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Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been widely used for environmental performance measurement at different levels. Most of environmental DEA models take the deterministic form without considering random factors. This paper presents a stochastic environmental DEA model that can measure environmental performance under random conditions. The proposed model has been applied to evaluate the environmental performance of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies in 2010. The results indicate that the stochastic pure environmental performance of APEC economies is indeed affected by random factors. Especially, the fluctuation of Republic of Korea's stochastic pure environmental performance is most obvious among all the APEC economies.  相似文献   

Slow recoveries     
Economies respond differently to aggregate shocks that reduce output. While some countries rapidly recover their pre-crisis trend, others stagnate. Recent studies provide empirical support for a link between aggregate growth and plant dynamics through its effect on productivity: the entry and exit of firms and the reallocation of resources from less to more efficient firms explain a relevant part of transitional productivity dynamics. In this paper, we use a stochastic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous firms to study the effect on aggregate short-run growth of policies that distort the process of birth, growth, and death of firms, as well as the reallocation of resources across economic units. Our findings show that indeed policies that alter plant dynamics can explain slow recoveries. We also find that output losses associated to delayed recoveries are large.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study how a stochastic model can be used to determine optimal levels of exploitation of the North-East Arctic Cod (NEAC, Gadus morhua). A non-critical depensation growth model is developed for this species in order to examine both deterministic and stochastic cases. Estimation of the biological and the noise term parameters in the stochastic biomass dynamics is based on simulation and use of empirical NEAC data sets for the years 1985–2001. The Kolmogorov– Smirnov criterion-based method is used to estimate both drift and diffusion parameters simultaneously. The estimates turn out to be reasonable and the model is able to capture the salient features of the NEAC dynamics. The model is used to derive optimal levels of exploitation with different diffusion functions in the stochastic case and various discount rates in the deterministic case. Optimal catches are compared to the historical catch records. A striking feature of our modeling results is that these records fit surprisingly well with the infinite discounting tracks, i.e., the bliss solution. Our general results indicate that over fishing has resulted from lack of long-term planning as well as inadequate response to uncertainty.  相似文献   

胡查平  冉宪莉  刘用 《技术经济》2020,39(9):207-215
制造企业所处的外部环境压力驱动制造企业实施服务化战略转型已在学术界达成共识。但关于在强环境压力下,制造企业究竟是应如何行动才能有助于其战略成功转型?过往研究重视不足。文章拟通过整合多重理论视角,系统地构建了以制造企业环境压力为主效应,知识密集服务网络嵌入为传导机制,企业吸收能力为调节变量的理论模型。理论模型表明:环境压力下的传统制造企业服务化战略的成功转型与其嵌入知识密集服务网络以获取服务化战略转型资源而达到企业自身能力的构建存在密切的相关关系。即通过知识密集型服务网络嵌入获取的互补性优势资源或能力在制造业服务化战略成功转型中起到了重要作用。同时研究还发现,企业吸收能力在制造企业知识密集服务网络嵌入与服务化战略成功转型的关系中起到调节影响作用。  相似文献   

A qualitative response model is applied to study the relationship between environmental regulations and plant exit. The data set is Norwegian panel data for establishments in three manufacturing sectors that have high shares of units which have been under strict environmental regulations. In two of the sectors, the estimated exit probability of regulated establishments is, ceteris paribus, only one third of the exit probability of non-regulated establishments. We also find that the probability to change regulation status from being non-regulated to become regulated depends significantly on economic factors. In particular, establishments with weak profitability had the highest probability to come under environmental regulation.  相似文献   

Nepal has a long history of returning public forests to local people as part of its community forestry programme. In principle the community forestry programme is designed to address both environmental quality and poverty alleviation. However, concern has been expressed that forest policies emphasise environmental conservation, and that this has a detrimental impact on the use of community forests in rural Nepal where households require access to public forest products to sustain livelihoods. To study the effect of government policies on forest use, an economic model of a typical small community of economically heterogeneous households in Nepal was developed. The model incorporates a link between private agriculture and public forest resources, and uses this link to assess the socioeconomic impacts of forest policies on the use of public forests. Socioeconomic impacts were measured in terms of household income, employment and income inequality. The results show that some forest policies have a negative economic impact, and the impacts are more serious than those reported by other studies. This study shows that existing forest policies reduce household income and employment, and widen income inequalities within communities, compared to alternative policies. Certain forest policies even constrain the poorest households?? ability to meet survival needs. The findings indicate that the socioeconomic impacts of public forest policies may be underestimated in developing countries unless household economic heterogeneity and forestry??s contribution to production are accounted for. The study also demonstrates that alternative policies for managing common property resources would reduce income inequalities in rural Nepalese communities and lift incomes and employment to a level where even the poorest households could meet their basic needs.  相似文献   

