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实现经济周期波动在适度高位的平滑化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要探讨未来5~8年的中期内,中国经济周期波动可能出现的两个新特点:一是在波动的位势上,有可能实现持续多年的适度高位运行,潜在经济增长率将在9%左右;二是在波动的幅度上,有可能实现进一步的平滑化,使经济波动保持在8%~10%的适度增长区间内。这两个特点之所以说是“有可能”,一方面是因为其中包含着一定的客观因素,另一方面是因为未来还面临着许多新挑战。  相似文献   

中国的经济增长与周期波动   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
一、经济周期波动在适度高位的平滑化 所谓“经济周期波动在适度高位的平滑化”,是指经济在适度增长区间内保持较长时间的平稳增长和轻微波动,使经济周期由过去那种起伏剧烈、峰谷落差极大的波动轨迹,转变为起伏平缓、峰谷落差较小的波动轨迹,提高增长的质量,保持经济平稳增长。  相似文献   

中国未来几年的经济走势与宏观经济政策取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年,本轮经济周期已完成筑底,2010年,中国将进入下一轮经济周期的扩张阶段。根据中国经济周期的运行规律和市场经济体制下经济周期的特点,未来的扩张期将长达7—8年之久。但是,未来的经济扩张很可能是缓慢的、在波动过程中完成的。排除随机因素的冲击和错误货币政策的影响,根据中国物价水平波动与经济波动的相关关系,在未来3—5年内,中国爆发通货膨胀的概率很小,经济较快增长和低通胀是经济运行的主旋律。为保持中国经济在未来扩张期内稳定健康地发展,应当确定经济增长的适度区间,并根据适度增长区间随时调整经济政策的取向和力度。  相似文献   

宏观经济周期波动历来受到中国经济学界和政府部门的关注和重视.本文以经济周期理论为依据,采用GDP增速指标和“谷—谷”法,将1953-2011年中国经济增长分为11个周期.中国经济周期波动从改革开放前的“低位—剧烈振荡”型转变为改革开放后的“高位—平缓波动”型,特别是进入21世纪以来,中国经济波动呈现微波化特征,经济周期波动整体上呈收敛态势.本文认为中国经济周期波动是内部传导机制与外部冲击机制共同作用的结果,分别从内生和外生角度探讨中国经济周期波动的影响因素.  相似文献   

中国加工贸易的周期性波动分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,中国加工贸易持续增长,加工贸易波动也在增强.自1983年以来,中国加工贸易经历了七次短周期波动、两次中周期波动(其中第一次中周期波动具有在适度高位的平滑化的特征)和一次中长周期波动;中国加工贸易的长周期与GDP的长周期具有相似的特征.  相似文献   

中国经济周期运行特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了1953年以来,中国经济增长率的周期性波动情况,认为中国的经济周期已经从计划经济时期的古典型周期向改革开放以后的增长型周期转变,经济增长率波动呈现高位平稳的特点.同时,经济周期的持续时间在不断延长,波动幅度不断缩小,波峰位置在逐渐下降,波谷位置在逐渐升高.说明中国经济增长的稳定性在逐渐增强,抗衰退能力不断增加,经济增长的质量得到了提高.  相似文献   

从2000年开始的我国本轮经济周期出现了新的波动形态,经济周期波动的上升阶段大大延长,经济在上升通道内持续平稳地高位运行。为延长经济周期的适度高位运行,在一轮周期中,针对经济运行中的问题多次进行微调,化大调整为不断的小调整。把节能减排以及把住土地闸门等政府的微观规制从宏观调控中剥离出来,以“长”抓不懈。解决总储蓄大于总投资的问题,除了要加强城乡社会保障体系建设,扩大医疗、教育、文化等公共服务消费之外,扩大居民住房需求,增加居民住房支出,是提高我国消费率的一个长期的、重要的途径。  相似文献   

伴随着世界金融危机的深化和世界经济增长放缓的影响,我国经济从2003年开始的一轮扩张经济周期已接近尾声,并将重启新一轮经济周期,中央在2008年经济工作会议中明确提出实施反周期调节的适度宽松的货币政策和积极的财政政策,企业应把握本轮经济周期发展的新特点,在保增长、调结构、促发展的宏观经济政策指引下,顺应经济发展形势,均衡企业经营业绩,最终实现企业健康、有序、平稳、和谐的可持续发展。  相似文献   

