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论经济剩余与可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐佩华 《经济师》2004,1(11):9-10
经济剩余的获取固然离不开劳动 ,但自然资源的作用是不容忽视的。自然力的无偿提供是形成经济剩余的重要因素 ,它是无法用价值来加以准确衡量的。自然资源从其蕴涵的潜力和人类智慧对其的开发和利用来讲是无限的 ,但从一国拥有自然资源的总量来讲又是有限的 ,有些是无法再生的。过度的利用和盲目的开采 ,会导致自然资源的衰竭 ,人类将为此付出高昂的代价。必须善待自然 ,保护好自然资源和生态环境。经济的可持续发展才能赢得经济剩余的不断增长 ,社会财富的不断增多 ,人类社会的全面发展。  相似文献   

自魁奈提出"纯产品"学说以来,经济学家对剩余认识的分歧一直难以弥合,这是由他们对剩余研究的目的决定的,但万变不离其宗的是,研究剩余的来源或源泉都是为了给剩余的归属即剩余的占有找到更"合理"的出路,与剩余的真正来源无关.由他们所戴的理论有色眼镜所决定,经济学家把剩余的来源分为劳动说、创新说、不确定性说和监督说.劳动说体现的是社会公平正义,创新说注重的是激励,不确定性说强调了企业家的责任,监督说意在减少偷懒.只要我们不怀任何偏见,这些不同的学说就会为解决目前的经济发展与收入分配矛盾提供有效的思路和方法.  相似文献   

自然力在马克思的生产力理论中不可或缺,一切生产力都可归结为自然力,自然力是生产力发展的内在要素和生态源泉。马克思批判了资本主义生产方式对自然力造成的严重伤害,向世人敲响了保护自然力的警钟:自然力是稀缺的有限的,要节约自然力;认识和尊重自然力规律,减少自然力的报复;发展循环生产,高效利用自然力;依靠科学技术创新,增加自然力的有效供给;实现自然力的可持续利用。  相似文献   

传统的企业权力来源观和人力资本理论的企业权力来源观都缺少伦理支持.基于主体性的企业权力来源观强调企业权力源自各要素主体的主体性.主体性在企业中包括两个维度:一是经济性的,即对产权尤其是劳动力产权的确证;二是伦理性的,印对正义原则的满足.企业权利的配置应满足对各要素主体的主体性认同,这是效率与公平、经济与伦理的融合.主体性的实现有生存发展和尊重参与两方面的内容;其实现方式是分享剩余索取权、剩余控制权和治理参与.  相似文献   

少数科技人员创造性劳动所研制设计的生产自动化机器体系,是人类社会对自然力无偿使用的一种新途径,是特别高的劳动生产力的自然基础。在完善的知识产权制度的条件下,购买某种技术专利权的企业,对这种自然力在一定时期具有垄断的权力,在这种情况下,就会产生虚假的社会价值。因此,生产自动化条件下会产生虚假的社会价值,其中,自然力的无偿使用,或自然力对人类劳动力的替代是条件,对这种自然力在一段时期内实行垄断是原因,而人的劳动依然是价值的源泉。  相似文献   

马克思自然力危机思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思在揭示资本榨取剩余价值的论证中,蕴含着资本对自然力疯狂役使导致自然力危机的思想。资本的贪婪引发自然力递减规律发挥作用,导致自然力短缺性危机的发生;该危机通过削弱生产力的能动作用、减少生产要素的有效供给和耗竭财富的根本源泉从而将触发经济发展的根本性危机;马克思抑制自然力危机思想的当代意义在于:自然力天然成本补偿的可持续利用思想、自然力跨期优化配置的计划控制思想和自然力复活性解放的制度变革思想。  相似文献   

本文从分工带来的专业经济和契约型基金的视角出发,对专用性人力资本促进证券投资基金的价值增加功能内生生成的内在逻辑进行了探讨,论证了专用性人力资本是证券投资基金资产的关键组成部份和基金比较优势的重要来源,提出契约型基金治理的一个主要内容就是:对基金管理人和持有人的剩余控制权和剩余索取权配置和控制,并据此对如何改进和完善我国证券投资基金治理进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

农业是整个国民经济的基础,在工业化初期,农业要为工业的发展提供资本积累,但由此所转移的农业经济利益绝不能超过农业剩余,要保护农业具有进一步扩大再生产、为社会提供更多农业剩余的能力。因此,在工业化后期,对农业实行真正意义上的保护政策,即使经济利益向农业净流入,缩小农业与非农产业就业人员的收入差距,成为政府对农业宏观调控的重要目标。  相似文献   

刘宁 《经济师》2009,(12):177-178
从重商主义到古典经济学再到新古典经济学,在分析经济增长时。都是把经济或社会财富的增长归结为现实的可计量因素。索洛的分析提供了一种启示,他的分析框架彰示着进一步揭示经济增长的剩余变量的学术价值所在。这种剩余变量,会引导着人们把对经济增长的研究视角转移到经济学以外的文化和伦理领域。  相似文献   

不完备合同与剩余控制权   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
合同的性质与交易效率密切相关,我们应该从效率的角度来讨论合同,本文也是基于这个出发点,提出了合同剩余的效率概念,定义合同剩余为C+(A+B)×(1-k),相应地,对这部分剩余的控制权即称之为剩余控制权.这种定义本身说明了合同剩余的来源,体现出合同与交易效率之间的负相关关系.  相似文献   

