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近年来,大学生轻视和伤害生命的现象屡见不鲜,大学生生命教育亦成为高等教育改革中方兴未艾的话题。通过对大学生生命教育的内涵和必要性分析,通过各种途径开展生命教育引导学生认识生命、珍惜生命,走出生命认识的误区,完善和健全人格,建立积极向上的人生观,从而杜绝大学生轻贱生命的状况。  相似文献   

大学生是国家与民族的希望和未来,大学生生命观教育不可忽视,引导大学生树立正确的生命观,实现人生价值,培养大学生成为适应社会发展的高素质人才至关重要。本文浅析目前大学生生命观缺失的主要表现,如部分学生缺乏对生命价值的认识,把具有创造性的生命看成是线性的动物水平的生命;大学校园中不时出现自杀或杀人的现象,这都体现了大学生缺乏对生命的尊重与敬畏;如今部分大学生缺乏对生命的反思,容易走极端,不能控制自己的行为。究其成因是多方面的,首先是家庭和社会忽视了对孩子进行生命观教育,其次是学校缺少完整的生命观教育体系,再者是我国生命观教育领域资源紧缺。针对大学生生命观教育现状及成因,本文提出了其解决途径及方法,即转变观念,加强家庭教育及引导;加强相关师资力量和课程建设;灵活开展形式多样的主题活动和实践教育。  相似文献   

诚信是天道之本然、人道之根本,是社会和谐发展的基础,更是一个民族赖以生存的灵魂。大学生群体中,考试作弊、抄袭作业、伪造实验数据、篡改成绩单、剽窃论文等现象频频发生且屡禁不止,其根本原因是诚信品质的缺失。生命的存在及质量是诚信生成的基础,生命教育是诚信生成的助力。只有把生命教育与诚信教育结合起来,从生命教育的高度对大学生进行诚信教育,才能在感受生命价值和质量的同时,真正生成诚信意识,使诚信教育落到实处。  相似文献   

大学生生命观教育就是要培育当代大学生形成正确的生命观,认识到生命的重要性,进而懂得呵护生命和敬畏生命。在高校开展生命观教育的多种渠道之中,思想政治教育是一种有效的形式,可以依托思想政治教育培育大学生生命观。  相似文献   

幸福观是人生观的一部分,也是对待幸福的根本态度、根本看法和观点的概括性总结。大学生幸福与否将会严重影响到大学生思想政治教育的有效性,所以只有加强大学生幸福教育,才能提高大学生思想政治教育的实效。因此幸福评价是高校思想政治教育评价体系所不可或缺的一个新维度,科学合理地确定幸福评价的标准将是当前十分重要的研究课题。文章通过分析大学生思想政治教育现存的问题,抓住问题的根源并与大学生幸福感的培养相结合起来建立大学生思想政治教育幸福评价体系。  相似文献   

大学生生命观教育就是要培育当代大学生形成正确的生命观,认识到生命的重要性,进而懂得呵护生命和敬畏生命。在高校开展生命观教育的多种渠道之中,思想政治教育是一种有效的形式,可以依托思想政治教育培育大学生生命观。  相似文献   

近些年,大学生自杀或者伤害他人及生命的情况屡有发生,在很大程度上影响了家庭、学校和社会的正常秩序,给心理尚未成熟的同龄人也造成了一定的恐慌。所以,研究高校生命教育,能提高大学生抗挫折能力和应对危机能力,对于维护校园安定、家庭和睦、社会稳定有重要意义。研究的高校生命教育问题,从现今大学生对待生命与生活的实际情况出发,分析产生的原因,着重强调当前形势下高校对学生进行生命教育迫在眉睫的事实,侧重论述高校应通过各种措施和方法,教育学生尊重和热爱生命,使其在学习知识的同时,激发生命潜能,帮助大学生树立积极乐观的人生态度,最终实现其全面发展,以健康的身心为实现中国梦和民族复兴贡献力量。  相似文献   

在思想政治教育视域下,对大学生进行系统有效的生命教育,是保障大学生成长成才的根本要求,也是加强与改进高校思想政治教育工作的重要突破口。大学生生命教育的实施,既要将课堂教学作为开展大学生生命教育的主渠道,又要把实践体验作为促进大学生生命成长的关键环节。与此同时,还要坚持将危机干预作为筑就大学生生命安全的重要屏障,并以校园文化作为提升大学生生命品位的有效载体。  相似文献   