区域环境准入指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境准入制度是控制建设项目环境污染的一种有效手段,现有区域环境准入制度多为定性条款,缺乏定量要求。文章初步建立了区域环境准入指标体系框架,从区域环境容量、生态功能区划、污染物排放、区域环境与经济基础四个角度分别选取了区域环境准入指标,并以建设项目厂址比选为例,进行区域环境准入指标体系的实证研究。  相似文献   

现有的BIM应用软件提供的乔木模型多为RPC或高 精度3D模型等3D CAD类型。这些模型着重于表达美感或进 行展示,无法反映根系情况。虽然可能包含一定附加属性,但 表达乔木生长和空间需求的功能有限。因而,冲突检查、工序 调度等BIM的优势功能无从应用。风景园林实践领域已就此问 题开始构建自己的模型库,但能够准确反映现状树木真实尺寸 体量,以及现状树木和规划树木未来空间需求的模型仍未广泛 出现。提出一种基于树冠、树干和根系构型与生长功能的实体/ 网面封装建模方法构建BIM乔木模型。模型形态通过一组参数 调整,并根据树龄和反映环境限制因子的值来反映其变化。所 包含的数据和参数数量随后期设计阶段所需的LoD(详细层级) 及专业实践的具体要求而增加。该模型可以与提供本地区内外 苗木商品信息的植物数据库连接使用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the determinants of switching from non-renewable natural resource inputs to renewable resource inputs in energy production. We assume that the stocks of both natural resources are stochastic, and that the adoption of renewable resources is costly and irreversible. Our formulation gives raise to an optimal stopping/switching problem that cannot be solved analytically, then we turn to numerical simulations. Our results suggest that the optimal switching time depends not only on the uncertainty parameters, but also on energy demand, costs, and the relative productivity of the resources.  相似文献   

Water markets have featured prominently in the reallocation of water rights to restore freshwater ecosystem health. Incentive-based water rights acquisition and transactions have emerged as a market-oriented policy approach to reallocate water resources from existing uses to enhance the provision, regulation, and sustainability of freshwater ecosystem services. This paper develops a conceptual framework to examine factors enabling and constraining successful policy reform and implementation in market-based environmental water allocation. This analysis distills and extends the findings and lessons of a September 2007 workshop in Brisbane, Australia on environmental water transactions. Two case studies were selected in water stressed basins - the Columbia (U.S.A) and Murray-Darling (Australia) Basins - where transactional approaches to environmental water allocation first emerged. The case studies draw upon practitioner perspectives and previous policy and economic analysis in two regions where shared political economic and physical conditions lend a strong analytical basis for comparison. A common set of policy and regulatory reforms has occurred in both cases - albeit in different forms and via distinct paths - to develop three enabling conditions: (1) establishment of rights to and limits on freshwater extraction and alteration; (2) recognition of the environment as a legitimate water use; and (3) authority to transfer existing water rights to an environmental purpose. However, these elements of policy reform are necessary but not sufficient for effective implementation; a second set of driving forces, barriers, and adaptations explains the ability to achieve larger scale ecological outcomes. These conditions include the physical, social and economic factors driving demand for environmental water allocation; administrative procedures, organizational development and institutional capacity to effect transfers; and adaptive mechanisms to overcome legal, cultural, economic, and environmental barriers. The case study analysis suggests that environmental water transactions can play an important role in establishing environmental water allocations, although water markets require ongoing institutional capacity and adaptive governance. The conceptual framework and empirical lessons generated through this cross-case comparison provide the basis for an expanded research agenda to evaluate the design and performance of market-oriented reforms as implementation experience accrues and new programs emerge in diverse ecological and political economic settings.  相似文献   

在VUCA环境下,企业商业模式裂变现象增多,但现有研究尚未揭示其具体形成路径与机理,无法指导企业实践。选取6家典型商业模式裂变企业,运用扎根理论方法构建商业模式裂变分类模型,探讨每类裂变发生机理。结果发现:VUCA环境能够促使管理者感知到可能存在的事业机会,并为实现事业发展目标进行创新变革,从而促成自我实现型商业模式裂变;组织通过资源有效编排,利用冗余资源推动商业模式创新,导致资源编排型商业模式裂变;企业为了应对外部压力,通过探索多元化市场和构建新的商业模式以获得竞争优势,导致外部压力型商业模式裂变。最后,对结果进行讨论,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

刘洋  杨秋生 《技术经济》2019,35(10):124
城市绿地是重要的绿色基础设施。城市绿地要实现设计目标,保持长久的景观效果离不开持续不断地养护管理,同时管养工作又会带来物资消耗和废弃物排放,对环境造成负面影响。基于生命周期评价方法(LCA),以资源能源消耗和气候变暖潜值作为对环境影响的主要因子,将城市绿地划分为乔木、灌木、地被和草坪层,建立了管养对环境影响的量化模型。以郑州市郑东新区绿地为研究对象,选取34个植物群落(20m×20m)为样本进行了验证,计算得到各植物层管养资源能源消耗和气候变暖潜值特征量以及管养工作标准化加权环境影响指数。结果表明,乔木的管养环境影响指数最低,比群落均值低32%;施肥和垃圾清运是环境影响的主要因素,占群落管养环境影响指数均值的75%以上;与农林业相比,城市绿地管养环境影响指数处中低水平,但资源能源消耗因子的影响指数偏高。基于LCA方法的研究结果可以为城市绿地设计和精细化管理提供量化参考。  相似文献   

