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当前我国进口贸易的主要问题是,进口速度长期低于出口速度,累积了大量贸易顺差。同时,进口结构不合理,具体表现为消化吸收性进口少、技术等软性进口少、储备性进口少,生产消耗性进口多。当前情况下,积极有效扩大进口具备有利条件,应遵循市场规律和WTO规则,通过立政策、优结构、重协调和强保障四个方面措施有效扩大进口。  相似文献   

2008年以来,受俄罗斯出口政策调整影响,满洲里口岸进口商品结构发生较大的变化,过去占进口货物半壁江山的原木数量逐渐减少,而板材进口数量呈明显上升趋势。今年上半年,原木进口463万立方米,同比下降33%;板材进口56万立方米,同比增长17%。  相似文献   

国际贸易中的商标平行进口探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国际贸易中平行进口发生日益频繁,平行进口问题逐渐引起人们的关注,其中尤以商标平行进口争议较大。作者试图通过分析商标平行进口的表现形式、成因、经济影响以及比较各国立法现状和实践,对商标平行进口问题作初步的探讨,并针对我国国情提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局(厅): 为进一步加强对限制进口的可用作原料的固体废物(以下简称“进口废物”)的环境管理,规范进口废物审批,杜绝非法倒卖同体废物进口许可证等违法行为,防止进口废物加工利用过程造成环境污染,现通知如下:  相似文献   

李娟 《时代经贸》2013,(10):3-3
中日两国均为世界铁矿石进口大国,但是在铁矿石进口价格影响力方面差异较大。本文选择日本作为比较对象,重点研究了中日两国铁矿石进口定价权差异的成因,提出了建立铁矿石期货市场、进口渠道多元化、增加海外投资等对策建议。  相似文献   

据阿拉山口海关统计,1至5月,阿拉山口口岸累计进口各类钢材6.08万吨,贸易额3739万美元,应征税款5749万元,分别比去年同期下降23.1%、44.7%、49.1%。据了解,进口锐减的主要原因是国外的钢材厂家生产能力不足,小批量进口的贸易公司定不到货,还有某些国内大钢铁企业为降低成本改海运方式进口。  相似文献   

技术进口企业所得税减免审批程序有新规定 为鼓励技术进口,规范税收减免程序,国家税务总局、商务部日前发出通知,对技术进口所涉及的特许权使用费企业所得税减免审批程序作了明确规定。  相似文献   

需求作用估计与进口决策——试析中国谷物进口逆向效益反应的原因孙中才1.引言60年代以来,中国除少数年份谷物净出口外,多数年份谷物净进口。其中,在1978~1995年改革开放的18年中,有5年谷物净出口,其余13年谷物净进口,而1995年净进口量达到1...  相似文献   

日本是世界上进口木材最多的国家之一,日本每年消耗约1亿立方米木材,其中80%是从国外进口。实际上,日本依靠进口木材来满足内需,并非仅仅出于生态安全的考虑,更重要的是经济原因。对于日本来说,进口木材远比采伐本国的树木要合算。目前让日本林业部门最头疼的事不是滥砍滥伐,而是森林无人采伐。  相似文献   

我国重要原材料进口现状及其对经济安全的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
庄芮 《经济学家》2005,(5):45-51
“入世”以来,我国钢材,铁矿等重要原材料进口增势明显,其对国家经济安全的影响倍受关注。本文分析了我国钢材以及铁,猛,铜,铬,氧化铝等重要金属矿产的进口现状,并探讨了这一现状对我国经济安全的影响。相关理论包括:1.目前我国钢材进口增长主要集中于高端产品,进口主因是国内供应存在结构矛盾,由于进口钢材主要是在品种结构上,而不是在数量上补充我国市场,因而总体不会影响国家经济安全,其负效应可能集中于钢铁企业本身,2.我国铁,猛,铜,铬,氧化铝等重要金属矿产日前依赖进口,因为这些大都属于国内中长期“不能保证”甚至是“资源短缺”的矿产,这些矿产的进口实际上保障了我国经济安全。但与此同时,它也增加了我国经济安全的潜在风险,因此,其影响可谓“稳中有忧”。  相似文献   

基于5省236家新创企业的调研数据,从利益相关者的制度逻辑入手,分析了风险投资者和政府机构对新创企业探索式创新和利用式创新的影响,以及企业往期绩效和利益相关者介入新创企业发展时间的调节作用。研究发现:(1)获得风险投资机构资金的新创企业倾向于采取利用式创新,而获得政府机构资金扶持的新创企业倾向于探索式创新;(2)新创企业往期绩效越好,其在获得风险投资机构资金后采取利用式创新的可能性越小,而在获得政府机构资金扶持后采取探索式创新的可能性越大;(3)风险投资机构介入新创企业发展的时间越长,新创企业采取利用式创新的可能性越大,而政府机构介入新创企业发展的时间越长,新创企业采取探索式创新的可能性越大。  相似文献   

