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本文从一般均衡的角度阐述了地方政府竞争影响经济增长方式转变的微观机制。以此为理论基础,使用1998——2010年中国30个省区市的面板数据,以全要素生产率表示经济增长方式,考察地方政府竞争对经济增长方式转变的影响。实证结果显示,中国地方政府竞争对全要素生产率有显著的正向作用,且影响关系存在着显著的滞后效应;地方政府竞争当期、滞后两期、四期对经济增长方式转变的影响较大,滞后一期、三期的影响较小,在任期内呈现出W型特征;地方政府竞争对各省区市经济增长方式转变的影响相同。文章论证了地方政府竞争对经济增长方式转变的重要性,这与现有的研究结论不相同。  相似文献   

结构变动是生产率增长的重要源泉。本文将结构变动对劳动生产率增长的影响分为直接作用和间接作用。前者通过生产率快速增长的行业扩大比重实现;后者通过"与用户相关的外溢"等机制实现。对我国1980-2010年制造业内部结构变动对劳动生产率增长的研究发现:单纯从直接作用看,我国制造业内部结构变动对生产率提高的作用并不明显;而进一步利用动态面板衡量直接作用和间接作用的总和,发现制造业结构变动明显影响生产率的变动。这也说明我国制造业结构变动主要是通过间接方式影响劳动生产率提高。  相似文献   

基于2006-2016年间中国30个省市的面板数据,构建了动态面板模型,将金融发展、金融"脱实向虚"和金融结构因素引入模型中,采用差分GMM估计方法,检验了金融发展、金融结构与全要素生产率之间的关系,阐释变量之间的影响机制。研究结论显示:金融发展对全要素生产率的影响受到金融部门与实体经济部门增长差异的影响,金融发展对全要素生产率的影响显著为正,金融"脱实向虚"对全要素生产率的影响显著为负,考虑二者交互项的情况下,金融发展对全要素生产率的积极作用强于金融"脱实向虚"的消极作用,暂时掩盖了金融与实体经济非协调发展对全要素生产率的负向影响;金融结构对全要素生产率有促进作用,即资本市场比重的提升和发展有利于提高全要素生产率;金融发展更多的是通过技术进步影响全要素生产率,金融结构主要是通过技术效率影响全要素生产率,金融"脱实向虚"主要是通过技术进步影响全要素生产率。因此,金融与实体经济协调发展的基础上进一步推动金融发展,加快推进市场化改革基础上提升资本市场融资占比是促进全要素生产率增长的重要途径。  相似文献   

按照新古典增长理论框架分析中国经济增长因素并找到中国转变经济增长方式的依据,从中发现支撑中国经济发展的劳动,资本和全要素生产率在对中国经济增长的巨大作用。刘易斯转折点的到来,资本投资面临的约束条件和全要素生产率对增长的贡献不高使得中国今后经济的可持续发展必须转变经济增长方式,并从影响全要素生产率的因素提出了转变经济增长方式的政策建议。  相似文献   

随着计划生育政策效果的逐步显现,我国的劳动力供给趋势迎来了拐点.这种长期趋势的变化正在对微观企业绩效和行为产生越来越显著的影响.同时,这种长期影响也正在改变中国的经济增长方式.文章试图将劳动力供给因素纳入ACF和DLW微观企业绩效分析框架中,进而检验企业所在县级地区的劳动力供给对当地企业绩效的影响及作用机制.实证结果发现,本地劳动力供给增长速度下降对微观企业绩效的冲击在10年前已经显现:1.由人口控制政策带来的劳动力素质提高确实可以提升本地企业全要素生产率,但会降低经济利润率;2.劳动力供给变化对于企业全要素生产率和经济利润率的影响在全国不同地区存在差异,东部地区的企业更早地受到了劳动力供给变动的冲击;3.劳动力供给变化主要以"劳动力成本"为中介,进而对生产率和利润率起到不同的作用,以"劳动力成本"为中介的传导机制会在劳动力供给不足的情况下提高企业生产率、降低经济利润率.文章的研究对于应对日益严峻的人口结构转型压力、转变经济增长方式具有重要的启示作用.  相似文献   

