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节能建筑是在国家倡导节能社会框架的重要组成部分,住宅的外墙、屋顶、门外窗是住宅建筑中能耗的重要方面.新兴的建筑材料,建筑节能技术,在围护结构施工对节能的作用极其重要.  相似文献   

辛亥革命推翻了清王朝的统治,结束了几千年封建君主专制制度,建立了中华民国,是中国历史长河中的一个里程碑。十年之后的1921年,中国共产党诞生了,这对中国来说是"开天辟地的大事变",是"中国近代史上的一个伟大里程碑"。这两个伟大事件的中间只相隔十年,说明它们之间的关系是极为密切的。  相似文献   

郭建鸾 《时代经贸》2008,6(3):64-66
《公司法》确立了公司内部治理机关的“三会”结构和“二元”模式,即公司股东会为公司的最高权力机构,股东会选举董事会和监事会;董事会和监事会相对独立,分别对股东会负责。董事会为公司的执行机构,执行股东会的决议。  相似文献   

闫风寨 《城市建设》2010,(2):109-109
节能建筑是在国家倡导节能社会框架的重要组成部分,住宅的外墙、屋顶、门外窗是住宅建筑中能耗的重要方面,新兴的建筑材料。建筑节能技术,在围护结构施工对节能的作用极其重要。  相似文献   

流转税与所得税之比较与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐代民 《经济师》2007,(1):244-244,247
在市场经济体制下,流转税易于扭曲价格信息,不利于微观主体的经营决策,对投资的抑制作用明显,也不利于公平收入分配。而所得税作为一种“良税”较适宜于市场机制作用的有效发挥,调节收入分配的作用明显,便利于政府的宏观调控。因此,中国税制改革的方向,应选择以所得税为主体的税制体系。  相似文献   

周阳 《经济》2006,(11):82-84
欧洲风格的咖啡从不承认自己是奢侈品,他们只想坚持自己的品质标准而已[编者按]  相似文献   

企业是防范金融风险业不可少的环节,发挥着重要的作用,因此,应建立健全金融机构会计内部控制机制.完善会计信息披露制度,建立财务预警分析体系,完善我国金融企业会计规则体系.  相似文献   

技术创新与经济发展的思考与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在科学技术日新月异 ,知识经济时代已经来临的今天 ,以信息技术为主要标志的高新技术及其产业迅猛发展 ,高科技向现实生产力转化越来越快。高技术产业在整个经济中的比例不断增加 ,经济与科技的结合日益紧密。当今国际经济竞争的特点是知识创新 ,技术创新和高技术产业化 ,能否在高新技术及其产业领域占据一席之地已成为各国综合国力竞争焦点。经济学研究的事实表明 :一个国家经济达到一定水平之后其增长的主要动力来自科技创新。  相似文献   

This paper investigates an extension of the GEI-unawareness framework by Modica et al. (Econ. Theory 12 (1998) 259) to economies with entrepreneurial production. Existence of equilibrium is guaranteed given decreasing returns to scale. Firm's value and investment decision in equilibrium are characterized. An example of commodity innovation shows that the effect of different degrees of awareness on investment decisions depend upon the degree of risk aversion. In the case of log preferences unawareness may not matter for commodity innovation, although this depends on other preference features.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2006,90(4-5):573-599
A fundamental problem for government is how to combine commitment to certain policies with the flexibility required to adjust them when needed. Rogoff (1985) [Rogoff, K., 1985. The optimal degree of commitment to an intermediate monetary target, Q. J. Econ. 100(4) 1169–1189] showed that a way to strike the right balance is to appoint an optimally “conservative” policy-maker. In real life, however, policy-makers also have power over decisions where optimal plans are time-consistent, so delegating to a conservative person could be undesirable. A flexible delegation device can be found in a large committee of randomly appointed members voting over policy after observing a shock. When facing dynamic inconsistency, under a single-crossing property, there exists a supermajority rule that implements the population median's optimally conservative policy-maker with certainty. Another single-crossing property guarantees that if simple majority voting is used to select the voting rule that will govern policy choice, the supermajority preferred by the median is chosen. For problems where dynamic inconsistency vanishes, the committee will choose to make decisions by simple majority, implementing median outcomes. An application to monetary policy is developed. We show that the optimal supermajority is higher when dynamic inconsistency is more severe, when preferences are more homogeneous, and when the economy is less volatile.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes endogenous timing in a duopoly model with incomplete information. Firms announce the period in which they will move before choosing an action and are then committed to their choices. Endogenous Stackelberg equilibria, with either the informed or the uninformed firm as the Stackelberg leader, may emerge. For most parameters, the Cournot equilibrium in the first production period results endogenously. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C72; C73; D82; L10.  相似文献   

