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工程保险是工程风险管理的重要手段。本文针对2017年版FIDIC系列合同条件中的保险条款,识别保险范围、解读投保要求,并结合国际工程投保实践对工程一切险、货物保险、承包商施工设备保险、职业责任险、第三者责任险和雇主责任险等保险在投保及管理过程中的常见问题进行归纳和分析,并给出一些参考建议。  相似文献   

工程保险是指对建筑、安装工程项目和与工程有关的机器设备等存在着的风险给予的一种经济保障.工程保险在性质上属于综合保险,既有财产风险的保障,又有责任风险的保障.由于和普通财产保险的风险相比,工程保险的对象一般是规模大、造价高、技术繁杂和期限较长的现代工程,因此工程保险是在普通财产保险的基础上,具体设计保险内容,渐渐发展为成独立的体系.我国的工程保险体系虽已初步建立,但尚不完善,即便如此,其对保障各方利益,仍发挥了重要作用,因此有必要不断完善该体系,并将其运用到工程项目管理之中.  相似文献   

工程保险可以将工程项目的风险转移给保险公司,从而补偿项目因遭遇风险而造成的损失.这些保险公司的承保能力决定了保险是否能够有效的实施,他们可以根据自身的财力和承保业务的状况,将其所承保的风险责任在国内或国际再保险市场上转移给再保险公司.  相似文献   

我国的国际工程承包商在努力拓展海外市场的过程中,很多情况下都是由于不能获得及时、准确的信息而导致了项目的失败。本文重点分析了信息缺乏对我国国际工程承包发展的制约,介绍了国际工程项目信息的主要来源和获取信息时的注意事项。  相似文献   

我国的国际工程承包商在努力拓展海外市场的过程中,很多情况下都是由于不能获得及时、准确的信息而导致了项目的失败。本文重点分析了信息缺乏对我国国际工程承包发展的制约,介绍了国际工程项目信息的主要来源和获取信息时的注意事项。  相似文献   

于建刚 《经济师》2008,(6):284-285
对国内承包商来说,国际工程承包首先是一个市场的概念:了解国际工程承包首先要明确市场的概念。国际工程承包在这里的含义首先是承包商取得项目的不是本国的地方,其次是通过优胜劣汰机锏使企业得到生存和发展的本国以外的空间。空间的广度是指地域范围,即我们的企业在那些地区做工程;空间的深度是指在一个地区的经营情况。营销学上常用市场占有率来表示企业对一个市场经营的深度。国际工程承包市场经营深度包括对一个国家的了解程度、项目中标情况等等。由于建筑业在带动经济发展和就业方面的特殊作用,政府往往对建筑市场进行保护,限制外国承包商参与国内建筑市场的竞争,使国内的建筑市场优先满足国内承包商的要求.这种只能由本国承包商承担的项目称为国内工程承包市场。  相似文献   

我国工程保险的现状分析与发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大型复杂的工程建设项目中,风险无处不在,工程保险是因项目风险管理需要而设计产生的一类综合性保险,具有复杂、保险金额巨大、保险期限长等特征。概述了我国工程保险的现状、制约因素以及发展前景,提出了发展我国工程保险的对策。  相似文献   

一、工程保险的意义和必要工程保险,也叫工程全保险,简称工程险,主要分为建筑工程保险和安装工程保险。当承包商承揽一项工程后,同时也就承担了该项工程的全部风险。在合同执行过程中,承包商会遇到各种是意想不到的风险。工期长的大型综合项目,遇到各种风险的可能性更大。天灾人祸、重大工程事故,可能会给承包商带来灾难性的打击,甚至导致破产。为了保障工程的实施,  相似文献   

在处理工程保险索赔问题时,很多承包商对于保险责任和赔款数额的界定常感困惑,其中一个重要的原因是对保险原则的本质没有认识清楚.本文从保险原则入手结合一个海外工程所遇到的典型实例,分析这些原则的具体运用.  相似文献   

试论保险与金融工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为交叉学科的典型代表,金融工程是金融科学工程化的产物,金融工种的产生与金融风险的存在和风险控制紧密相连,而保险是风险管理的重要手段,高新技术发展带来的变革,不仅以 险从业者及保险业自然的发展具有重要意义,而且对保险在金融工程中的应用起着重要的影响,金融工具的出现,使保险能和其他金融工具组合在一起对风险进行有效控制,保险在金融工程的运用中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2005,89(11-12):2037-2067
This paper analyzes a social insurance system that integrates unemployment insurance with a pension program, allowing workers to borrow against their future wage income to finance consumption during an unemployment episode and thus improving search incentives while reducing the risks arising from unemployment. This paper identifies the conditions under which integration improves welfare and the factors which determine the optimal degree of integration. We show that when the duration of unemployment is very short compared to the period of employment or retirement, the optimal system involves exclusive reliance on pension-funded self-insurance. This system imposes a negligible risk burden for workers while avoiding attenuating search incentives. We also argue that joint integration of several social insurance programs with a pension program through an individual account is desirable unless the risks are perfectly correlated with each other.  相似文献   