本文分析了贸易自由化对中国工业行业总量生产率增长的影响,研究发现:第一,中国工业行业存活企业平均生产率高于进入企业平均生产率,退出企业平均生产率最低;第二,使用动态OP方法对中国工业行业总量生产率增长进行分解,发现存活企业生产率增长对总量生产率增幅贡献最大,低效率企业退出同样促进总量生产率增长;第三,总进口增加、中间品进口增加和最终品进口增加会促进中国工业行业总量生产率增长及各个分解部分增长;第四,国内企业竞争主要通过影响存活企业间资源再配置促进总量生产率增长,而贸易自由化则主要通过淘汰低效率企业实现经济资源再配置,并以此推动总量生产率增长。  相似文献   

余心玎 《技术经济》2014,(4):107-113
采用1998—2007年中国工业企业数据,对出口与生产率的关系进行了再探讨,具体研究了出口企业是否具有更高的生产率、企业在做出口决策的过程中是否存在自我选择机制以及出口行为本身是否能促进企业生产率的增长。研究结果显示:当用TFP衡量生产率时,企业出口决策中存在自我选择机制,因此出口企业的生产率相对较高——这与异质企业贸易模型的预期结果一致;当用劳动生产率(人均附加值)衡量企业生产率时,则"生产率悖论"存在,即出口者的生产率反而较低;当企业刚进入出口市场时,其生产率会经历短期的快速增长,但从长期来看,出口对企业生产率增长的作用在整体上是负向的。  相似文献   

利用索洛模型法估算出我国1978-2010年间全要素生产率的增长率,并依据估算结果对我国全要素生产率增长和经济增长动因作简要分析,以考察经济增长中的技术进步效率。分析结果表明,1978年以来我国的改革开放政策卓有成效,技术进步效率为经济增长作出了很大贡献,其在总产出中的贡献率为32。96%,仅次于资本投入对经济增长的贡献率,比劳动投入贡献率高。另外,我国全要素生产率增长对经济增长的贡献率比较适中,这与我国当前经济发展阶段较为适应,符合经济增长方式转变的阶段性规律。  相似文献   

中国农业总要素生产率变动趋势及增长模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
<正> 对农业经济效率的测度和评价,我国理论界和实际工作部门部一商使用部分生产率指标,即土地生产率、劳动生产率、资金生产率等。由于部分生产率是对某一个投入要素生产效率的反映,只能从一个角度说明经济效率的情况,具有一定的片面性。在投入要素之间替代程度很高的情况下尤为如此,因而用部分生产率指标测度和评价经济效率所得结论是很不准确的。为了能准确认识和把握中国农业的效率趋势,本文使用西方经济学界广泛使用的综合指标——总要素生产率(Total Factor Productivitly(TFP)],对中国农业40年来的效率变化进行分析。一、中国农业总要素生产率的增长趋势分析增长趋势总是要分阶段进行观察和比较的,而划分阶段一般又是研究者的一个主观选择过程。  相似文献   

发展服务业尤其是现代服务业已然是经济转型和产业升级的重要抓手,然而关于服务业生产率(效率)的论断,目前学界占主导地位的仍是"鲍莫尔-福克斯假说",即认为服务业生产率较低,大力发展服务业将拉低总体经济增长率。为此,本文对方向距离函数的方向选择进行方法创新,采用1998-2012年中国省际面板数据对服务业和工业的生产率及其增长情况进行测算。研究显示:服务业生产率(效率)平均高于工业,但TFP增长稍逊工业。不过,近年来服务业TFP增长有赶超工业的趋势。即"鲍莫尔-福克斯假说"和国内关于服务业低效率的提法在现阶段的中国并不成立。此外,工业化程度对生产率有正向影响,但对TFP增长影响不大。  相似文献   