郭卫东 《经济师》2015,(3):77-80
投资对于经济周期的发展有明显的影响,通过分析,山西省的投资周期和经济周期具有同向波动,投资保持着相对高位波动的特征。政府主导型投资对经济周期具有缓冲效应,能够有效减缓经济下滑的趋势,因此,山西必须强化投资作用,促进经济转型发展。  相似文献   

文章通过H-P滤波分离出实际GDP的趋势项和波动项,计算实际GDP的波动率,并依据渡动率划分经济周期、分析经济周期波动的特征.1978-2005年中国经历了3个朱格拉周期和1个基钦周期共4个经济周期,且最后一次经济周期仍在继续.中国经济周期波动有如下特征:一是高位平稳运行,波动幅度减小、周期加长;二是中国宏观经济波动是稳定且衰减的阶梯波动;三是中国经济周期波动主要来源于内部传导.  相似文献   

Recent institutionalist and post-Keynesian work on business cycles continues with the traditional institutionalist supposition that financial bubbles drive cycles; however there has been a growing sense in the literature that household consumption, not business investment, has become the key variable. This paper will show how this is a change from historical institutional theory and it will then discuss how this change pushes income distribution toward a more central role in explaining current cycle dynamics. Specifically, this paper argues that much of the economic growth over the last two decades can be attributed to the top two quintiles borrowing more and the current slow growth can be attributed to high quintile households increasing their consumption while middle income households are continuing to deleverage.  相似文献   

中国房地产周期与金融稳定   总被引:81,自引:0,他引:81  
房地产周期与金融稳定息息相关。1998年以来的我国房地产周期置身于全球地产泡沫的危言之中,格外令人关注。本文首先分析了驱动本轮房地产周期的增长面、宏观面与制度面因素,并利用1992—2004年的季度数据进行计量分析,指出无论是房地产业发展还是房地产价格总水平,在今后较长时期内仍会呈稳中趋升的态势。文章进而指出,本轮房地产周期对金融稳定的影响主要体现在房地产信贷风险暴露、政府担保风险以及长存短贷的期限错配风险,并在此基础上提出相应的政策建议:努力解决银行业自身问题、规范地方政府行为以及有效监管外资进入中国房地产业。  相似文献   

This paper characterizes proxy measures of financial cycles using available data on four East Asian economies, viz., Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. Spectral analysis is adopted to characterize the financial cycles and these cycles are compared with the business cycles of the four East Asian economies. The empirical findings indicated that with the exception of the equity price growth in Hong Kong, the period of the proxy measures for financial cycles is slightly longer than the period of the business cycle. More to the point, there is no evidence to show that the period of the proxy measures for financial cycles in these economies are operating at low frequencies similar to the period of the cycles of between 8 to 32 years observed for advanced economies such as the US, UK and Germany. Taking one step further, the paper finds that the financial cycles of these four economies are better captured by a band-pass filter estimated using the periods obtained in the paper as opposed to using long period cycles of between 8 to 32 years. These findings imply that one needs to be careful in making an a priori assumption on the frequency range the financial cycle is believed to operate.  相似文献   

This paper examines the linkages between the global business cycle and national cycles. We first analyse the evolution of the global business cycle and present its main properties during global recessions and recoveries. We then consider how the sensitivity of national cycles to the global cycle varies over different phases of the global cycle and depends on country‐specific features. Our findings collectively portray an intricate liaison between the global business cycle and national cycles. National business cycles are tightly linked to the global cycle, but the sensitivity of national cycles to the global cycle is much higher during global recessions than expansions. There are significant differences across countries in how they respond to the global cycle as advanced economies appear to be more sensitive to global recessions than are developing economies. Moreover, countries tend to be more sensitive to the global cycle, the more integrated they are to the global economy.  相似文献   

