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从2005年7月人民币汇率制度改革以来,我国12类主要出口产品表现出较大差异的依市定价的能力。从汇率传递与加工贸易角度分析,加工特征不明显的劳动密集型产品表现出很弱的依市定价能力,而加工特征明显的资本技术密集型产品依市定价能力相对较强。因此,我国企业在人民币升值趋势的背景下,应在巩固已有的国际市场需求和份额的同时,通过产业升级和结构调整,提高出口企业依市定价能力,进一步提升企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

我国服务贸易进口与制造业出口竞争力关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在统计我国服务贸易进口额和制造业11个重点行业出口额的基础上,以面板数据结合多元回归方法实证服务贸易进口与我国制造业出口竞争力关系。结果显示:①总体上我国服务贸易进口增长有利于制造业出口竞争力的提升;②不同部门服务贸易进口的增长对制造业出口竞争力提升的影响程度存在着较大差异;③服务贸易进口对不同部门制造业出口竞争力的影响也不一样。最后就我国制造业应该如何利用服务贸易进口来提高其出口竞争力提出了针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于月度单位出口价值和汇率数据,采用固定效应面板数据模型分析了2005年6月-2008年12月间人民币汇率变动对中国出口价格的短期汇率传递率的行业和国别差异。研究表明,中国出口的314个HS4行业的平均汇率传递率和整体汇率传递率都很高,接近于完全传递,但不同行业的汇率传递率差异非常大,其中有14个HS4行业的按市场定价系数大于0.5,且涵盖食品、化工、纺织、钢铁、机械等多个HS1行业。在对15个HS2行业10大贸易伙伴按市场定价系数进行的国别差异估计中,发现我国出口对美国存在明显的按市场定价行为,对其他贸易伙伴汇率传递率近似完全传递。这意味着试图通过人民币升值来改善美国对华贸易逆差的政策效应会被削弱,同时也表明我国应加强与东亚贸易伙伴的区域经济合作,并提高出口商抵御汇率风险的能力。  相似文献   

本文通过改进传统的投入产出模型,分别从总量、行业和贸易伙伴等层面对我国2002-2009年的出口隐含碳排放进行了动态的考察.研究结果表明,该阶段我国约有12%-18%的碳排放由出口贸易引致,且随着出口规模的不断扩大,隐舍的碳排放也持续增加.其中,加工制造业和化学工业是我国出口碳排放的主要载体,而美国和欧盟分别是2002和2007年我国最大的出口碳排放受益国.  相似文献   

国际贸易的中间品贸易的兴起,使传统关境贸易统计无法准确衡量全球价值链下一国的实际贸易利得。本文基于增加值贸易视角重新评估加入WTO对于中国出口的真实影响,以及关境统计下WTO贸易促进作用与真实状况的偏离。基于引力模型的实证结果表明:(1)总体上,中国加入WTO显著促进其增加值出口,但关境统计明显高估了WTO贸易促进作用。(2)分行业看,WTO对中国增加值出口的贸易促进作用存在显著的行业差异:加入WTO显著地促进了中国非制造业工业、制造业和服务业增加值出口,却抑制了中国农林牧渔业的增加值出口。(3)进一步研究发现,关境统计数据对于WTO贸易促进作用的高估问题仅存在于制造业,对于农林牧渔业等其他三个行业反而存在低估问题。  相似文献   

陈燕 《技术经济》2012,31(6):43-49
从产业内贸易的形成机理出发,利用1997—2010年我国29个制造业的相关数据,利用面板数据变截距模型分析了我国制造业整体的产业内贸易对其自主创新能力的影响,利用面板数据变系数模型分析了29个制造业行业的产业内贸易对其自主创新产出的间接影响效应和直接影响效应。实证结果表明:不同的制造业行业的产业内贸易对其自主创新能力的影响有所差异;在自主创新能力高的制造业行业中,产业内贸易对其自主创新的影响比较显著;在自主创新能力中等的制造业行业中,除了医药制造业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业的产业内贸易对其自主创新能力有显著影响外,其他制造业行业的该影响均不显著。  相似文献   

本文在已有研究的基础上,构建了两种基于投入—产出方法度量行业国际分割生产程度的指标:一种是行业中间投入品中的国外含量的指标;另一种是行业出口的国外含量的指标。并使用我国制造业数据,对26个制造业行业的国际分割生产程度进行了度量。结果表明,我国制造业参与国际分割生产存在行业差别,且我国制造业出口包含着很大部分的国外投入。  相似文献   

