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战略管理框架下政府绩效管理探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩锋  诚然  刘丽 《经济与管理》2010,24(10):92-96
政府绩效管理是将过程管理和结果管理相结合的一种科学评估方式。实施绩效管理可提高政府行政效率,增强行政效果,规范政府行为;以绩效评价制度法制化、绩效评价目标持久化、绩效测评方式科学化等为特点的战略管理对于政府绩效管理科学的推行具有指导与实践意义。要实现政府绩效管理,应设置专业性机构推进政府绩效管理,降低行政成本,科学进行绩效评估,构建政府信息公开平台,推进电子政务建设。  相似文献   

Can the Pareto criterion guide policymakers who do not know the true model of the economy? If policymakers specify ex ante preferences for agents, then Pareto improvements from a distorted status quo are usually possible, and with more commodities than states, one can implement almost every Pareto optimum. Unlike the standard second welfare theorem, planners cannot dictate allocations: agents must trade. Unfortunately ex ante preferences impose interpersonal comparisons. If policymakers merely aim to maximize some social welfare function then optimal policies form an open set; hence small changes in the environment do not necessitate any policy response. Planners with symmetric information about agents can sometimes intervene without making interpersonal comparisons.  相似文献   

高校科技成果转化实际上是一种知识的转移、转化、增值的过程,对高校科技成果转化实施知识管理有利于科技成果转化的顺利进行。将多智能体引入高校科技成果转化之中,使高校科技成果转化中知识流的流动形成知识网络而相互联接起来,构建一种新型的基于多智能体的高校科技成果转化实施知识管理的组织形式——基于多智能体的虚拟组织,并给出了该虚拟组织形式的构建策略。  相似文献   

Innovation Shortfalls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a common perception that low productivity or low growth is due to what can be called an “innovation shortfall,” usually identified as a low rate of investment in R&D. The problem with this analysis is that it fails to see that a low R&D investment rate may be appropriate given the economy's pattern of specialization, or may be just one manifestation of impediments to accumulation more generally. This paper first shows a simple way to estimate the R&D gap that can be explained by a country's specialization pattern, illustrating it for the case of Chile. Second, we show how a calibrated model can be used to determine the R&D gap that should be expected given a country's investment in physical and human capital. If the actual R&D gap is above this expected gap, then one can say that the country suffers from a true innovation shortfall.  相似文献   

Equivalence scales are used to enable welfare comparisons across heterogeneous households. In this paper, we propose to use the achievement of a certain level of functioning as the identifying assumption for the derivation of equivalence scales. This will allow us not only to deal with welfare comparisons between households of different size and composition, but will also enable us to incorporate other characteristics (such as location and employment status) in the creation of equivalence scales for welfare comparisons. The paper applies this approach to create equivalence scales for the functioning “shelter” using Belgian and Italian data. The analysis shows that the income differences associated with different characteristics only play a small role in explaining differences in functionings. An important policy message is therefore that compensating people for functioning shortfalls in monetary terms may not be sensible.  相似文献   

北京市60年城市空间发展及展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过分析北京市60年来在人口、居住、产业、社会等方面取得的成就以及相应空间格局的演变,表明北京市人口质量与居住水平不断上升,居住空间向多元化和郊区化发展;产业结构调整加快,现代服务业、高新技术产业和现代制造业快速兴起,文化与创意产业、旅游业蓬勃发展,产业空间呈现快速扩张与多元化的特点;文化与生态建设步伐加快,新的都市文化和理念逐渐建立,符号消费异军突起,社会分化日益显现;各种新的城市空间使得城市空间发展更趋复杂化。未来北京城市空间调整与城市转型更加深化,将形成分散多中心结构的世界城市。  相似文献   

政府政绩综合评价是一项系统工程,对此必须用科学的发展观、政绩观,制定全面、客观的、可行的考核指标体系,建立科学、合理的评价方法,为国家评价政府能力和政绩提供理论上和技术上的支持和服务。  相似文献   


Current mainstream wisdom portrays the young British-Bangladeshi community as underachieving in education. However, this study suggests that young British-Bangladeshi women tend to be high achievers in education. This research interrogates the multifaceted experiences of British-Bangladeshi women students to better understand the contested nature of their transition from educational achievement to labor market participation. The analysis draws on a combination of fieldwork done in two colleges in East London and Leeds in 2007 and secondary data collected by the Higher Education Statistical Agency on students who graduated from British higher education institutions in 2006. Although it focuses on the reality of young British-Bangladeshi women, the study shows that – especially for certain ethnic minorities – the absence of social resources, social networks, and egalitarian class relations can hamper the process of making good on educational achievements.  相似文献   

We address the question of the measurement of health achievement and inequality in the context of variables exhibiting an inverted-U relation with health and well-being. The chosen approach is to measure separately achievement and inequality in the health increasing range of the variable, from a lower survival bound a to an optimum value m, and in the health decreasing range from m to an upper survival bound b. Because in the health decreasing range, the equally distributed equivalent value associated with a distribution is decreasing in progressive transfers, the paper introduces appropriate relative and absolute achievement and inequality indices to be used for variables exhibiting a negative association with well-being. We then discuss questions pertaining to consistent measurement across health attainments and shortfalls, as well as the ordering of distributions exhibiting an inverted-U relation with well-being. An illustration of the methodology is provided using a group of five Arab countries.  相似文献   

高校科技成果转化率低的现实早已引起社会各界警觉,但理论研究和实践探索都将权属改革视为破解圭臬,并未实现预期目标。事实上,高校科技成果转化的真正障碍是专利技术水平和转化价值低、专业转化人才与机构缺失、中试环节薄弱且资金匮乏。因此,为了针对高校成果转化痛点精准施策,释放创新驱动效能,我国应改革专利管理体制和科研评价机制,提升专利质量并加大科学研究对企业需求的关照;可借鉴牛津大学的做法,由高校在不增加编制的前提下,独资建立自负盈亏的专业转化服务公司;优化科研经费投入结构,引导多元风险资金进入,健全科技成果转化风险投资机制。  相似文献   

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