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Empirical studies examining the impact of World Trade Organization (WTO) membership have produced disparate results. These studies, however, have focused on total aggregate trade flows. In this paper, we utilize disaggregated product level data to examine the impact of WTO membership on the product level extensive and intensive margin of imports. Utilizing the Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood (PPML) estimation that allows for heteroskedasticity in trade data and accounting for several estimation issues, we do not find a positive impact on either margins between WTO member country-pairs. Once we examine asymmetries in trade flows across countries based on their level of development, we find that developing WTO members experience an increase in the extensive margin from industrial member countries. Additionally, the industrial WTO members also experience an increase in the extensive margin from developing WTO members. Results suggest that WTO facilitates the North–South trade relationship, which has been largely absent in trade literature.  相似文献   

We estimated total CO2 emissions of Japan and South Korea for 1990 using the familiar input-output model. The differences in CO2 emission between two countries are decomposed into their components, and effects of international trade on domestic CO2 emissions are analyzed for both countries. We show that, even though the absolute level of emission is much lower in South Korea than in Japan, total emission intensities are generally higher in the former. Korean exports to Japan are more emission intensive than the reverse, while exports of both countries to the rest of the world are more emission intensive than their bilateral trade. [F14]  相似文献   

Abstract This paper uses data on US exports to decompose exports into the number of exporting firms (the extensive margin) and average export sales (the intensive margin). We show how a range of proxies for trade costs has different impacts on the two margins. Distance has a negative effect on both margins, but the magnitude is considerably larger for the extensive margin. Most of the variables capturing language, internal geography, infrastructure and import cost barriers work through the extensive margin. We show that these results are consistent with a Melitz‐style model of trade with heterogeneous firm productivity and fixed costs.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) on Canadian exports to Chile, particularly the dynamic effects of the agreement on extensive and intensive margins of trade. Consistent with the literature, we find that the extensive margin effects occurred later than the intensive margin effects and became more prominent in the long-term. Surprisingly, the intensive margin effects died off in the long-term. A theoretical model is constructed to show that our results can arise in a standard setting of intra-industry trade.  相似文献   

A recent body of work has shown that quality of national institutions that enforce written contracts plays an important role in shaping a country’s comparative advantage. The current paper contributes to this literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms through which institutional frictions affect the pattern of aggregate trade flow by distinguishing its effect on the intensive and extensive margins. We find that better contracting institutions not only increase the probability of exporting (the extensive margin) but also enhance the export sales after entry (the intensive margin), particularly in industries where relationship-specific investments are most important. With around two-third to three-fourth share (depending on the definition used), the contribution of institutions along the intensive margin dominates that along the extensive margin. The benefits of improved institutions, particularly via the intensive margin, favor the less developed countries over the more developed ones. In addition, better contracting institutions increase the probability of survival of export products in more contract-intensive industries in particular. These findings are robust to measuring the intensive and extensive margins using a more granular export data based on firm-level aggregates, as well as the variety and destination based definitions.  相似文献   

Using 6-digit product-level data of exports in electronics, this paper finds robust evidence that China's exports adversely affect both the intensive export margin and the extensive export margin of its competitors for the 1992–2018 period. The displacement effects of China's exports on the intensive margin apply especially for the group of intermediate and capital electronic goods and are much more robust and significantly larger in magnitude than the displacement effects found in other studies using aggregated trade data. Finally, we find that China's displacement effect is increasing in China's advantage relative to its competitors in terms of human capital index and internet access of its population.  相似文献   

We assess the impact on agricultural trade of European Union (EU) trade policies, using a gravity model based on disaggregated trade flows from 161 developing countries (DCs) to 15 EU member countries. We use a sample selection framework to account for potential selection bias of positive trade flows and provide an explicit measure for relative preference margins. From a policy perspective, our results debunk some of the most widespread criticisms of preferential policies: EU preferences matter and have a positive impact on DCs agricultural exports at both the extensive and intensive margins, although with significant differences across sectors.  相似文献   

Recent empirical research highlights that differences in trade flows across countries, products and years are governed by two margins: the intensive margin and the extensive margin. The analysis of the relative contribution of each margin is very important to determine which policies can be more efficient to foster trade at the aggregate, geographic, product or firm level. We use the whole universe of firm level transaction data to analyse the relative contribution of these margins to changes in Spanish trade flows during the 1997–2007 period. We first apply the methodology proposed by Bernard et al. (2009 Bernard, A.B., Jensen, J.B., Redding, S.J. and Schott, P.K. 2009. The margins of US trade. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 99(2): 48793. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to decompose trade variation over time into three components: net entry of firms, product-country switching and value growth by regular trading firms. The first two components correspond to the extensive margin and the last one refers to the intensive margin. We find that short-run changes in exports and imports are governed by firms’ intensive margin; however, in the long-run, both the extensive and the intensive margins are equally important to foster trade. We also examine the importance of the trade margins at the cross-sectional level for the year 2007. We find that large differences in the Spanish trade flows across countries and products, especially in the case of exports, are explained by the number of firms that participate in trade, which is consistent with the fact that the number of trading partners decline significantly with distance.  相似文献   

