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钢花  吴俊 《生产力研究》2013,(3):1-6,201
马克思的唯物史观阐明了生产力是社会发展的根本动力,揭示了人类社会发展的一般规律。"中国模式"是在唯物史观的指导下,在社会主义的改革实践中探索出的一条成功的发展道路。中国改革开放30年的卓越成就,彰显了中国特色社会主义体制的优越性。中国改革的经验和理论总结,不仅证明了马克思的唯物史观,而且在实践中进一步发展了唯物史观。  相似文献   

Towards a re-interpretation of the economics of feasible socialism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper re-examines the debate on whether socialism is feasiblefrom the perspective of the literature on the division of labourand organisational forms. The central argument is twofold. First,each of the major protagonists in the debate provide a partialexplanation as to when market socialism, planned socialism andparticipatory socialism are feasible. Second, the differentperspectives on when socialism is feasible can be reconciledthrough seeing the arguments in terms of specific techno-economicparadigms, which are underpinned by their own concepts of thedivision of labour and efficiency attributes. The authors showthat theories on the economics of socialism reflect differenttechno-economic paradigms and that when, and whether, the variousviews on socialism are appropriate depend on the prevailingexternal conditions, economic growth path and mode of institutionalarrangement.  相似文献   

Liberal critics often object to basic income (BI) on the grounds that it violates reciprocity and is biased toward those who choose voluntarily to opt out of work and thus violate the principle of liberal neutrality toward conceptions of the good life. In the first part of this paper I argue that liberal neutrality favors BI. Marxist critics of BI are less likely to accept liberal neutrality, but I argue in the second part that the argument for BI in the first part applies with equal force to Marxist objections that BI is unfairly exploitative of workers. Marxists are also less likely to accept current labor market trends, seeing socialism as affording more opportunity for guaranteeing everyone a right to decent work, and suspecting BI of making the unfair inequalities of capitalism a little more palatable while diverting attention from a more equitable socialist alternative. I argue that BI is not incompatible with socialism or Marxism, and should not be opposed to but rather combined with strategies for full employment.  相似文献   

当代西方发展经济学微观化把发展经济学研究引入歧途。发展经济学本质上属于宏观经济研究领域,主要研究方法是长期动态演变方法,主要研究思路是结构性和综合性分析。西方发展经济学无法解释当代中国经济发展问题,构建具有中国特色的发展经济学是历史的呼唤,时代的期盼。构建中国特色发展经济学应以历史唯物主义为指导,以中国特色社会主义理论体系为指南,以新发展理念为理论框架。  相似文献   

Following Mises’s foundational paper, ‘Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth’, first published in 1920, writers in the Austrian tradition have argued that socialism is impossible, because under socialism there would be no private property in the means of production, and without that private property economic calculation could not take place. In the article ‘Economic Calculation: Private Property or Several Control?’, published in this journal in 2015, I argued that this was mistaken. Not private property, but several control, was required for economic calculation, and since several control is consistent with public ownership, this argument for the impossibility of socialism fails. Another article, ‘Private Property and Economic Calculation: A Reply to Andy Denis’, by Bylund and Manish, published in this issue of the Review of Political Economy, defends the traditional interpretation of Austrian reasoning, contending that my argument fails. My rejoinder re-states the issues, addressing, and, ultimately rejecting, the Bylund and Manish critique.  相似文献   

"The purpose of this paper is to present a survey and synthesis of those economic models that have been used to derive estimates of marginal child costs from cross-sectional data on household expenditure patterns [in Australia].... In the next section the argument that the 'costs of children' should not be a concern of social policy is considered (and rejected). Section III then summarises the models.... In Section IV an Engel curve system estimated from the 1988-89 Household Expenditure Survey is used to compare [the models].... In the concluding section some directions for further research and data collection strategies are discussed."  相似文献   

