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基于行为金融学理论建立了房地产情绪指数影响房价的模型,借鉴Baker and Wurgler(2006)提出的构建资本市场投资者情绪指数的方法,从供需两方选取合适的情绪指标;同时,运用大数据方法,选取百度指数作为情绪指标,运用主成分分析法构建了我国35个大中城市房地产市场的情绪指数,实证研究了市场情绪对房地产价格的影响。另外,还测度不同区域房地产市场情绪指数,通过实证分析横向对比东部和中西部城市市场情绪对房价的影响程度。实证结果表明,市场情绪对房地产价格有着显著的正向影响;市场情绪对房地产价格的正向影响呈现区域异质性,东部地区市场情绪对房地产价格的正向影响强于中西部地区。  相似文献   

朱成绩 《时代经贸》2012,(14):196-197
本文分析了投资者情绪对我国IPO首目超额收益的影响,主要参考了异质预期假说、狂热投资者假说和正向反馈交易者假说,分别用首日换手率作为异质预期指标,用中签率等作为狂热投资者情绪指标,用首日收盘价相对开盘价的涨跌幅作为正向反馈交易者情绪指标,分析了各种投资者情绪对我IPO首日超额收益率的影响,实证检验发现,投资者情绪是造成我国IPO首日超额收益的主要原因。  相似文献   

不完全理性、投资者情绪与封闭式基金之谜   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
本文的主要贡献在于运用不完全理性投资者的情绪解析中国"封闭式基金之谜",并且论证投资者情绪是资产定价的重要因素。首先通过国内数据检验封闭式基金价格的过度波动说明国内投资者的不完全理性;其次提出了对LST(1991)的改进方法,通过提出假说与统计论证,解释了尽管国内封闭式基金的投资者结构与美国的不同,却有和LST类似的实证结果;进而利用其他反映情绪的指标间接证明封闭式基金折价是情绪指标;最后,检验情绪对市场收益的长期反向影响(长期收益反转)和情绪对短期市场收益的正向影响(短期收益惯性),论证了投资者情绪是资产定价的重要因素。  相似文献   

投资者作为资本市场的主体,其投资情绪的变化往往会对自身投资结果及整个交易市场产生重要影响,而如何客观合理地度量投资者情绪一直是实际研究中的重点和难点,也是行为金融学研究的热点问题。本文在综合显性指标法和代理变量法的基础上,利用因子分析方法构建出上海股票市场投资者情绪综合指数SSMISI,希望借此全面客观地衡量投资者情绪,并依据构造的情绪综合指数对行业情绪溢价进行了实证分析,根据行业情绪β值反映22个行业对于投资者情绪变动的敏感度。对行业情绪溢价的分析,一方面细化了对投资者情绪理论的研究,指出不同行业的情绪敏感性差异;另一方面,对投资者进行股票投资时的行业选择提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

王双  王韬 《时代经贸》2007,(2Z):87-88
目前中国股市异常红火,股票价格已偏离其真实价值,许多研究认为是投资者情绪导致了证券市场的系统性偏差。投资者情绪指标也逐渐引起了人们的重视,并且有许多投资者将其作为预测股票走势的工具,但是投资者情绪指标是否与股市走势之间具有明显的相关性呢,本文对此进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

行为公司金融理论研究表明,投资者的非理性情绪变化会通过迎合渠道影响上市公司经理人的投资决策。本文利用1999~2008年期间中国上市公司的经验数据,实证检验了我国上市公司经理人投资决策中迎合倾向的影响因素。结果表明,盈余预期不确定性和投机性是影响我国上市公司经理人迎合倾向的主要因素。信息透明度低和成长性高的公司经理人的投资决策更容易受到投资者市场情绪的影响,而收益波动性和换手率等市场指标对经理人迎合倾向的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

