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由于公益林经营目标的公益性.公益林经营的资金主要只能由非市场的方式给予补偿.财政资金是公益林生态补偿的基本资金来源。由于东部和西部地区之间自然和社会经济条件的差别.在公益株生态补偿资金需求上存在明显的差别,本文以全国的数据和东、中、西部的代表省区为具体例子,测算这些差别的情况.为地区之间的生态补偿提供一些参考。  相似文献   

公益林生态补偿的理论分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈钦  魏远竹 《技术经济》2007,26(4):82-84128
首先,运用福利经济学理论论证了公益林生态补偿能够促进公益林保护从“非帕累托改进”转化为“帕累托改进”;其次,运用产权理论论证了我国公益林产权残缺、界定困难、得不到有效保护,政府应当在明晰公益林生态产权的基础上,制定公益林生态补偿制度,促进产权收益实现;最后,应用公平理论论证了我国公益林保护存在不公平现象,必须建立公益林保护费用公平分担机制,促使受益者对受损者进行补偿。  相似文献   

城乡生态补偿对于促进城乡统筹发展、保障城乡生态建设和生态安全具有重要意义。从碳平衡角度探讨城市和乡村之间的生态关系,建立碳平衡的生态补偿计算方法,并以北京市为例,计算了2005~2012年城市和乡村的碳排放、碳吸收,说明了乡村地区碳吸收的生态贡献,提出了城乡生态补偿长效机制构建思路。研究指出:北京城市地区为碳源,碳赤字巨大;乡村地区为碳汇,平均每年净碳吸收量达133.6×10~4t;按照单位碳价格100CNY/t计算,乡村地区每年应获得补偿1.336亿元。研究提出应尽快完善生态补偿顶层设计,构建基于村级单元的城乡碳平衡数据库,完善生态补偿财政政策,设立生态补偿财政转移支付资金,加快建立城乡生态补偿长效机制,有效促进城乡生态统筹发展。  相似文献   

生态公益林补偿是我国生态文明建设的重要政策,中央和地方自2001年以来安排了大量的财政资金对生态公益林的建设和管护进行补偿,这些财政资金是否达到了其支出的预期目标是当前生态公益林补偿政策面临的重大问题。文章从论证生态公益林补偿财政支出绩效评价的重大意义入手,在借鉴相关研究的基础上,考察了贵州省生态公益林补偿的现状,并采用DEA二次相对效益模型从生态公益林补偿财政资金配置效率和状况提升效率两方面进行了生态公益林补偿财政支出绩效的综合评价,结果显示贵州省生态公益林补偿的财政支出无论在"生产有效性"方面还是在"管理有效性"方面均存在较大的提升空间。  相似文献   

公益林生态服务市场补偿政策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章论述了公益林生态服务市场补偿政策的理论依据,认为政府政策创新是公益林生态服务市场补偿的基础,政府应制订公益林生态服务交易制度,明确规定公益林生态服务的权利和义务;并且提出政府要规定企业二氧化碳的排放标准和公益林水文生态服务补偿主体,制订自然保护区配额交易政策等。  相似文献   

对东源县生态公益林现状进行分析,根据东源县生态公益林建设与社会经济发展同步的原则,生态公益林建设必须做好建立生态公益林管理体制、投入机制、补偿机制,加强生态公益林采伐管理、林地管理、营林措施等工作,并提出实现目标考核制度、树立标志、加强生态工程区进出人员管理和病虫害的预侧预报及防治是生态公益林可持续发展的必要措施,也是东源县社会、经济可持续发展的重要基础。  相似文献   

生态公益林生态补偿标准研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
补偿标准是生态公益林生态补偿研究中的难点、重点和关键问题。对生态公益林生态补偿标准的研究现状进行了综述,包括补偿标准影响因素的研究、补偿标准计量方法的研究、补偿标准依据的研究、补偿标准计量的研究和分类、分阶段补偿标准的研究。  相似文献   

补偿标准是生态公益林生态补偿研究中的难点、重点和关键问题。文章通过计量研究,发现人均可支配收入、蓄积量、原木价格、禁伐比例与福建省生态公益林补偿标准显著正相关,并且按照人均可支配收入、蓄积量、原木价格、禁伐比例,制定了福建省生态公益林分类补偿标准。  相似文献   

据悉,今年中央财政共下拨森林生态效益补偿基金149亿元.主要用于对国家级公益林的保护和管理。今后随着国家财力的增长和相关制度的完善.中央财政将进一步加大对森林生态效益补偿的投入力度。图为临安市生态公益林。  相似文献   

森林生态效益经济补偿的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
森林生态功能的经济补偿是森林可持续发展的重要条件 ,本文对生态公益林经济补偿中的补偿办法、补偿制度、生态公益林体系建设等问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

余楠  王玉宗 《经济研究导刊》2009,(33):188-190,264
在对福建省企业诚信意识与思想政治工作调研的基础上,提出构建可操作的“三层次四模块”诚信意识培育新模式,推进人本化管理理念的渗透,加强人文关怀和心理疏导,以实现思想政治工作诚信意识培育的目标。  相似文献   

中国经济的内外均衡与财税改革   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
我国经常项目持续的大规模顺差,给国民经济的健康发展带来一系列的不利影响。在前人研究的基础上,通过对各种影响因素进行分类拆解,本文试图从理论和实证角度说明长期的储蓄-消费失衡是造成我国贸易顺差的一个重要原因,而其背后的根本原因是由于企业可支配收入相对于劳动者报酬不断提高带来的收入结构和储蓄结构失衡。我国当前企业未分配收入大幅增长的原因可以归结为企业利润率"虚高"和国企"不分红"问题。只有从体制上解决这个问题,才能使储蓄降低到适当的水平,通过拉动内需消除我国过大的贸易顺差,从根本上解决内外经济比例失衡问题。  相似文献   