积极心理学视野下大学生幸福感教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
积极心理学是美国心理学界一个新兴的研究领域,致力于研究人的发展潜力和美德等积极品质,把研究重点放在人自身的积极因素方面,提倡用一种积极的心态来对人的心理现象做出新的解读,从而帮助人们最大程度地获得幸福。然而目前中国大学生的幸福状况不容乐观,这非常不利于社会的发展和学生的成长。所以,应用积极心理学的理念来完善中国大学生的幸福感教育,这不仅有利于大学生的健康成长,而且对于中国的和谐社会建设具有很好地抬劫佐用  相似文献   

从药家鑫故意杀人案,引发我们对在校高职学生的生命教育问题的思考,一起因普通交通事故引发的故意杀人案,引起社会广泛关注.改革开放后,教育体制也在改革,但却充满市场化色彩.学校对学生的教育,注重的是知识和技能教育,忽视思想、品行和生命教育.生命教育就是让学生感悟到生命的有限性、唯一性;教会学生接受与认识生命的意义,尊重与珍惜生命的价值,树立积极、健康、正确的生命观.只有珍惜生命、敬畏生命,才可能培养起坚定的理想信念,才可能以博大的胸怀和坚韧的毅力去实现个体的生命价值,为社会创造幸福.  相似文献   

张佩 《经济研究导刊》2014,(23):105-107
幸福是一种愉悦的心理感受,是人们生活的追求,同时也受众多因素的影响和制约。通过对福州市居民的调查,发现影响公众幸福感和不幸福感的因素有10余种,主要包括居民收入、居住条件、家庭关系、健康状况及精神文化生活等。通过图表分析,展示了这几大因素与居民幸福感的具体关系,最后得出结论,并提出改善居民幸福感的相关建议。  相似文献   

高校校园网络文化已融入了大学生的生活世界,越来越明显地影响着当代大学生的政治立场、思想道德观念和行为方式,日益成为对大学生进行思想政治教育的重要内容和手段。党的十七大提出“加强网络文化建设和管理,营造良好网络环境”的新要求。坚持正确舆论导向,不断丰富校园网络文化产品,打造具有校园特色的网络文化品牌,是繁荣发展高校校园网络文化的关键所在。  相似文献   

适合大学生就医行为的高校医疗保险制度有助于减轻大学生医疗负担,间接帮助其完成学业,促进社会公平。通过对海南大学417名在校本科生的问卷调查,大学生就医行为具有以门诊为主、在校医院就医的人数多、门诊医药费与全国平均水平持平、住院开支较低等特征。是否参保以及参加商业或社会医疗保险对大学生的就医行为并没有显著影响。现阶段,将大学生纳入社会医疗保险体系时应考虑到大学生就医行为的特征,从政策完善与执行两方面全面推进大学生参加城镇居民基本医疗保险。具体措施主要有:提高普通门诊补偿比例,重新定位与改革校医院,控制医疗提供者的道德风险,通过各种方式保证大学生的医保知情权。  相似文献   

在这个信息时代,传媒在传播咨询和交流学习方面的功能越来越重要。微博作为一种新型的传播媒介也在这些方面发挥着重要的作用。从大学生认为微博有什么优点、大学生使用微博的原因、大学生具体把微博用在哪些方面等问题的分析看出大学生使用微博有助于拓宽其视野。但是微博出现的时间很短,还有很多方面需要改进才能更好地为拓宽大学生的视野服务。我们可以从微博的宣传、结构优化、使用环境等方面入手不断完善微博的使用。  相似文献   

Douglas KS 《Nursing economic$》2012,30(2):117, 119
The iconic, ubiquitous smiley face of the 1960s and 70s represented happiness that could be taken in and felt deeply, even if only for a moment. Today we are in a much different world, one in which the understanding of the value of happiness can seem distant. Talking about "feelings" does not go over well in the board room, in setting workforce management strategies, or in budget discussions. That could all be changing and we may finally be getting the attention of leadership on this long neglected and important topic. The cost and quality implications of an unhappy workforce seem immense. We can keep trying to squeeze more out of our health care workforce or we can invest in their wellbeing and get more out of them.  相似文献   

