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淮河源是我国南北过渡地带生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,近年来快速发展的旅游业对生物多样性保护构成了严重威胁,其主要原因是法规制度不健全、缺乏科学的总体规划与专业管理人员、缺乏有效的社区参与机制及旅游收益转化机制、科普宣教功能不足、部分旅游发展政策不合理、旅游活动对生物多样性的影响评价严重不足。明确区域功能、加强旅游活动中的生物多样性保护宣教、持续发展生态旅游地周边社区经济、完善旅游活动对生物多样性的影响评价、严格旅游活动中的生物多样性保护执法是促进淮河源旅游产业与生物多样性保护协调发展的主要途径。  相似文献   

论生物多样性保护与社会经济持续发展的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文在介绍生物多样性的概念及其丧失现状的基础上,重点分析了生物多样性保护与社会经济持续发展的关系,即生物多样性保护是社会经济持续发展的物质基础,社会经济持续发展为生物多样性保护提供了物质保障。虽然生物多样性丧失这一问题产生于经济发展过程中,但是也必然会随着社会经济的持续发展而得到解决。  相似文献   

评西方生态经济学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文拟就西方生态经济学的产生动机、背景、有关概念和方法做一简介。在考察生态经济学产生背景的基础上,首先介绍生态经济学的基础,涉及到生态经济系统协同演化问题及这些问题为什么不能用标准的自然资源利用模型或生态系统动态模型加以解释的原因。其次介绍生态经济学的研究特性和对生物多样性的认识。最后讨论生态经济学的政策含义。  相似文献   

经济波动减缓经济增速的福利效应研究为保持中国经济平稳运行提供了新视角。经济波动不仅直接降低居民福利,还通过减缓经济增速间接降低居民福利。本文基于考虑波动减缓增速的拓展模型,使用1985—2007年省际数据测度经济波动对异质居民的福利影响。研究发现:各省份福利损失完全不同;所有省份福利损失明显大于已有研究结果,是采用基准模型测度结果的12—22倍;人口加权后地区福利损失存在显著差异,沿海福利损失超过内陆。为改善民生,须降低经济波幅,稳定政策应具有地区差异化特征,地方政府应以政策实施者身份介入稳定经济的过程;还需弱化居民消费波幅,重要政策手段包括提高并协调各地区金融发展水平、构建风险控制系统、逐步建立社会公平保障体系。  相似文献   

两天以来 ,听了国内外专家们的发言 ,专家们谈得较多的是文化和生物多样性保护的重要意义。我认为凡事要从利益出发 ,才能理解 ,也才能解决。针对与会专家对利益问题谈得较少 ,我今天讲话的主题是如何通过经济利益机制设定来实现生物和文化多样性的保护。为什么要保护生物和文化多样性保护文化和生物多样性 ,这似乎己成为当今人类社会的共识。但这种共识并非从来如此 ,这种共识是历史发展的产物。这几天专家们的发言 ,都强调的是保护生物和文化多样性 ,但对“为什么”的道理 ,谈得还不多。在 1 9世纪 ,文化及生物多样性的保护并不是人们关注…  相似文献   

我国税收的经济增长效应与社会福利损失分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税收对经济增长和社会福利的影响是宏观公共财政理论和经济增长理论研究的重点,已经有大量的研究。基于一个包含政府生产性公共支出的内生增长模型,本文以我国1980—2006年的经济为样本经济,通过参数化和数值模拟考察了我国税收的经济增长效应以及社会福利损失的大小。研究发现,在样本经济的参数环境下,我国税收的经济增长效应较小,但税收的社会福利损失较大;适当提高税率有利于促进经济增长,提高社会福利水平。原因是,税收通过公共支出对经济增长直接的促进作用要比其对劳动供给和投资的扭曲更大;税收通过提高消费增长率和休闲水平从而对社会福利有正向影响。本文的政策含义是,在我国当前的经济环境下,通过税收融资可以促进经济增长,提高社会福利水平。  相似文献   

山地生物多样性资源可持续开发的生态经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展是全世界,也是我国当前和21世纪发展经济的主题。我国山区拥有丰富的山地生物多样性资源,但长期以来没有得到一种可持续性的合理开发利用,杀鸡取卵、竭泽而渔的错误做法时有发生,因此使得这部分资源破坏十分严重。本文拟从生态经济的角度出发,对山地生物多样性资源的可持续开发作一探讨。  相似文献   

国际生物经济发展政策及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
被誉为"第四次浪潮"的生物经济是一种全新的经济形态,将成为21世纪20年代后世界经济发展的主体。为了能成为生物经济浪潮的引领者,世界各国都制定了各种优惠政策来促进生物经济的发展,充分发挥生物经济对经济社会的推动作用。对在生物经济领域领先国家的生物技术产业发展政策进行梳理和分析,并在此基础上提出发展我国生物技术产业的政策和建议。  相似文献   

