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随着经济的全球化企业间的竞争日趋激烈,企业竞争力问题日益受到理论界的关注,逐渐发展成为一门学科。作为一门交叉学科,企业竞争力主要有三个研究视角:企业理论、产业经济学理论和管理学理论。企业理论主要从企业内部寻找竞争优势的源泉,产业经济学则从企业外部寻找竞争优势的来源,而管理学是在操作层面上研究提高企业竞争力的途径。  相似文献   

中美科技奖励体系的对比研究及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从科技奖励体系结构组成、科技奖励的授予对象、物质奖励和精神奖励的关系以及报奖提名方式等多方面,比较了我国和美国科技奖励体系的异同,并认为自1999年我国进行科技奖励制度改革以后,我国的科技奖励体系日趋科学,但仍应借鉴美国科技奖励体系的若干优点,如重视企业奖和民间奖、注重精神鼓励、增加专业和行业内奖等。  相似文献   

Industrial competitiveness is becoming an increasingly important issue. In years of recession, some companies perform worse on domestic markets or lose export shares. Most investigations of the competitiveness of nations are based on macro-economic data. But a country is not much like a business. This paper tries to provide a new answer based on science and technology indicators and econometric analysis, Competitiveness is studied on the micro-economic level for a sample of 161 domestic or foreign-owned companies located in westem Germany. Zieir competitiveness is measured by two indicators: the trading result (i.e. either the net profit or loss) and the export share of (local) production. Statistics on investment and patents do not sufficiently explain competitiveness, but the scientfic potential of the firms significantly explains the competitiveness, but, it seems to be the science base of technological activities that determines competitiveness. Public subventions facilitate scientific and technological activities in industry. It is particularly interesting to note that government support is oriented towards the science base of the client companies.  相似文献   

欠发达地区实施跨越式发展必须依靠科技革命的推动以及制度的实质性创新,而科技进步必须进行相应的科技投入。在既有的科技投入主体中,财政科技投入是科学研究和技术创新活动的重要基础,是决定地方科技进步的源动力,在落后地区尤其如此。新疆实现跨越式发展已经上升为国家战略,其核心是转变新疆经济发展思路,籍科技水平的提高来提高整体产业竞争力。本文检验了新疆财政科技投入与新疆区域经济发展的因果关系,发现新疆的财政科技投入与经济增长之间存在着单向因果关系。即经济的发展对财政科技投入促进作用十分明显,而财政科技投入对经济发展的促进作用不明显。没有出现"科技投入→科技进步→经济增长→科技投入→科技进步→经济增长"的良性循环机制。基于此,在举国科技援疆之际,新疆应该积极改善科技投入机制,实现科技投入和经济发展的良性互动。  相似文献   

李悦  孙彤 《经济经纬》2003,(3):19-23,45
产业经济学是揭示产业经济发展规律的一门学问。要使产业经济持续快速健康发展,增强国际竞争力,首要的问题就是必须按产业经济发展规律办事,否则就必然要受到客观规律的惩罚,甚至会在剧烈的国际竞争中被淘汰出局。产业经济发展有哪些客观规律呢?举其要者有十五条。这十五条可概括为“三、七、五”,即“三化、七并存和五取代”。  相似文献   

科学竞争力是推动国家科技自立自强,实现创新发展的源能力。提升科学竞争力对实现长江经济带高质量发展具有关键意义,也有助于促进全国区域发展战略实现。从科学资源存量、科学资源投入、科学成果产出3个维度构建科学竞争力评价体系,利用加权熵权法计算出长江经济带11个省市在全国的科学竞争力排名,探究2009-2018年科学竞争力变化趋势,并通过计算赫芬达尔指数对区域异质性进行分析。研究发现:从发展趋势看,2009-2018年该区域科学竞争力整体呈上升趋势,增长了29.97%;从区域差异看,科学竞争力呈现自下游向上游的显著梯级递减趋势,上下游地区差异巨大;从科学竞争力核心指标看,长江经济带在全国占有明显优势,但存在科学资源存量与投入占优、科技成果产出水平相对较低的问题。据此,提出长江经济带应精准布局高质量创新载体、建设科学家群落、培育科学联合体、搭建省际科学协同联盟等建议。  相似文献   

