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<正>杨载田教授是国内知名的旅游地理学者,对高校的中国旅游地理教材建设贡献尤为突出。自1994年以来,已先后主编出版过全国高专层次的地理、  相似文献   

中国式现代化理论体系的构建为新时代旅游地理研究提供了学术指引。通过分析中国式现代化的科学内涵,结合旅游地理学的学科定位和发展走向,从理论、方法和应用层面构建了旅游地理研究新框架。强调必须发挥旅游地理学区域性、综合性、交叉性和应用性的学科特点与优势,以旅游人地关系理论为核心,综合应用多学科理论和技术方法,在加强旅游空间分析、旅游地演化规律和旅游可持续发展理论研究的同时,重视现代性理论、融合共生理论、公平正义理论、场景理论、人类命运共同体与人类文明新形态理论在旅游地理领域的创新应用,逐步构建符合中国式现代化发展要求的旅游地理学理论体系。文章提出要强化“中国特色”的旅游地理研究,深入探究人口(需求)特征与流动性规律、旅游发展促进共同富裕的机制与路径、文旅深度融合与高质量发展、旅游人地和谐共生与可持续发展、国际旅游地缘格局与旅游对世界和平的促进作用与效应等科学问题,推动旅游地理学自主知识创新。旅游地理学者应成为中国式旅游现代化研究的先行者和实践者,积极担当响应国家战略的政治使命、促进共同富裕的社会使命、协调“两个文明”的文化使命、推动人地和谐的生态使命、服务行业发展的经济使命、推进和平发展的国...  相似文献   

据有关国际旅游组织预测,到2020年,我国有可能成为世界最大的客源国和重要的旅游目的地。我国正处于旅游业发展高速期,广大国人都有学习旅游地理知识、提高旅游素质的迫切愿望和要求。因此,对于各类旅游地理教材和读物的社会需要势必将日益增强。杨载田等学者继于1994年9月主编、出版《中国旅游地理》(广东地图出版社出版,以下简称“广东版”)一书之后,又主持编著了作为湖南省普通高等教育“九五”省级重点教材、并由科学出版社于1999年2月出版的《中国旅游地理》(以下简称“科学版”),正是适应了这一客观需求。与…  相似文献   

<正>杨载田教授主编、由科学出版社2014年8月出版的高校本科版教材《中国旅游地理》(第四版),是湖南省普通高校新世纪教改重点项目"中国旅游地理课程创新研究与实践"、湖南省普通高校"九五"重点教材建设项目《中国旅游地理》及普通高校21世纪课程教材建设项目《中国旅游地理》的后续研究成果,与同为由杨载田教授主编广东地图出版社1994年出版的全国高校地理旅游教学改革研究会协作教材《中国旅游地理》一脉相承,同时也是由杨载田教授主编的高职高专教材《中国旅游地理》(第二版)(机械工业出版社即将  相似文献   

任务引领式教学是连接高职高专旅游管理专业中国旅游地理课程教学理论和实践的桥梁。本文从高职高专中国旅游地理课程任务引领式教学的内涵及特点、任务引领式教学的必要性及实施步骤等方面,对高职高专旅游管理专业中国旅游地理课程任务引领式教学进行探析。  相似文献   

区域旅游地理的一本新著──简评新编《中国旅游地理》陆心贤(华东师范大学地理学系,上海200062)在改革开放浪潮推动下,我国旅游事业蓬勃发展。与此同时,以人类旅行游览、休想疗养、康乐消遣同地理环境及社会经济发展相互关系为研究对象的旅游地理学,其研究也...  相似文献   

中国的学术界目前存在着一种明显的倾向:学者官员化的倾向。为什么会如此呢?如何看待和评价呢?  相似文献   

中国汽车零部件如何适应汽车工业发展的需要?中国汽车零部件工业在我国加入WTO以后的竞争力究竟如何?为此国家经贸委投资与规划司和德国大众汽车(中国)投资有限公司共同以“中国汽车零部件工业国际比较和发展研究”为专题,组织有关专家对此进行了认真研究。  相似文献   

学生思维能力的发展与教师的教学过程是密切相关的,培养学生的思维能力是教师教学中的重要任务之一。本文从五个方面阐述了在旅游地理教学过程中如何创设思维情境,激活学生兴趣,有意识地拓宽学生思路,促进学生思维能力的全面发展。  相似文献   

《财经文摘》:您是国外学者中少有的既研究中国问题又研究中国历史的学者,您能从历史角度谈谈中国近代以来几代企业家群体的形成和特点吗?  相似文献   

This review essay discusses recent books on feudalism by Perry Anderson, John Critchley, Rodney Hilton, and Witold Kula. Its purpose is to provide an overview to a number of approaches toward the economic aspects of feudalism and to indicate promising directions in this field for comparative economists. To this end, four major questions are discussed: What is feudalism? How and why did the feudal economic system emerge? What are the short-term economic mechanisms within a feudal economy? And how and why did the feudal economic system decline?  相似文献   