宋唐清  蒲阿丽 《技术经济》2023,42(12):35-44
本文在构建要素扭曲和出口市场理论模型的基础上,分析了资本、劳动力和总体要素扭曲对制造业企业出口生存状况的效应。实证分析结论表明:要素扭曲对企业出口生存状态具有比较强的解释力度,也说明中国出口市场上制造业企业频繁退出与进入的现象部分原因归结于国内要素市场不完善而造成的企业间要素配置效率的差异。其中,资本扭曲对企业参与出口市场持续时间的影响是负面的,而劳动力扭曲是正面影响;资本扭曲对企业-目的地的贸易伙伴持续时间的负面影响,比劳动力扭曲的影响更大一点。虽然资本扭曲在一定程度上有利于延长企业-产品持续时间,但是劳动力扭曲的负面影响更大,总体上要素扭曲对企业-产品出口生存状况也产生了不利影响。  相似文献   

FTA中设定原产地规则的目的是防止贸易偏转,使得优惠税率能够真正为协议双方服务。但是在贸易实践中,出口企业为了满足原产地规则必须额外支付一定成本,相关成本的增加会抑制出口企业利用优惠关税进行出口的行为,某种意义上原产地规则已经成为了一种隐秘的贸易保护手段。基于产品层面数据,实证分析了原产地规则限制指数与出口的关系。结果显示,原产地规则的存在会削弱FTA的贸易创造和贸易转移效应,并且这种削弱作用在边际优惠程度小的行业更为显著。  相似文献   

中间品贸易自由化与中国制造业企业生产技术选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在异质性企业分析框架下,构建了贸易自由化下中间品进口与企业技术选择的理论模型,分析了中间品贸易自由化对企业技术选择的影响机理,并利用2000—2006年中国制造业企业数据考察了中间品贸易自由化对中国制造业企业技术选择的影响。实证结果表明,入世后,中间品贸易自由化显著促进了中国制造业出口企业应用高技术。进一步考虑企业生产率差异性时,发现这种促进作用与企业的初始生产率水平有关,仅仅显著促进中等生产率的企业进行技术升级。另外,中间品贸易自由化对技术密集型出口企业技术升级的促进作用最强,对劳动密集型出口企业技术选择的影响最弱。  相似文献   

内部人寻租一直以来是理论与实务界关心的重点,如何有效抑制内部人寻租行为是资本市场的重大课题。本文以内部人交易度量内部人寻租,分析了融券制度对内部人寻租的影响。研究发现:(1)融券制度对内部人寻租有显著抑制作用,并且融券规模越大,内部人寻租越少。(2)相比于国有企业,非国有企业当中融券制度对内部人寻租的抑制作用更加明显。本文还将内部人交易分方向进行回归,结果显示融券制度对内部人寻租的抑制作用主要体现在卖出方向上。本文进一步分析了融券制度影响内部人寻租的路径,发现“竞争效应”和“信息效应”是融券制度影响内部人寻租的两条重要路径。本文考虑了竞争性解释——分析师关注的作用,发现分析师关注并不能影响本文结论的正确性;本文还利用反面事实推断、倾向得分匹配、反向因果检验等方法,确保实证结论的稳健性。本文的研究结果,丰富了内部人寻租的特征及影响因素研究,有利于市场监管部门加强对内部人寻租行为的控制;扩充了有关融券制度的文献,为卖空制度的推行及完善提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The probability of informed trading (PIN), a measure of information-based trading risk, has been broadly applied to empirical studies on asset pricing. However, it is still controversial whether PIN measures exclusively the risk of firm-specific private information or it also captures the private interpretation of market wide public information. This article examines the relevance of PIN to the delayed response of stock prices to market-wide information. We find that PIN significantly explains individual stock price delay even controlling for size, liquidity and risk, and low-PIN stock prices adjust to market information more rapidly not only because of a notably high level of informed trading but also an even much higher level of uninformed trading. Our findings support the notion that PIN also captures the private skilled interpretation of public common factor information by sophisticated investors, and provide new empirical evidence on how information-based trading affects the speed at which stock prices adjust to information.  相似文献   

Falko Fecht 《Applied economics》2018,50(48):5204-5219
This article shows how the recent money market disruptions with elevated counterparty risks and uncertainty about the fundamental value of liquidity influenced the trading behaviour of a key dealer in the Euro money market. The complete trading record in the unsecured segment of the money market for 2007 and 2008 is used to estimate a stylized pricing model, which explicitly accounts for the over-the-counter structure. The empirical results suggest that the market maker learns from order flow, but this information aggregation was increasingly hampered as the crisis unfolded.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the stability of the exchange rate in an economy with noise traders. Noise trading is restricted to agents investing in the domestic stock market. The agents pricing foreign exchange hold rational expectations. Monetary policy is affected by the behavior of investors in the domestic stock market and in turn affects fundamental stock evaluations as well as noise trading. We show that when monetary policy affects only fundamentalists bifurcation appears in the exchange rate. When monetary policy also affects noise trading, fixing the exchange rate or switching to a low money growth rule imply stock bubbles converge to zero.  相似文献   