Technology and innovation: an introduction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

针对黄河流域科技创新发展中无序竞争、缺乏合作、强弱不均等现状,构建面向高质量发展的黄河流域科技创新集中度与极化度模型,分析其科技创新极化效应演化过程,并识别省际间“虹吸”效应与“涓滴”效应。结果表明,从流域整体层面看,黄河流域科技创新处于极低极化水平并呈持续下降趋势,强科技创新省区对弱科技创新省区形成弱“涓滴”效应;从上、中、下游分区域层面看,各区域科技创新均处于极低极化水平,并分别呈现持续上升、先升后降、持续下降趋势,强科技创新省区对弱科技创新省区依次表现为弱“虹吸”效应、先“虹吸”后“涓滴”、弱“涓滴”效应。最后,从提升科技创新资源配置质量、优化科技创新空间布局两方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Proposed cutbacks in government science funding have caused many to expect that the rate of scientific progress will significantly decline. Before the magnitude of the decline can be estimated, a preliminary question must be answered: what is the extent to which private funding of science may be expected to fill the gap left by the declining government funding? Using data on government and private funding of science, preliminary estimation indicates that past government funding of science has not “crowded out” private funding of science. If this finding is supported by further research, it would indicate that private funding could not be expected to replace lost federal funding of science. (JEL H4, HI, 03, D6, L3)  相似文献   

我国科技旅游的发展现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的科技旅游事业已经形成了自己鲜明的发展模式和特色,但也存在不少问题。在未来的发展中,必须加强对科技旅游的科学规划、对科技场馆的科学管理、对科技园区的科学宣传、对特色旅游的科学开发。  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework with which to interrogate how well pharmaceutical innovation and regulation are performing to produce drugs that improve health. That framework comprises five key dimensions: therapeutic advance of drug product innovations; safety standards in drug testing; use of surrogate measures of clinical benefit; independence of regulatory agencies; and public access to regulatory science. It is concluded that: more demanding regulatory intervention is required in order to increase the proportion of drug innovation that actually offers therapeutic benefits over existing products; drug regulatory agencies need much greater independence from the pharmaceutical industry; the erosion of safety standards since 1990 needs to be reversed; accelerated approvals of drugs based on surrogate, rather than clinical endpoints, require much greater critical attention; and much more extensive public access to regulatory science is required in order for regulatory decision-making to be thoroughly accountable to the public and the wider scientific community.  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的企业品牌竞争力评价与测度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济全球化的发展,企业面临的竞争逐渐上升为品牌竞争。品牌竞争力同品牌资产价值一样,更侧重于品牌在外在市场上所表现出的相对竞争能力,更具有直观性和可比性。因此,构筑科学合理的企业品牌竞争力评价指标体系,可对企业的品牌竞争力进行科学准确的综合评价,有助于为企业的品牌管理和品牌竞争力的提升提供决策依据。  相似文献   

This study examines how trade-related spillovers impact the OECD countries' industrial competitiveness; with an emphasis on China's innovative efforts and reintegration into the global economy. In comparison with the major R&D countries, benefits attributable to spillovers are found to be more sizable for the rest of the OECD countries.This result is consistent with the observed convergence of competitiveness between the two groups of countries during 1990–2009.Moreover, our empirical results suggest China's trade-related spillovers can produce both positive and negative effects on OECD countries' industrial competitiveness. The persistence of the spillover effects is found even after controlling for trade openness creating possible spurious association. Finally, our finding TFP growth as the competitiveness driver stresses the consequential role of STI (science, technology, and innovation) policies in supporting sustainable and balanced growth.  相似文献   

Future expectations and promises are crucial to providing the dynamism and momentum upon which so many ventures in science and technology depend. This is especially the case for pre-market applications where practical utility and value has yet to be demonstrated and where investment must be mobilised. For instance, clinical biotechnology (including a wide range of genetic therapeutic and engineering applications) has been at the centre of ferocious debates about whether or not promises and expectations will be realized. In some cases, the failure of expectations has severely damaged the reputation and credibility of professions, institutions and industry. The need for a better analytical understanding of the dynamics of expectations in innovation is both necessary and timely. This paper develops the basis for a sociology of expectations, drawing on recent writing within Science and Technology Studies (STS) and case studies of biotechnology innovation. In particular, we offer a model for understanding how expectations will predictably vary according to some key parameters. Such factors include the degree to which technologies and innovation relationships are either relatively established or newly emergent. Expectations will also vary according actors' relative closeness and involvement in knowledge production itself. The paper proceeds by analyzing the way expectations in clinical biotechnology have changed over time. That is, we compare the way the future was once represented with the way it has been represented more recently. The paper concludes by offering a means by which it is possible to map or model the "situatedness of expectations'.  相似文献   