法国地理学界对旅游资源的研究方法至今经历了三个阶段,先是实证主义,后来结合了现象学,再后来引入参与者理论并提出旅游者中心说。结合中欧案例,通过比较这三种理论揭示了这一发展进程中的理论进展,提出研究旅游资源问题既不能只着眼于资源本身,也不能只停留在一些现象上,而应特别重视旅游的最重要的参与者——旅游者及其活动。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, particularly after the Great Recession, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have been expanding their role in the global economy, including through merger & acquisitions (M&As). What are the characteristics of the firms targeted by SOEs? Are they different from firms controlled by private investors? By looking at a unique sample of around 25,000 M&As occurred over the period 2005–2012, we find that only SOEs controlled by means of minority of stakes (state-invested enterprises, SIEs) do not show any statistically significant difference in their targeting strategy compared to private enterprises. Conversely, majority-owned SOEs, and in particular financial SOEs buy lower performing firms compared to private acquirers. We interpret this fact as evidence of the internalization of political objectives by fully controlled and financial SOEs, but not by SIEs.  相似文献   

经济地理学中的企业网络研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
李小建 《经济地理》2002,22(5):516-520
根据对国际经济地理学的文献分析和作者的研究体会,提出企业网络研究在经济地理学新近出现的研究方向中占重要地位。中国特殊的国情,形成了中国特殊的企业网络,为经济地理学家提供了得天独厚的条件。深入进行相关研究,有希望推出创新成果,提高中国经济地理学的国际地位。  相似文献   

旅游房地产业形成的分蘖理论分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近几年 ,随着国内房地产市场的蓬勃发展 ,以休闲、度假旅游为目的的旅游房地产成了房地产业和旅游业两大热门行业共同关注的热点。但是 ,旅游房地产能否发展成为一个独立的产业 ,它成为一个独立产业的理论依据是什么 ,却很少被人们讨论。因此 ,本文主要探讨旅游房地产业得以确立的理论基础。  相似文献   

Stodgy medical societies are partnering with, and creating, online companies. What can they do for your practice?  相似文献   

The papers in this issue are concerned with the behaviour of exchange rates — their fundamental determinants, adjustment processes and policy implications. The authors combine theory with empirical evidence, test hypotheses as well as show the relevance of their analysis for policy. This Introduction addresses several questions. What are the contributions of the articles to the economics of exchange rates? Are they significant in increasing our understanding of the current issues and in addressing questions of policy? How can one explain the movements in the European and the Asian currencies? What can we expect to happen to the euro with the enlargement of the euro area? Do the papers provide frameworks to guide empirical research? In this Introduction, we highlight aspects of each paper that addresses these issues.  相似文献   

An important economic policy issue is to ascertain when and if technical change (TC) is driving measured growth in productivity. Was this the case for Japan during the late 1980s when a massive financial bubble was being formed? This paper addresses this question, after first further developing methods needed for this purpose. The movement of firms’ TC is of particular policy interest to Japan whose economy has been suffering from a prolonged recession for more than a decade since the burst of the bubble in 1990. In the period of time immediately prior to the burst of the bubble, our estimation results show a significant drop in technical progress. What we believe these results reflect is that Japanese manufacturing firms made excessive investments in production inputs in the years when the bubble was being formed. This excessive investment in inputs did not contribute positively to TC and hence the measured productivity and economic growth of the bubble period in the late 1980s was unsustainable.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effects of a decade and a half of labourmarket reform in Australia on labour market flexibility at themacroeconomic level. Increased labour market flexibility isinterpreted as reduced structural unemployment and enhancedefficiency of matching. We use shifts in the Beveridge Curveas a measure of changes in labour market efficiency (followingSolow, R., What is labour-market flexibility? What is it goodfor?, Keynes Lecture, British Academy, London, December, 1997).Time series analysis of unemployment, vacancies and other relevantvariables strongly suggests that changes in the efficiency oflabour market matching over the period reflect the cyclicaleffects of hysteresis rather than the effects of labour marketreform.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services valuation has achieved considerable prominence in research and policy circles in recent years. This paper reviews the studies that have tried to estimate the value of forest ecosystem services. Broadly, this study addresses the following questions: (1) What insights do these studies provide on the value of forest ecosystems? (2) What lessons do they offer from an economic and policy perspective? (3) What are the shortcomings of the existing studies, and what are the challenges and issues for future research? Evidence from a cross section of forest sites, countries and regions suggests that not only the total valuation of ecosystem services varies widely across studies but also the valuation of individual services. This variation suggests that policies to conserve ecosystems and their services should emphasise local contexts and values. This paper concludes by discussing the shortcomings of existing studies, and suggests that, among other things, future research should focus on the neglected ecosystem services, ‘disservices’, assess the role of dynamic factors and environmental catastrophes on the provision of ecosystem services, and assess the benefits of keeping forests intact versus converting them to alternative uses.  相似文献   

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