This paper examines how credit constraints affect the dynamics of wealth and thereby the dynamics of capital and output growth. We develop standard Ak growth models that display transitional dynamics, contrary to general belief, once the complete credit markets assumption is relaxed. The mechanism is that credit constraints make individual productivity differences persist, which in turn leads to the persistence of income inequality. The dynamics of inequality is jointly determined with the dynamics of aggregate capital. The economy thus passes through a transitional period of inequality, individual and aggregate capital dynamics before it converges to a long-run balanced growth path. The application of the model to the analysis of intergenerational mobility and inequality dynamics suggests substantial economic and policy significance. In particular, introducing credit constraints to the Barro Ak model, public investment could have an indirect impact on growth via its effect on inequality and mobility.  相似文献   

本文通过构造一个包含资本质量的柯布-道格拉斯形式的总量生产函数,对中美日三国1980—2007年的经济增长质量进行了详细的分析。分析结果表明,在整个考察期内,不同要素对于不同国家的经济发展所发挥的作用是不同的。但是,从总体上来看,全要素生产率的发展在三个国家的经济发展过程中均占据了非常重要的地位。同时,体现在资本质量上的技术进步对于不同国家则有不同的影响。尤其是对于日本经济而言,资本质量对日本经济发展发挥了关键性的作用,日本经济的资本质量状况长期阻碍了日本经济的发展,这一点能够为日本经济自20世纪90年代以来的长期低迷提供一种可能的解释。为了进一步分析三国的技术进步与经济增长之间的关系,本文同时又将整个考察期划分为三个子时期,并对三个子时期内不同要素对各个国家的经济发展贡献程度进行了考察,分析结果进一步确认了前面的结论。  相似文献   

This study extends a two-sector Kaleckian model of output growth and income distribution by incorporating endogenous labour productivity growth. The model is composed of investment goods and consumption goods production sectors. The impact of a change in wage and profit shares on capacity utilisation and output growth rates at the sectoral and aggregate levels are identified. The study reveals short-run cyclical capacity utilisation rates and productivity growth dynamics. Even if the short-run steady state is stable, the capital accumulation rate in the consumption goods sector must decrease more than that in the investment sector for long-run stability. When simultaneous rises in profit shares in both the sectors affect long-run aggregate economic growth differently at a steady state, the distributional interests between the same class in different sectors may hamper the long-run economic growth. A policy message is that the effect of income distribution on industrial output growth is not always beneficial. These phenomena are specific to two-sector models and cannot be observed when using conventional aggregate growth models.  相似文献   

作为国民经济中的基础性和先导性产业,流通业在国民经济中的比重呈现先下降后上升的U型演变趋势。本文利用扩展的索罗模型和中国省际地区面板数据探讨流通业比重变化对地区总体生产率和经济增长的影响。研究结果表明,首先,地区总体生产率与流通业比重呈显著的负相关关系。其次,地区人均产出增长率与当期流通业比重呈负相关关系,而与上期流通业比重呈正相关关系。流通业比重对地区人均产出增长率的净效应既受到地区总体生产率与流通业比重之间负向关系的影响,也受到地区经济增长收敛性的影响。根据模拟实验,2009-2014年中国流通业比重上升导致人均产出增长率约下降136个百分点。最后,地区流通效率在“流通业比重-总体生产率-经济增长”关系中发挥着明显的调节作用。在流通效率越高的地区,流通业比重上升对地区总体生产率和地区人均产出增长率的负向作用越弱。因此,地方政府可以通过提高本地区流通效率来缓解流通业比重上升带来的“结构负利”。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The rise of the service economy in industrialized countries is having considerable effects on employment and economic activities in Japan. This paper empirically examines the evolution of the service sector in Japan and assesses its impact on employment generation and economic growth. Owing to the heterogeneous nature of the service sector, it is important to further develop the more productive service industries, while making every effort to increase the productivity of the less productive service industries. Policy-makers must take appropriate measures to enhance the productivity of the service sector in order to strengthen overall economic growth.  相似文献   

