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关于税收筹划的若干思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国,税收筹划逐步被有关人员所重视。纳税人要把握好税收筹划与偷税、避税的界限;纳税人可以从投资决策、融资决策和应纳的主要税种等方面进行税收筹划。  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of implementing FIN 48 on companies’ tax burdens. While the literature examines how FIN 48 impacts companies’ financial reporting, its effect on tax payments has not yet been explored. We find that FIN 48 likely increased larger companies’ tax burdens. Prior to the adoption of FIN 48, larger companies may have used their asymmetric information advantage over the tax authorities to maintain relatively aggressive tax positions. To the extent that such tax-saving strategies were possible only for larger companies, FIN 48 appears to have reduced the appeal of these more aggressive tax minimization strategies.  相似文献   

两税合并、税收筹划与盈余管理方式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以2007年的两税合并为背景,研究上市公司出于税收筹划的目的如何选择盈余管理方式。研究发现,税率下降公司由于税率下降幅度较大,税收筹划收益较高,因此进行了显著向下的应计盈余管理,而没有选择真实盈余管理方式;而税率上升公司则由于存在5年的过渡期,税收筹划收益较低,因此既没有进行显著的应计盈余管理,也没有进行显著的真实盈余管理。这意味着上市公司在进行税收筹划时会综合权衡各种避税方式的成本收益,进而选择最合适的避税方式。政府部门在制定税收政策时必须预先考虑企业可能的税收筹划策略,以达到预期的政策效果。  相似文献   

集团公司税务筹划探析——以某国有企业集团为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜欣 《经济管理》2007,(23):71-76
A企业集团做为国有企业集团,2006年以前税负过重,严重影响其现金流量。税收因素已成为影响其发展壮大的重要因素。从2006年起,A企业集团管理层开始重视税务筹划,并探索出了一套适合自身发展的税务筹划体系。本文通过对其税务筹划案例的分析,总结出A企业集团在税务筹划实施中的成功做法,以为类似的企业集团提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A strictly risk‐averse individual with an exogenous gross income in period one can acquire human capital in the same period and evade taxes. Period‐two income rises with educational investments in period one and can also be hidden from tax authorities. It is shown that a greater tax deductibility of educational investments and higher individual ability induce a positive correlation between tax evasion and educational investments in period two, whereas the relationship in period one is ambiguous. These theoretical predictions can explain diverse empirical findings on the correlation between education and tax evasion.  相似文献   

We develop a model of a small open economy, where pollution per unit of consumption between domestically produced and imported quantities of the same good differs. We show that the first‐best policy combination calls for consumption taxes on all polluting goods, and border tax adjustment (BTA) measures, that is, tariffs or import subsidies. We identify conditions under which well‐known tariff‐tax reform policies for developing economies, such as a consumer‐price‐neutral piecemeal reform of trade and a consumption tax, and a consumer‐price‐neutral reform of all trade and consumption taxes improve welfare. We also evaluate whether reforms of trade taxes alone are superior to consumer‐price‐neutral reforms of trade and consumption taxes.  相似文献   

Annual wealth tax is back on the policy agenda, but discussion of its effect is not well informed. When standard methodology is used and wealth‐tax burdens are measured against annual individual income, it is found that a large share of the tax burden falls on people with low incomes. In this study, we use rich Norwegian administrative data to discuss the distributional effects of wealth tax under several different income concepts, ultimately measuring income over the lifetime of family dynasties. When measured against lifetime income and lifetime income in dynasties, wealth tax is mostly borne by high‐income taxpayers and is seen as clearly redistributive.  相似文献   

A low‐wage developing economy (South) is interested in accessing and attracting superior technology from a high‐wage developed economy (North) with firms having heterogeneous quality of technology. To improve upon the initial market equilibrium, which shows that relatively inefficient technologies will move to the South, the host government invests in infrastructure financed through taxing the foreign firms. We discuss the problem of existence of such a tax‐transfer mechanism within a balanced budget framework. We argue that such a policy can increase tax revenue as well as instigate the transfer of better quality technology. It turns out that this policy is more likely to be successful when the production concerns high‐value, high‐price products in low‐wage economies. Our results improve upon the conventional strategy of a tax break.  相似文献   

While much has been written about inter-jurisdictional competition for tax revenues, especially concerning the choice between harmonization and competition, the literature has largely ignored intra-jurisdiction issues. The few articles examining this issue focus on how lower level governmental entities react to the tax decisions of a national government. However, in some instances, multiple co-equal taxing authorities might share the same base. These bodies face a dilemma over whether to harmonize their policies or to compete. We present a simple model of revenue maximizing tax authorities and derive the conditions under which harmonization dominates competition.  相似文献   

In March 1997 the European Commission adopted aproposal that increases existing minimum levels oftaxation on mineral oils by around 10 to 25% andintroduces excises for other energy products. Thispaper analyses the macroeconomic impacts of theproposal. It employs three models: HERMES, GEM-E3, andE3ME. All models confirm that the proposal will havepositive macroeconomic impacts when the tax revenuesare used to reduce social security contributions paidby employers. For the EU as a whole, both GDP andemployment are expected to be higher and CO2emissions are 0.9 to 1.6 percent lower. The positiveEU-wide effects can be observed in practically allmember states. The sector impacts are modest, with theenergy sector expected to face the most negativeimpacts. Differences between model results are due tothe model type (general equilibrium ormacro-econometric), the EU countries covered and theway tax exemptions were handled. Crucial assumptionsto obtain the ``double dividend' are the modelling ofthe labour market and the impacts on EU externaltrade. The sensitivity of the results for the use oftax revenues, tax exemptions and tax rate increases isassessed.  相似文献   