美国、日本产业政策:比较分析与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李远 《经济经纬》2006,(1):48-50
现阶段,在吸取美国、日本经验的基础上,我国产业结构调整应主要依靠市场机制进行调节,同时辅之以宏观政策,尽快使我国的产业结构优化,即产业结构的合理化、高级化。  相似文献   

Synopsis: In the most famous example of the biological process of adaptive radiation, two forces explain the fourteen distinct species of Darwin's finches on the Galápagos and Cocos Islands: First, populations adapt to their respective distinct ecological environments. Second, previously separated populations come in contact and may adapt to mitigate inter-species competition. The result is a complex pattern of homogeneity and heterogeneity among the birds, both on a single island and across islands. This pattern reflects the finches' adaptations both to the distinct ecological conditions created by the visible shorelines that separate the islands' niches and to the finches' own less-visible cultural and societal shorelines. The New Institutional Economics highlights the fact that human institutional infrastructures also exhibit complex homogeneities and heterogeneities, as we adapt those infrastructures to accomplish the tasks at hand in distinct geographic and societal contexts. Mixes of both state enforcement and self-enforcement, through inter-temporal, inter-issue, and inter-actor linkages, provide support and enforcement for transactions; and those mixes differ across transactions and across states. When transactions occur across state or cultural shorelines, institutional infrastructures must be flexible enough to accommodate those differences, without allowing the differences to become disguised protectionism or barriers to competition. These issues contribute to many of the regulatory disputes associated with ‘globalization’. We briefly consider two concrete recent examples: (1) the European Union–United States ‘Safe Harbor’ Agreement that regulates firms' policies toward Internet-data privacy; and (2) international trade policy negotiations over regulation of ‘geographical indications’ (for example, Champagne or Roquefort) as means of assuring product quality for processed foods. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

森林资源规划设计调查是为国家、地区及森林经营单位制定林业方针政策,编制林业区划、规划、计划,指导林业生产而提供基础资源数据,为实现森林资源合理经营、科学管理、永续利用、持续发展,充分发挥森林生态效益、经济效益、社会效益服务。森林资源调查的任务是全面查清森林资源数量、质量变化及其消长变化状况、规律,进行综合分析和评价,准确提供所需有关森林资源调查成果资料。基于森林资源二类调查的重要性和今后调查工作顺利开展的需要,调查之后的总结与反思尤为重要。  相似文献   


Proofs are given that only singularly can real 1750 – 2007 competitive price ratios be ‘natural', in the sense of being invariant under changes in demand tastes. Proofs are given that both 1750 – 1870 discrete technologies or 1890 – 2007 continuum technologies, with convexity properties sufficient for arbitrage-proof supply-demand equilibria, will be ‘intertemporally Pareto optimal', immune to leaving any deadweight (inefficient) losses on the table. Sraffa (1960), ignoring the vast post-1945 linear and non-linear programming mathematical literature of Danzig, Kuhn-Tucker-Bellman, von Neumann, Ramsey literature does not quite arrive at attainable distribution solutions. Where it tolerates increasing or decreasing returns to scale, there can be no competitive equilibria. When its matrix equations do obey first-degree-homogeneous functions, the book's stress on Basics or non-Basics is an irrelevancy leading to bizarre novel interpretations of Ricardo.

Old age overtakes us all. Alas, Sraffs's proposed critique of twentieth century political economy we will never be able to know.  相似文献   

王放  谭燕 《经济学(季刊)》2007,(2):58-62,52
随着人口老龄化程度的提高和劳动力短缺问题的加重,越来越多的发达国家开始研究劳动力发展与规划问题。中国目前虽然从总体来看还没有出现劳动力短缺的问题,但是随着人口老龄化高峰的到来,劳动力规模缩小和一些劳动技能出现短缺却是必然的趋势。为了应对未来人口老龄化所带来的劳动力问题,做到未雨绸缪,有必要从现在开始启动适合中国国情的劳动力发展与规划的研究,分析在人口老龄化较高程度下劳动力在宏观和微观层面上的供求格局和变化趋势,寻求未来合理有效利用劳动力的最佳途径。  相似文献   

Amartya Sen's enlarged conception of freedom has augmented the scope of economic analysis but it also has had the surprising effect of being more supportive of the free market than conventional welfare economics. It is argued here that a comparison of Sen's position with that of the American institutionalist, J R Commons, highlights some problems with Sen's approach and points to possible ways in which they might be addressed.  相似文献   

We construct a theoretical model to capture the compensation and efficiency effects of globalization in a set up where the redistributive tax rate is chosen by the median voter. The model predicts that the two alternative modes of globalization- trade liberalization and financial openness- could potentially have different effects on taxation. We then provide some empirical evidence on the relationship between taxation and the alternative modes of globalization using a large cross-country panel data set. On average, globalization is associated with lower taxation but there is some evidence that in countries with high capital-labor ratio, globalization is associated with increased taxation. We make a distinction between de jure and de facto measures of globalization and find a strong negative relationship between taxation and de jure measures of globalization. The results for de facto measures of globalization are mixed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to use cross country regression analysis on a large set of countries from around the world for the year 2007 to test the hypothesis that greater instability, political or economic leads to reduced levels of human rights. The results of the paper's econometric analysis tend to support the hypothesis that increased levels of either political instability or economic instability are detrimental to human rights within countries.  相似文献   

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