自2007年以来,中国的劳动生产率呈现出增长放缓的趋势。本文建立了包含劳动力市场扭曲和部门效率差异的三部门一般均衡模型,对劳动生产率增长放缓的原因进行了分析。本文的模型可以较好地拟合劳动力部门间再配置和劳动生产率增长放缓的特征事实。数值模拟结果表明,第三产业劳动生产率低速增长是导致中国总劳动生产率增长放缓的主要原因,而劳动力市场扭曲的减弱和第一产业劳动生产率的加速增长则对总劳动生产率增长放缓起到了遏制作用。这些结果证明,劳动生产率的增长放缓在很大程度上是产业结构变迁带来的。政府可以实施放松服务业进入规制和消除劳动力市场扭曲等政策,提高总劳动生产率的增长率。  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2020,74(2):186-192
While the accumulation of factors of production, both physical and human capital, has helped Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to narrow the income gap with developed economies, aggregate productivity is still relatively low. Although there are numerous determinants of aggregate productivity, it is largely based on the underlying productivity of all firms in the economy. Using firm-level data from several waves of the World Bank Enterprise Survey and Chile's National Manufacturing Survey, we explore the ‘what’ question on productivity dispersion in LAC. We document three stylized facts: (i) there are significant differences in firm productivity within industries – the firm at the 90th percentile of the productivity distribution produces almost seven times as much output (using the same measured inputs) as the 10th percentile firm; (ii) productivity differences persist over time – regressing a firm's current productivity on its one-year lagged productivity yields an autoregressive coefficient of around 0.9; and (iii) most of the growth in aggregate productivity comes from improvements in the productivity of existing firms.  相似文献   

The paper rejects growth accounting as failing to reveal the economic forces that drive growth. Instead, it seeks to explain changing productivity growth in terms of economic phenomena such as the changing structure of output, the rate of adoption of new technology, and the strength of aggregrate demand. We introduce such a model and test it using pooled cross section and time series data for 16 OECD economies over a 30 year period. The parameter estimates allow us to decompose each economy's productivity growth into the part caused by its changing structure and the part explained by demand conditions. The estimates are used to account for the productivity slowdown that occurred in these economies after 1973, and to examine the recent productivity increase in the US. The model fully explains this growth surge in terms of the changed demand factors and structure of the US economy. We conclude by arguing that a prime benefit of strong aggregate demand is its stimulation of investment and technological change, leading to the adoption of new technology on a broad front.  相似文献   

This research analyzes, from a post Kaleckian perspective, the interactions among the aggregate demand, the real exchange rate, productivity, and real wages in the Brazilian economy from 1960 to 2011. It adopts the longstanding perspective that demand is the driver of capital accumulation and economic growth. The research comprises the following steps: (a) a critical assessment of the growth regime literature, with a particular emphasis on issues related to productivity and the real exchange rate; (b) understanding the relationship between the real exchange rate and the productivity and growth regimes; (c) proposing a theoretical model that relates the real exchange rate, productivity, and the growth regime; and (d) an empirical test of the interaction between the real exchange rate, productivity, and the growth regime. Theoretically the study develops a model showing the interactions between the aggregate demand, the real exchange rate, productivity, and real wages. Furthermore, this research attempts to address the lack of theoretical and empirical studies about the relationship between the aggregate demand, the real exchange rate, productivity and real wages.  相似文献   

Sectoral and Aggregate Technology Shocks:Is There a Relationship?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze sector-specific shocks in productivity and demand in 19 manufacturing sectors of the Austrian economy. Based on a structural vector autoregressive model (SVAR) with long-run restrictions developed by Galí (1999) we extract technology and non-technology shocks from sectoral and aggregate data. We study their patterns and relationship by means of a principal components analysis and find a close association of sectoral and macroeconomic non-technology shocks but only a very weak association for technology shocks. Impulse response analysis indicates that for almost all manufacturing sectors as well as the aggregate Austrian economy productivity growth rates experience an immediate increase due to positive technology shocks while hours worked decline. Thereby we confirm Galís results on the level of Austrian manufacturing industries. From regression analysis, we find that our shocks are closely associated to employment growth and output growth but not to investment growth and that the reaction is different for the aggregate economy and manufacturing industries.JEL codes: D24, E23, E32, O30We thank Werner Müller and the participants of the 2004 conference of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) for helpful comments. We would like to thank an anonymous referee for many helpful comments that led to a substantial improvement of the paper. The usual disclaimer applies. This research project was supported by a research Grant (Project Nr. 9800) of the Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichische Nationalbank (OeNB).  相似文献   

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