When accidental bequests signal otherwise unobservable individual characteristics, such as productivity and longevity, the population should be partitioned into two groups: those who do not receive an inheritance and those who do. The first tagged group receives a Mirrlees second‐best tax schedule; the second group, when its type is fully revealed, faces a first‐best tax schedule. Receiving an inheritance makes high‐ability types worse off and low‐ability types better off. High‐ability individuals face a bequest tax of more than 100 percent, while low‐ability types face a bequest tax that can be smaller, as well as larger, than 100 percent, and it might even be negative.  相似文献   

中国当前贫富差距日益扩大,需要建立有效的调控机制,抑制财富的不公平分配,个人所得税与消费税虽然具有调整社会财富分配的作用,但二者的税制模式限制了它们在税收正义上的效力,故有必要开征更具社会公平价值的遗产税,并且目前的经济发展水平、政治环境与道德水平以及法律环境为遗产税的开征提供了可能性。  相似文献   

论新形势下的企业税收筹划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业税收筹划是近期财税理论界和实务界的一个热点问题。先从理论上论证了税收筹划存在的必然性和合理性,在此基础上界定了税收筹划的内涵,分析了税收筹划存在的制约因素,最后对新形势下税收筹划的发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

由税收筹划引发的博弈论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘巍 《经济与管理》2005,19(4):82-84
企业税收筹划是财务管理的新领域。先从理论上说明了税收筹划的定义及为什么要进行税收筹划,在此基础上说明了企业集团进行税收筹划的必要性,分析了企业集团内部转移价格税收筹划的方法并从博弈论的角度对此进行了论证。  相似文献   

纳税人在进行纳税筹划过程中都普遍认为,只要进行纳税筹划就可以减轻税收负担,增加自身收益,而很少甚至根本不考虑纳税筹划的风险。其实,纳税筹划作为一种计划决策方法,本身也是有风险的。当然,制造业企业生产经营中的具体纳税筹划应在企管中统筹安排。  相似文献   

In an endogenous growth model, we characterize the fiscal policy driven by a minimum‐time objective of economic development. We find that in equilibrium government should levy the highest possible consumption taxes, reduce public expenditures to the lowest possible level, and keep labor income tax rate and capital income tax rate satisfy a substitution relationship at the balanced budget constraint. We also identify the condition under which income tax rate should be set to zero. We further find that the equilibrium fiscal policy is equivalent to the growth‐maximizing fiscal policy, whereas it generally deviates from the welfare‐maximizing fiscal policy. We hence identify a circumstance where setting the policy goal of reaching an economic‐performance target as soon as possible cannot be justified in the sense of maximizing the welfare of households.  相似文献   

工资薪金是个人收入的主要形式,超额累进税制和各种抵扣项目政策的存在,为税务筹划在工资薪金税负中的运用,提供了一定的空间。根据现行工资薪金个人所得税的政策法规,结合各单位的实际情况,工资薪金税负税务筹划的基本思路应从降低应纳税所得额和降低边际税率两个方面入手。  相似文献   

税收征纳博弈及其行为解析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
税收漏洞是促使税制完备与系统一致性的推动力。在不完备的税收制度与非一致性的税收环境中,纳税人与税收征管主体双方都必然存在对策筹划与行为抉择的战略空间。正是在这一对策均衡与非均衡的不断演绎过程中,税制才得以不断完善,从而达到系统一致性的理想境界。基于上述认识,本文着重在宏观层面上对税收漏洞问题进行行为解释与策略均衡分析,旨在从原理上构建一个税收征纳的博弈格局和对策框架。  相似文献   

盖地  李彩霞 《当代财经》2012,(4):112-121
基于税收考虑的企业组织形式选择也称为最优企业组织形式税务筹划,即选择某种企业组织形式寻求最有效的税务筹划决策,税收成本和非税成本是影响这种有效选择的主要因素。不考虑非税成本时,企业组织形式偏好选择经济模型主要受企业所得税税率、股权转让所得的个人所得税税率、经营所得的个人所得税税率等变量影响。非税成本中的转换成本、牺牲非税优势的成本、协调与沟通成本等也是影响经济模型的重要因素。  相似文献   

中国物流企业税收筹划策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流业是中国的一个新兴产业。近年来,中国经济的持续发展拉动了物流业的迅速崛起,但是中国物流业仍然处于发展的初级阶段,经营状况与盈利状况有待改善。列举了物流企业进行税收筹划的积极作用,分析了中国物流企业面临的税制现状,提出了物流企业税收筹划的建议和对策,为物流企业制定合理有效的税收筹划方案,降低企业税金成本,更好地促进企业发展,增强物流企业在国际物流市场的竞争力。  相似文献   

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