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在全世界聚焦哈萨克斯坦石油、天然气产业和哈萨克斯坦从石油、天然气等传统能源获得巨大利益之时,哈萨克斯坦政府在积极推动本国非能源产业的发展,如粮食产业的恢复,核能等新能源的研发,轻工业产能产量的提高和产值的增加等。本文以纺织业为例,深入分析了该产业在哈萨克斯坦发展的现状、遇到的问题和所采取的对策,以此管窥哈萨克斯坦轻工业发展的真实现状。  相似文献   

粮食安全问题是全世界人们长期关注的一个永恒话题。黑龙江省作为粮食主产区,在逐步增加粮食播种面积、增强粮食供给保障能力和不断提高农业产业化水平等方面取得了一定的成效,但也存在着粮食生产环境恶化、种粮成本不断提高和产业化水平仍较低等问题。在当前黑龙江省粮食连年丰收的前提下,中国农业发展银行作为农业政策性金融机构,应充分发挥信贷资金支农助农的作用,不断完善农业政策性金融综合功能,加快发展农业政策性投行业务和强化农业政策性金融基础建设,以推进黑龙江省粮食产业健康、有序发展。  相似文献   

文章运用1983~2005年我国粮食生产的有关数据,选取粮食播种面积和粮食单产这两个最主要的指标对我国粮食综合生产能力进行分析,认为我国粮食生产仍处于规模收益递增阶段,单产是影响我国粮食综合生产能力最主要的因素,其次是粮食播种面积,农业的抗灾能力对粮食生产的影响不显著.因此,提高我国粮食综合生产能力最根本的途径是加大对粮食生产的投入,依靠科技提高单产水平,提高粮食复种指数,同时加强农业抗灾能力建设.  相似文献   

粮食银行是在中国政策扶持农业龙头企业和推进农村金融改革的时期发展起来的非金融机构,将山东省广饶县粮食加工企业带动粮食银行发展和黑龙江省粮食物流企业带动粮食银行发展两种运作模式进行对比,分析了粮食银行的运作模式,并且为保障中国粮食安全,对现有粮食银行的管理和运作提出来规范运作流程、提高员工素质、按需开展业务、规避市场风险等四条建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江省是我国13个粮食主产区之一。在目前很多省份受产业效益的驱动,粮食生产的基础地位受到严重削弱的情况下,黑龙江省委、省政府始终把粮食生产做为头等大事来抓,先后出台了“千亿斤粮食产能工程”、“两大平原农业综合开发试验区”建设等一系列政策措施,夯实了农业基础,保障了粮食综合生产能力稳步提高。  相似文献   

首先从理论上分析了农业机械化促进粮食生产能力提高的机理;然后运用灰色关联分析方法对影响湖南省粮食生产能力的农业机械化因素——农业机械化作业水平、农机配备系统、农机协调系统等进行实证分析。结果表明,农业机械化作业水平对粮食生产能力的提高具有显著的促进作用。最后,从调整农机结构、创新农机技术、加大农机宣传力度三方面提出提高湖南省农业机械化水平和粮食生产能力的政策建议。  相似文献   

中美粮食生产成本和价格比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一、中国粮食生产成本并不高于美国我国加入WTO后,农产品国际竞争力问题一直是各界关注的重点。由于粮食、油料等土地密集型产品目前国内市场价格普遍高于国际市场价格,在国际竞争中处于弱势地位。许多人认为,我国粮食价格之所以高于国际市场,是因为粮食生产成本高于世界粮食主要出口国,主张通过宏观政策措施和微观技术手段,进一步降低生产成本,提高我国粮食国际竞争力。应当说,由于农业劳动生产率低,农业科技水平落后,生产投入数量和结构不尽合理,农民负担较重,我国目前粮食生产成本水平确实偏高,有必要也有可能适当降低。但是与一般人想…  相似文献   

粮食生产是农业生产的主体。加快粮食生产发展是我国农业肩负的重大任务。恢复和发展粮食生产的过程,实质是保护和提高粮食综合生产能力的过程。  相似文献   

农业机械化与粮食增产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取切实措施保证粮食产量的适度增长和在较高水平的稳定,是未来相当长时期内我国面临的重要任务之一,现有的向农民提供粮食直接补贴、良种补贴和提高粮食收购价格等旨在提高种粮比较收益的措施尽管对促进粮食增产具有重要作用,但难以克服农忙季节农业劳动力不足的问题,因此不能充分发挥粮食生产潜力。本文认为,为了充分发挥粮食生产潜力,有必要促进农业机械化进程。  相似文献   

农业是我省受国家保护的优势产业,2004年.国家对农业开始实施“一免两补”政策,极大地调动了农民粮食生产积极性,粮食生产实现了“两增加,一提高”。即:粮食总产增加,全省粮食总产627亿斤,比上年增加124.6亿斤.商品量增加,全省粮豆商品量达406亿斤.比上年增加122.6亿斤;粮食品质提高,各粮食品种质量是近几年来最好的。在粮食购销市场化的新形势下,我省的涉粮企业也积极抢占市场,努力把农业丰收。  相似文献   

临朐发展生态农业的模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以山东省临朐县为例,分析了砂石山区农业生态环境的特点,提出改善其农业生态环境的主要途径-发展生态农业,重点给出几种适合砂石山区生态农业发展的综合模式,梯度开发,农林立体间套式,食物链循环模式,并对模式的经济、生态效益进行了分析,指出发展生态农业是砂石山区发展农村经济、改善农业生态环境的最佳途径。  相似文献   