同美国市场投资者情绪与截面股票未来收益短期正相关、长期负相关的现象不同,中国A股市场两者之间短期内就呈现负相关特征。本文认为这主要与中国A股市场以个人投资者为主体且做空套利受限严重有关,因此与以机构投资者为主体的美国市场存在明显差别。考虑到A股独特的市场交易结构与投资者行为特征,本文提出非主力资金买卖不平衡指标(BSI),通过捕捉散户的资金流向实现对个股投资者情绪的测算。实证结果表明,股票组合收益率与非主力资金BSI指标存在明显的单调递减特征,且无法由通常衡量投资者情绪的换手率因子所解释,与换手率的市场异象也有显著差异,后者表现出换手率特别高的股票组合收益明显更低的非对称特征。本文的理论与实证也进一步指出,有限套利是A股市场投资者情绪异象的主要原因之一,在套利受限更为严重的股票组合中,投资者情绪与股票收益截面负相关的现象更为明显。同时,市场极端情绪和极度乐观情绪下的投资者情绪股价异象更为明显。  相似文献   

本文从行为金融学角度,以2002年6月至2010年3月中国证券市场的股票交易数据为研究样本,采用时间序列回归考察中国投资者情绪与股票收益率之间的联系.研究结果表明,由股东户数得出的情绪指标系数与市场收益反向变动,而户均持股得出的情绪指标系数则与市场收益正向变动.实证检验的结果验证了投资者情绪在中国股票市场中所起的作用,因此关于证券市场投资者情绪运行模式的研究,对于中国资本市场泡沫的预警、监管机构政策的制定都具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

本文通过职工平均工资、居民平均期望寿命等指标建立了一套居民生活质量评价体系,并选择客观赋权的标准离差法和主观赋权的G1法组合确定指标最优权重,建立了南京市居民生活质量综合评价模型,并对南京市居民生活质量进行了实证,实证结果表明南京市居民生活质量从2000-2008年逐年提高,2005年以后生活质量提高速度高于2005年以前的发展速度.  相似文献   

我国的股市作为一个典型的新兴市场,投资者情绪的变动对股市的收益变动有很大的影响,通过对投资者情绪对股票收益的影响研究可以使证券管理者和投资者对情绪的变动加以重视,以做出合理的决策.本文借鉴了国内外的研究,同时结合了我国股市的投资者情绪特征,选取了比年度和月度更低频率的周数据,通过主成份分析法构建了一个以封闭式基金折价率、新增A股开户数、上证指数换手率和成交量为间接的情绪指标和以消费者信心指数为直接的情绪指标的投资者情绪复合指数.  相似文献   

以剩余收益估值模型衡量股票错误估值程度,基于公司层面测度投资者情绪,利用非平衡面板数据模型检验投资投资者情绪如何通过证券市场传导到上市公司从而影响其实际投资行为。实证研究发现,投资者情绪主要通过直接的迎合渠道而非间接的股权融资渠道影响上市公司投资行为,且公司投资在迎合渠道上表现出对投资者情绪的“反迎合机制”,此外不同特征的公司其投资对投资者情绪的敏感度存在横截面差异。  相似文献   

Scott Fung 《Applied economics》2013,45(27):2821-2843
This study provides a theoretical model and empirical analysis to jointly examine the information, financing and agency effects, the three channels through which the stock market can actively influence corporate investment decisions and firm performance. First, stock market affects corporate investments, and such impact varies with different market valuation measures, types of investments and firm characteristics. Second, stock market valuation affects investments through the channel of corporate financing, supporting the financing hypothesis. Third, stock market-driven investments have differential impacts on the future operating performance of firms. Investments driven by market valuation of firm-specific information have a positive effect on future performance. In contrast, investments driven by market-wide sentiment have a negative effect on future performance. Fourth, consistent with the information hypothesis, market-driven investments are value-enhancing for firms with better external monitoring by analysts and institutional investors. Lastly, consistent with the agency hypothesis, market-driven investments are value-destroying when firms lack external monitoring, proper managerial incentives and independent board of directors.  相似文献   

