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基于知识管理的企业集成创新与合作创新契合机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集成创新与合作创新是提高企业自主创新能力的两种重要方式,二者的有机融合可以实现功能倍增。从知识的角度探讨了集成创新与合作创新的契合机制,分析了集成创新与合作创新的相通,提出了知识螺旋契合、管理行为契合以及目标契合3种契合模式,并分析了3种模式的内在作用机制。  相似文献   

在日益复杂的产品需求和生产环境下,企业面临的生产难题也更加复杂,如何科学系统地使用创新方法解决企业生产难题,是长期困扰企业的问题。研究多个创新方法集成与融合应用概念模型,构建以企业生产难题为导向的多创新方法集成与融合应用理论体系,并基于多创新方法集成与融合应用过程,提出从多个维度指导企业实施多创新方法集成与融合应用的“LCUE矩阵法”。最后,结合某空调装配企业生产实际,以价值流方法为模板,基于LCUE矩阵实施多创新方法集成与融合应用,有效解决了企业生产难题,验证了多创新方法集成与融合应用及LCUE矩阵法的可行性。  相似文献   

新时期要实现高素养人才的有效培养,在大学教育阶段就需要实现思政教育与创新创业教育的结合.本文分析了二者之间的关系,及二者结合的重要作用和对策,对于实现二者的融合,实现高校教育的创新发展具有积极的指导意义.  相似文献   

大学生创新创业教育旨在培养具有创新精神、创业意志和创造能力的时代新人,强调理论与实践的统一。将创新创业教育理念与高校专业教育相融合是社会飞速发展的时代要求,也是应对人才缺失、技术进步、经济发展等挑战的必然选择。通过“三全育人”实施路径,为专创融合提供从育人主体、过程、方位的指引,探索二者有机融合的原则与对策,完善运行机制与科学体系,从而推动高校创新创业教育改革取得新突破,为服务地方发展培养敢创敢为的新时代高素质人才。  相似文献   

关于创业与创新关系的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着创业经济、知识经济的来临,"创业"与"创新"正在日益成为学术界及实业界使用频率最高、关注也最多的词汇。但对于二者的关系,至今学术界仍没有达成共识。作者试图通过对相关研究的梳理,使人们对"创业"与"创新"的内涵及关系有更深刻的认识。  相似文献   

人才培养是高等教育的灵魂和发展之本。为更好地满足国家和社会发展对高素质创新型人才的需求,高职院校应该积极探索专业教育与创新创业教育有效融合的路径。鉴于专业教育与创新创业教育的关联性和相互影响,高职院校应从理念、课程、师资、机制四个维度破解专业教育与创新创业教育融合面临的困境,形成特色化教学体系,培养具备创新创业素质与能力的专业人才,满足国家和社会高质量发展过程对“双创”人才的需求。  相似文献   

基于归因理论和熊彼特创新理论,构建创业者特质与规制影响企业创新的整合模型。通过对224位企业创建者或中高层管理团队核心成员的问卷调研进行实证分析,得出以下结论:创业者风险承受能力、创业警觉性、接受的创新创业教育以及拥有的先前经验均对企业创新具有积极显著影响,但规制仅正向调节创新创业教育、先前经验与企业创新间的关系,即当政府提供较好的金融、培训等政策支持时,创业者通过教育或先前经验习得的知识和技能能够更有效地推动企业创新。结论有利于进一步丰富创业者特质对企业创新的影响研究,揭示规制在二者关系中的情境作用,拓展企业创新研究视角,在深化创业企业创新和助推我国创新型国家建设方面具有重要理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

随着我国创新创业浪潮的兴起,在我国广大高职院校中也掀起了以学生为核心的创新创业风气。学生参与创新创业有利于专业知识有效转化,将自身的知识和技能转化为助推社会经济发展的要素。因此,如何实现创新创业教育与专业教育的有效融合成为目前亟待研究和解决的问题。文章对高职院校中创新创业教育与专业教育相融合的积极意义和具体路径进行探讨和分析,旨在为高职院校优化人才培养策略,实现创新教育与专业教育的有效融合提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

在全民创业、万众创新的大背景之下,创新创业已是我国当下经济社会发展的热点.高职学生的创新创业教育如何落在实处,如何将创新创业教育与专业教育相融合,是高校亟待解决的.将创新创业教育引入会计专业,有利于培养出具有创业精神、创业能力的综合性专业应用型人才.本文以会计专业为例,就高职院校如何融合创新创业教育与专业教育展开进一步分析.  相似文献   

当前,我国高校创新创业教育的发展状态不太理想,特别是创新创业教育和专业教育相互分离的情况比较严重,现在正在致力于打造成为先进的创新型人才高校,在这种背景环境下,体医融合背景下创新创业教育课程建设专创融合实效研究已经成为必然趋势。在体育教育专业发展的过程中,技术课程的内容占据了较大的份额,其中专创融合作为体育教育专业的主要力量,在专创融合中融入创新创业教育,并且把创新创业教育和体育教育专业学生课程建设有效的结合,对于发展创新创业教育具有指导性的价值。  相似文献   

We study post‐merger organizational integration using linked employer–employee data. Integration is implemented by reassigning a small number of high‐skilled workers, especially in R&D and management. Workforce mixing is concentrated to establishments set up after merger, rather than to previously existing establishments. Worker turnover is high after merger, but new hiring yields stable total employment. Target employees have higher turnover and reassignment, particularly if the target firm is small relative to the acquiring firm. These findings might suggest that integration is costly, but can be achieved by focusing on key employees. Alternatively, the reassignment of a few key employees is sufficient for achieving integration.  相似文献   