保护生物多样性的生态伦理观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性是人类生存和发展的物质基础,由于人类的活动及其对生物多样性的错误观念,导致生物多样性的大量丧失,对人类的生存构成了严重威胁。本文在阐述生物多样性概率以及分析生物多样性丧失原因的基础上,从生态伦理学的角度,提出了保护生物多样性的生态伦理观的主要内容。  相似文献   

2013年,德国联邦政府发布了"国家生物经济政策战略",将发展生物经济提升为国家战略。该战略主要内容是:增加可再生资源的生产和供应,加快技术和产品的创新,通过智能化价值链提升产业附加值,切实提高土地资源的利用效率,在全球背景下发展生物经济。通过简述德国生物经济战略的总体目标和重点内容,对德国政府采取的一系列重要举措进行了剖析,对该战略实施进展情况进行了归纳,并对德国生物经济发展面临的机遇和挑战及未来发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

生物入侵造成经济损失评估的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物入侵是生物多样性减少的最重要的因素之一,同时还造成巨大的经济损失,包括直接经济损失和间接经济损失。外来入侵物种造成经济损失评估的研究有助于相关政策的制定以及社会对生物入侵问题的认识与关注。从应用角度考虑,目前国内外对生物入侵造成经济损失的评估分为两类:一类是影响评估,即生态系统服务价值丧失的评估;另一类是政策决策评估,即入侵物种防治的经济分析。文章对国内外生物入侵产生的经济影响、经济损失评估内容及方法、研究面临的主要问题及未来研究趋势进行综述和展望,以期为该领域更深入的研究建立理论参考基础。  相似文献   

Safeguarding biodiversity has been one of the most important issues in environmental and forest policies since the 1990s. In Southern Finland, decisions concerning further actions for the preservation of forest biodiversity will be made in the coming years. To support policy making, we present a multi-regional model that is applicable in determining the economically optimal regional allocation of conservation sites. Three habitat quality models are evaluated to calculate habitat quality indices used as a surrogate for a biodiversity value in a forest sector model. The scenarios presented provide information about the economic impacts of conservation choices on the forest sector. The overall economic impacts of conservation depend on its scale and regional allocation. Conserving land with high biodiversity value can have less adverse impact on the forest sector than conservation of typical commercial forest sites. When optimizing conservation set-asides, we found that set-asides targeted to certain regions possessing higher/lower than average relative share of ecologically valuable land, caused lower/higher adverse economic impacts on the forest sector. Because it is expensive to search land suitable for conservation, these regions could be respectively favoured/avoided when asking forest owners to offer their land for the new conservation program in Southern Finland, which will be based on voluntariness.  相似文献   

