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瑞典经济近几年一直保持稳步增长的态势.2005年经济增长2.7%.2006年约为4.0%,2007年预测为3.6%。在良好的经济发展基础上.瑞典政府进一步加强了科研投入.计划2005-2008年新增政府研发投入23亿瑞典克朗。在世界经济论坛2006-2007年度全球最具竞争力国家的排名中,瑞典位居第三。  相似文献   

3月10日,Garmer公布了2004年中国.PC销量排名,联想集团以25.1%的市场占有率继续排首位,方正名列第二为9.9%。清华同方排第三为7.8%。戴尔及IBM则分别名列第四位和第五位,两家公司的市场占有率分别为7.2%和5.1%,惠普则排名第六,该公司的市场占有率为4.8%。Garmer同时预计。亚太地区的个人计算机发货量在2005年将会增长12.8%.达到3730万台。  相似文献   

陈荣东 《经贸实践》2013,(12):45-45
以大会战搭建大平台,以大项目推进大投入,今年1—11月。天台县全县累计实现规上工业增加值32.7亿元,同比增长8.0%,排名全市第二:完成限额上工业性投资42.4亿元,同比增长22.9%,完成全年计划的94.2%,完成率排名台州市第二。  相似文献   

一、加强与水运市场竞争,是武汉分公司扩大运输市场、做大经营体量的必然选择—— 强烈的发展要求。武汉分公司2006年发送箱突破指标计划813万TEU,奋斗指标计划8.8万TEU。一方面,体量小,仅占公司总量的2.8%,在18个分公司中排名第15;另一方面,增长幅度大,较上年实际增长10%,高于公司同比增长幅度近两个百分点,也是近几年来运量年增长的最高幅度。尤其是作为全公司唯一的货源缺乏地区,要完成任务,  相似文献   

奥地利森林覆盖率为46%,居欧洲第三位,木材制品出口最在世界上排名第五,是奥地利外汇收入的第二大支柱产业。奥地利克恩顿州境内峰峦重叠,盛产木材,木制品加工业发达。首府克拉根福(Klagenfurt)每年举  相似文献   

2005年,为了保障奥地利研究创新体系的竞争能力和科学地位.奥地利政府进一步增加R&D经费投入。为实现欧盟R&D经费到2010年占国民生产总值3%的目标又迈出了坚实的一步。企业界不断加强R&D投入。促进研究成果转化和生产创新,持续提高生产的现代化水平。“基因研究计划”进入二期.这是一项集奥地利生物学、医学、物理学、化学、数学和工程学等领域的科学家进行跨学科的重大联合研究项目。“先进汽车技术计划”进行第三次项目招标.  相似文献   

截至2009年6月30日,日照港上半年累计完成货物吞吐量8931万吨,同比增长14.3%。其中铁矿石完成511O.1万吨,同比增长21.2%,集装箱完成42万标箱,同比增长32.5%。,吞吐量增幅居全国前十大亿吨大港的首位,在全国沿海港口的排名从由去年年底的第九位上升到第八位,实现了“弯道超越”。港口生产组织、合资合作、建设发展和经营管理等各项工作均取得了优异的成绩。  相似文献   

2007年,新疆维吾尔自治区外经贸实现了对外贸易、利用外资和对外经济技术合作的全面、快速增长。据海关统计,2007年自治区外贸进出口总值首次突破100亿美元,达137.2亿美元,与2006年相比增长50.7%,比全国平均增幅高出27.2个百分点;其中出口115亿美元,增长61.1%;进口22.1亿美元,增长12.7%。进出口额列全国第15位,在西部地区排名第2位。自治区进出口额从10亿增至50亿美元用了10年,从50亿至100亿美元只用了3年。“十一五”前两年进出口平均增速达到31.4%,超额完成了自治区确定的调控目标。  相似文献   