In this article, we estimate the degree of substitution between enrolment into Disability Insurance (DI) and Unemployment Insurance (UI) in the Netherlands. Starting in the 1990s many policy measures aimed at reducing DI enrolment, and increase labour force participation. We quantify whether these policy measures have led to a reduction in hidden unemployment in DI. A side effect of the reforms may be increased pressure on UI. Therefore, we simultaneously estimate reverse substitution, that is, hidden disability in UI. To this end, we employ a sample of firms in the Dutch AVO database from the period 1993 to 2002. Using instrumental variables in a bivariate Tobit specification, we identify the hidden components in both respective schemes. The estimation results indicate that about 3% of all dismissals took place through DI, which implies that about one quarter of the DI enrolments observed in our sample in fact consists of hidden unemployment. We find no evidence for reverse substitution of disabled persons ending up in UI.  相似文献   

The deregulation and liberalization process towards establishing a single European financial market has some important implications for the insurance industries. Due to the increased competition, insurance firms have to adjust their costs and operate efficiently to survive in this new environment. This paper attempts to analyze the cost efficiency and scale economies in the single European insurance market. Considering the ongoing enlargement process of the EU, our sample includes the insurance industries of the major EU‐15, four new members and a candidate country, Turkey, over the period 1995–2005. We use the firm‐level financial data and estimate a stochastic cost frontier that controls for differences in environmental conditions. All insurance systems display significant levels of cost inefficiency. The results further indicate that there are significant economies of scale, particularly for small‐ and medium‐size insurance firms. Finally, the analyses suggest similar results for major EU countries, new members and the candidate.  相似文献   

Abstract The paper develops a simple model of repeated automobile insurance contracts, providing a framework for analyzing changes in aggregate insurance data in periods of changes that affect driver incentives. Experience rating of premiums gives drivers an incentive to exert effort to avoid accidents (ex ante moral hazard), and an incentive to hide accidents (ex post moral hazard). The empirical analysis, using data from the competitive insurance markets in Ontario and Alberta over a period of major legislative changes in Ontario, suggests that much of the recent decline in accidents in Ontario was due to an increased incentive to hide accidents.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence regarding the hypothesis that expectations of inflation reinforces the need for indexed insurance and decreases purchases of fixed-dollar contracts. A comparison between term life insurance and group life insurance is developed to demonstrate the positive effect of inflation on the growth of group life insurance.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the interdependence of medical malpractice insurance markets and health insurance markets. Prior research has addressed the performance of these markets, individually, without specifically quantifying the extent to which they are linked. Increasing levels of health insurance losses could increase the scale of potential malpractice claims, boosting medical malpractice losses, or could embody an improvement in medical care quality, which will reduce malpractice losses. Our results for a state panel data set from 2002 to 2009 demonstrate that health insurance losses are negatively related to medical malpractice insurance losses. An additional dollar of health insurance losses is associated with a $0.01–$0.05 reduction in medical malpractice losses. These findings have potentially important implications for assessments of the net cost of health insurance policies.  相似文献   

Life insurance is a very efficient form of saving for contingencies. This letter argues that under certain conditions it may be even more efficient than intended and desirable, by virtually severing the connection between income and consumption.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the discussion surrounding the existence of ex ante moral hazard and propitious selection in a voluntary private health insurance scenario. Moreover, it provides an estimation of the determinants of lifestyle choices and of private health insurance demand. A multivariate probit is estimated for health insurance demand and lifestyle decisions to take into account the potential endogeneity of these decisions. The results indicate that there is evidence of ex ante moral hazard in deciding to do sports and eating healthy snacks. Hence, no propitious selection has been found for these decisions. Another relevant result shows that there is no individual heterogeneity for the lifestyle choices, except for smoking, and private health insurance choice. Evidence from the results also supports the idea that there are nonobservable variables playing a role in the lifestyle decisions. These results provide some directions for policymakers, such as the promotion of precautionary behaviours and the use of implicit lifestyle drivers to promote healthy choices by people.  相似文献   

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