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The ecotourism is a combination of popularizing ecological, scientific knowledge and increasing the nation‘s awareness of protection of nature. Therefore, it is a better form for national forest parks and nature reserves to fully publicize the necessity of environmental protection. The combination of ecology with tourism is the current world-developing tendency.  相似文献   

经济全球化条件下国家主权探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Formally, national so vereign ty can be ideotified as hard and soft; social-structurally, it consists of politicat sovereign ty, economic sovereignty and cultural sovereignty. With the globalization of world economy, national sovereignty is changing. Our country is now confronted by three major challenges: the independence of economic sovereignty, the integrity of politicat sovereignty and the equality of cultural sovereignty. This research probes how to maximize national benefits under globalization.  相似文献   

SPSS13.0 was used to process the data of the 1-6 batch of key cultural relic conservation units promulgated by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China; and multi-element evaluation method was used to calculate the composite distribution index.The spatial distribution of cultural relics of provinces in China can be divided into four grades,namely:very rich areas,rich areas,poor areas and very poor areas; the article analyzes the characteristics of cultural resources in spatial and temporal distribution.The paper holds that(1)the distribution of China's cultural relic tourism resources is relatively concentrated,different sharply from region to region,with more Han nation's heritage,less relics of the ethnic minorities; (2) Henan,Hebei,Shaanxi,Shanxi Province are the main regions with heavy distribution of cultural resources; (3) relics appeared in specific time periods in China's history.Ming and Qing Dynasties,Sui,Tang and Five Dynasties,Song,Liao and Jin,the Western Han,Shang and Zhou dynasties,the New Stone Age are the major periods producing more cultural relics.This paper also analyzes relationships of the emergence of cultural relics with production technology,specific historical process,specific geographical location,political system,religion,national culture,customs,architectural styles and techniques of the traditional cultural educational system.Finally,the paper discusses the development and protection of heritage.  相似文献   

The problem of global warming has been identified as the first in the list of the top ten environmental problems in the world. As climate change will seriously affect the social and natural world that people live in, so it may lay serious repercussions on economic progress, social improvement, and sustainable development. International bodies everywhere and many of the countries' governments are responding urgently to this call In recent years, climate change has affected different regions in China in different ways. In its national agenda, the Chinese government should address the problem of climate change and its negative impact on socio-economic development. In this endeavor the nation should introduce policies which will help its people and economy to adapt to these effects and changes. Priority-fields of adaptation to climate change are the sensitive areas or departments which are more vulnerable to the negative influences of climate change. The negative impacts of climate change in some parts of China are considered to be very serious indeed as they affect the whole economy and community. As a result, priority should be given to these more affected regions for the limited state financing. This paper defines adaptation and discusses the basic principles and programs in the identi.fication of national priority areas where adaptation should be exercised. Based on the past studies, four priority areas in China are identified, namely, disaster prevention and mitigation, water resources, agriculture, and ecosystem. An analysis on the identification procedures, and the reasons and tasks involved are given for each.  相似文献   

This text combines authors' visits and examinations on the spot of Silicon Valley of U.S.A. and Park of Singapore, after analyzing the Park development experience of U.S.A. and Singapore, elucidates "three culture effects" of Park development in terms of cultural system emphatically, then proposes some suggestions of cultural innovation in the Park of China.  相似文献   

The paper introduces the relationship between energy and economic development first, then, through analyzing the characters of energy consumption all over the world and the basic facts about China's energy resources, draws the conclusion that the energy and resources of China are hardly able to meet the national demands, and puts forward the policy orientation for China's energy development accordingly. At last, it points out the prospect of China's energy industry.  相似文献   

Countries in the world have taken a variety of means to control carbon emissions based on the serious situation of global warming,the concept of low-carbon economy and the provisions about emissions in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol.With the measures of emissions reductions,the system of carbon emissions trading is taking shape.It is necessary for China as the big natural resources consumption country to establish its own carbon emissions trading system.By introducing the carbon emissions trading system of the European Union,America and Japan,and analyzing the market and policies been formed,the carbon emissions trading system in China can be established from the initial configuration of the emissions rights,the subject and object of carbon emissions trading,establishing the carbon emissions trading exchange and supervising and regulating the carbon emissions trading.  相似文献   