传统的大学英语教学过多关注于生词的解析和重点语言点及句型的罗列,忽视了从语篇、文章的内在含义把握课文,不利于学生综合能力的提高。应用功能文体学的理论,可使学生更集中于文本。提高他们理解文体的能力,通过语言分析的实践,学生能够达到既可以欣赏文章内容又可以巩固和掌握语言的基础知识,提高学生的英语写作能力的双重目的。  相似文献   

智利是拉美经济相对发达的国家,农牧业生产是其重要的国民经济支柱产业之一。智利政府致力于建设开放型国家,目前已与包括我国在内的50多个国家签署了自由贸易协定。提高农业竞争力、促进农产品出口是其追求的重要目标之一;农村科技转移和扩散是提高农业竞争力的重要因素。多年来,智利在农村科技转移和扩散方面做了很多工作,也形成了自己的一些独特做法,如技术转移组(GTT)、田地日等,对当前我国的农村科技推广工作也具有一定的借鉴意义。本文重点对智利农村科技转移扩散的模式和做法进行了调查和研究,并对技术转移组这一智利特有模式进行了深入的分析和介绍。  相似文献   

2008年底,为了加快推进城乡统筹发展,江苏省开始试点推行"万顷良田"建设工程,探索研究集聚土地资源、发展现代农业、统筹城乡发展的新路径。然而,改革带来的问题总是要超过它所要解决的问题。"万顷良田"工程在取得成效的同时带来了更多的是争议与质疑,工程普遍受到老百姓的抵触,结果差强人意,以至于在2011年",万顷良田"工程被停审批。因此,必须深刻反思"万顷良田"工程实施中的不足,总结经验与教训,这对于探索解决农业、农村、农民问题的新途径,加快推进城乡统筹发展都将会带来有益的推进。  相似文献   

在全球科技革命加速演进的背景下,长江经济带发展战略的实施对沿线省市科学竞争力提升具有重大意义。基于2009-2019年我国内地31个省市面板数据,构建科学竞争力评价指标体系,并利用熵权法计算各省市科学竞争力综合得分,通过使用双重差分法和中介效应模型实证检验长江经济带发展战略对区域科学竞争力的提升效应,最后对该战略的区域异质性及作用机制进行深入研究。结果表明:①长江经济带发展战略显著提升区域科学竞争力,稳健性检验支持该结论;②该战略实施虽然有助于提升长江经济带整体科学竞争力,但存在区域异质性,呈现为下游>中游>上游;③该战略通过提高要素集聚度、促进经济发展、加强政府公共服务提升沿线省市科学竞争力。基于实证结果,从提高政府公共服务水平、制定差异化发展计划、加大地方政府财政支出、精准布局科创载体、加快数据要素基础设施建设等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

Due to the influence of traditional culture, housing is regarded as a status good and plays an important role in improving male competitiveness in the marriage market in China. Using data from a recent household survey, we find that urban families with a son are more likely to own a house, with a larger size, and at an earlier date. With the booming of the Chinese housing market since the late 1990s as background, having a son thus generates a substantial effect on family wealth through the channel of house ownership. Using the gender of the first‐born child as an instrument, our estimation shows that families with a son have 188 thousand RMB yuan higher housing wealth on average.  相似文献   

张平 《经济地理》2007,27(3):441-446
建材工业是湖南的优势产业之一,研究其产业竞争力,对于提升工业竞争力,加快经济发展具有重要意义。文章综合运用当前国内外产业竞争力研究成果,通过考察建材工业产业发展现状和趋势,对湖南建材工业产业竞争力进行评价和分析,得出其竞争力在全国处较低水平、并呈下降趋势的结论。在此基础上提出了提升产业竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

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