通过揭示环境资源的经济属性,指出其模糊的产权设置是造成"租值耗散"的根本原因,从而提出明晰环境资源的产权归属对于环境保护的重要性,并认为环境会计的核算对象是与环境有关的经济事项,这一点能够为环境资源产权明晰提供有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

Traditional fisheries management relies on the imposition of gear and/or effort restrictions. In spite of much experience with such techniques, the danger of fishery collapse is ever present. Biologists have advocated an alternative strategy, the establishment of marine reserves. However, it is possible that the benefits of marine reserve creation can be overstated if economic behaviour is ignored. In spite of being managed under a system of transferable quotas, the Stewart Island paua (abalone) fishery has been in decline for some time. We develop an integrated economic and biological model of this fishery and use it to predict biomass levels in a number of scenarios, including the imposition of a network of no-take areas. We identify circumstances under which the marine reserve solution outperforms traditional management techniques. We show that the benefit of a marine reserve is highest when a fishery is heavily exploited and when accounting for stochastic recruitment.  相似文献   

本文从要素市场化角度分析中国供给侧改革的中长期实践路径。从经济增长核算的角度出发,本文基于2005—2013年全国分省面板数据,通过超越对数生产函数形式的随机前沿模型测算经济增长来源并分解全要素生产率,发现TFP是非农经济增长的主要来源。然而TFP分解中技术效率偏低,且逐年下降,成为阻碍TFP增长以及经济增长的一大桎梏,而要素市场扭曲是技术效率项偏低的重要原因。促进要素市场化能够推进要素向高效企业流动,进而提高社会整体生产效率水平,本文认为,这是中国供给侧结构性改革的中长期实践路径。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the multi-factor stochastic volatility of stock returns is related to economic fluctuations and affects asset prices. We address these issues in a dynamic Fama-French three-factor volatility model framework. Consistent with the ICAPM with stochastic volatility (Campbell et al., 2017), we find that the conditional volatility of the size and value factors is significantly related to economic uncertainty. These volatilities are also significant pricing factors. The out-of-sample forecasting analysis further reveals that the conditional volatility can predict stock returns and deliver economic gain in asset allocation. Our analysis sharpens the understanding on the link between the stock market and economic fundamentals.  相似文献   

由于未剔除环境因素和随机误差的影响,运用传统数据包络分析(DEA)和随机前沿分析(SFA)对高技术产业创新效率进行研究,容易引起评价结果误差。采用二者相结合的三阶段DEA模型对高技术产业创新效率及其影响因素进行测度与分析,能够保证评价结果的有效性。研究结果显示:规模效率不足是限制我国高技术产业创新效率提升的关键因素;另外,市场开放度能够显著正向促进高技术产业创新效率提升,而政府资助、地区经济发展和地区竞争不利于创新效率提升。最后,对投入要素与技术效率进行聚类分析,将我国内地28个省市划分为4种创新类型,并〖JP〗提出提升高技术产业创新效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

Is Environmental Dumping Greater when Plants are Footloose?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We address concerns that globalisation gives national governments incentives to set weak environmental policies and that these incentives are particularly strong in industries where plants are footloose. Using a simple model of imperfect competition, we compare the environmental policies that would be set by non-cooperative governments for two different move structures—where governments set environmental policies after firms decide where to locate (market share game) and where governments set environmental policies before firms decide where to locate (location game). We show that the extent of environmental dumping in the market share game can be greater than in the location game.
JEL classification F 1; H 4; L 5; Q 2  相似文献   

For several decades, significant changes in farmland biodiversity have been reported in Europe. Agriculture is a major driver of these modifications. Taking into account these environmental impacts, agriculture nowadays aims at a more sustainable way of producing which would reconcile its economic and ecological functions. The objective of this paper is to give insights into the impact of public policies on both conservation of biodiversity and farming production. We develop a macro-regional model combining community dynamics of 34 bird species impacted by agricultural land-uses and an economic decision model. The ecological dynamic model is calibrated with the STOC (French Breeding Bird Survey) and AGRESTE (French land-uses) databases while the economic model relies on the gross margins of the FADN (Farm Accountancy Data Network). We investigate the scenario based on subsidies and taxes. We show that simple economic instruments could be used to establish scenarios promoting economic performances and bird populations. It is pointed out how the sustainability of the policies is sensitive to the ecological and economic indicators used by the planner. The bio-economical analysis shows several solutions for the ecology-economy trade-off. These results suggest that many possibilities are available to develop multi-functional sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

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