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微格教学是一种利用现代化教学技术手段来培训师范生和在职教师教学技能的系统方法。微格教学的方法:包括事前的学习和研究、确定训练目标、观摩示范、分析与讨论、编写教案、角色扮演与微格实践、评价反馈、修改教案后重新进行角色扮演等步骤。为进一步了解微格教学,还针对微格教学在大学校园里进行了一次问卷调查。  相似文献   

微格教学中教学技能的分类、训练和评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过用微格教学方法训练师范生教学技能的实验研究,阐述了教学技能的分类方法和应遵循的分类原则;提出了在大面积训练师范生教学技能过程中,教学技能的动态组合的观点以及具体实施训练的步骤;介绍了微格教学中的评价方法和制定评价指标、评价标准应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

培养师范生具备教学技能是教育、教学理论转化为课堂教学实践的首要环节,教学技能的优劣更是影响师范生的就业和育人能力的主要因素。从时代的脚步来看,在高校中想要培养师范生的教学技能,提高教学水平,微格教学是不可或缺的重要途径之一。文章主要从导入技能、提问技能、多媒体教学技能、教学语言技能和板书技能五个方面来论述微格教学对师范生教学技能的提升作用。  相似文献   

浅析微格教学现状及措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微格教学是教学技能训练的有效途径,目前微格教学实验存在诸多问题,如实验室安装前缺乏设计与论证工作,管理人员对微格教学的意义与作用宣传力度不够,微格教学实验室开放程度低等等。本在分析这些问题的基础上,提出了切实可行的具体措施,对最大限度地发挥微格教学实验室的作用,真正落实微格教学的地位收到了指导作用。  相似文献   

试讲作为高等师范院校师范生教育实习前的一个重要环节,对于师范生师范技能的检测最具说服力,面试试讲更直接影响毕业生的就业问题。本文旨在通过分析乐山师范学院英语师范生试讲时出现的共同问题,提出相关对策,力图全面提高英语师范生试讲水平。  相似文献   

通过跟踪某师范大学生物科学专业的学生在教学论课堂上的教学过程,以及对师范生在教学后的教学反思文本材料进行分析,笔者发现生物科学专业师范生在教学实践中会出现许多问题问题.比如对教材不能够很好的处理,缺乏与学生的有效互动,板书不合理,教态不自然,没能够很好的备学生,时间安排不合理等.在文章的最后分别针对这些问题提出了可行的建议,希望能在师范生的教学技能训练中提供一些帮助.  相似文献   

基于合作学习的教学,是作为一种教学活动而被广泛采用。多媒体和网络技术的应用对于在教学改革中进行学生的素质教育、技能训练,乃至创造性思维能力的培养具有积极的意义。通过运用现代多媒体教育技术实施基于合作性学习教学的管理综合案例课程的教育教学过程,可以有效地提高管理综合案例课程教学质量。将多媒体技术应用到合作性学习教学中是目前及将来教育技术的重点方向,详尽介绍了合作性学习的管理综合案例课程多媒体课件的设计过程与实践做法,旨在为教学改革中同类课程的多媒体课件的设计与实现提供一些实践经验,优化教学过程,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的发展,多媒体辅助教学的应用增强了学生的学习积极性,为学生自主学习建立了新的平台,同时,改变了传统教学模式,对学科教学具有积极的推动作用。现代教育技术越来越多地被应用到教学中来,多媒体课件在教学中的作用也日益明显。那么,制作多媒体课件也就成为教师必须掌握的一门技术。制作多媒体课件首先要设计课件的结构,准备课件制作的素材,然后通过集成工具软件进行合成。  相似文献   

微格教学因其显著的教学效果在业界得到了广泛的认可。但普通微格教学系统设备多。结构复杂。价格昂贵。在一定程度上制约了其大面积的普及。在微格教学的理论指导下。本着实用、经济的原则,利用普通桌面PC。设计了一种简易型数字微格教学系统。在师范生中推广使用。经学生反映。效果令人满意。是普通微格教学系统的有效补充。  相似文献   

对目前国内外关于教学技能的理论研究加以综合分析,对教学技能的概念、教学技能与教师素质结构的关系、教学技能的结构以及教学技能训练的意义等提出自己的观点与看法,供教育界同仁参考。  相似文献   

课堂教学互动是指师生互相交流,共同探讨,互相促进的一种教学组织形式。英语作为一门应用型、技能型学科,特别需要学生在课堂运用英语进行师生间、生生间的交流互动。目前,影响大学英语课堂互动的主要因素有班额、生源质量、教师和教学内容。提高教师教学质量,改革教学内容是促进大学英语课堂互动之根本措施。  相似文献   