随着贸易自由化的发展、全球资本市场的成长和统合、信息技术以及通讯技术的飞速进步,全球市场越来越成为统一的整体。为了与全球化市场接轨,增强我国经济实力,我国对外贸易20多年来进行了一系列的体制改革,取得了快速的发展,进出口总额由1978年的206.4亿美元增长至2005年的14221.2亿美元,同时比04年增长了23.2%.自2002年以来,我国对外贸易连续四年保持每年以20%的速度增长,在世界贸易中的排名稳居第三。  相似文献   

东辽县今年上半年预计全口径财政收入同比增长44.8%.完成年计划的53.2%:地方级财政收入同比增长43.5%.完成年计划的52.2%。面对金融危机的影响,东辽县经济何以逆势而上大幅增长?  相似文献   

A central claim of sustainable development is the far-reaching use of renewable forms of energy. This article focuses on the fact that solar water heaters are much more popular in Austria than in most other European countries. The enormous success of solar heaters in the 1990s is explained by two specific social phenomena that only can be observed in Austria: first, by a self-construction movement, consisting of single do-it-yourself groups started in the early 1980s that has spread throughout Austria. A major aspect of this movement was a comprehensive diffusion strategy that made it easy for nearly everyone to get a solar water system. Second, an atypical group of adopters were responsible for the unexpected dissemination success. Most of these early adopters were households in rural regions, interested in solar heaters due to a feature that already played a central role in the very beginning of this technology - more personal comfort. The close connection between the self-construction movement and early users enabled ongoing technical improvements of the system, which were adopted by commercial producers and installation companies.  相似文献   

A central claim of sustainable development is the far-reaching use of renewable forms of energy. This article focuses on the fact that solar water heaters are much more popular in Austria than in most other European countries. The enormous success of solar heaters in the 1990s is explained by two specific social phenomena that only can be observed in Austria: first, by a self-construction movement, consisting of single do-it-yourself groups started in the early 1980s that has spread throughout Austria. A major aspect of this movement was a comprehensive diffusion strategy that made it easy for nearly everyone to get a solar water system. Second, an atypical group of adopters were responsible for the unexpected dissemination success. Most of these early adopters were households in rural regions, interested in solar heaters due to a feature that already played a central role in the very beginning of this technology - more personal comfort. The close connection between the self-construction movement and early users enabled ongoing technical improvements of the system, which were adopted by commercial producers and installation companies.  相似文献   

Kurt Rothschild was born in Vienna in 1914. In 1938 he came to Glasgow as a refugee from the Nazis, and taught there until his return to Austria in 1947. Between 1947 and 1966 he was a researcher at the Austrian Economic Research Institute in Vienna (WIFO), specialising in labour market and trade issues; he still works for WIFO as a consultant. From 1966 until 1985 he was Professor of Economics at the University of Linz. Two volumes of his collected papers appeared in the 1990s (Rothschild, 1993, 1995). His recent publications include Rothschild (2004a, 2004b, 2006, 2007a, 2007b). This interview took place in Vienna on 1 November 2007.  相似文献   

奥地利国际科教合作传统上一直以欧盟及西巳尔干国家为主,但近年来国际经济科技形势的变化迫使奥地利对其国际科技合作战略进行重新思考和定位,将与非欧盟国家的合作提升到前所未有的高度。奥地利实现其国际科技合作的五大目标是:卓越目标、市场目标、资源优化目标、应对全球挑战目标和科技外交目标。为此,奥地利对合作国别进行了深入分析:确立了美国、中国、俄罗斯、印度4个非欧盟国家为其国际科教合作非常重要的国家,其中,中国为最需要加强合作的国家;确定了韩国、巴西、南非、以色列、加拿大、日本、土耳其、新加坡等非欧盟国家为其国际科技合作的重要国家,其中,韩国为需要加强合作的国家。  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects and the transmission of shocks between asymmetric neighboring countries. In particular, we investigate Austria and Germany which are highly integrated due to their common language and common membership of the European Monetary Union. Generalized impulse response functions reveal large and significant effects of shocks to the German economy on Austria. By contrast, the effects of shocks to the Austrian economy on Germany are barely significant and if they are, their magnitude is small. Furthermore, we can show that multiplier effects exist in Germany but not in Austria and we identify hysteretic properties in Austrian unemployment.  相似文献   