We investigate co-operative innovative activity in four major European countries, France, Germany, Spain and the UK, using internationally comparable firm-level data for manufacturing and service sectors. We examine the roles of knowledge flows, cost- and risk-sharing and public financial support in firms’ decisions to collaborate. Our results suggest that firms which place greater value on external information flows are more likely to co-operate with the research base than with other firms and that firms facing appropriability problems are more likely to co-operate with the research base and with upstream and downstream firms than with direct competitors. We find evidence for Spain to suggest that firms collaborate to overcome risks and financial constraints. We also find that receipt of public support is positively related to undertaking collaborative innovation. In line with the focus of policy, this relationship is strongest for co-operation with the research base.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in acutely ill medical patients using 40 mg enoxaparin od compared with unfractionated heparin (UFH) and placebo. An established decision tree model based on epidemiological data, clinical trials, and a recent meta-analysis was used to evaluate costs and consequences of alternative means of thromboprophylaxis in medical patients. Primary outcome measures were episodes of VTE (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) and major bleeding. Secondary effectiveness measures included estimated mortality. In-hospital drug costs and administration time, in conjunction with long-term VTE complications up to 15 years and major bleeding, were considered. Results were estimated for a hypothetical cohort of 100 patients. The expected cost per 100 patients was £9,992 with enoxaparin 40 mg od, £9,972 with UFH 5000 IU bd and £8,781 with no prophylaxis. The expected number of episodes of VTE per 100 patients was 1.2 with enoxaparin 40 mg od, 1.4 with UFH 5000 IU bd and 3.2 with no prophylaxis. The expected number of episodes of major bleeding per 100 patients was 1.7 with enoxaparin 40 mg od, 3.5 with UFH 5000 IU bd and 1.1 with no prophylaxis. The cost-effectiveness ratios for enoxaparin compared to no prophylaxis were £796 per VTE event avoided (taking into account the small increase in bleeding). In acutely ill medical patients, enoxaparin 40 mg od was found to be cost-effective compared with no thromboprophylaxis. Compared to UFH prophylaxis, enoxaparin was found to be cost neutral.  相似文献   

雷宏振  贾悦婷 《技术经济》2013,(11):9-13,80
利用体现复杂网络结构特征的指标,比较了IT微博网络与小世界网络和无标度网络的平均最短路径长度和聚集系数,分析了网络节点的度数、介数和接近数,利用最小二乘法对度分布进行拟合,并分析了"度-度"相关性。结果显示:IT微博网络具有小世界和无标度的特征;绝大多数用户只有少量的关系人,介数最大的节点不一定是接近数最大的节点;关系网络的度服从幂律分布;实验网络具有度的异配性,即度值小的节点倾向于与度值大的节点连接,新增加的个体更倾向于与大度数的个体建立联系。  相似文献   

The paper proves the consistency of vertical and horizontal differentiation models regarding the finiteness property. In the case of constant returns, it turns out that the attitude of consumers towards products sold at marginal costs is crucial for the finiteness property to hold or not. We first prove concerning the finiteness property results with horizontal preferences consistent with results already obtained with vertical preferences. Second we prove with vertical and horizontal preferences, a new type of result relative to the existing literature: the existence of an indifferent consumer and a population unanimous w.r.t. their most preferred variant when all variants are sold at marginal cost, is sufficient to allow to an unbounded number of firms to be active. In the case of non-constant returns, it is the cost structure in a neighborhood of the zero output that drives the market structure. Results consistent with results already proved with vertical preferences, are proved with horizontal preferences. Finally, existence results with horizontal preferences are provided to show that the demonstrated properties have cases of application.  相似文献   

Deposit/refund systems are desirable instruments forenvironmental regulation where monitoring of emissions is difficult. Such systems may gain additional politicalacceptability, however, if implemented so that no net revenues accrue to the government. The revenue neutralityconstraint causes the deposit to drop below the efficient level, and the refund to rise. The extent to which thisconstraint leads to efficiency losses varies with the price elasticity of demand, with compliance costs, with thedegree of correlation between willingness to pay and compliance costs, and with the magnitude of theexternalities.  相似文献   

Achieving an impact on business decision-makers with foresight does not appear to be an easy task. Therefore, the Macro Trends team at Deutsche Bank Research has formulated some criteria to guide foresight projects. They should aim to produce plausibility, provide convenience and inspiration as well as an appropriate time perspective with regard to the content of foresight results. In addition, a structured way of producing and delivering foresight, a seamless inclusion in organisational procedures, a high level of interaction with decision-makers, ideational entrepreneurship, innovation regarding communication with business people, and persistence and synchronisation with the business organisation are the key criteria for achieving a higher impact from foresight projects. To live up to these criteria, the Macro Trends team has developed a ‘trend map’ which provides a conceptual aggregation of trends – to provide orientation for decision-makers and stakeholders.  相似文献   

The fundamental problem, of what makes humans economically distinctive, is addressed here by using a highly focused cross-species analysis to examine the evolution of property relations. Chimpanzees and bonobos are compared with mobile human foragers, and it is argued that our egalitarian political practices, in conjunction with variance-reduction practices we applied prehistorically to large-game meat consumption, led to a critical evolutionary transformation. The transition began with private property at the ancestral level, but ended with humans having not only private property, but communal property. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

建设资源节约型社会符合我国国情以及建立小康社会目标,是实现现代化的唯一出路,具有重大战略意义。新疆经济与社会发展中存在严重的资源能耗问题,必须树立节约意识,走循环经济之路,同时增强科技创新。遵循科学发展观的思路,新疆应大力推动循环经济的发展,提高资源的使用效率,改善环境质量,促进可持续发展,最终实现经济与环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

杨红彦  周申 《财经研究》2012,(1):103-112,123
文章主要分析在汇率冲击下,中国可贸易行业1998—2009年劳动力市场的调整过程。文章利用实际有效汇率指标和动态面板估计方法分析影响劳动力市场调整的不同渠道。结果表明,汇率贬值通过出口渠道增加就业和降低工资,通过进口渠道降低就业和提高工资,通过效率渠道促进就业和降低工资。高贸易依存度行业的就业汇率弹性大于低贸易依存度行业,低加成比例行业的就业汇率弹性大于高加成比例行业,劳动力技术结构是影响就业汇率弹性的重要因素。  相似文献   

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