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公路工程是我国基础设施的重要组成部分,是我国经济发展的命脉,在新时期加强公路工程建设和养护工作,不仅要加大对公路建设的投入力度,还需要有效利用现有资源,综合工程实际,制定切实可行的施工以及养护方案,以保证在提高公路使用效率的同时延长公路寿命,使其能够更好的发挥效用。  相似文献   

我国大学城的空间模式及影响因素   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王成超  黄民生 《经济地理》2006,26(3):482-486
经过几年的发展,我国大学城发展日渐成熟,其空间布局也显示出一定的规律性,由此而导致大学城不同的空间模式。在分析我国大学城的概况以及空间模式类型的基础上,对大学城空间模式的影响因素进行了探讨,提出了城市的规模及城市地域形态、基础设施的完善程度、城市的发展战略、政府和政策的引导、大学城的形成基础、高科技产业的布局、旅游资源的分布等八项影响因素。最后,提出了下一步我国大学城的研究方向。  相似文献   

以福州大学城公共交通服务系统为研究对象,探讨开发具有大学城特色的、能够塑造大学城公交形象乃至福州城市形象的完善路径,从而对福州大学城公共汽车交通服务系统的建设提供有效帮助。  相似文献   

珠三角地区经过二十多年的改革开放,各种资源积累已达到相当规模,如何突破行政区划约束,在更大范围内实现资源的合理配置,保持经济的协调发展问题已日趋突出。当前存在问题的原因分析目前珠三角基础设施的协调问题比较突出,港口、机场、道路、水厂、大学城等建设都存在许多重复建设、  相似文献   

郭鹏 《经济研究导刊》2009,(10):237-238
大学城高校校园危机管理的有效性,在一定程度上取决于对于危机产生原因的分析。而具体分析大学城危机存在的原因,则应区分大学城发展的不同阶段。大学城发展可分为三个阶段,即初始阶段、过渡阶段、成熟阶段。以济南长清大学城为例,以学生工作为着眼点,就大学城不同阶段校园危机产生的原因进行具体分析,并进而研讨制定加强校园危机管理的相应措施.  相似文献   

大学城区位因素研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
肖玲 《经济地理》2002,22(3):274-276
区位研究一直是经济地理学的重要课题,大学城的区位研究也不例外。本文在分析了各类大学城特点的基础上,认为影响大学城市局的一般区位因素有区域经济社会发展水平,聚集,文化、规划、自然环境运作体制等六种。  相似文献   

刘彩娟 《城市建设》2011,(3):166-167
给排水工程是城市的基础设施、工业生产和人民生活的命脉之一。随着科学技术的发展,生产工艺的不断改进和提高,给排水工程日趋向大系统、高参数的方向迅猛发展,只有加强高科技的施工技术,才能较好地完成排水工程的施工任务。  相似文献   

数字经济是引领新一轮科技革命、产业变革和乡村振兴的重要力量。乡村数字经济从农村产业发展和结构升级、农民增收和消费结构优化、城乡协调发展三方面赋能乡村振兴,但仍存在数字基础设施建设不足、涉农数据开发率和利用率低、数字人才短缺、规模经济较弱等问题。因此,要完善乡村数字基础设施建设,促进农业资源市场化流通,加强数字化人才培养,提高土地利用率,增强资本吸引力,使乡村数字经济更好地赋能乡村振兴。  相似文献   

摘要:澜沧江-湄公河次区域合作十余年合作来取得若干成就:在大湄公河次区域国家之间建立了相互信任机制;强化了重要的基础设施建设;促进了贸易和投资壁垒的逐渐消除;促进了金融合作。目前大湄公河次区域的发展的经济环境发生了变化,为了迎接这种变化的挑战,我们应该在新世纪的开始:加强行业合作促进跨国基础设施建设;通过跨行业合作加强区域之问的基础设施合作;促进区域之间贸易与投资的便利化;提高私营经济的合作和参与,提高竞争力;开发人力资源和提高技术竞争力;保护环境促进资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

水利普查是一项重大的国情国力调查,是国家资源环境调查的重要组成部分,是国家基础水信息的基准性调查。开展全国水利普查是科学制定水利及国民经济发展规划,加强水利基础设施建设和管理,推进水资源合理配置与高效利用,提高水利社会管理和公共服务能力,实施最严格水资源管理制度的基础和依据。  相似文献   

城市化进程带来如城市内涝等诸多环境问题,使得 海绵城市和低影响开发成为热点。城市住区绿地作为城市绿地 的一个重要类型,既是住区居民重要的景观游憩场地,也是海 绵城市低影响开发的重要海绵体,是兼具径流绩效和景观绩效 等综合绩效的复合设施。如何让雨水设施在发挥径流绩效的同 时兼具满足居民需求的景观绩效,是目前相关研究的难点和热 点。居民喜好度的研究是住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效优化提升 的重要方法之一。通过联合分析法,遴选雨水收集、雨水转 输和雨水调蓄3个环节的源头减排雨水设施,模拟江南住区中 心绿地雨水设施场景收集居民评价,进行不同居民群体的设 施喜好度效用值相关性统计和住区绿地不同类型雨水设施效 用值及相对重要性分析。并通过走访、文献查阅解析所得数 据,为住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效提升和低影响开发设计提 供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文从水资源的价值论出发,分析指出了水资源的整体价值是其本身价值、增加价值、损失价值相互作用和相互影响的耦合价值;探讨了基于水污染造成的水资源价值损失的计算方法,水资源耦合价值与水资源利用模式的关系;提出只有水资源耦合价值大于0,才是水资源利用的经济可行模式。  相似文献   