改革开放前,中国照搬以“苏联范式” 为代表的传统社会主义政治经济学;近些年来,一些学者单纯地致力于诠释马克思主义政治经济学的经典范式,或者照搬以“美国范式” 为代表的主流经济学与新政治经济学。这些做法都存在教条性与僵化性的缺陷,阻碍了中国政治经济学的健康发展。因此,当代中国政治经济学应当从中国国情出发,立足自主创新,致力于构建民族性与原创性相统一的中国特色政治经济学,这既是当代中国政治经济学发展的根本要求,也是中国政治经济学的根本特征。构建中国特色政治经济学应当立足中国实际国情,构建中国特色的社会生产方式理论;从中国实际出发,着力研究制约中国经济发展的制度结构问题;实现继承与发展的统一,构建中国政治经济学的崭新范式。  相似文献   

目的探讨妊高症剖宫产麻醉配合体会经验.方法对2009年4月-2012年3月在牡丹江医学院附属二院妇产科住院的31例妊高症剖宫产产妇资料进行回顾性分析.结果31例患者中,18例行腰-硬联合麻醉,13例行硬膜外麻醉,入ICU率及住院天数,腰硬联合麻醉组明显低于硬膜外麻醉组;新生儿1-5min Apgar评分≤7分的百分率,腰硬联合麻醉组明显低于硬膜外麻醉组,两组患者的术后血压、胎儿娩出时间、术后并发症均无显著性差异.结论腰-硬联合麻醉运用于妊高症剖宫产是疗效确切并且安全的.  相似文献   


Amisulpride is an atypical antipsychotic, which has demonstrated efficacy across the range of symptoms of schizophrenia. This study compares the treatment costs of amisulpride (including drug costs, hospital costs, and costs of clinician and nurse visits) with those of risperidone over a 6-month treatment period, from the perspective of the UK National Health Service. Resource utilisation data were collected alongside an international, multicentre clinical trial comparing amisulpride (400-1000 mg/day) with risperidone (4-10 mg/day) in 198 patients with schizophrenia. As this trial demonstrated that amisulpride had at least equivalent efficacy to risperidone, the present study was a cost-minimisation analysis. Unit cost data for the UK were obtained from published sources and applied to the clinical data to calculate direct treatment costs. Amisulpride was associated with lower drug acquisition costs and lower resource utilisation costs than risperidone, although the differences did not reach statistical significance. Overall, the average total cost per patient for 6 months of treatment with amisulpride (£12,673; 95% CI: 10,628,14,717) was £2,145 less than for risperidone (£14,818; 95% CI: 12,323,17,312). These findings are similar to those of a previous study that compared the treatment costs of amisulpride with those of haloperidol, and found that

amisulpride was associated with significantly lower direct treatment costs than haloperidol. Amisulpride is a valuable treatment option in patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

We study a model of common-value auctions with two bidders in which bidders’ private information are independently and asymmetrically distributed. We present sufficient and necessary conditions, respectively, under which the expected revenues from first-price and second-price auctions can be ranked. Using these conditions and a bid-equivalence between common-value auctions and private-value auctions with resale, we extend the revenue-ranking result of Hafalir and Krishna [Am Econ Rev 98, 2008a] and provide necessary conditions for their ranking to hold. In addition, we provide sufficient and necessary conditions for the opposite ranking of revenues, respectively. Our analysis helps clarify the roles of two forms of regularity assumptions (buyer-regularity and seller-regularity) in ranking revenues and illustrates how revenue ranking is linked to submodularity and supermodularity of the common-value function and to a single-crossing property of a function derived from the monopoly or monopsony pricing function in the resale stage.  相似文献   

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