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英国高等教育机构与产业合作表现突出,是英国创新体系的一大亮点。即使金融危机期间,英国高等教育机构获得来自企业和公共部门等第三方的外部研发经费也保持了持续增长态势,高等教育机构与产业及公共部门的合作形式也十分丰富。作为支持知识转移活动的"第三类经费"的主要力量——英国高等教育创新基金发挥了重要作用,已经成为支持大学等英国高等教育机构开展知识转移活动的主要资助渠道,并获得了高等教育机构以及企业等方面的高度评价。通过对英国高等教育创新基金设立的背景及发展情况、资助目标和资助方式的历史演变、实施效果和最新动态进行介绍和分析,提出了我国应从创新驱动发展的角度系统支持大学和科研院所开展知识转移活动,并应尽早研究设立知识转移专项基金等建议。  相似文献   

知识产权贸易是产业技术创新能力、知识产权转化运用水平、创新驱动战略实施成效的重要体现。本文构建了知识产权贸易对创新产出影响的计量模型,结论表明:知识产权贸易对我国高新技术产业技术创新能力具有正向推动作用,东部地区的推动效应高于中西部地区,进而从增强创新主体的知识产权创造能力,促进专利成果转化运用,提高知识产权贸易比重;完善知识产权服务体系,提升知识产权贸易代理机构的服务水平;政策引导,市场主导,倡导自由的知识产权贸易三方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

基于2005-2007年广东省高技术企业调查数据,结合我国的知识产权制度和市场背景,首次从行业层面界定并衡量企业自主创新中的知识产权风险——知识外溢风险与知识产权法律风险,并实证检验了两种风险对企业研究与开发投资的影响。研究发现,知识外溢程度的提高并未降低企业的研究与开发投资,知识外溢的正外部性效应大于风险效应,而知识产权法律风险则不利于企业的研究与开发投资。最后,为企业的自主创新管理和知识产权管理提供有益的建议。  相似文献   

基于2012—2017年我国省级面板数据,将区域层面的工业企业创新过程划分为技术研发和技术成果转化两阶段,以地区规模以上工业企业为研究对象,采用混合OLS回归、固定效应模型和系统广义矩估计方法检验知识产权保护与经济水平对工业企业两阶段创新的作用。结果发现:①知识产权保护和经济水平对区域工业企业技术研发和技术成果转化两阶段均有显著促进作用;②在工业企业技术研发和技术成果转化两阶段均存在知识产权保护与经济水平的交互作用,这一交互作用削弱了两者对工业企业技术创新过程的促进作用;③知识产权保护、经济水平对工业企业技术研发阶段的影响强度大于技术成果转化阶段;④基于我国各地区当前经济水平,大部分区域仍须加强知识产权保护以进一步促进区域工业企业技术创新。  相似文献   

通过知识产权法律诉讼,对鉴定科技转化合同、文献检索、合作双方的股权、委托开发的知识产权、委托开发后专利申请所有权、诉讼第三人的知识产权、违约法律责任等的创新,对科技转化中的知识产权问题获得了理论启迪,这将有利于科技转化工作的法制化、规范化,同时也有利于科技转化活动中的知识产权保护。  相似文献   

国防知识产权成果转化应用是国防科技创新体系建设落地见效的关键环节,引入现代金融体系能够有效促进国防知识产权成果转化。目前我国国防知识产权转化工作在组织管理体制、工作运行体系、法规政策制度和信息化建设等方面初显成效,但仍面临整体转化形势不容乐观、金融支持体系尚未成熟等问题,根本原因在于国防知识产权与发明人割裂导致一般金融产品难以通过审核,使融资渠道狭窄;其保密性进一步加大了与金融机构间的信息不对称,使得金融资源配置效率低下;国防知识产权专用性较强,相应抬高了融资成本。为有效解决上述问题,提出3条改进措施,以实现对国防知识产权转化的金融支持,即①从顶层设计上优化解密脱密流程,明确发明人与知识产权的权属关系,细化财税优惠等支持措施;②加强政府财政税收政策支持,引导创新利用多元社会资本进入支持转化领域;③建立各主体参与的金融服务协调保障机制、监测评估体系,启动国防知识产权转化的金融支持试点工作,构建符合国情的国防知识产权转化金融支持体系。  相似文献   

多种类型主体在协同创新过程中发生知识溢出现象,不可避免地会产生知识产权权益纠葛。公权力机构运用宏观政策治理措施保护协同创新知识产权权益,具有较强导向作用,但是容易产生过度引导,不适应知识演进、技术自身发展规律及市场要求。所以,协同创新组织知识产权管理与协调机制建设已经成为我国实现产业创新升级和可持续发展的迫切需求。协同创新组织应建设与完善内部知识产权治理机制,实现知识产权系统化、集约化管理;同时,出于平衡“管制”僵化与“自治”无序后果考虑,政府可以通过强化建设知识产权公共服务平台的方式,间接对协同创新组织内部的知识产权权益进行干预。由此形成的双向度、多元化制衡机制,是协同创新组织知识产权管理的理想架构。  相似文献   