本文运用平滑转移自回归(STAR)系列模型定量分析了1998-2010年间我国经济波动区制转移(Regime Transition)过程及房价波动在其中的作用。研究结果表明,我国经济在受到外生刺激时会产生跳跃冲动,但能否出现区制转移现象取决于外生刺激的持续性,单纯依靠以往经济的表现不能充分地解释这种现象;房价作为外生变量有效地解释了经济波动中存在的动态转移过程,这表明房价波动中存在着先行信息并可用于预测未来经济走向。此外,经济波动转移过程并非不可逆转,足够的反向推动力能够扭转经济势头,这使得政策干预成为可能。  相似文献   

The level of earnings inequality and its change during the 1980s in Portugal are analyzed, relying on several inequality measures and on international comparisons to generate insight into their patterns. A high level of inequality at the beginning of the eighties is detected, together with a pronounced rise in wage dispersion, brought about by growing inequality at the top. Changes taking place within economic activities, possibly technical progress, are the main forces driving these changes in the wage pattern, while demographic forces, as well as international trade, which could have generated shifts in the demand for labor across economic activities, should be dismissed as explanations for the rise in labor market inequality in Portugal from 1983 to 1992.  相似文献   

Extending the concept of efficiency beyond economic markets to social transactions generally, this paper asks the question whether social efficiency might not be better realized by removing the barriers to transactions between political and economic resources. With political rights (i.e. resources) held by natural persons, and economic resources held by corporate actors, such transactions could in principle replace taxation for redistribution, as a more efficient method of redistribution, intrinsic to the socio-political system. Such politico-economic transactions would supplement the primary means of distribution of the social product in an economic system, that is wages for productive labor. In the paper it is argued that this primary means of distribution is increasingly ineffective as the economy becomes increasingly interdependent. This change places an increasing burden on the “second round” of distribution through taxation, and forces consideration of a less defective and more theoretically sound means of supplementary income distribution. Paper was presented at the Organizations, Constitutions, and Liberty conference sponsored by the Liberty Fund, June 21–24, 1990 at the Sheraton Hotel in Crystal City, Virginia.  相似文献   

The United States as a Coastal Nation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
US economic activity is overwhelmingly concentrated at its ocean and Great Lakes coasts, reflecting a large contribution from coastal proximity to productivity and quality of life. Extensively controlling for correlated natural attributes and initial conditions decisively rejects that the coastal concentration of economic activity is spurious or just derives from historical forces long since dissipated. Measuring proximity based on coastal attributes that contribute to either productivity or quality of life, but not to both, suggests that the coastal concentration derives primarily from a productivity effect but also, increasingly, from a quality of life effect.  相似文献   

Using a Bayesian approach, the effects of various treatments of truncation remainders in the estimating of the consumption function for the Federal Republic of Germany (henceforth F.R.G.) are examined with the help of small and large samples. It emerges that some parameters of the consumption function are quite sensitive to what is done with the truncation remainders. Furthermore it seems better to include these terms in the estimation procedure.  相似文献   

Geography,demography, and economic growth in Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents the effects of climate, topography, and natural ecology on public health, nutrition, demographics, technological diffusion, international trade and other determinants of economic development in Africa. The goal of this paper is to emphasize the need for intensified research on the issues at the intersection of ecology and human society. Geography was given emphasis because of three reasons: the minimal gain from another recitation of the damage caused by statism, protectionism and corruption to African economic performance; negligence of the role of natural forces in shaping economic performance; and tailoring of policies to geographical realities. The paper also discusses the general problems of tropical development and the focus of Africa's problems in worldwide tropical perspectives; demographic trends in Africa; use of standard cross-country growth equations with demographic and geographic variables, to account for the relative roles of geography; and the future growth strategies and the need for urban-based export growth in manufacturing and services. Lastly, the authors provide a summary of conclusions and discuss the agenda for future research.  相似文献   

鲁峰 《技术经济》2006,25(11):42-46
通过对沿淮低洼地类型的分析,提出适宜低洼地景观生态开发的几种类型和管理模式,提出应借助自然力,改变沿淮低洼地生态面貌的新思考:协调人与自然的和谐关系;修复和重建低洼地生态系统;提高低洼地的自然生产力、经济生产力、景观吸引力、可持续发展力,完成土地功能的转变。低洼地景观开发应与旅游开发充分结合,二者相互促进。茂密的芦苇和水苹、成群栖息水鸟和两栖生物,形成优美的湿地环境。是未来发展旅游的理想场所,同时可以适度地把湿地产品开发成旅游产品,并使之成为乡村旅游的一部分。  相似文献   

To realize the sustainable development of the economy of West China is not merely a great economic problem, but also a great national problem and political issue. The economic activity is a practical activity for the economic subject. The economic development view, values, and the natural view of the economic subject determine the choice of the behavior of the main body in the economic activity. Only the behavior of the economic subject according with its demands could make the economy of west China have a sustainable development. Therefore, establishing the development view, the values and natural view of the economic subject for sustainable development becomes a realistic problem that is worth of thinking.  相似文献   

This article examines economic and legal constraints that determine whose losses are included in natural resource damages as a result of an oil spill or hazardous-substance release. For example, the article describes the circumstances under which use losses experienced by young children would not be included in natural resource damages. With respect to nonuse damages, the article advocates excluding the expressed losses of people who have no knowledge of the specific natural resources affected by a spill/release and who are unaware that the natural resources were injured. In the absence of such knowledge and awareness, these people could not have experienced a welfare loss. Finally, the article discusses legal constraints on whose losses count in natural resource damages with respect to statutory exclusions, public versus private uses of natural resources, uses of natural resources by foreigners, and damages in the absence of injuries.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionExploiting western regions in China is to develop theeconomy of the west, narrow the disparity of the westand the east, make the west and the east realize thecommon prosperity and keep the nation's prosperity andstability. The development of western regions is not merelya great economic issue, but also a great national problem(the ethnic minority of our country occupies more west)and a political issue. If the development of the east andthe west were not balanced, it will likely…  相似文献   

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