As a result of economic reform commencing in 1978 in China, cultural beliefs of the Chinese busines,owners are changing. While much has been published concerning large and multinational businesses, there is gap in knowledge of cultural beliefs of small and medium sized enterprises. To provide new knowledge, a survey or, these smaller sized enterprises located throughout China was conducted in the summer of 2006. Respondents were selected from urban and rural areas, coastal and inland provinces and various industries to provide information or, their opinions on how some of their cultural beliefs have changed from 1990 to present. Specific beliefs questionea include: Use of fengshui, Traditional Forbidden Activities, Company Naming Responsibility, Company Name Basis, Use of Numbers, Use of Physiognomy, and Prediction of a Company's Future. The importance of fengshui has risen aver in the last sixteen years and certain traditional.forbidden activities such as not turning over the fish while eating has remained important as a cultural belief. Naming a company is important and the desirability of a good name is bared on various factors. Use of numbers, physiognomy, and non-scientific methods for predicting the future success,of companies are of lesser use. These aspects of culture are reviewed in consideration of the change from a planned economy to amarket-based economy.  相似文献   

The establishment of China’s Ecological Economics was proposed by the famous economist Prof. XU Dixin in 1980. Over the past 34 years since its establishment, Ecological Economics has developed into an interdisciplinary subject combined with natural sciences and social sciences. Its emergence met the demand of human society for entering the Ecological Epoch. The past three decades has witnessed the foundation of eco-economic theories and the emergence of various guiding thoughts and policy suggestions which have made great contributions to China’s modernization and reform. The guiding ideology of "coordination between ecology and economy" has been widely acknowledged by governments and people, and the concept of "ecological economy" has enjoyed popular support among the general public, which both play increasingly important roles in guiding practice and have major infl uences around the world.  相似文献   

I.China’seconomicdevelopment andresourcesIn the course of world industrialization, resources havebeen reduced and environment is deteriorating. This re-sults from two factors. One is growth of world population.World population went up to 1 billion in 1800, 2 billion in1930; accordingly, it cost 130 years to grow 1 billion. Andthen, it reached 3 billion in 1960, 4 billion in 1975, 5 billionin 1987 and 6 billion in 1999. In the period of 1960-1999, itcost only 30, 15, 13 and 12 years respecti…  相似文献   

常州智慧旅游公共服务平台建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游业是信息高度集中并对信息高度依赖的行业,信息贯穿旅游活动的全过程,是旅游业得以生存和发展的基础。信息化对旅游业发展的影响日益深远,旅游信息化水平已经成为旅游目的地发展水平的重要标志之一。常州智慧旅游公共服务平台建设,在借鉴周边已建系统的先进经验的基础上,突出了常州特色,采用了云计算、物联网等先进技术,充分共享旅游视频、GIS等信息资源,进行了管理、建设、运行、维护等方面的体制和机制创新。研究对推进常州旅游信息化工作,为"智慧常州"建设提供基础平台和数据资源等方面,都将发挥积极的作用,并在发展常州旅游、服务公众等方面取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

湖南西部地区有着丰富而独特的旅游资源,但旅游开发很不平衡。站在湖南省经济发展战略全局的高度,应当将西部的旅游资源进行有效的整合,实施一体化开发战略,从而形成以张家界为核心的旅游产业大发展的新格局,把旅游产业真正发展成为西部地区的龙头产业,全面带动西部地区的经济发展。  相似文献   

张广瑞 《经济管理》2020,42(5):195-208
“过度旅游”对可持续发展具有关键性的负向影响。人类旅行与旅游活动经历了一个漫长的发展过程,2000年前后,全球大多数国家和地区都已经或开始进入大众旅游时代。旅游发展的各种影响——经济的和非经济的、积极的和负面的——都在不断扩大。从总的趋势而言,当人类旅行与旅游活动人数规模、访问区域、增长速度和影响较小的时候,对旅游发展的反对声音多局限在特定地区、时段和人群,但随着旅游规模扩展与速度逐渐加快,“拥挤度”加大的情况下,反对的声音则越来越强烈,甚至开始从情绪上反对转变成社会行动。到21世纪第二个十年的后期,“过度旅游”开始变成一种“全球关注”,关注的群体由最初的旅游目的地居民扩展到学术界、国际旅游机构、旅游业界、国家政府相关机构以及各类媒体,旅游者本身也参与其中。这一关注在2018年形成高潮,“overtourism”正式被英国《牛津英语词典》选入当年的年度词汇。于是,国际社会越来越关注“过度旅游”现象,并以不同的方式确定其含义,评估其影响,探讨产生的原因和谋划应对策略与行动。尽管对“过度旅游”现象的认识还存在着很多分歧,政府、业界、社会乃至旅游者对待这一现象的态度大相径庭,但毕竟这一现象引起了全球的关注,因此,了解和研究这一现象,探讨其发展趋势,应当是旅游相关学术机构的责任。本文旨在为对“过度旅游”现象的来龙去脉做一个初步的梳理,以期推进我国学术界关注这个“全球关注”现象的研究,促进我国旅游业健康有序地发展。也许“过度旅游”在中国尚未成为严重问题,但未雨绸缪、防患于未然是非常必要的。更何况,在全球更加开放,全球化不断深化的国际背景下,一个遍及全球的问题,恐怕中国也很难独善其身。  相似文献   

