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进入21世纪以来,中国经济迅速发展,尽管国际金融危机、欧洲主权债务危机使世界经济低迷,但中国经济增长依然保持了较高的增速,使世界各国认识到中国世界经济大国的地位和重要性。但我们不能以GDP的高增长来断言中国已经步入世界经济强国之列,目前我国与发达的经济强国相比还存在较大差距。本文探讨了我国经济发展的现状及我国经济与经济强国之间的差距,并在此基础上提出了我国由经济大国向经济强国转变的具体措施。  相似文献   

在经济逐渐呈现全球化发展的趋势下,我国自加入世纪贸易组织之后各个行业都得到很大的发展.在国际市场上,我国的外贸成绩已经占据了前几名,目前已经是贸易性的大国.不过和其他的贸易强国相比,还是存在些相应的距离.而在和谐社会发展以及新的一带一路发展策略的实施下,怎样从贸易大国转变成为贸易强国,是我国目前面对的一大挑战.本文对贸易强国的特点进行分析,对我国目前的贸易现状以及和强国的差距进行阐述,在此基础上提出贸易大国向贸易强国转变的相关措施.  相似文献   

基于SWOT分析的金融强国战略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济全球化、经济金融化、金融全球化和金融自由化的迅猛发展,金融问题已不仅是21世纪世界各国经济与社会发展稳定必须首先慎重处理的战略性问题,而且是大国在全球范围内彼此竞争、争夺和博弈的主战场。运用SWOT方法分析了中国相对于其他主要发达国家、发展中国家在金融业的优势与劣势以及面临的机遇与挑战,认为当务之急是应树立金融强国战略意识,然后有计划、分阶段地逐步实施,从而最终启动金融强国战略。  相似文献   

文雁兵  张梦婷  俞峰 《经济研究》2022,57(1):155-171
良好的交通基础设施和完善的交通运输体系有助于生产要素区间自由流动、经济空间格局优化重塑和共同富裕扎实推进。本文通过匹配交通基础设施、地理空间矢量、工业企业数据,从综合交通运输体系视角全面考察了中国交通运输体系主干力量的高速铁路、高速公路、普通铁路、民用机场在资源配置中的作用。研究发现:(1)中国交通基础设施存在资源再配置效应。高速铁路对城市资源配置的提升效应约为3.10%,高速公路对城市资源配置的扭曲作用高达2.14%,普通铁路和民用航空作用不显著或不稳健;(2)中国交通基础设施通过要素流动、市场准入、生产转移三种机制影响城市资源再配置效率。中国正从“交通大国”迈向“交通强国”,本研究从学理上揭示了交通基础设施在资源配置中的作用效果和机制,有助于通过优化综合交通运输体系推进交通强国建设,还有助于挖掘其资源再配置效应,同时发挥“有形之路”和“无形之手”的作用,助力建设现代化强国和共同富裕美好社会。  相似文献   

根据经济全球化和国际经济贸易发展形势,提出了"强国"建设的必要性。通过对民航业系统构成与行业特性的分析,论证了民航强国概念的现实合理性,研究了民航强国的内涵与特征。在相关理论和数据分析的基础上,从增加国际经济收益、争取国际贸易机遇、加强国际服务贸易和提升国际分工地位等四个方面,深入分析了建设民航强国对我国经济发展的影响。  相似文献   

互联网时代的到来,伴随着一场信息化的全球革命浪潮.习近平总书记结合中国的具体国情,提出了"网络强国"的国家战略,多次发表关于网络强国问题的讲话,分析了互联网时代下的新形势、新局面,指出健全网络治理的法律法规、创新网络技术、培养信息化人才对于网络强国的战略支撑作用,以前瞻性的视角阐明其治国强国的新观点、新思想,体现了中国特色的网络治理思维,对于中国乃至世界互联网的有序健康发展提供了宝贵的经验,具有重要的理论意义.  相似文献   

在全球制造业进行产业转移和产业布局的大背景下,中国进行了制造业发展战略调整。2019年,与制造强国相比,中国工业竞争力绩效指标处于第一方阵,中国制造业人均指标较低,中国制造业世界份额指标和中国制造业占全国总量份额指标居首位,中国制造业中高科技活动份额指标有待提高,中国制造业出口指标具有一定优势。2010—2020年,中国人均制造业增加值一直低于制造强国,但增长率最高,中国制造业增加值占GDP的比重高于制造强国。“十四五”时期,中国应继续推进实施工业强基工程,增强工业化强度;加快推进关键核心技术攻关,提升工业竞争力绩效;推行优质制造和智能制造,稳步提高制造业竞争力。  相似文献   