Market sentiments influence the dynamics of Hong Kong’s macro-critical property market, but the unobservable nature of market sentiments makes it difficult to systemically assess this sentiment channel. Using text mining techniques, this paper sets up a news-based property market sentiment index and a Google Trends-based buyer incentive index for Hong Kong and studies the sentiment channel of transmission in the Hong Kong property market. The news-based property market sentiment index can reflect the change in sentiments in past key events, with the sentiments in the primary market tending to lead that of the secondary market during the low housing supply period. For the Google Buyer Incentive Index, we find that it has value-added in forecasting (or nowcasting) the official property price index. In mapping out the sentiment channel using a structural vector-autoregressive model, we find that an improvement in market sentiments could stimulate buyers’ incentives, which then together would affect property prices and transaction volumes.  相似文献   

In this article, we construct an individual stock sentiment index by using the principal component analysis method. We empirically study the cross-section and time-series effects of investor sentiment on the stock prices based on the panel data model with dummy variable. The results indicate that individual stock sentiment has greater impact on small-firm stock prices than big-firm stock prices, which presents obvious cross-section effect. Moreover, individual stock sentiment leads to much sharper ?uctuations of stock prices in the stock market downturn than in the stock market expansion, which shows obvious time-series effect. Specifically, the individual stock sentiment has the greatest impact on small-firm stock prices under the stock market downturn, exerting significant dual asymmetric effect. Our results are helpful to understanding the micro-mechanism of sentiment effect.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of published stock recommendations in print and online media as investor sentiment in the near-term German stock market. In line with extant literature on other sentiment measures, vector autoregressions reveal that past stock returns drive today’s sentiment, but not the other way around, and that sentiment is a powerful predictor of itself. In particular, sentiment based on printed analyst recommendations follows reversals, that is, when analysts face a stock market downturn, they see a buying opportunity and become optimistic.  相似文献   

This study probes into relationship between investor sentiment and cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) of share repurchase announcements, and it treats market return as threshold variable. By threshold regression model, it tries to find the effect of market situations on relation between investor sentiment and CAR. According to empirical result, in share market of Taiwan, investor sentiment can explain CAR. When share market is extremely pessimistic (market return lower than ?16.0053%), relation between investor sentiment and CAR will change to some degree. In addition, relation between price risk of announcement company and CAR will disappear with the extremely pessimistic situation of market.  相似文献   

In the portfolio choice literatures and the financial market, diversification and concentration are the focus of debate of philosophers. In this paper, we develop a model of portfolio choice to integrate the diversification strategy and the concentration strategy. Our model relies on the concepts of investor sentiment and inertial thinking. The results show that: Generally, when the level of sentiment is relatively low, an investor who is affected by sentiment and inertial thinking may do a well-diversified investment the same as the rational investor. When the level of sentiment is high enough, the investment strategies including diversification and concentration are complex and volatile. Quantitative results for either diversification or concentration investment are given for all cases in the paper.  相似文献   

投资者情绪、股票市场流动性和经济增长   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李春红  彭光裕 《技术经济》2011,30(5):105-108,123
采用2000—2009年的GDP、股票市场流通市值以及交易值的季度数据,从实证角度对此时段的投资者情绪、股票市场流动性和资本化率进行计量分析,通过ADF单位根检验、Johansen协整检验及Granger因果检验研究投资者情绪、股票市场流动性和股票市场发展之间的关系,进而揭示了投资者情绪影响经济增长的途径。结果显示,投资者情绪和股票市场流动性是经济增长的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   


The authors investigate the role of mutual fund flows in incorporating market sentiment into asset prices. They show that retail investors adjust their investments among mutual fund categories in response to changes in market sentiment. Consistent with sentiment-induced price pressure through fund flows, they further find that firms favored by mutual funds, such as large-cap, dividend payers, and firms with high institutional ownership are sensitive to market sentiment. The authors construct a pricing factor representing sentiment risk and find that the sentiment factor is significant in standard asset pricing models and robust to various sorting procedure.  相似文献   

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