This article analyses the structure of trade and trade performance of the largest six OECD economies in the 1980s. The article is concerned in particular with the role of technology and innovation and the relationship between specialization in sectors of high, medium or low technology intensity and trade performance. It assesses the argument that the maintenance of international competitiveness requires the advanced economies to become internationally competitive, and to specialize, in higher technology sectors, given that there is increasing competition, especially from newly industrializing countries in low technology products. Section I considers the theoretical basis of this hypothesis; Section II assesses whether it is compatible with data on manufacturing trade performance in the 1980s.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the argument that external capital inflow could create dependence and thus sabotage the possibility of a successful transition to socialism. The formal model deployed is of the Harrod-Domar variety and simulation run are undertaken for five underdeveloped countries, using savings functions estimated by Weisskopf. The conclusions lend some support to radical concerns about the adverse effects of foreign aid on recipient countries.  相似文献   

对学科的认知包括认识学科内涵、学科性质与任务、学科发展进路等核心问题,关系到如何构建学科体系,是学科建设的重要内容。从深化学科认知的视角,中国特色社会主义政治经济学的学科发展与理论体系构建,要坚持几个重大原则,包括把中国特色社会主义政治经济学建立在历史唯物主义的基础之上;要以生产关系分析为核心来构建中国特色社会主义政治经济学的理论范式;坚持以人民为中心是中国特色社会主义政治经济学的本质属性;把共同富裕作为中国特色社会主义政治经济学的逻辑主线;以问题为导向研究新时代中国特色社会主义建设的重大理论与实践问题;《中国特色社会主义政治经济学》教材要体现学科的创新发展。  相似文献   

Sections 1 and 2 reexamine the proposition about democratization of socialism as a factor of economic efficiency—in the light of the challenge contained in the article by Stanislaw Gomutka, “Economic Factors in the Democratization of Socialism and the Socialization of Capitalism” (J. Comp. Econ., Dec. 1977, 1, 4:389–406). The author takes issue with Gomulka's conclusions, which view democracy as of little relevance for economic efficiency under socialism. Dissident views on the link between democracy and efficiency are discussed. Section 3 goes beyond this controversy in an attempt to analyze the prospects and efficiency aspects of a limited change within the existing Soviet-type political system (“Kadarism”).  相似文献   


This article starts from the premise that the precondition for the unreserved acceptance of historical materialism and, hence, Marxism is the belief that a new production mode will arise and take the place of capitalism after its suppression. From this perspective, however, the new production mode to rise from the ashes of capitalism is not the Soviet-type central planning model, but a system of democratically managed firms. If socialism is equated with worker control of firms, it is contended, Marxism will become more viable than ever, although it will need to be approached from a different viewpoint.  相似文献   

哈特和奈格里根据当代资本主义劳动范式的转型提出了非物质劳动概念,并认为在非物质劳动条件下马克思的劳动价值论需要做出修正,进而提出了基于"共同性"的价值理论。本文通过批判性地分析他们的观点,得出以下结论:(1)以"工作时间与生活时间的模糊"来质疑马克思的劳动价值论是对劳动价值论的误读,马克思的"社会必要劳动时间计量商品价值量"是抽象意义的"计量",是对本质的规定,而非具体意义的"计量",它由商品生产与交换的社会过程客观决定,不能以具体意义的"劳动时间难以测量"来否定价值的质的规定;(2)基于"共同性"的价值理论服务于哈特和奈格里主体政治的理论建构思路,他们对价值的解读具有很强的主体性特征,这种价值与其说是商品价值,不如说是政治价值;(3)哈特和奈格里的理论建构方法,早已脱离了辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,走向唯心主义。因此,当代资本主义的政治经济学批判仍应建立在马克思劳动价值论的基础之上。  相似文献   


On contemporary standard accounts exploitation is of man by man: One individual exploits another through a particular transaction. This paper offers a departure from the individualist transactional paradigm of exploitation by formulating an account of anonymous exploitation. The departure is threefold. Anonymous exploitation may occur as non-individual exploitation in cases where exploiter, exploited or both are not individuals but group agents, it may occur as non-agential exploitation in cases where exploiter, exploited or both are not agents but non-agential groups and it may occur as structural exploitation in cases where structures are exploitative. I shall argue that anonymous exploitation in its three variants is a real, independent and non-mysterious phenomenon. To miss its significance is to miss the ‘genius’ or even to remain blind to important instances of exploitation. My argument proceeds in seven steps. In section 1, I offer a brief analysis of the concept of exploitation and spell out the desiderata that a successful theory of exploitation would have to satisfy. In section 2, I explain what I mean by anonymous exploitation. Section 3 explores the idea of non-individual exploitation; section 4 presents an account of non-agential exploitation and section 5 proceeds likewise with the idea of structural exploitation. Section 6 puts the individual steps of my argument together and I conclude in section 7.  相似文献   