随着我国资源、环境等问题的日益严峻,沿海各地纷纷把经济发展的目光投向了海洋。开发海洋,利用海洋,向海洋要资源,大力发展海洋经济,已成为社会各界普遍关注的热点问题。面对中国海洋产业相对于发达国家至少落后十多年的局面,中国已制定出了建设海洋经济强国实施纲要,计划到2010年使海洋经济总产值达到占国民经济总产值的10%以上.到2020年占18%以上,到2030年达到25%,真正跨人到世界海洋经济强国的行列。面向21世纪,我国各地向大海淘金的热情正在逐渐升温,全面开发海洋的攻坚战正在全面展开。发展海洋经济,已成为我国21世纪…  相似文献   

支线航空与我国民航强国建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在阐述支线航空以及民航强国内涵的基础上,研究了支线航空与民航强国建设的关系,提出支线航空与民航强国建设的关系主要体现在4个方面,并就支线航空促进民航强国建设的机理进行了分析,提出支线航空通过为民航强国建设奠定经济基础、与干线航空的互动、提高航空公司的竞争力以及扩大民航强国建设中“量”的积累并最终实现民航强国建设由量变到质变的飞跃,从而实现民航强国建设的战略目标.  相似文献   

随着知识产权强国战略的深入实施,知识产权强国逐渐成为我国知识产权学界的研究热点,但相关理论体系尚未形成。从我国知识产权事业发展实际出发,基于本体论、价值论、实践论三维视角的马克思主义哲学思维范式,中国特色知识产权强国理论体系构建具有重要的理论意义和实践指导价值。知识产权强国本体论从静态分析和动态进程两个角度,考察知识产权强国的基本内涵,并以知识产权理论与实务、强国建设实践领域与组织结构为要素构建其基本结构,以知识产权能力、绩效及环境为切入点提炼出其主要表征。我国知识产权综合实力提升、知识产权事业发展是知识产权强国的元价值,由此体现出建设中国特色知识产权强国的内部价值和外部价值。按照发展本土化——意识大众化——角色定位明晰化——行动协同化、联动化4个步骤,从知识产权创造运用、管理、保护、人才培养及海外事务5大实施领域,建设具有中国特色、世界水平的知识产权强国。  相似文献   

Chengzheng Li 《Applied economics》2020,52(38):4135-4145

This paper examines the relationship between the distance a college/university from Beijing city and the number of the National Social Science Fund projects it undertakes. We find that geographical location of a college/university is closely related to the number of National Social Science Fund projects it undertakes, and per hundred kilometres far away from Beijing city will result in a decrease of the number of projects by 0.24–0.50. In addition, colleges and universities located in Beijing city have significant advantages over those located in other places with more projects of 1.74–5.68. It is also shown that, for colleges and universities, especially for those top 100, the availability of high-speed railway to Beijing city significantly increases the probability of winning the National Social Science Fund projects.  相似文献   

Summary A new axiom for preference orderings over lotteries, called the projective independence axiom, is formulated. Given suitable continuity and monotonicity assumptions, the axiom implies that utility is either in the weighted utility class or is quadratic in probabilities. The betweenness axiom is used to distinguish between these two classes of functions.We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the National Science Foundation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Does the choice of field of study depend on individual risk aversion? The direction of the relationship between individual risk attitudes and type of university degree chosen is potentially ambiguous. On the one hand, risk averse individuals may prefer degree courses which allow high returns in the labour market; on the other hand, if these degrees expose students to a higher probability of dropping out, those who are more risk averse may be induced to choose less challenging fields. Using data from a sample of students enrolled at a middle‐sized Italian public university in 2009, we find that, controlling for a large number of individual characteristics, more risk averse students are more likely to choose any other field (Humanities, Engineering, and Sciences) rather than Social Sciences. We interpret this result bearing in mind that some of these fields, such as Humanities, involve a reduction in the risk of dropping out, while others (such as Engineering and Sciences) involve a lower risk in the labour market. It also emerges that the effect of risk aversion on degree choice is related to student ability. Risk averse students characterized by high abilities tend to prefer Engineering, while the propensity of risk averse students to enrol in Humanities decreases when ability increases, suggesting that the attention paid to labour market risks and drop‐out risk varies according to student skills.  相似文献   