《反假冒贸易协定》(ACTA)和跨太平洋伙伴协定(TPP)等相关主张体现了全球知识产权国际保护规则的新趋势,即知识产权保护更加严格、发达国家优势进一步巩固。在这一背景下,适应转变经济发展方式、实现产业结构升级的需要,以及为更好推进"大众创业、万众创新",当前我国应重点加强知识产权保护制度的具体执行工作,防止地理标志、传统知识、中医药、遗传资源等领域知识产权的流失,合理设计知识产权制度,并充分发挥知识产权制度的激励效应。  相似文献   

德国科技创新能力一直位居世界前列,与其完善的知识产权管理战略密不可分。在德国联邦政府的不断努力下,德国构建了“国家引导,社会支持,企业主体,产研结合”的知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理体系,建立了一大批世界顶级的大学、科研院所和企业。本文对德国公立研究机构的知识产权保护与管理现状,知识产权成果创新和应用管理机制,及德国联邦政府促进知识产权战略实施的相关政策等进行了系统的介绍和分析。  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的加剧,企业间的竞争越来越演变成对知识的占有和利用,知识产权管理也因此成为企业管理研究的热点问题。本文从企业价值链管理的视角,将知识产权管理分为知识产权取得管理、开发管理、运营管理、维护管理和组织管理五个维度,明确各个维度之间的关系,以便于更好地把握知识产权管理的脉络,提高知识产权管理的水平。  相似文献   

This paper applies the distance function approach for stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) to compare research and development (R&D) efficiency across 24 nations during 1998–2005. In this multiple input–output framework, R&D expenditure stock and R&D manpower were inputs, while patents, scientific journal articles, and royalties and licensing fees (RLF) were outputs. Intellectual property rights protection, technological cooperation among business sectors, knowledge transfer between business sectors and higher education institutions, agglomeration of R&D facilities, and involvement of the government sector in R&D activities significantly improve national R&D efficiency.  相似文献   

The public discourse advocating increased patenting of academic discoveries, which has led to the approval of legislative measures (such as the Bayh–Dole Act, which is now adopted world-wide in various forms) is based on a set of theoretical arguments, mainly related to knowledge transfer and financial reward. Using an original survey of 46 universities (about 27%) in the UK, we investigate whether some of these arguments are supported by evidence. We focus on the extent to which patents, as opposed to other forms of intellectual property (IP) protection mechanisms, enhance knowledge circulation, and especially contribute to universities’ own knowledge creation processes. We also investigate whether universities consider the markets for ideas and creative expressions to function efficiently. We find that universities use all forms of IP intensively in order to transfer their knowledge to the industry or the government. However, they mainly rely on non-proprietary IP (open-source and no-patent strategies) when aiming to enhance their own knowledge-creation processes. Also, universities do not find that markets for patents or copyrights function more smoothly than non-proprietary IP marketplaces. The results challenge the orthodox theories on the rationales for patents and other proprietary IP rights. Thus, we question the assumptions and arguments underpinning the implementation of patents on academic research outcomes via political reforms since the 1980s.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the transfer of rural land contract management rights in China has influenced the choice of rural workers to work in cities in the long run. Using data from the Rural Household Survey and Migrant Household Survey from the China Household Income Project in 2007, 2008 and 2013, we find that rural land transfers and the subsequent human capital effect are found to play important roles in farmers’ decision to give up agricultural work and relocate to work in urban areas. Our findings indicate that the Chinese government should accelerate the implementation of policies that promote the separation of ownership rights, contracting rights and management rights of contracted land and continuously improve the rural land property rights system.  相似文献   

适格资产的选择是知识产权证券化的起点。与传统的证券化资产相比,知识产权资产具有其自身的特点,并不是所有的知识产权资产都适合证券化。除了具备可证券化资产的一般特征外,拟证券化的知识产权资产,必须具有权利归属主体明确、权利清晰、具有可转让性和可估价性等特征。对于知识产权资产优劣的判断,重在考察其权利状态和质量状况。知识产权资产的评估需要科学合理的方法。  相似文献   