目前,在社会主义劳动和劳动价值论研究中,经营管理、科技工作、服务业劳动都创造价值,而且经营管理和科技工作甚至是百倍、千倍于简单劳动的复杂劳动,创造更多的价值。对于这些看法,学术界已经基本达成共识。现在主要的争论焦点是,除了劳动以外的其他要素创不创造价值,本将这方面问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

道路问题至关重要,关乎党的命脉、国家前途、民族命运和人民幸福。中国特色社会主义道路是通向国家富强、民族振兴和人民幸福的正确道路。坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义道路是中国共产党和中国人民在前人80年上下探索的基础上又经过90多年的艰辛努力,付出各种代价作出的正确选择和开创,最终得出的坚定结论。在新时代和新形势下,面对各种机遇和挑战。“既不走封闭僵化的老路,也不起改旗易帜的邪路”,而是坚定不移地走中国特色社会主义新路,这是全国上下必须牢固树立的共同信念。  相似文献   

Although Karl Polanyi Studied a different epoch and focused on Europe, his ideas have inspired an outpouring of studies on contemporary problems and prospects in the neoliberal era. The bulk of these studies pertain to industrial countries or global economic issues. However, the human, environmental and financial impact of market deregulation is arguably more devastating in the ‘developing’ countries than in the core. A question thus arises: do Polanyi's reflections on progressive alternatives to liberalism clarify contemporary debates on development alternatives in the Global South? I contend that democratic socialism – Polanyi's preferred remedy to the ‘demolition’ of society and nature occasioned by market civilisation – is problematical in light of what we have learned from the twentieth century, but his framework for evaluating alternatives – featuring the re-embedding of economy in society – remains as powerful as ever, I support this argument with an exploration of socialism and social democracy – as well as community – based alternatives arising from ‘reciprocity’. Each possibility raises distinctive dilemmas, as an analysis of cases reveals.  相似文献   


As the centenary of the 1917 Russian revolution approaches, it is worth reviewing the past 100 years’ discussion amongst economists on the possibility—or otherwise—of economic planning under socialism. The socialist calculation debate is of fundamental importance, not merely as a specialist application of economic ideas, but as an investigation of the foundations of economic activity. Every economic action is premised upon calculation, every choice depends upon an assessment of the costs and benefits of each alternative between which the agent must choose. The view of that choice and its attendant calculation is constitutive of the schools of thought—Marxian, neoclassical and Austrian—which have contributed to the debate. An understanding of the calculation debate is therefore required to understand how these paradigms stand in relation to each other. This article addresses one aspect of that debate—the claim by Austrian economists that socialism is impossible because the absence of private property in the means of production precludes economic calculation. The article suggests that several control rather than private property is required for economic calculation, and that several control is consistent with public ownership of the means of production. The Austrian argument on this point, therefore, is without force.  相似文献   

Hartmut Elsenhans's Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists presents an intriguing argument: capitalist elites have induced unsustainable capitalism to the disadvantage of labor and the system as a whole. The author proposes a fairly unconventional solution. He suggests that democratic socialism can be the necessary political complement to our capitalist system. By drawing on the socialist capacity to empower labor and increase mass consumption, we could achieve a more balanced and sustainable capitalism. The book is ideally suited for readers of Keynesian and post Keynesian analysis on contemporary capitalism and it fits in the discourse on problems of low income growth, declining demand, and investment opportunities in major world economies.  相似文献   

人的全面发展理论是马克思主义哲学理论中的重要内容。马克思恩格斯站在实践的基础上,扬弃文艺复兴、启蒙运动和空想社会主义者等有关人的全面发展思想,创立了科学的人的全面发展理论。马克思主义人的全面发展理论与唯物史观和人的本质问题互相影响、互相促进。就其过程而言,它经历了唯物史观形成之前的孕育、伴随唯物史观确立的定型、唯物史观确立之后的发展和在唯物史观指导下的成熟四个阶段。  相似文献   

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