PRIM I is a numerical model which has been extensively used as a basis for an income policy in Norway in recent years. It is a static, cost-push, input-output model. Wage rates, agricultural prices, productivities and world market prices are treated as exogenous variables, and the model derives short-term changes in income shares and in the national price level from changes in these exogenous variables. A key feature of the model is a distinction between "exposed industries" which are subject to strong foreign price competition, and "sheltered industries" which are relatively free of such competition. These two groups of industries are found to react with very different pricing policies in response to increases in costs; furthermore, possibly for technological reasons, the export industries have greater scope than the majority of the sheltered industries for compensating cost increases through productivity gains. These two facts are shown to have important implications for a price and income policy. It is demonstrated, i.a. that the goal of a stable national price level is, in general, inconsistent with the maintenance of stable income shares when exchange rates are kept constant.  相似文献   

文章利用我国逐步推出融资融券交易的自然实验机会,运用双重差分的研究设计,考察了卖空机制对股价反映负面消息效率的影响。文章以2007-2012年的数据为样本研究发现:相对于非标的股票,融资融券标的股票在成为标的之后,其股价对市场的向下波动及时做出了调整,使得股价对市场正负向波动反应之间的不对称性显著降低,表明标的股票更加及时和充分地吸收了有关公司价值的负面信息;同时,相对于非标的股票,融资融券标的标的股票在成为标的之后,其股价暴跌风险显著降低。文章结果表明,我国股市推出融资融券交易后,卖空机制提高了市场对标的股票负面消息的定价效率。  相似文献   

在考虑排污权交易的情况下,研究了具有价格依赖需求特征的排污制造商如何进行单周期生产和定价联合决策的问题。研究表明:制造商的最优生产量和最优定价存在且唯一;制造商的最大期望利润既是排污权交易一级市场排污权交易价格的减函数,也是二级市场排污权交易价格的减函数(当最优生产量大于排污上限时)或增函数(当最优生产量小于排污上限时);与不考虑排污权交易的情况相比,排污权交易二级市场的存在可以促进制造商进行减排投资、提高排污生产效率;由制造商决策对排污权交易政策的反应函数可知,排污权交易中的各种政策因素和市场因素都会对制造商的生产经营决策产生显著影响。  相似文献   

This study examines the pricing efficiency of E-mini and floor-traded index futures under electronic versus open-outcry trading platforms. By using OLS and quantile regressions to control for changes in market characteristics, we find that pricing errors are smaller in the E-mini markets than the floor-traded markets, thereby confirming that electronic trading has special attractions for arbitrageurs and informed traders. However, during periods of higher volatility, the advantages of speedier execution, anonymity and information efficiency may be offset by arbitrage risks; as a result, larger pricing errors are observed in the E-mini markets. We provide new evidence confirming the important roles in pricing efficiency played by both traditional open-outcry systems and electronic trading systems.  相似文献   

Real and financial effects of insider trading with correlated signals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. In this paper we study the real and financial effects of insider trading in a Static, Kyle-type model. In our model the insider is also the manager of the firm. Hence the insider chooses both the amount of the real output to be produced and the amount of the stock of the firm to trade. The aim of the paper is to study the relationship between financial decisions and real decisions. In particular, we examine how insider trading on the stock market affects the real output and price and how the real decision making affects the financial variables, such as the extent of insider trading, stock prices, and the stock pricing rule of the market maker. In the model, the market maker observes two correlated signals: the total order flow and the market price of the real good. We study the informativeness of the stock price and the effects on insider's profits. We also construct a compensation scheme that aligns the interests of the insider and the firm. Finally, we generalize the pricing rule set up by a competitive market maker and analyze the comparative statics of the model. Received: October 3, 1999: revised version: December 1, 1999  相似文献   

For reasons of political feasibility, emission trading systems may have to rely on free initial allocation of emission allowances in order to ameliorate adverse production and employment effects in dirty industries. Against the background of an emerging European‐wide emission trading system, we examine the trade‐off between such compensation and economic efficiency under output‐based and emissions‐based allocation rules. We show that the emissions‐based allocation rule is more costly than the output‐based rule in terms of maintaining output and employment in energy‐intensive industries. When the international allowance price increases, the inferiority of emissions‐based allocation vis‐à‐vis output‐based allocation becomes more pronounced, as emission subsidies drastically restrict efficiency gains from international trade in emission allowances.  相似文献   

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