There are no satisfactory ex post estimates of the effects of regional integration on excluded countries' welfare. Using a formal decomposition of welfare, this paper discusses the factors that might affect these countries' welfare and aspects of their measurement. It then surveys various ex ante estimates of the effects of European integration. These suggest that neighboring countries linked tightly to the European economy could lose significantly from the latter's integration, but that for other countries the losses are likely to be very small.  相似文献   

We set out in this study to analyse the impact on the technological performance of firms arising from their vertical integration, along with their escalating commitment to capital investment. Our findings reveal a positive relationship between vertical integration and the technological performance of such firms. A positive correlation is also found to exist between vertical integration and escalating commitment to capital investment; in other words, a firm's rising commitment to its capital investment may well strengthen the positive effects of vertical integration on the technological performance of the firm. More importantly, the interactive effects on technological performance will tend to differ, largely dependent on the type of vertical integration. The findings of this study also indicate that vertical integration can effectively neutralise the threat to exit barriers resulting from a firm's escalating commitment to its prior investment.  相似文献   

Countries are becoming economically integrated and it is contended that this will also lead to their financial markets becoming integrated. This contention is important since international financial market integration diminishes portfolio diversification benefits and creates contagion risk. We test this contention in this article in the context of the Australasian region. Australia and Asia have experienced very significant economic integration through a rapid growth in their bilateral trade. We utilize a battery of econometric techniques – cointegration, asymmetric generalized dynamic conditional correlations and panel regression models. As expected, we find that trade intensity significantly drives the interdependence between their stock markets in both the short run and the long run. Thus, given the ever increasing economic integration in this region, this finding implies that their stock markets face the risk of contagion, and that investors in these markets would also be confronted with the prospect of lower diversification benefits.  相似文献   

Emerging market experience over the past two decades has revealed the tenuous links between external financial integration and faster growth, and the proclivity of such integration to fuel costly crises. Emerging markets learned, converging to the middle ground of the macroeconomic trilemma. Following their crises of 1997–2001, emerging markets added financial stability as a goal, self‐insured by building up international reserves, and adopted a public finance approach to financial integration. The global crisis of 2008–09 illustrated that the advanced economies “overshot” the optimal degree of financial deregulation, while the resilience of the emerging markets validated their public finance approach to financial integration.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2003,87(5-6):847-865
The paper studies the implications of increased capital market integration and the associated increased tax competition for world welfare. We consider a population with heterogeneous endowments of capital in a model of redistributive politics. We show that if countries have the same average capital endowments but differ with respect to the endowments of their decisive majority, autarky may be socially preferred to integration under any aversion to inequality. We then reverse the conclusion by assuming that the decisive majority has the same endowment but countries differ in their average capital endowments. In proving these results we show that integration may decrease world output and increase the utility of the poorest members of the economy.  相似文献   

文章基于调查数据,分析了上海外来农民工的人口学特征和生存状况;通过构造城市融入指数,测量、分析了农民工的城市融入倾向。最后提出三点值得注意的调查发现:即上海外来农民工的规模在缩减;农民工的年龄有趋大之势;子女教育和医疗保障已成为农民工城市融入的两大现实体制障碍。  相似文献   

农民工城市融入问题已经成为当前学术界和各级政府关注的焦点。利用2010年湖北省流动人口动态监测数据,对农民工在城社会保障状况做了分析,并从微观经济学的视角,借助计量经济学工具,研究了社会保障状况对农民工城市融入的影响。参与医疗保险和失业保险对于农民工城市融入水平的提高有着显著的正向作用。签订无固定期限劳动合同对农民工的城市融入有积极影响。缴纳过住房公积金的农民工相比未缴纳者城市融入水平更高;居住在廉租房对农民工的城市融入起正向作用,而居住在免费房或租房则起着反向作用。  相似文献   

一体化框架下郑汴旅游资源的整合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
旅游资源整合是实现区域旅游资源市场价值和综合效益最大化的过程。文章通过郑州与开封旅游资源的互补性及其整合效应分析,提出了基于一体化的郑汴旅游资源整合思路,并在区域旅游营销创新、旅游业发展平台构建、旅游资源深度开发、区域旅游协作等方面上提出一体化框架下的郑汴旅游资源整合措施。  相似文献   

This article investigates decision makers' strategic use of European integration and globalisation discourses to justify and coordinate national sector reforms. This is done using the example of banking sector reforms in two small European Union (EU) member states, Ireland and Denmark. Two key arguments are put forward: (1) National governments' ability to make credible claims about their ability to influence the direction of European integration is crucial in enabling them to justify sector reforms. Thus, as a full member of the European Monetary Union (EMU), Irish decision makers are able to make credible claims about their influence on European financial integration, an option not available to Danish decision makers since Denmark is not a Eurozone member; (2) Globalisation comprises a particularly compelling set of discourses which enables decision makers to carry through sector reforms in line with European integration measures, even in the absence of national commitment to the latter. Discourses of globalisation have thus become ‘the last resort’ for Danish decision makers in justifying and coordinating reforms that are in line with EU regulations and recommendations.  相似文献   

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