根据五年制高职学生英语词汇学习现状,从词汇学习目标、内容及方法三个方面探讨学生词汇学习中普遍存在的问题,同时针对这些问题提出"制定词汇学习目标,扩大英语词汇量;发展词汇技能,增加词汇学习深度;运用多种方法,灵活进行词汇教学"等相应对策。  相似文献   

The case for adopting a proficiencies approach to instruction and learning in the economics major is reiterated. This approach focuses on what graduating majors should be able to do with the knowledge and skills they acquire in the major, that is, their ability to demonstrate their learning in practical ways. The author's list of five proficiencies, advanced in the mid-1980s, is reviewed and revised; one additional proficiency is added and several others are refined. The author discusses the emphasis given to these proficiencies with top economics undergraduates at two major research universities, the author's experience with incorporating these proficiencies into his instruction, and the challenge of assessing the ability of economics majors to demonstrate these proficiencies.  相似文献   

The generation and use of experimental data in the teaching of economics are described. Attention is given to the classroom activities presented in the University of Arizona National Science Foundation–supported summer workshops that are mentioned in the article on the economics major in this issue.  相似文献   

As the economies of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have moved towards closer economic ties and trade integration in recent years, the establishment of exchange rate stability is becoming an important regional policy concern, particularly in the wake of the Asian currency crisis of 1997. This paper examines the exchange rate volatility of the currencies of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand between 1974 and 1999. Using variance decomposition (VDC) methods and impulse response functions, which are VAR-related estimation techniques, the study also investigates the regional currency linkages which may have played a role in transmitting exchange rate fluctuations. The results indicate that, in spite of the adoption of the crawling peg exchange regime following the breakup of the Bretton Woods system, all of the five ASEAN currencies experienced volatility, with the Indonesian rupiah posting the highest volatility level. The switch to de facto pegging against the US dollar in the mid-1980s helped to stabilize all ASEAN currencies with the exception of the Malaysian ringgit. Each of the five currencies became more susceptible to instabilities in other ASEAN currencies in the post-1985 period. Consistent with the experience of the Asian currency crisis, the Thai baht was the main channel through which regional currency fluctuations were transmitted.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of having opposite sex siblings on cognitive and noncognitive skills of children in the United States at the onset of formal education. Our identification strategy rests on the assumption that, conditional on covariates, the sibling sex composition of the two firstborn children in a family is arguably exogenous. With regard to cognitive skills, learning skills and self-control measured in kindergarten, we find that boys benefit from having a sister, while there is no effect for girls. We also find evidence for the effect fading out as early as first grade.  相似文献   

It has been argued that workplace skills are becoming more polarisedin Britain. This tendency is sometimes considered to be a factorcontributing to the process of social exclusion and growingwage inequality. Skill polarisation has therefore been the focusof renewed academic and - since the election of the Labour government- political interest. In some respects, previous survey evidencefor the 1980s can be used to support the skill polarisationthesis. This paper investigates whether the process has continuedinto the 1990s among those in work. Our main finding is thatthere has been no overriding process of skill polarisation between1992 and 1997. However, the picture is complex, with losersas well as winners. Among the winners are full-timers, employeesand those employed by 'modern' organisations. The losers, onthe other hand, include those in part-time work, the self-employedand those employed in organisations with less progressive managementpractices.  相似文献   

电气设备的采购和谈判一定要积累经验和技巧,并且建立一套包括购置论证、审批、招标采购、合同签订管理、验收管理等合法、规范的体系。项目部管理人员要分工明确各司其职抓好产品质量。同时,应配备或者兼职一名测量技术人员。而且要熟悉电气设备特性、安装调试规程、调试仪器方法、安全生产制度,注意安装过程的事项和安全措施,这样在日常工作中才能省时省力、安全无忧。  相似文献   

This article explores individual and contextual factors related to the development of hopeful attitudes during adolescence using a nationally representative study. A key focus is on the experiences of mistreatment by adults, both for the adolescent and his/her classmates. While all types of individual experiences with mistreatment reduce adolescent hopefulness, mistreatment domains most likely to be visible (i.e. physical abuse) by classmates also reduce adolescent hopefulness. This relationship is robust to the inclusion of more general environmental factors through school-level fixed effects, suggesting both a causal explanation and a typically unmeasured spillover effect of violence against children. Other types of mistreatment, such as neglect and material hardship, do not show spillover effects.  相似文献   

Native and foreign-born workers with a high school degree or less education work in different types of occupations. This article exploits the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act to examine whether legal status causes immigrants to work in occupations that use skills similar to those of natives. Legal status decreases the manual skill intensity of immigrants’ occupations by about two percentiles. It increases communication skill intensity by a similar amount. This reduces the skill gap between Mexican-born and native-born American workers by 11–15%.  相似文献   

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