Agricultural subsidies play an essential role in agricultural and rural development in many developed economies. Countries have implemented agricultural subsidy policies with a focus on food security and environmental protection. Agricultural production is risky and uncertain, influencing the efficiency of agricultural subsidies. This study develops a theoretical framework to analyze the effects of production uncertainties on the efficiency of agricultural subsidy policies under the double constraints of food security and environmental protection. The basic model is investigated under six different conditions, and expanded research also is presented. Our models show that uncertainty, including output, cost, and price uncertainties, and technology conversion efficiency significantly affects the efficiency of agricultural subsidies. Under high technology conversion efficiency, output-oriented subsidies are appropriate for food security and environmental protection goals. Policymakers should take both uncertainty and production efficiency into consideration when choosing between input-oriented and output-oriented subsidy policies.  相似文献   


The system of food production is facing grand challenges, such as a rising population, climate change, degrading bio-productivity of agricultural land and over-fishing. Agriculture and food production are becoming more innovative and implement new infrastructure, IT-platforms or biotechnologies, like gene editing or synthetic food production. A more advanced knowledge base about food innovations helps customers to build informed opinions of new technologies and provides policy makers and industry actors with better information for strategic decision-making. As the amount of available information exceeds expert knowledge or manual filtering of data outputs, this paper presents a text mining study on science and technology in food production based on more than 30 million documents. The proposed methodology which we demonstrate on the example of the future of food production can be applied each time new data becomes available and can serve as an early warning system for a changing technology landscape.  相似文献   

The improved analytic hierachy process method was utilized in this paper,and a variety of factors influencing the food production were classified into several interrelated orderly objectives layers;based on the works above,this paper made an scientific assessment on the influencing factors of food production and production potential of the various regions in the Songnen Plain.The weights and composite indices were calculated with the method of solving weight by AHP's accumulation factor sequence evaluating data,and were processed by single-level sorting and general sorting.The result showed that,the region of Changchun had the biggest potential for improving food production,but smallest for Heihe region.The key reason for the food production discrepancy of a variety of regions in Songnen Plain is the differences in scale of production and climatic conditions,the weight coefficients of which are 0.3654 and 0.2742;however,the weight coefficients of agricultural science and technology investment is very low just 0.1703,which should be increasted in the future.  相似文献   

Food production chains can be organised in a variety of ways. Conventional ‘industrial’ agricultural practices are based on advanced breeding techniques and major inputs of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. Food produced in this way is transport-intensive, requires high-energy processing, relies on modern retailing systems and demands high-tech kitchens. Many argue that the industrialised systems should be dismantled and replaced with alternative methods of agriculture, food processing and distribution that emphasise social and environmental sustainability. This paper looks at the environmental and social sustainability of different strategies for food systems by analysing the whole chain of production, processing, distribution and consumption activities of the production of frozen peas, a vegetable that is ‘symbolic’ of modern food systems and the UK diet.  相似文献   

中国生鲜农产品食品安全事件分析及关键控制点定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生鲜农产品作为居民生活消费中的重要食品,如何有效保障其食品安全成为食品安全研究领域的重要命题。对近年中国发生的生鲜农产品食品安全事件中的食品种类、发生环节、责任主体及本质原因等关键信息的研究表明,各类生鲜农产品的食品安全存在关键控制点,对食品安全关键点的重点监管,有利于提高生鲜农产品食品安全水平。  相似文献   

This article investigates how agricultural R&D investment affects the food self-sufficiency ratio (SSR). Several studies have argued a causal relationship between agricultural R&D investment and food security. However, most of these studies are based on conceptual logic and few studies have conducted an empirical analysis. This study verifies whether agricultural R&D investment affects the food SSR as a representative indicator of food security. A total of 822 data sets of 41 countries have been used in the analysis in this study and include developed and developing country data over the period 1981–2009. Food self-efficiency is used as a dependent variable, and agricultural R&D investment and other variables are used as explanatory variables. The estimation results show that, first, the cereal SSR and income are in an inverted U-shaped relationship. Second, increases in land productivity increase the cereal SSR and, lastly, the cereal SSR ratio and agricultural R&D investment are in a U-shaped relationship.  相似文献   

High population pressure and the rapid pace of human activity including urbanization, industrialization and other economic activities have led to a dwindling supply of arable land per capita and a process of agricultural intensification in South Asia. While this process has significantly increased food production to feed the growing population, it has also entailed considerable damage to the physical environment, including degradation and depletion of natural resources and unsustainable use of land and water resources. This paper employs the analytical tools of economic theory, environmental and ecological economics to model the impact of irrigation in South Asia. It underscores the need for an eclectic approach to policy responses stemming from private and common property rights theories, externality theory and sustainability theory with a view to environmentalizing agricultural development.  相似文献   

现阶段,仅具有生产功能的农产品生产基地已经不能很好地达到与超市顺畅对接的要求。为了更好地促进"农超对接"的发展和农产品供应链的优化,应从以下几方面入手进行改革,如完善标准化生产功能,发展流通加工功能,发展物流配送以及品牌创建与经营功能。  相似文献   

农民合作经济组织在提高农民进入市场的组织化程度,推进农业产业化生产行为方面发挥了较大的作用。但发展中国家也存在农民合作经济组织规模和农业生产力的反向关系、农民合作经济组织双向模式和传统农民合作经济组织转型对农业生产行为具有消极作用的问题和不足,本文在此判断基础上提出了健康发展我国农民合作经济组织促进农业生产的措施。  相似文献   

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