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为了应对城市雨洪问题,推进海绵城市建设,提出充分利用城市湿地景观设计进行雨洪管理。首先分析了城市湿地在海绵城市建设中的作用,然后提出城市湿地雨洪管理的策略,最后论述了城市湿地雨水管理的景观设计途径。指出城市湿地景观设计要依据雨水在源区—迁移—汇流域尺度上的过程,应用低影响开发技术,设计集水、输水、汇水景观,对这一全过程中的雨水进行汇集、渗透、过滤及存贮等处理,实现对雨水水量、水质的高效管理。  相似文献   

城市化进程带来如城市内涝等诸多环境问题,使得 海绵城市和低影响开发成为热点。城市住区绿地作为城市绿地 的一个重要类型,既是住区居民重要的景观游憩场地,也是海 绵城市低影响开发的重要海绵体,是兼具径流绩效和景观绩效 等综合绩效的复合设施。如何让雨水设施在发挥径流绩效的同 时兼具满足居民需求的景观绩效,是目前相关研究的难点和热 点。居民喜好度的研究是住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效优化提升 的重要方法之一。通过联合分析法,遴选雨水收集、雨水转 输和雨水调蓄3个环节的源头减排雨水设施,模拟江南住区中 心绿地雨水设施场景收集居民评价,进行不同居民群体的设 施喜好度效用值相关性统计和住区绿地不同类型雨水设施效 用值及相对重要性分析。并通过走访、文献查阅解析所得数 据,为住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效提升和低影响开发设计提 供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

兼顾就地滞洪、减少雨洪灾害、控制非点源污染、资源化利用雨水、美化城市环境等多个目标的可持续雨洪管理系统是建设海绵城市的核心。这个系统的建设意味着从传统城市雨水管网系统的社会技术转型。参照澳大利亚的发展过程,研究显示在海绵城市发展前我国城市大多数还处于"城市高效排水控制阶段",并在国家大力推行之后迅速进入了"快速发展阶段"。海绵城市建设中的可持续雨洪管理系统转化依赖于社会技术体制主导的发展路径。我国的大量推广对这个发展路径非常有利,但同时也会伴随快速发展中的问题。通过比较分析发现,政府在这个转化过程中应该从宏观到微观三个层面承担更多的角色,从进一步构建社会大环境、创新管理机构和社会技术体制、促进机构合作和研究、加强公众教育与宣传等方面入手,全面推动城市可持续雨洪管理的迅速转化。  相似文献   

海绵城市作为我国新型城镇化建设的重要内容,在城市内涝灾害频发的背景下,对缓解雨洪灾害、构建城市水生态安全格局具有重要意义。南方低山丘陵区海绵城市建设因为其复杂的地形条件而有异于平原城市。年径流总量控制目标作为海绵城市建设的核心指标,目标的合理分解和取值将直接影响城市雨洪灾害的防治效果。以凤凰县为案例,在分析山地水文过程特征的基础上,增加"雨水叠加量"计算,构建"子流域单元、集水区、宗地"三级年径流总量控制目标分解方法,制定适宜有效的雨水控制策略。在案例分析基础上,提出完善年径流总量控制目标分解方法,分梯级构建低影响开发模式,协同历史文化保护区周边区域共同缓解内涝等建议,为南方低山丘陵区海绵城市建设提供新思路。  相似文献   

王焱  曹磊  沈悦 《技术经济》2019,35(4):112
海绵城市是从城市雨洪管理角度来描述的一种可持续的城市建设模式。以天津大学新校区景观设计为例,阐述基于海绵城市建设基础上的景观设计方法。结合基地现状及上层规划,通过水敏感度分区和开发强度分级,架构了由渗透、滞留、储蓄、净化、利用和排放雨水技术手段组成的绿色水生态系统,建立削减暴雨径流量、增加水系调蓄能力、提高雨水外排速度的三重安全排水保障机制。并将雨洪管理技术与北方盐碱地区排盐措施相结合,最终达到生态雨洪管理与景观可持续发展的双赢目标。  相似文献   