"It is argued that circular migration [in Africa] should be seen as an optimization problem, where the household allocates its labour resources across activities, including work which requires migration, so as to maximize the joint family utility function. The migration problem is illustrated in a simple diagram, which makes it possible to analyse economic aspects of migration."  相似文献   

The impact of increasing risk on social welfare and resource allocation is analysed in a general equilibrium model with endowment uncertainty. It is shown that the equilibrium allocation of resources is affected only by an increase in those risks which are important for society as a whole. In contrast, increases in purely individual risk do not influence achievable social welfare and have no effect on the utility of traders in a competitive market.  相似文献   

在欧盟框架计划等资助下,欧盟发布了欧洲科研基础设施分布图,这些设施在欧洲及全球范围内的开放共享已成为现实。欧洲科研基础设施依据战略路线图,吸纳多元化的建设、投资和管理主体,分阶段推进各类科研设施的新建或改建。对于我国科技资源共享有如下启示:通过开发科研设施共享地图,提升共享和管理效率;建立多层次的科技资源体系;突出建设与运行并重的全成本预算;通过与欧盟的国际合作,提升我国重大科技设施的运行水平。  相似文献   

A common dilemma facing educational planners engaged in educational reform in developing countries is the allocation of sharply-reduced resources to the expansion of school facilities versus improvement of existing school facilities (say, by raising the teacher/pupil ratio). The empirical results presented in this paper for Kenya suggest that the two interventions have diametrically opposite effects on poor and nonpoor children. An expansion of school facilities increases the enrollment of children in the poorest expenditure quintiles but has no impact on the enrollment of children in the top quintiles. On the other hand, an improvement in the teacher-pupil ratio increases the enrollment rate of children in the top quintiles, and actually reduces the enrollment of children in the poor quintiles. These findings suggest that in situations where there is less than universal primary enrollment (UPE) and the government has set a time-bound goal of UPE, such as in Kenya, policies that serve to expand the number of school facilities may make more sense than interventions that increase the teacher-pupil ratio.  相似文献   

Harm reduction (HR) policy is designed to reduce the social, medical and economic cost of illegal drug use to users and to society at large. It is the most important recent development in international drug policy. However, in the United States and elsewhere, some fear that HR facilities such as needle exchanges and methadone maintenance programs may increase drug consumption and the risk of addiction. This is most likely if users are rational, forward-looking utility maximizers as in the Becker-Murphy model (1988). The tendency for HR policy to increase drug consumption may be strong or weak, depending on the type of drug and the elasticity of demand with respect to the full cost of drug use. The model predicts that the effects will differ between social groups and that there is an optimal prescribing policy for addicts who legally receive drugs in treatment programs. Evidence suggests that clinicians tend to prescribe sub-optimally .  相似文献   

‘Conflict diamonds’ refer to the fatal role that diamonds are believed to have played in several African conflicts. The article analyzes the impact of diamond rents on economic growth in light of the broader, previously discovered empirical finding of a ‘curse of natural resources.’ By extending the theory of appropriative conflict, a predator–prey game is outlined in which a rebel chooses between peaceful production and predation on natural resources controlled by the ruler. It is shown that whereas an increase in natural resources will increase the ruler's public utility investments, it might also lead to a crowding-out of labor from the formal sector to the appropriative struggle, which depresses growth. As predicted by the model, a cross-country regression analysis suggests that diamond abundance has a negative relationship with economic growth in countries with weak institutions.  相似文献   

近年来,我国部分地区城镇化扩张现象比较突出,造成土地闲置、资源浪费,致使失地农民生活缺乏保障。房地产税,作为调节房产和土地资源的重要手段,理应发挥其积极作用。我国房地产税的改革方向应为:在公平与效率兼顾的条件下,通过合并部分税种、完善部分税种的课税要素等措施来适度增加地方财政收入,一方面满足地方财政的正常开支,另一方面为失地农民的社会保障提供充足的资金,同时,增强其对土地市场的调控能力,抑制对土地资源的过度需求以及房地产的过度开发,提高土地资源的使用效率。  相似文献   

Congestion externalities may result in nonoptimal equilibria. For these to occur, it suffices that facilities differ in their fixed utilities or costs. As this paper shows, the only case in which equilibria are always socially optimal, regardless of the fixed components, in that in which the costs increase logarithmically with the size of the set of users. Therefore, achieving a socially optimal choice of facilities generally requires some form of external intervention or cooperation. For heterogeneous populations (in which the fixed utilities or costs vary across users as well as across facilities), this raises the question of utility or cost sharing. The sharing rule proposed in this paper is the Harsanyi transferable-utility value of the game—which is based on the users’ marginal contributions to the bargaining power of coalitions.  相似文献   

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