Policy action to halt the global loss of biodiversity and ecosystems is hindered by the perception that it would be so costly as to compromise economic development, yet this assumption needs testing. Inspired by the recent Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, the leaders of the G8+5 nations commissioned a similar assessment of the economics of losing biodiversity, under the Potsdam Initiative on Biodiversity. Here, we propose a conceptual framework for such a global assessment which emphasizes several critical insights from the environmental economics and valuation literature: contrasting counterfactual scenarios which differ solely in whether they include specific conservation policies; identifying non-overlapping benefits; modeling the production, flow, use and value of benefits in a spatially-explicit way; and incorporating the likely costs as well as possible benefits of policy interventions. Tackling these challenges, we argue, will significantly enhance our ability to quantify how the loss of benefits derived from ecosystems and biodiversity compares with the costs incurred in retaining them. We also summarise a review of the current state of knowledge, in order to assess how quickly this framework could be operationalized for some key ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss is a problem of global concern affecting ecosystem functioning and services provided to humans. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment is built on a conceptual framework that links biodiversity with the services ecosystems provide to society and human welfare. Numerous empirical studies have measured ecosystem goods and services in terms of economic values; however, less evidence is available of the indirect effect of biodiversity on these values. Based on this, we first compile market and non-market forest valuation studies and, secondly, explore the potential of an econometric modelling exercise by conducting a worldwide meta-analysis. This exercise aims to highlight the role of biodiversity indicators on valuation. In this way, we can study the underlying transmission mechanisms that explain to what extent biodiversity is related to human welfare. Furthermore, we also propose to evaluate the magnitudes of the respective distributional impacts, including the different ecosystem goods and services under consideration. Our results show that biodiversity indicators may have an underlying effect on forest ecosystem values, which also depend on the type of ecosystem services. Lastly, the results are discussed and analysed with respect to their policy implications concerning biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Most evaluations of the economic impacts of invasive species are done post facto and concentrate on direct production loss caused. However, the effects of invasive species on non-market services such as biodiversity and landscapes can be considerable. A proactive approach of assessing the expected economic impact of invasive species prior to their occurrence may contribute to greater efficiency of policy makers. Here we used a stated preference method for a priori evaluating the willingness of the population to pay for different control programs of a new invasive bee species in Israel, the dwarf honey bee, Apis florea. We evaluated possible economic impacts of A. florea using two model plant species expected to be adversely affected by its invasion due to decreased pollination. The plants have no market value but they add aesthetic value to the open landscape. Using a mixed logit model we found that the mean willingness to pay (WTP) differed between the model plants, and increased with the extent of plant loss. Respondents differentiated between levels of damage to the plants and between control methods in their preferences for a specific program. Our results provide means for informed proactive decision making in preventing the continued invasion of the bee.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2007,60(4):487-498
Our aim in this essay is to identify and analyze some of the difficulties with interdisciplinary integration of economic and ecological contributions to the study of biodiversity loss. We develop our analysis from a widely accepted definition of economics which is based on the concept of scarcity. Taking a closer look at this notion, we find that economics actually limits itself to a very particular aspect of scarcity, which we denote as relative scarcity. We describe in what respect the economic approach towards biodiversity is based on this notion, and also reflect on the specific understanding of the relation of humans and nature behind the economic approach. We then turn to absolute scarcity as another notion of scarcity, and show that this is not within the scope of economics, but has been a theme of ecology and ecological economics. We describe in which way ecological and ecological–economic approaches towards biodiversity are based on the idea of absolute scarcity, and also reflect on the specific understanding of the human–nature relationship behind this notion of scarcity. Against this background, we discuss the roles of economics and ecology for nature conservation. We conclude that the interdisciplinary integration of ecology and economics requires a philosophical underpinning, and suggest a framework for further research.  相似文献   

Biological diversity is a central component of the stock of natural capital on which all economic development is based. Other things being equal, loss of biologically diversity implies loss of development potential, and its conservation through sustainable use or outright protection implies the protection of that potential. One characteristics of biodiversity loss of especial importance is that biodiversity loss, more than any other current environmental problem, is associated with ecological threshold effects. The paper explores the implication of this characteristics for the properties of a biodiversity conservation strategy.  相似文献   

This article empirically examines the relationship between biodiversity loss and economic growth in light of the current debate on the effects of economic growth on environmental quality. The basic premise is that biodiversity belongs to a special class of environmental degradation because it involves complex ecosystems, the loss of which cannot be recovered by technological advances. The main finding is that although economic growth has an expected adverse effect on biodiversity, the composition of economic output can also be significant, particularly in low-income countries. The study highlights the need to develop appropriate institutions and macroeconomic policies that allow biodiversity values to be internalized in decisionmaking processes.  相似文献   

In the EURURALIS project, a chain of models was used to predict the changes in sustainable development indicators for European human well-being, ecology and economy issues, for four alternative scenarios of the future socio-economic development. This paper describes the biodiversity analysis of the project. Models based on general relationships between environmental factors and biodiversity loss were combined with socio-economic, land-use and environmental models to derive data that were integrated into an interactive tool for policy makers. The biodiversity analysis takes into account the effects of land-use change, climate change, fragmentation by major roads, area of unfragmented patches, nitrogen deposition, forestry and disturbance. Results show that biodiversity is projected to decrease between now and 2030 in most countries for all scenarios, indicating that it is unlikely that the EU will be able to fulfill its commitment to stop biodiversity loss by 2010. This is mainly due to urbanization and increase in stress factors, and outweighs the area increase of nature arising from land abandonment. Merits, limitations and uncertainties of this approach to biodiversity assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

It is argued that there is neither regular relationship between changes in the level of the market rate of interest and variations in the rate of biodiversity loss nor does such a regular relationship occur between alterations in the market rate of interest and changes in the rate of natural resource extraction. However, some texts suggest otherwise. Microeconomic examples are given in which a rise in the market rate of interest results in increased biodiversity loss and others in which it does not. It is also posited that the rate of biodiversity loss (as well as the rate of natural resource extraction) tends to rise with the level of aggregate investment and aggregate economic activity. It is demonstrated, using macroeconomic models, that the market rate of interest can increase or decrease with a rise in aggregate investment and also with an increase in the level of aggregate economic activity. Therefore, changes in biodiversity loss (and in the rate of natural resource extraction) are independent of variations in the market rate of interest in macroeconomic models.  相似文献   

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