随着中国城市化进程加快,城市雨洪问题日益严峻,不仅带来了城市环境的负面问题,同时对城市经济和社会发展也造成了一定影响。为解决城市雨洪及其引起的相关问题,改善城市生态环境以及满足人们对美好生活的需求,提出雨洪景观的可持续性设计策略。首先从环境效益、经济效益和社会效益三个方面分析了可持续性雨洪景观的效益特点,然后从弹性设计、节约化设计和人性化设计三个方面具体论述可持续性雨洪景观的设计方法,为海绵城市建设中解决城市雨洪问题及促进城市可持续发展提供更丰富的思路。  相似文献   

绿地有一定的雨洪调蓄功能,雨洪状况下,如何在汇水系统尺度利用和保护绿地亟待研究。选取95处位于武汉港西汇水系统的地块,调研地块性质,利用ArcGIS提取不透水比例及平均坡度,并进行SWMM水文模型演算。通过实验性模拟结果的对比,得出汇水系统的绿地雨洪调蓄效率(λ=0.13m3/m2)、汇水系统(g=36%)和各类用地(g=18%~47%)基于雨水调蓄理念下的最低绿地率,使汇水系统水文状况达到海绵城市建设标准。讨论了不同重现期下汇水系统的绿地雨洪调蓄效能,旨在完善绿地雨洪调蓄的研究方法、指标体系及利用与保护策略,为相关研究与实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的迅速发展以及国家大力推进城市化进程,近年来我国城市化程度不断提高,由此带来了一系列的问题,如城市区域越来越大,人口更加密集,空气污染和水环境改变等,这些都使城市水文问题愈来愈突出,主要有城市地下水问题、城市水资源污染和城市雨洪灾害这三方面问题.本文针对这些问题,进行了比较系统的介绍,可作为城市建设、规划和水文研究工作者参考.  相似文献   

作为缓解城市防洪排涝压力、建设海绵城市的重要途径,近年有关城市生态化雨洪管理的探索与实践层出不穷。如何协调生态化雨洪管理复杂系统中并存的水文过程控制要求、场地空间限制与景观需求引发了业界的广泛思考。从生态化雨洪管控的影响因素入手,提出由水文、规划和景观三部分构成的生态化雨洪管理系统构建体系框架,并明确了系统中三者间的作用和相互关系。该体系借助水文过程分析方法,建立起城市空间与雨洪管理功能需求间的密切联系,并通过景观营造,实现城市生态化雨洪管理系统的地域性和实操性。最后,以福州市江北城区为例对生态化雨洪管理系统构建的步骤、内容和方法予以阐释,不仅可为中国海绵城市建设实施提供参考,而且有利于促进相关学科间的交叉融合。  相似文献   

山地洪涝灾害制约城市发展与安全。近年来,美国多 处城市采取小规模且分散的绿色雨水基础设施(GSI)与传统管 网系统相结合的方式来解决复杂的雨洪问题,发挥GSI的多种功 能与效益。以美国山地城市匹兹堡的“绿色优先计划”为例, 重点介绍了灰绿雨水基础设施在管理合流制溢流与洪涝等方面 的效能评估方法,以及GSI融入排水分区城市设计框架的规划策 略。以期在规划技术方法、多功能GSI、灰绿设施配置等方面为 中国山地城市中灰绿雨水基础设施的协同规划提供参考。  相似文献   

In the face of global climate change, strengthening community resilience becomes increasingly important, especially in conflict affected countries with fragile governance. Nepal is such a country, recovering from a decade of civil war while facing several climate and environmental risks, including floods, droughts and landslides. We aim to contribute to the understanding of resilience building by drawing on case studies from Banke, Dang and Rolpa districts in Nepal. To compare the resilience of the districts we conduct field research. None of the analysed approaches to strengthen the resilience are without unintended consequences. The provision of rice in Rolpa increases food security but also creates local preferences for rice that cannot be met sustainably. In Dang and Banke aid resources themselves have become a source of conflict. We conclude that a more holistic understanding of local realities is needed to minimise unintended effects and strengthen resilience under challenging governance and (post)conflict conditions.  相似文献   