This paper studies the willingness to pay (WTP) for forest property rights in Viet Nam. We do so by asking respondents to estimate the value of two different forest property rights regimes where only the level of property security differs and all other forest plot characteristics are constant. We use this information to identify the value of the property rights security. Our results reveal that a significant number of individuals are willing to pay for an additional area of forestland but that the amount offered appears to be inadequate to compensate sellers, as very few land market transactions actually take place. The results further indicate that income relates positively to WTP, irrespective of forest property regime. Wealth, age, and ethnicity also have an impact on the amount households are willing to pay. As expected, there was a significant mark-up on the more secure right. Econometric estimates of the difference between the WTP for secure and insecure property rights show that a higher level of female education, and household age decrease the difference between the two WTP measures while the difference tends to increase as income improves. This has important policy implications, as it indicates that households tend to evaluate the property rights institutions differently.  相似文献   

现代经济环境下,产业组织呈现出垂直分离的特征,专注于核心能力的不同企业利用知识产权之间的联结关系组成了一种新型的网络组织——企业知识产权网络,提高了对外部环境的适应能力。从产业组织垂直分离出发,首先,探讨了知识产权网络产生的背景,界定了知识产权网络的基本内涵,分析了知识产权网络的构成要素以及主要的联结方式。然后,结合案例讨论了知识产权网络联盟成员的3种类型。研究表明,知识产权网络已经成为现代产业组织的重要形式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to contribute further insights into individuals’ agri-environmental attitudes. In particular, the empirical analysis focuses on how citizens think agri-environmental property rights should be assigned. This has been done by surveying how individuals consider the environmental policy should promote the implementation of a group of agri-environmental measures, allowing us to examine the determinants of individuals’ opinions about this matter. Results indicate that higher level of income and education support the implementation of obligatory agri-environmental measures with no financial support (property rights should rest on society) except for measures to improve public access to land for leisure activities and ecological farming which are seen more of the voluntary kind (property rights should rest on farmers). Additionally, rural residency has strong significant effect on agri-environmental attitudes as rural residents are more likely to support the implementation of voluntary (with/without financial support) agri-environmental measures. On the whole, this research proves to be a valuable tool to identify factors determining individuals’ attitudes towards agri-environmental property rights which can certainly help policymakers to provide customized, better response to social demands on this matter.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Griffith (1999) reviews the scope and usefulness of the recently released micro data underlying the UK Annual Census of Production (the ARD). In particular, she produces estimates of the Cobb–Douglas production function that show that foreign owned establishments in the motor vehicle industry do not have higher levels of productivity, after taking account of different levels of factor inputs. This is an important result, since much recent work has suggested that multinational firms have a significant impact on productivity and technical progress in host countries. However, there are a number of issues that can be raised regarding the Griffith study and which are important in any work involving the ARD. Firstly, there are problems with the raw data used since a significant number of establishments have been omitted. Secondly, Griffith uses unweighted data and therefore her parameter estimates are not representative of the underlying population of establishments operating in the UK motor vehicle industry. There is also an issue of whether plant level data should be used as opposed to establishment data. Finally, and most importantly, I do find that foreign–owned plants are significantly more productive than UK–owned plants, when using the same econometric approach as that adopted by Griffith. For comparative purposes, the analysis is extended beyond motor vehicles to include the next four largest and most important foreign–owned sectors in UK manufacturing.  相似文献   

建筑业由于其项目管理要求,就其工作性质而言具有很强的工作范围不确定性、工作内容一次性、工作地域分割性等特点,决定建筑业农民工人力资本在资本取得、价值实现、基本权益保障等方面都具有一定的特殊性.在文献梳理基础上,本文借鉴人力资本产权理论提出建筑业农民工人力资本产权权能结构包括所有权、收益权和发展权三种权利束.在此基础上,研究三类权利束的特征:在所有权方面表现为投资主体的非系统性、在交易过程中弱抵押性和制度失衡引起的基于所有权的基本权利受损;在收益权方面表现为先天弱势资本导致的产权主体交易能力低下、折价交易以及交易的被动性;在发展权方面表现为人力资本定价的滞后、人力资本价值折损高风险以及人力资本价值提升的曲折.  相似文献   

2011年,英国国内研发总投入为274.亿英镑,占GDP的1.79%,达到近10年的最好水平;研发经费主要来自企业、政府、海外和大学,其中,企业占46%;企业使用经费占总经费的63%,高等院校使用经费占26%。研究发现,英国25%的职工持有高等教育资格;制药领域研发强度最大,为38.9%;英国的论文引用率每年增长7.2%,高于世界平均水平;在全球1%的高引用论文中,英国占13.8%,仅次于美国。分析显示,英国科学产出具有研究质量和效率高、研究领域全面、知识流动活跃、国际合作产出较高但专利申请低等特点。我国与英国在科学研究合作方面具有良好的基础,应充分利用英国领先的科学研究资源带动我国科学研究整体水平的提升。  相似文献   

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