined with the limited carrying capacity of the system due to fixed operating costs, yields logistic dynamics for the number of products. This desirable property allows us to provide a closed-form solution for the model’s transition path and thereby derive analytically the welfare effects of changes in parameters and policy variables. Our Manhattan Metaphor illustrates conceptually why we obtain this mathematical representation when we simply add fixed operating costs to the standard modeling of variety expansion.  相似文献   


Digital technologies have become an increasingly prominent feature of children’s lives both within and outside educational environments (McCoy, Quail, and Smyth 2012. Influences on 9-Year-Olds’ Learning: Home, School and Community. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs). Despite considerable media debate, we have little robust evidence on the impact of technology use on children’s development, both academically and socially. Much of the literature in this area relies on small-scale cross-sectional studies. Using longitudinal data on 8500 9-year-old children in Ireland, we examine the influence of early mobile phone ownership on children’s performance in reading and maths between 9 and 13 years of age. Across both reading and maths domains, children who already report owning a phone by the age of nine fare less well in terms of their academic development as they move into adolescence. The measured effects are sizeable, implying about 4 percentile lower ranking on standardised tests for an average student. Our results are consistent with the idea that there may be significant educational costs arising from early mobile phone use by children. Parents and policymakers should consider whether the benefits of phone availability for children are sufficiently large to justify such costs. We suggest a range of direct and indirect cognitive effects that could help explain these results.  相似文献   

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