Happiness and well-being are in part heritable, but modifiable traits. The promotion of well-being and happiness, much like the primary prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCD), will become increasingly important in a world that is facing an NCD epidemic due to demographic aging and urbanization. The costs for the often lifelong treatment of NCDs are already high and may increase further with the arrival of expensive personalized medicine. The effective promotion of happiness at the individual and population level in order to guide policy requires a causal and mechanistic understanding of its modifiable determinants. With more than half of the world’s population living in cities, it becomes, for example, important to understand how environmental, social, and lifestyle characteristics of urban life influence well-being. Yet, the correlation between many of these factors and the fact that they act in concert poses a large challenge in causal inference. The -omics biomarkers which form a pillar of personalized medicine are at the same time essential research instruments of modern-day observational epidemiology. The paper discusses how they can be applied to overcome the challenges researchers face in studies on the association of complex risk and protective patterns with specific well-being phenotypes and their relation to diseases. Important concepts are discussed in the context of well-being that were recently developed by epidemiologists to stimulate more investments into the understanding of the modifiable part of health (e.g., Exposome; Meet-in-the-Middle; Mendelian Randomization) to match the huge investments that went into genetic research.  相似文献   


Happiness is considered to be one of the ultimate goals of life. This paper studies the happiness of Indian college and university students aged between 18 and 24 years. It attempts to answer whether and to what extent happiness of a student is significantly related to aspects of social life such as time spent with family, friends, being in a relationship, logging into social networking sites; academic factors such as job prospects of the chosen field of study and academic environment; and other personal factors such as health condition, over thinking or dwelling on past bad memories, addiction to tobacco/drug/alcohol. Moreover, this paper also inquires about the relationship between a student’s average happiness with her gender as well as the income class to which she belongs. It has been observed that among different aspects of social life, time spent with family and friends are significant while logging into social networking site is found out to be insignificant. Also being in a relationship is significantly but negatively related to happiness for male students. Job Prospects of the current field of study is a highly significant covariate of happiness irrespective of the gender of the student. Among different aspects of the personal situation, dwelling on past bad memories decreases happiness of both male and female students. Addiction to tobacco/alcohol is a negative covariate of female happiness. Furthermore, income and gender are seen to play an insignificant role in the happiness of Indian college and university students.


诚信教育是高职院校大学生思想政治教育的重要内容。从诚信内涵和高职院校的特色来看,高职院校大学生诚信教育具有德育价值、社会责任感价值和幸福价值。加强高职院校大学生诚信教育,要依托思想政治课,加强诚信思想教育;依托实训课,强化诚信知识教育;健全诚信管理机制,促使学生诚信行为的养成;营造诚信校园氛围,培育校园诚信文化。  相似文献   

The “transition happiness gap” has been one of the most robust findings in the literature on life satisfaction. Until very recently, scholars using various datasets have shown that residents of post-communist countries were significantly less satisfied with their lives than their counterparts in non-transition countries (controlling for income and other socio-economic characteristics). The literature has explained this finding by the great macroeconomic instability of the 1990s, by a substantial decrease in the quality and accessibility of public goods, by the major increase in inequality, and by the rapid depreciation of pre-transition human capital. All these factors were expected to subside over time – at least after the post-Great-Recession recovery. In this paper, we consider two most recent datasets – the third wave of the Life in Transition Survey (administered in 2015–16) and the 2010–2016 waves of the annual Gallup World Poll. We find that by 2016 the transition happiness gap had closed. This convergence has taken place both due to a “happiness recovery” in post-communist countries after the Great Recession and due to a decrease in life satisfaction in comparator countries in recent years. We also find that the convergence in life satisfaction was primarily driven by middle-income young, educated individuals, regardless of gender.  相似文献   

Relative income gap is one of the most popular approaches for explaining the income–happiness relationship. We argue in this article that when people compare their incomes, they care about distributional fairness more than relative income disparity. It is difficult for us to explain China's income–happiness paradox if we simply compare the income gap and do not explore the income‐generation process leading to income inequality. We therefore employ an approach based on a responsibility‐sensitive theory of justice that decomposes individual income into fair and unfair components. As a proxy for distributional unfairness, unfair income is considered the main source of unhappiness. Using data from the Chinese Household Income Project survey, we find strong support for the negative relationship between income unfairness and happiness. We also find a significantly positive relationship between the relative income gap and income unfairness, which leads us to consider the income comparison hypothesis as the explanation for the income–happiness paradox in a new light. Sensitivity analyses confirm the robustness of our results.  相似文献   

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