Throughout the 20th century arms have not only been tradable goods, but also policy instruments. This paper focuses on countries supplying major conventional weapons (MCW), and investigates whether changes in political conditions impact the quantity of MCW supplied to third countries. In particular, it concentrates on democratic exporters and estimates a gravity‐type panel tobit for the years 1975–2004. Results suggest that the exporter's chief executive, being right‐wing, has a positive and significant impact on MCW exports. This may reflect a general right‐wing tendency to support national industry and deregulate heavy industry exports. It is also found that higher concentration of power is associated with lower MCW exports, and that executives which serve the last year of their term and can run for re‐election tend to decrease MCW exports.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze dynamic strategic behavior by means of the idea of "stability." We develop a solution concept of "sequentially stable equilibrium (SSE)" that satisfies subgame consistency. All SSEs are characterized by the largest stable set that yields exactly all the backward induction outcomes. We also provide a refinement of the SSE. We compare the SSE and its refinement with some existing solution concepts in the literature We are grateful to the editor and two anonymous referees for very useful comments and suggestions that led to this revision. We thank Chih Chang, Yi-Chun Chen, Chenying Huang, Huiwen Koo, Man-Chung Ng, Shyh-fang Ueng, and Chun-Hsien Yeh for helpful comments and discussions. We also thank participants in seminars at Academia Sinica, National Dong Hwa University, and the Third Pan-Pacific Game Theory Conference. Financial support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the National Science Council of Taiwan, and the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK is gratefully acknowledged. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first price index for any region of Canada that spans from the colonial era to the mid‐19th century. I constructed it using prices from the account books of religious congregations with estates throughout modern‐day Quebec. It represents a substantial improvement over previous indexes thanks to the consistent price quotations in the source material, the high frequency of observations for many goods, the vast number of goods and the inclusion of numerous non‐agricultural and non‐food goods. Its price trends differ mildly from those of existing but less‐comprehensive price indexes. I link this new index with post‐1850 indexes to create a 328‐year price index for Canada.  相似文献   

This paper examines the market for advice and the underlying perception that advice is useful and informative. We do this by first providing a theoretical examination of the informational content of advice and then by setting up a series of experimental markets where this advice is sold. In these markets we provide bidders with a demographic profile of the “experts” offering advice.The results of our experiment generate several interesting findings. The raw bid data suggest that subjects bid significantly more for data than they do for advice. Second, in the market for advice there appears to be no consensus as to who are the best advisors although on average economists demand the highest mean price and women suffer a discount. In addition, we find that whether a subject suffers from a representativeness bias in the way he or she processes data has an impact on how he or she bids for advice and on his or her willingness to follow it once offered. Finally, we find that on average people impute a low level of informativeness onto advice, consistent with their bidding behavior for data versus advice.This work was done under grant number SES-0425118 of the National Science Foundation. The authors would like to recognize the Center for Experimental Social Science at New York University for its additional support. We also acknowledge the help of Elizabeth Potamites for her research assistance.  相似文献   

We propose a model‐free test for strict stationarity. The idea is to estimate a nonparametric time‐varying characteristic function and compare it with the empirical characteristic function based on the whole sample. We also propose several derivative tests to check time‐invariant moments, weak stationarity, and pth order stationarity. Monte Carlo studies demonstrate excellent power of our tests. We apply our tests to various macroeconomic time series and find overwhelming evidence against strict and weak stationarity for both level and first‐differenced series. This suggests that the conventional time series econometric modeling strategies may have room to be improved by accommodating these time‐varying features.  相似文献   

The bidding process in public procurement in Sweden is a first-price sealed bid auction. Although there is a competitive effect on the bids in this type of auction, the contracting entity can, through the choice of procurement procedure, restrict the number of bidders. This paper studies this choice and imposes an implementation cost on the contracting entity to motivate such a restriction. The results, based on data for Swedish municipalities, suggest that contract specifications and municipality characteristics (that are assumed to influence the implementation cost) affect the volume of the procurement and the number of bidders but not necessarily the choice of procurement procedure.Special thanks to Karl-Gustaf Löfgren and Xavier de Luna for valuable comments and suggestions on this paper. Financial support from The Swedish Competition Authority and the Swedish Council for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSFR) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary. We show that a perfect correlated equilibrium distribution of an N-person game, as defined by Dhillon and Mertens (1996) can be achieved using a finite number of copies of the strategy space as the message space.Received: 31 August 2004, Revised: 1 April 2005, JEL Classification Numbers: C72.Srihari Govindan: Correspondence toGovindan would like to thank the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for research support.  相似文献   

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