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胡序威 《经济地理》2002,22(6):641-643
我国的国土规划工作,在上世纪80年代曾搞得很红火,自90年代中期以来已偃旗息鼓多年。现今国土资源部拟通过深圳市和天津市的国土规划试点工作推动新一轮国土规划的开展。我作为国内最早从事国土规划研究,并对国土规划工作深有感情的专业人员,当然会感到由衷的高兴,并给以积极的支持。1 国土规划的性质要说明国土规划的性质,首先应对国土的概念有正确的理解。什么是国土?学术界和业务主管部门一直存在着两种基本不同的看法。第一种看法:认为国土是资源,是国家资源的总称,有的甚至把国家土地资源简称为国土资源。另一种看法:认为国土是国家…  相似文献   

新时期国土规划编制环境分析及开展建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析国土规划环境的基础上,确定了新时期国土规划定位和目标,创新了国土规划的编制思路。提出以国土资源部为主导的新时期国土规划应强化国土资源的管控作用,健全国土规划的调控机制,并认为不同部门、不同层次的规划应各有侧重、相互制衡、相互配合,共同发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

韩国的国土规划模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国国土规划经历了酝酿,计划型国土规划,趋于成熟3个演进阶段。韩国国土规划体系自成一体,国土综合规划,地域规划和部门规划3类规划内容体系及规划主体各具特点。法律保障,组织保障和财政保障构成了韩国完善的国土规划保障体系。  相似文献   

未来15年是城市化和工业化迅速推进的关键时期,人地矛盾日趋突出,国土规划在社会经济发展中的地位和作用也将更为重要,但随着经济活动领域许多新情况、新问题的出现以及规划背景的变化,原有规划的思路、方法、手段已难以满足和指导建设实践。转变国土规划的思维、方法和手段,制定出可供选择,具有弹性和可实施跟踪管理和调整的国土规划,使之既适应近期的建设需要,又展望远景的发展趋势,既符合市场经济的客观要求,又体现政府的宏观调控手段,是迅猛发展的社会经济建设的需要,更是国土规划工作者急需完成的任务。  相似文献   

经济全球化进程中的国土规划编制模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧海若  吴次芳  叶艳妹 《经济地理》2003,23(2):158-162,186
研究表明,经济全球化进程导致国土规划的不确定性增大,地域边界弱化,取能中心迁移,运行的市场化程度提升。因此,类似于烧“多孔煤”的规划模式已经很难适应。必须施行规划战略取向、规划控制模式、规划编制方式和规划实施策略的一系列变革。在国土规划中适时地引入Governance的理念的操作,能在某种程度上应对规划失效,更好地适应新的规划环境。面对新的规划环境,国土规划的模式设计必须重视国家干预和市场机制的适度结合,重视公众参与和政治参与的有机协调。  相似文献   

国土开发的基本规律是从流域主导向产业主导、城市主导、生态主导阶段演进,但中国国土开发却呈现四个阶段"时空并列"状态,国土规划具有紧迫性。由于国土规划的历史缺位,中国国土规划的紧迫性被城市规划、区域规划"稀释"了。在国家规划体系"发展规划与空间规划"两大系列中,空间规划系列期待一个像发展规划系列中的"五年规划"一样的龙头规划。国土规划要发挥空间规划系列的龙头作用,关键是要理清规划的基本逻辑,明确规划的战略依据、战略目的和战略重点,着力处理好规划的战略预见和战略意外问题。  相似文献   

土地的价值在于其源源不断的生命力,它是一切存在的源泉.在全球化的今天,中国的土地制度正发生潜移默化的变化,"公"(国土规划)的势头日渐高涨.从各国土地立法的"公"到中国土地立法之"公",反映在兼顾公与私的立法理念上,中国国土征地规划是通过公私交融实现土地资源可持续发展的关键.  相似文献   

日本和韩国在经济高速发展时期经历了快速城市化过程,这与我国情形极为类似,他们在促进区域和城市群协调发展的一些做法具有一定的借鉴意义。为推进城市群的建设、促进区域协调发展,我国应进一步完善在国土规划的编制和实施、区域协调发展的机制建设、中央地方关系的调整、城市群发展、城市化过程中的土地征用等方面的举措。  相似文献   

当前,我国的国土规划工作,在国家计委国土局的指导下,已在全国范围内逐步开展起来。松花湖区国土规划工作,是由吉林省规划办提出,经国家计委国土局批准的试点地区之一。在两年的实际工作中,我们注意了有关国土规划的理论与方法的运用与总结,本文就是对理论问题的一些体会。  相似文献   