本文基于企业异质性贸易理论框架,利用中国海关数据从企业层面将中国出口增长分解为扩展边际(出口企业数量)与集约边际(单位企业的平均出口额),描述了中国企业出口动态和二元边际结构,并考察不同贸易成本的作用机制。结果发现,2000—2005年间尽管扩展边际的波动幅度远大于集约边际,中国出口的增长仍大部分是由持续出口企业的贸易额扩大实现的;各种因素对二元边际的作用机制和程度不尽相同,经济规模、距离和贸易成本的变动主要通过扩展边际影响贸易流量。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how changes in skilled and unskilled labor supply affect different margins of exports. Using bilateral trade data in manufacturing sectors of 34 countries from 1995 to 2010, we find that most of the impact of skilled labor on exports goes through the intensive margin, whereas most of the effect of unskilled labor works through the extensive margin. These outcomes result from the impact of labor skill composition on the productivity cut‐off of exporters. We also find that the impact of skilled and unskilled labor on trade margins depends on the income level of countries and on the type of products. The results indicate that the effect of skilled labor is greater for low‐income countries and differentiated products, while that of unskilled labor is greater for high‐income countries and homogeneous products.  相似文献   

This article investigates trade effects of the euro focusing on the impact on bystanders. We use data for Swedish firms and examine the impact on exporting firms’ intensive and extensive margins of trade. Our result shows an overall increase in Swedish firms’ exports to the euro area after the introduction of the single currency, indicating that the euro has decreased trade costs also for outsiders. In addition, we find important heterogeneity in the sample, suggesting that it is the large majority of small firms that has increased trade flows with the Eurozone the most.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics of output and export margins in the aftermath of global shocks in fixed and floating exchange rate regimes. Using a panel vector autoregressive model with exogenous factors, it traces the mean responses of output, terms of trade, extensive and intensive margins to real and nominal shocks in 22 developed economies over the period 1988–2011. We find remarkable differences in the transmission of shocks across exchange rate regimes. Adjustment takes place mainly at the extensive margin in fixed regimes, and implies a crowding out of intensive margins that is not present among floaters. Large movements at the extensive margin are associated with a weaker performance in terms of output stabilization. Our findings are robust to alternative sample selections and identification of the shocks. The evidence in the paper stresses a novel advantage of flexible exchange rates based on their ability to smooth the fluctuations in trade of new products.  相似文献   

Recent literature indicates that offshoring can effectively increase firm productivity and improve product quality. Therefore, global value chains have increased in importance. In this paper, we investigate the impact of export growth on firm-level offshoring. Removal of the quota on textile and clothing products in importing countries boosts China's exports of quota-restricted products. This removal offers a quasi-natural experiment. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we find that export growth induced by the quota removal increases the extensive and intensive margins of firm-level offshoring. The impact is more pronounced on domestic firms and firms that are engaged in ordinary trade. Our findings suggest additional gains from trade liberalization: trade liberalization not only boosts exports, but also enhances firm productivity and product quality through encouraging firm-level offshoring.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of indirect exporting, using firm-level data for 27 countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Indirect exporting depends on a combination of fixed and variable trade cost factors. We first hypothesize that firms that perceive customs, transportation, crime and legal systems as severe obstacles anticipate higher fixed costs and are more likely to export indirectly. The second hypothesis is that indirect exporting tends to be a temporary strategy. Econometric models are used to test the first hypothesis and transition matrices to test the second. In particular, probit, Heckman-probit and fractional response models are estimated to analyse the determinants of the export mode and the share of indirect exports. The results indicate that the factors that account for the fixed cost of exporting, mainly affect the decision to export indirectly (extensive margin), but some of them also affect, to a lesser extent, the amount exported indirectly (intensive margin). More specifically, factors such as customs and trade restrictions and transportation obstacles affect the extensive margin only, whereas crime affects both margins. Secondly, trade agreement membership mainly affects trade in manufactured goods, while exchange rate volatility affects positively the extensive and intensive margin of indirect exports of services. The results also indicate that firms are more likely to change their status as an indirect exporter than they are to change their status as a direct exporter or a non-exporter, which provides support to the second hypothesis.  相似文献   