Hedonic property price analysis tells us that property prices can be affected by natural hazards such as floods. This paper examines the impact of flood‐related variables (among other factors) on property values, and examines the effect of the release of flood risk map information on property values by comparing the impact with the effect of an actual flood incidence. An examination of the temporal variation of flood impacts on property values is also made. The study is the first of its kind where the impact of the release of flood risk map information to the public is compared with an actual flood incident. In this study, we adopt a spatial quasi‐experimental analysis using the release of flood risk maps by Brisbane City Council in Queensland, Australia, in 2009 and the actual floods of 2011. The results suggest that property buyers are more responsive to the actual incidence of floods than to the disclosure of information to the public on the risk of floods.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of floods on the firms’ capital accumulation, employment growth and productivity by using a difference-in-difference (DID) approach and considering the firms’ asset structure. We find evidence that, in the short run, companies in regions hit by a flood show on average higher growth of total assets and employment than firms in regions unaffected by flooding. The positive effect prevails for companies with larger shares of intangible assets. Regarding the firms’ productivity a negative flood effect is observable which declines with an increasing share of intangible assets.   相似文献   

重建长江中游湖泊生态系统的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代长江流域的洪涝灾害是自然过程与人类社会活动共同作用的结果。1998年长江流域的特大洪灾集中反映了这一自然与人类社会的交互作用,长江流域洪涝灾害的多发区在中游的平原泛滥。究其原因,主要是因为盲目的围湖造田,泥沙淤积,造成湖泊调蓄洪水面积减小,湖泊生态环境恶化,从而影响行洪能力。因此,我们在反思长江流域洪涝灾害的成因和寻求其对策的过程中,要特点重视长江中游湖泊生态系统的保护和建设,使人与自然和谐共  相似文献   

随着我国住区规划的理论研究从物质功能主导转为人居环境和社区情感,对社会、文化、心理等的"深生态"问题引起了大家的关注。在分析城市生态住区建设发展现状的基础上,指出现阶段我国城市生态住区建设中存在的问题,提出在自然生态的基础之上,还应具有独特、丰富的人文生态,凸显人文内涵是城市生态住区建设的必要前提。同时,文章以人文生态的内涵为出发点,探讨了人文生态理念下的城市生态住区建设策略。  相似文献   

The paper provides a critical assessment of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and resilience strategies in Cambodia with reference to resilience. The paper argues that resilience is a part of and correlated to the localised practices of a specific form of neoliberalisation in and of Cambodia. As a result, disaster risk strategy is a potential means of managed neoliberal state-led intervention capacity in sub-regions to pre-empt and manage particular forms of land and social conflict. The paper links current state-led resilience policy to the Cambodian government’s increasing interest in ensuring land for infrastructure connectivity as its national development plan in the context of regional economic integration.  相似文献   

Climate change is projected to increase the risk of natural disasters, such as floods and storms, in certain regions. This is likely to raise the demand for natural disaster insurance. We present a stated preference survey using choice modeling with mixed logit estimation methods in order to examine the effects of climate change and the availability of government compensation on the demand for flood insurance by Dutch homeowners. Currently, no private insurance against flood damage is offered in the Netherlands. The results indicate that there are opportunities for the development of a flood insurance market.  相似文献   

住宅小区绿色性能全生命周期评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住宅小区绿色性能评价应从住宅小区的全生命周期切入。本文针对住宅小区绿色性能指标多阶段性的特点,提出了基于矩阵范数的住宅小区绿色性能全生命周期评价方法,即给出住宅小区绿色性能指标的特征矩阵,用权矩阵加权计算出每个矩阵范数,并据此对住宅小区的绿色性能进行排序。最后,采用案例说明了该方法的评价步骤。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model developed in the Netherlands for the estimation of damage caused by floods. The model attempts to fill the gap in the international literature about integrated flood damage modelling and develop an integrated framework for the assessment of both direct hazard-induced damages and indirect economic damages such as the interruption of production flows outside the flood affected area, as well as loss of life due to flooding. The scale of damage assessment varies from a specified flood-prone area in a river basin or a coastal region to the country's entire economy. The integrative character of the presented model is featured by the combination of information on land use and economic data, and data on flood characteristics and stage-damage functions, where the geographical dimension is supported by modern GIS to obtain a damage estimate for various damage categories. The usefulness of the model is demonstrated in a case study estimating expected flood damage in the largest flood-prone area in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

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