邓创  赵珂 《财经研究》2018,(7):86-98,113
文章从外汇市场、银行体系和资产泡沫三个方面分别测度了中国金融市场面临的压力,并基于动态CRITIC赋权法构建出中国金融压力总指数,分析了中国金融压力变动特征在不同时期特别是金融危机前后的典型差异,以及金融压力变动对经济景气波动的时变影响.研究表明:(1)金融压力积聚对经济景气的抑制效应比金融压力释放的促进效应更加显著;(2)货币政策的滞后性和局限性会引发金融压力与经济景气的"顺周期"现象,继而可能放大金融压力对经济景气的影响;(3)各金融子市场压力对经济景气的影响均具有显著的状态依赖特征,且表现出不同的时变动态.文章认为,政策制定者应在密切关注金融压力演变动态的基础上,灵活运用多种政策工具对重点领域和薄弱环节进行预调微调,充分发挥宏观审慎政策在平抑金融顺周期波动、防范风险跨市场传播等方面的重要作用,以实现宏观经济与金融体系的双重稳定.  相似文献   

中国经济周期波动的制度冲击效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杜婷  庞东  杨灿 《财经研究》2006,32(4):115-125
经济制度变革成为中国宏观经济经历的影响最深远的整体性、持久性的外生冲击之一,制度变动的冲击对我国经济周期的变动特征产生了深刻的影响。文章运用经济计量方法对制度冲击改变我国经济周期特征进行了检验,并通过市场化程度、非国有化水平和开放度三个制度冲击变量检验了其与我国经济周期波动的相关性,其结论证明在我国受政治背景的影响而出台的重大的经济制度改革对经济的发展影响巨大而深远,制度变动冲击对经济的周期变动的方向及程度起到了较大的决定作用。  相似文献   

Ludwig von Mises called gratuitous credit, the ability banks have to create new credit, the chief problem in a theory of banking. This paper traces how Mises and succeeding generations of Austrian-school economists have grappled with this problem, but have failed to find resolution. The result is that Austrian economists disagree on a variety of issues in banking and business cycle theory, such as whether there is an endogenous business cycle under free banking, or cycles only occur under central banking. Before a resolution can be attempted, current thinking must be clarified. This paper divides Austrian economists into five schools of thought. It points to a possible resolution in the economic development writings of Joseph Schumpeter.  相似文献   

Unlike in OECD countries, fluctuations in output growth in China are not straightforward in their interpretation. On the one hand, they reflect the business cycle, which results from shocks to aggregate demand. On the other hand, they also reflect the structural transformations that have accompanied China’s transition to a market economy. Demand shocks can be identified by virtue of the persistence of their impact. This paper decomposes the variance in provincial, regional, and national output growth according to its persistence characteristics. The results suggest that during the reform period, only a minority of output growth variance can be attributed to demand shocks and business cycle fluctuations. It is also found that there is substantial heterogeneity in the persistence characteristics of output growth across provinces. Implications of the findings for macroeconomic policy are discussed.  相似文献   

中国宏观经济形势与政策:2007—2008年   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2007年,中国经济保持高速增长与低通货膨胀的良好配合格局,在将核心CPI上涨率控制在2%以下的同时,实现11%以上的实际GDP增长速度。中国宏观经济管理应该在2008年继续实行稳健的财政政策,采取中性的需求管理政策取向,以在总体经济景气进入收缩阶段后延续其繁荣形态。  相似文献   

Summary. This paper analyzes the impact of cyclical volatility on long-term economic growth: does growth increase or decrease with increased cyclical volatility? We construct a stochastic two-sector model of endogenous growth to analyze this question in detail. We will show that economic growth is higher in the presence of business cycles, since people devote more time to learning activities in an uncertain economic environment. Human capital is a hedge against future income uncertainty. Hence, the rate of economic growth will be higher in a stochastic environment. Based on a calibration of the model, we find that economic growth increases by 0.46%-point as a result of observed business cycle variability. When account is taken of the interaction between the model's general equilibrium and the cycle, welfare gains (measured in units of a permanent percentage increase in consumption) from eliminating business cycle volatility are approximately 1.87%. Received: January 25, 2000; revised version: November 3, 2000  相似文献   

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