A baseline model of industry evolution   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
The paper analyses some general dynamic properties of industries characterized by heterogeneous firms and continuing stochastic entry.After a brief critical assessment of some significant drawbacks of recent contributions to modeling of stochastic industrial dynamics, we propose a novel analytical apparatus able to derive some generic properties of the underlying competition process combining persistent technological heterogeneity, differential growth of individual firms and turnover. The basic model, we suggest, is indeed applicable with proper modifications to a large class of evolutionary processes, well beyond industrial dynamics.JEL Classification: L11, O30, C60Support to this research by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria; the Fujitsu Research Institute for Advanced Information (FRI), Japan; the Italian National Research Council (CNR), the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR, prot. 2002132413 003) and the Free University of Bozen Bolzano, Italy, is gratefully acknowledged. Comments by Andrea Bassanini, Francesca Chiaromonte, Steven Klepper, Uwe Cantner, Drew Fudenberg and the anonymous referees helped in shaping the paper to its present form. Mariele Berté provided the computer simulations of the model. The usual caveats apply.Correspondence to: G. Dosi  相似文献   

Up to now, there exist several studies documenting the educational expansion in Austria in the 20th century but only few studies measureing the degree of persistence of educational attainment over generations. Furthermore, for Austria there are no internationally comparable persistence-measures of educational attainment available. This study aims to fill this gap and delivers key-measures for intergenerational persistence of educational attainment. The Austrian Household Survey on Housing Wealth includes information on socioeconomic characteristics of respondents and their parents. The results demonstrate strong persistence in educational attainment in Austria. Using uni- as well as multivariate econometric techniques and a Markovian approach we show that educational persistence decreased over time. Overall, Austria ranks third in terms of intergenerational educational attainment persistence among a number of european countries and the US. Our results therefore allow to question the significance of meritocratic values and equal opportunity for educational advancement in the Austrian society compared to other European countries and the USA.  相似文献   

Gert D. Wehinger 《Empirica》2000,27(1):83-107
Price stability being among the primary goals of EMU monetary policy,it should be interesting to analyse thefactors that led to the disinflationarydevelopments of the last years. Using a structural VAR approach withlong-run identifying restrictions derived from an open-economy macromodel, various factors of inflation for Austria, Germany, Italy, the UnitedKingdom, the United States and Japan and the extent to which they havecontributed to inflation are analysed. These factors are energy price shocks, supply shocks, wage setting influences, demand and exchange rate disturbances and money supply surprises. The latter three are also used to calculate core inflation. Within a smaller model for aggregate EMU data, supply and demand influences are analysed. While supply and demand factors have generally contributed to the inflation decline, monetary policy, enhanced competition, low energy prices and moderate wage setting are featuring most prominent in the recent disinflation process.  相似文献   

Demand estimation and market definition for broadband Internet services   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper analyses residential demand for Internet access in Austria with a focus on broadband Internet connections. Austria has cable network coverage of about 50% and is, therefore, a good candidate to analyse the elasticity of demand for DSL where cable is available and where it is not. We also include mobile broadband via UMTS or HSDPA in our analysis and estimate various nested logit models to derive conclusions for market definition. The estimation results suggest that demand for DSL is elastic and that cable networks are likely to be in the same market as DSL connections both at the retail and at the wholesale level. We discuss possible implications for the regulation of wholesale broadband access markets. All views expressed are solely the authors’ and do not bind RTR or the Telekom-Control-Kommission (TKK) in any way nor are they official position of RTR or TKK.  相似文献   

奥地利是欧盟一个面积小、人口少的小国,但却经济发达、科技先进、创新能力强。在创新领域,奥地利的做法是:设定研发经费增长目标,保持和增强创新活力;积极吸引国外企业在本国开展研发活动;积极利用国际资源,促进科研国际化;建立卓越技术能力中心,推动产学研合作;政府以促进企业创新为中心任务。奥地利在创新领域的成功做法和经验值得我国学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

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