基于大区域尺度的大众交通旅游职能效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汪宇明  赵中华 《经济地理》2007,27(2):332-335
随着中国区域旅游深度发展、无障碍旅游区建设和人口跨区域流动量的增长,大众交通的旅游化以及旅游职能效应发挥程度的测度问题引人关注。从旅游发展与大众交通的复杂依存关系来看,旅游交通的实质是大众交通的衍生和发展,是大众交通适应旅游发展需求的产业延伸。旅游职能效应测度分析表明,中国大众交通的旅游职能效应在逐年提高,呈现出较大的区域不平衡性。其区域差异是中国各大区域经济发展水平、自然地理条件、竞争型旅游资源的吸引强度、旅客交通流量、专业旅游交通发展等相关因素综合影响作用的结果。  相似文献   

Nowadays,the environmental problem is very important forall the countries in the world.The shortage of resources,thepollution of the environment and the loss of the ecologicalbalance have become globe—wide issues.The contradic-tion made by the development of the economy,the use ofresources and the protection of the environment has be-come the major factor that confines the economic progressand endangers human’s life,and they have evoked highlyattention of the world.Tourism is an industry whi…  相似文献   

从丹东市旅游资源的属性、分布特征、开发利用现状等出发,以可持续发展的思想为指导,采用景观生态学的方法,分析了旅游文化载体的深层内涵,着重指出丹东的旅游文化开发利用应侧重满族文化,重点围绕“满朝江山绿”的内容开发利用,提出了旅游景观文化开发的设计思路。  相似文献   

民俗文化是发展旅游业的一项重要资源。民俗文化旅游是一种"高追求"、"高层次"、"高文化"、"高体验"的深层次的旅游形式。庆阳以其显著的地域差异、浓厚的历史氛围、鲜明的民俗品格、独特的文化内涵以及丰富多彩的表现形式,形成了庆阳民俗文化旅游圈,适应了现代旅游多元化发展格局的需要。庆阳民俗文化旅游的可持续发展需要树立科学发展观,统筹规划,对民俗文化旅游资源进行合理开发和有效利用,实现资源的优化配置,促进区域经济、文化、社会的发展。  相似文献   

中部地区区域旅游合作   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
张慧霞  刘斯文 《经济地理》2006,26(4):714-716,720
中部地区旅游资源丰富,而且垄断性强,发展旅游业的区位优势得天独厚,旅游业应成为中部崛起的支柱产业。但随着中部经济的“塌陷”,旅游资源优势未能很好地转化为经济优势。在实施中部崛起战略的过程中,加强区域旅游合作,把旅游资源优势转化为经济优势,对实现中部旅游业大跨越和中部崛起具有十分重要的现实意义。文章在分析中部地区区域旅游合作必要性与可行性的基础上,探讨了合作模式,重点提出了合作途径的五大战略构想。  相似文献   

鉴于旅游客源地市场竞争激烈,旅游市场变化巨大,实现区域旅游一体化就成为山西省发展旅游业发展的重点策略。厘清实践过程中制约一体化进程的因素,明确宏观协调、均衡发展的战略步骤十分重要。从区域旅游一体化的概念出发,分析山西省目前区域旅游一体化实践中存在的政府职能、社会力量和企业利益间的不协调关系,以及统一宣传、产业结构、利益分配等方面的原因,提出了解决问题的对策。通过科学规划和协调,实现山西区域旅游一体化,可以极大地提升山西旅游市场的竞争力。  相似文献   

资源环境与旅游业的核心竞争力   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
喻小航 《经济地理》2004,24(4):546-548
旅游业以服务为主、重在服务的倾向和观念,是造成旅游发展过程中环境保护和培育未受到足够重视的一个深层理论原因。从旅游者的旅游动机和目的而言,旅游资源环境才是真正的吸引因素,从旅游产品的构成来看,旅游资源环境乃是根本的核心要素。环境对旅游发展具有正向决定性作用,是一种确定的关系;旅游发展对环境的作用则有正负两种可能性,是一种不确定的关系。因此,旅游资源环境的保护和培育才是旅游业存在和可持续发展的核心竞争力。在理论上,应倡导旅游重在环境的观念。  相似文献   

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