试论我国经济地理学对发展观演变的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建国以来,我国先后树立和落实了平衡发展观、重点发展观、协调发展观和科学发展观。因应发展观的演变,我国经济地理学在研究内容的侧重点上也在发生变化,这充分说明,满足国家经济社会发展的需要,既是我国经济地理学的首要任务,也是我国经济地理学科发展的驱动力量。我国新近又提出了“以人为本、全面、协调、可持续”的科学发展观,这必将在人文与社会因素的深化研究、宏观与微观相结合的综合研究、“五个统筹”的经济地理研究、新型国土规划与区域规划研究等四个方面影响我国经济地理学发展趋向。  相似文献   

We investigate the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) by using the spatial price discrimination framework of Pal. The degree of flexibility when producing variants can be increased by increasing the investment or production cost and is endogenously determined. Our result is that private incentives for increasing flexibility are excessive from a social welfare perspective.  相似文献   

A major "bootstraps" challenge lies ahead for Latin America: finding enough savings capacity at home to finance needed increases in investment during the 1990s. The banking system throughout the region cannot carry out its role in this process, however, due to a ruinous process of internal debt accumulation and corporate bankruptcy—the domestic analog of the external debt crisis of the 1980s.
This paper briefly reviews recent financial liberalization experiences in Latin America. It identifies three factors as contributing to the undermining of the banking system and the failure of liberalization in the region: (i) foreign exchange risks that the banking system has assumed, (ii) unsound lending and borrowing practices, and (Hi) inadequate regulatory and supervisory frameworks. A case study of Chile illustrates the dynamics of frustrated reform and privatization in the financial markets.
The paper concludes that Latin America has no real choice but to pursue liberalization and to rely more on the private sector in the financial markets. The path to deeper financial markets is extremely complex, however, and Latin America must continue seeking the proper balance between state sector supervision and intervention and an increased role for the private sector. An agenda for research points to some thorny issues awaiting empirical investigation.  相似文献   

How does the type of the primary system affect political outcomes? We address this issue by constructing a simple model that accounts for intra‐party as well as inter‐party political competition. Our model suggests that allowing non‐partisan voters to participate in the primaries (i.e. a semi‐open primary system) indeed improves the chances of a moderate candidate getting elected. However, this need not necessarily happen in the case of a completely open primary system. Under such a system there arise multiple equilibria, some of which may lead to a greater degree of extremism than the closed primary system. Thus, our model contributes to the current debate on the choice of primary systems from an analytical perspective and helps explain some of the empirical findings.  相似文献   

从美国债务上限调整的议案及美国信贷主权评级的下调,可见现行由美元和欧元所组成的二元国际货币体系并不稳定。为测度出人民币的引入能否增加国际货币体系的稳定性,本文先建立面板回归模型分析影响一国货币国际化的基础条件因素,并在模型的基础上,测度出人民币在可自由兑换后将成为一个能与欧元相互抗衡的国际货币。通过方差比较,本文论证了由美元、欧元和人民币三种货币所组成的外汇储备组合较二元体系下的稳定,说明人民币国际化有助于改革现行的二元体系,使国际货币体系发展成为更稳定的三元体系,从而促进全球经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

Abstract.  We first discuss why fairness is a condition of the agreements among governments that form the global trading system. We then suggest that fairness can best be considered within the framework of two concepts: equality of opportunity and distributive equity. We thereafter discuss what these mean as applied to market access and its supporting rules as well as to dispute settlement and trade remedy measures. Finally, we make some comments about fairness in the Doha Development Round.  相似文献   

This paper presents the characteristics of the National Accounting System of Hungary and outlines its development in the last decades and the insufficiencies still existing. Hungary has joined with great interest in the work performed within the frame of the United Nations Statistical Commission concerning the development of the Systems of National Accounts, being interested in applying—as far as possible—the results of the revision of the SNA and MPS in its national practice. The paper first presents a conceptual matrix containing all the major items in the MPS system in order to explain the contents of the items and the interdependencies among them. In this connection a brief account is given of the major differences between the SNA and MPS. The following part of the paper presents the National Accounting System introduced in Hungary in 1968. It is put also within the framework of a matrix, which supplies the items of both the SNA and MPS by means of simple aggregation as well as satisfying the national requirements, so that it is possible to compare the structure and development of the Hungarian economy with those of any other countries. The major differences between the Hungarian system and the current MPS and the revised SNA are then presented.  相似文献   

滇中高原区城镇体系优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇中高原区是云南省经济较发达的区域,其城镇化水平的高低与城镇体系是否完善,不仅对云南省的发展,而且对我国西部大开发战略目标的实现,起着至关重要的作用。通过对滇中高原区城镇体系的等级结构、职能结构、地域空间结构的特点进行剖析,研究其优化对策,并对滇中城市群的建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

广东省城市体系状况与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏清泉 《经济地理》1995,15(2):59-63
本文论述了改革开放以广东省城市体系的发展变化,分析了当前城市体系的状况,揭示了城市体系发展变化的动力机制,并进一步探讨了今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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