South African trade policy has exerted a major influence on the composition and aggregate growth of trade. In the Apartheid period, South Africa developed a comparative advantage in capital‐intensive primary and manufactured commodities partly because of its natural resource endowments, but also because the pattern of protection was particularly detrimental to exports of non‐commodity manufactured goods. By contrast, trade liberalization from 1990 not only increased imports, but by reducing both input costs and the relative profitability of domestic sales also boosted exports. This evidence suggests that additional trade liberalization and policies that afford South African firms access to inputs at world prices could well be part of the strategy to enhance export diversification.  相似文献   

This paper describes the compilation of the use table for imported goods and the valuation matrix of trade margins for Belgium in 1995. It introduces the methodological novelty of integrating the compilation of both tables and systematically exploiting the fact that large import and export flows do not generate trade margins. This is notably the case for direct imports for intermediate consumption or investment by non-traders, and direct exports by producers. For identifying these trade flows, extensive use was made of intrastat and extrastat data. The results are compared with those of a proportional distribution of imports and trade margins. Many statistical offices resort to the latter approach because of a lack of survey data on the destination of trade margins and imports. We demonstrate that the integrated approach can improve the quality of both the import matrix and the valuation matrix for trade margins, while using only existing data sources.  相似文献   

采用Hummels和Klenow(2005)二元边际分解法对2003—2011年中国蔬菜产品出口数据的实证研究结果表明,中国蔬菜出口增长主要来自扩展边际的贡献,但集约边际在对主要贸易伙伴出口中也发挥着重要作用。对集约边际进一步分解后发现,中国蔬菜出口增长主要是数量扩张,价格边际的贡献相对较小,表明中国蔬菜出口还一定程度上存在“重数量、轻质量”的粗放型增长方式。对二元边际的影响因素实证研究发现,集约边际和扩展边际不仅各自影响因素不尽相同,而且各影响因素的作用方向与作用强度也不相同。  相似文献   

Recent papers have focused attention on the potential for expansionary austerity (i.e. that cutting budget deficits may increase growth in the short run). In this paper we investigate the impact of fiscal consolidation on trade using bilateral trade data. The use of bilateral trade data allows us to demonstrate three novel empirical results. First, while fiscal consolidation is associated with an increase in own‐country exports, it is also correlated to an equal extent with a decrease in foreign‐country exports (i.e. imports); indeed, simultaneous austerity has no statistically significant impact on bilateral trade. Second, the positive effect of austerity on exports disappears when trading partners share a common currency. Third, the increase in exports as a result of austerity is associated entirely with an increase in the range of goods exported (the extensive margin), at the expense of trade volume among existing trade relationships (the intensive margin).  相似文献   

Do all exporters benefit the same from export promotion programs? Surprisingly, no matter how obvious this question may a priori be when thinking of the effectiveness of these programs, there is virtually no empirical evidence on how they affect export performance in different parts of the distribution of export outcomes. This paper aims at filling this gap in the literature. We assess the distributional impacts of trade promotion activities performing efficient semiparametric quantile treatment effect estimation on assistance, total sales, and highly disaggregated export data for the whole population of Chilean exporters over the 2002-2006 period. We find that these activities have indeed heterogeneous effects over the distribution of export performance, along both the extensive and intensive margins. In particular, smaller firms as measured by their total exports seem to benefit more from export promotion actions.  相似文献   

作为正式协议和制度安排的重要补充,缔结国际友好城市关系加强了中外城市之间的信任和深层次交流,成为国际经济合作的重要催化剂和助推器。本文从外贸高质量发展视角切入,基于2002—2015年287个中国城市与136个国家或地区的匹配对数据,考察了国际友好城市形成的“朋友圈”是否以及如何影响城市间的出口贸易。研究发现:(1)缔结国际友好城市协议使得中国城市出口量和出口额分别提高了100%和116%。(2)国际友好城市的贸易促进效应更多源于贸易创造而非贸易转移。(3)除了影响出口集约边际,国际友好城市还从产品种类数和高技术行业所占比例等方面促进了出口扩展边际。(4)以非典和全球金融危机作为事件冲击,国际友好城市协议在一定程度上增强了中国城市出口的风险抵抗能力。(5)异质性分析结果表明,国际友好城市协议对非“一带一路”倡议国家与地理邻近国家或地区的出口促进效应更明显。以上结果得到了一系列稳健性检验的支持。本文的研究有助于全面认识国际友好城市的经济内涵以及探讨外贸高质量发展的新路径。  相似文献   

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